OmegaT 2.1.8 update 1
1 Enhancement
1 Bugfix
2.1.8 update 1 vs. 2.1.8
Other enhancements:
- SVG image filter
Bug fixes:
- Some advanced search parameters were not working properly
OmegaT 2.1.9
3 Enhancements
4 Bugfixes
2.1.9 vs. 2.1.8 update 1
Other enhancements:
- Swedish localisation updated to 2.1.8 (UI, Readme)
- Italian localisation updated to 2.1.8 (UI, Readme, Instant Start)
- Dutch localisation updated to 2.1.8 (UI, Readme, Instant Start, documentation)
Bug fixes:
- Still some corrections about the highlight of the search results
- Rc filter: Correction on the handling of comments and includes
- HTML entities containing numbers are not recognized
- Very slow editor with Java 1.6 on a Mac
OmegaT 2.2.0
1 Enhancement
3 Bugfixes
2.2.0 vs. 2.1.9
Implemented requests:
- Create OmegaT tags for external TMX files
Bug fixes:
- With some fonts, "squares" were displayed in the Editor around
segment markers
- When the files in /source were changed, it was sometime not possible
to reload the project
- When a search filter was used (e.g., "Display all results" unchecked,
Author), the number of search results returned was limited to the number
of unfiltered results