Changes from 0.51:
1.01 (09/29/2005)
* (ms) Added 'utf8' and 'binmode' flags to Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
per suggestion by Jonathan Warden.
* (ms) Made test cases 003Layout.t and 033UsrCspec.t resilient against
broken ActiveState 5.8.4 and 5.8.7.
* (ms) Skipped failing test cases for 5.005, looks like the caller() level
in carp() is wrong, but not worth fixing.
* (ms) Fixed the bug with the caller level of the first
log message sent after init_and_watch() detected a change. Added
test case to 027Watch2.t.
* (ms) Added FAQ on UTF-8.
* (ms) Applied patch by David Britton, improving performance during
the init() call.
* (ms) Fixed bug
to prevent it from modifying $_. Thanks to Steffen Winkler.
1.00 (08/13/2005)
* (ms) Added tag qw(:no_extra_logdie_message) to suppress duplicate
die() messages in scripts using simple configurations and LOGDIE().
Added logexit() as an alternative way.
* (ms) Fixed bug with logcarp/croak/cluck, which were using the
wrong Carp level.
* (kg) Fixing bug in Appender::Limit regarding $_ scope
* (ms) corrected typo in found by Rob Redmon.
* (ms) Fixed bug with Appender::File reported by Michael Smith. Checking
now if print() succeeds, catching errors with full disks and
ulimit'ed environments.
in :easy mode (suggested by Jud Dagnall).
* (ms) $INITIALIZED now gets reset during logger cleanup.
0.52 (05/08/2005)
* (ms) Jonathan Manning <> provided a patch
for to fix 3-letter month abbreviations and a
shortcut to simulate Apache's log format.
* (kg) Ola Finsbraaten provided a patch to provide a better error
message when a logger is defined twice in a config.