Changes from previous:
3.12 September 10th, 2012
- Further fix diagnostic message in some cases when exceptions are thrown. (Michael Lackhoff)
3.11 September 10th, 2012
(No code changes)
- Fixed test for rethrowing HTTP::Exception objects (Graham TerMarsch)
3.10 September 2nd, 2012
- CGI::Application::Dispatch::PSGI now allows exceptions thrown as HTTP::Exception objects
to bubble up in some cases. See the new documentation section on "Exception Handling"
for details. (Mark Stosberg, Graham TerMarsch, RT#79022)
- When auto_rest was enabled and no run mode was found, a 404 could have been returned
instead of defaulting to start mode. We now correctly default to the start_mode().
(James Q.L., Ron Savage, Mark Stosberg)
- Docs have been expanded to explain how /foo/:rm? resolves, and interaction
with start_mode() when no run mode is found. (Mark Stosberg)
- Fix diagnostic message in some cases when exceptions are thrown (Michael Lackhoff)
- Added test coverage for auto_rest to CGI::Application::Dispatch::PSGI (Mark Stosberg)
- POD formatting fix in
- Fix Perl 5.14 compatibility warning (chorny,,
3.07 September 9th, 2011
Fix t/cgi.t test failures caused by Try::Tiny refactor in 3.05 (Yoshihiro Sasaki)
3.06 September 9th, 2011
Typo fix in "use" statement, introduced in 3.05 (Nicholas Bamber)
3.05 September 5th, 2011
Removed Exception::Class::TryCatch with the already required Try::Tiny thereby eliminating
one dependency. (Timothy Appnel)
3.04 June 29th, 2011
No code changes.
- spelling fixes (Nicholas Bamber)
3.03 June 25th, 2011
No code changes.
- further dependency refinement and a typo fix. (Nicholas Bamber)
3.02 June 24th, 2011
No code changes.
- further refined dependency definitions. (Nicholas Bamber)
3.01 Jun 23, 2011
No code changes.
- Fixed Build.PL issue that was causing tests to fail in a lot of environments. (Brad Oaks)
- cleaned up MANIFEST
3.00 Jun 16, 2011
- PSGI support is improved. CGI::Application::Dispatch is now been
rewritten and is included in this distribution. It is no longer a
wrapper around the older dispatcher, but is completely PSGI-native.
Performance should be improved a bit as well.
As part of the significant update to PSGI support, you'll need to update a
couple lines of code in your "dispatch.cgi" script if you were using an
older version of CGI::Application::Dispatch::PSGI. See the section on
"Backwards Compatibility" in that documentation.
- CGI::Application 4.5 is now required for the newer native PSGI support.
- Exceptions in CGI::Application::Dispatch::PSGI are now handled with
HTTP::Exception. This in turn depends on HTTP::Status, which is
currently in a distribution which depends on HTML::Parser, which depends
having a C-compiler available. I don't consider this ideal, as I'd like
to be able to support the easy installation of a pure-Perl
CGI::Application stack. This could possibly be addressed in the future by
removing the false dependency on a C-compiler from HTTP::Status, or we
could return to use Exception::Class directly for exception handling.
The except format of the default thrown exceptions may change in the
2.18 Sep 9, 2010
- Update Build.PL to require a newer version of "version", to address
a rare installation problem. (RT#56283) Thanks to Jim Brandt and others.
2.17 Dec 30, 2009
- Update examples to use FindBin::Real instead of FindBin, since FindBin is not
fully mod_perl compatible. (Mark Stosberg)
- Fix typo in POD (Alexander Becker)