set documentation
added dependency: geography/geos
.3.0 (2013-12-31)
- Include support for Python 3.2 and 3.3 (#56), minimum version is now 2.6.
- Switch to GEOS WKT/WKB Reader/Writer API, with defaults changed to enable 3D
output dimensions, and to 'trim' WKT output for GEOS >=3.3.0.
- Use GEOS version instead of GEOS C API version to determine library
capabilities (#65).
1.2.19 (2013-12-30)
- Add buffering style options (#55).
1.2.18 (2013-07-23)
- Add shapely.ops.transform.
- Permit empty sequences in collection constructors (#49, #50).
- Individual polygons in MultiPolygon.__geo_interface__ are changed to tuples
to match Polygon.__geo_interface__ (#51).
- Add shapely.ops.polygonize_full (#57).
1.2.17 (2013-01-27)
- Avoid circular import between wkt/wkb and geometry.base by moving calls
to GEOS serializers to the latter module.
- Set _ndim when unpickling (issue #6).
- Don't install DLLs to Python's DLL directory (#37).
- Add affinity module of affine transformation (#31).
- Fix NameError that blocked installation with PyPy (#40, #41).
1.2.16 (2012-09-18)
- Add ops.unary_union function.
- Alias ops.cascaded_union to ops.unary_union when GEOS CAPI >= (1,7,0).
- Add geos_version_string attribute to shapely.geos.
- Ensure parent is set when child geometry is accessed.
- Generate _speedups.c using Cython when building from repo when missing,
stale, or the build target is "sdist".
- The is_simple predicate of invalid, self-intersecting linear rings now
returns ``False``.
- Remove VERSION.txt from repo, it's now written by the distutils setup script
with value of shapely.__version__.
1.2.15 (2012-06-27)
- Eliminate numerical sensitivity in a method chaining test (Debian bug
- Account for cascaded union of random buffered test points being a polygon
or multipolygon (Debian bug #666655).
- Use Cython to build speedups if it is installed.
- Avoid stumbling over SVN revision numbers in GEOS C API version strings.
1.2.14 (2012-01-23)
- A geometry's coords property is now sliceable, yielding a list of coordinate
- Homogeneous collections are now sliceable, yielding a new collection of the
same type.
1.2.13 (2011-09-16)
- Fixed errors in speedups on 32bit systems when GEOS references memory above
- Add shapely.__version__ attribute.
- Update the manual.
1.2.12 (2011-08-15)
- Build Windows distributions with VC7 or VC9 as appropriate.
- More verbose report on failure to speed up.
- Fix for prepared geometries broken in 1.2.11.