Geert Hendrickx e5cc7effb1 I changed the default for BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.qt3-tools from "full" to "build",
without affecting packages that are currently using it.

Packages which previously didn't set BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD to neither "full" nor
"build" now set it to "full", but should be checked whether they really need it
(comment added).  Packages which previously set it to "build" now don't set it
2006-01-05 10:11:25 +00:00

79 lines
3.3 KiB

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2006/01/05 10:11:25 ghen Exp $
# what to do about this numbering? RibbonSoft really seems to use four digits
# (there's a for some platforms), though I don't know about the
# thing after the hyphen, which always seems to be 1. Can I use four digits?
PKGNAME= qcad-
.include "./Makefile.common"
COMMENT= 2D CAD system
USE_TOOLS+= gmake
CONFIGURE_DIRS= ${WRKSRC}/fparser ${WRKSRC}/dxflib
.for _sfx_ in lib cmd actions guiqt
BUILD_DIRS+= ${WRKSRC}/qcad${_sfx_}
MAKE_ENV+= QMAKESPEC=${QTDIR}/mkspecs/default
# I really want this to be post-*patch* where it makes sense, but QTDIR isn't
# available until PHASES_AFTER_WRAPPER because it depends on
# BUILDLINK_PREFIX.qt3-libs, which buildlink3 sets. Nothing is easy. :) The
# patches have replaced old hardcoded paths with fixed cookies @PREFIX@ and
# @QTDIR@. The SUBST framework will replace the cookies with the proper
# values. Quoting invariants: the SUBST framework adds no quoting to the
# SUBST_SED value (not documented but can be gleaned from mk/; quoting
# is provided here as follows: the escaped-newline real-newline escaped-newline
# sequence separating individual sed commands is enclosed in ""s so it is not a
# word separator for the shell; sed sees a single trailing blank on the first
# command and a single leading blank on the second, neither of which matters.
# The constant portions of the sed commands are (by inspection) free of shell
# metacharacters; the variable portions ${PREFIX} and ${QTDIR} are subject to
# two layers of quoting: S/=/\=/g ensures that any = in their values will be
# \-escaped (because = has been chosen for the delimiter in the sed s command),
# and then Q ensures that all of that is quoted as necessary to survive the
# shell.
SUBST_STAGE.paths= post-wrapper
SUBST_MESSAGE.paths= "Attending to hard-coded paths."
SUBST_FILES.paths+= qcadlib/src/engine/rs_system.cpp
SUBST_FILES.paths+= qcad/src/qc_applicationwindow.cpp
SUBST_SED.paths= s=@PREFIX@=${PREFIX:S/=/\=/g:Q}=g"\
# Just setting BUILD_DIRS would be adequate if qcad could be built with
# "prepare all" in each module, one by one. But qcad needs all modules to
# be prepare'd before any can be all'd, so prepare them here in a separate
# loop duplicated from do-build. The unmodified do-build then takes care
# of the "all". I didn't see an easier way.
( cd $${DIR} && \
-f ${MAKEFILE} prepare ) || exit 1 ; done
${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/qcad/qcad ${PREFIX}/bin
${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/qcad
cd ${WRKSRC}/qcad && umask 022 && \
${PAX} -rwpm examples fonts patterns qm ${PREFIX}/share/qcad
.include "../../x11/qt3-libs/"
.include "../../x11/qt3-tools/"
# XXX Please verify whether qt3-tools is really needed at run-time.
# If it is, then remove this comment. If it is not, then remove
# this comment and the line below, and bump PKGREVISION.
.include "../../mk/"
.include "../../mk/"