Filip Hajny 1a70d1314e Updated rabbitmq to 1.7.2.
Bug fixes
* Fix a number of problems with memory monitoring under Windows,
  including compatibility issues with versions of Erlang/OTP older
  than R13, and 64-bit versions of Windows. See the updated
  documentation at
* Correct various path escaping bugs under Windows that could result
  in RabbitMQ failing to start
* Make 'rabbitmq-multi start_all <n>' work again for n>1
* Issuing a basic.qos when there are outstanding acks can no longer
  result in a higher limit than requested
* Enforce codec size limits, thus preventing the server from sending
  invalid AMQP frames

* Add rabbitmqctl list_channels and list_consumers commands, and add
  exclusivity information to list_queues. Also introduce a
  close_connection command to allow an administrator to selectively
  terminate client connections. See the updated admin guide at for details on these new
* Remove the explicit setting of TCP buffer sizes in the server, thus
  allowing auto-(re)sizing to occur. This generally results in
  substantially improved throughput over high-latency links, and makes
  manual fine-tuning easier.
* Introduce declarative boot sequencing, which allows plugins to be
  started at arbitrary chosen points during the sequence
2010-04-23 08:23:35 +00:00

6 lines
328 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2010/04/23 08:23:35 fhajny Exp $
SHA1 (rabbitmq-server-1.7.2.tar.gz) = ecc35617cc14cca7752f67b845bcc97e421254b4
RMD160 (rabbitmq-server-1.7.2.tar.gz) = ba2db97f88a3b51c6246307244e3f5b40112bb36
Size (rabbitmq-server-1.7.2.tar.gz) = 156201 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = fba22078d70168586321b36f7a7eefe6dfd5d134