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2008-09-12 13:39:06 +02:00
%%% <foiltex.ins> A part of the FoilTeX system.
%%% Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1995,1997,1998,2002
%%% All rights reserved
%%%%%%%%%% WARRANTY DISCLAIMER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% This program is provided free of charge on an ``AS IS'' basis without
%%% warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not
%%% limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
%%% particular purpose. IBM does not warrant that the functions contained
%%% in this program will meet the user's requirements or that the
%%% operation of this program will be uninterrupted or error-free. You
%%% are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using
%%% this program and assume all risks associated with its use, including
%%% but not limited to the risks of program errors, damage to or the loss
%%% of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of
%%% operations.
%%% Acceptance and use of this program constitutes the user's
%%% understanding that he/she will have no recourse to IBM for any actual
%%% or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits
%%% or savings, arising out of the use or inability to use this program,
%%% or any damages claimed by you based on a third party claim. Even if
%%% the user informs IBM of the possibility of such damages, IBM expects
%%% the user of this program to accept the risk of any harm arising out of
%%% the use of this program, or the user shall not attempt to use this
%%% program for any purpose.
%%%%%%%%%% USER AGREEMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% a. The user is granted permission to copy this program to the extent
%%% reasonably required for such use. This program may be redistributed
%%% on a not-for-profit basis, as long as WARRANTY DISCLAIMER, this USER
%%% AGREEMENT, and the copyright notice are included with the program.
%%% b. All title, ownership and rights to this program and any copies
%%% remain with IBM, irrespective of the ownership of the media on which
%%% the program resides.
%%% c. The user is permitted to create derivative works to this program.
%%% However, all copies of the program and its derivative works must
%%% contain the IBM copyright notice, the WARRANTY DISCLAIMER and this
%%% USER AGREEMENT. Furthermore, the user must document and initial
%%% within the program all changes he/she makes.
%%% d. By furnishing this program to the user, IBM does NOT grant either
%%% directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise any license under
%%% any patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights or other
%%% rights belonging to IBM or to any third party, except as expressly
%%% provided herein.
%%% e. The user understands and agrees that this program, and any
%%% derivative works made from this program, are not to be sold for profit
%%% or commercially exploited in any manner. However, this use
%%% restriction shall not operate to deny the right to redistribute the
%%% program on a not-for-profit basis, as provided in paragraph a., above.
%%% f. IBM requests that the user supply to IBM a copy of any changes,
%%% enhancements, or derivative works which the user may create. The user
%%% grants to IBM and its subsidiaries an irrevocable, nonexclusive,
%%% worldwide and royalty-free license to use, execute, reproduce,
%%% display, perform, prepare derivative works based upon, and
%%% distribute, (INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY) copies of any and all such
%%% materials and derivative works thereof, and to sublicense others to do
%%% any, some or all of the foregoing, (including supporting
%%% documentation).