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2021-05-24 21:49:01 +02:00
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.46 2021/05/24 19:52:42 wiz Exp $
DISTNAME= MHonArc-2.6.19
PKGNAME= mhonarc-2.6.19
2021-05-24 21:49:01 +02:00
2017-09-03 10:53:04 +02:00
2002-08-21 09:28:28 +02:00
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
2017-09-03 10:53:04 +02:00
COMMENT= Mailbox to HTML converter, suitable for list archives
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2
USE_TOOLS+= perl:run
Update mhonarc from 2.6.8 to 2.6.10 Ok'ed jwise@/wiz@ ============================================================================ 2004/05/17 (2.6.10) * Bug Fixes: Bug ID Summary ------ ------------------------------------------------------------ 8982 Can't use global $1 in "my" at ------ ------------------------------------------------------------ <> ============================================================================ 2004/05/07 (2.6.9) * Bug Fixes: Bug ID Summary ------ ------------------------------------------------------------ 5473 directory separator for attachments on W2K 5643 New ressource - newsserver 5758 MULTIPG and NOSAVERESOURCES cause archive to be rewritten 5905 Modification of non-creatable array value attempted 6208 Mhonarc creates slightly incorrect HTML-code 7571 <include> element doesn't look for resource files in $OUTDIR$ 7628 typo in ------ ------------------------------------------------------------ <> * New resources: ATTACHMENTDIR Directory to save attachments. ATTACHMENTURL Web URL to attachment directory. NEWSURL URL template for linking to newsgroups. * Attachment filenames have changed from the numeric-style <ext><#####>.<ext> to <ext><XXXXXXXXXX>.<ext> where <XXXXXXXXXX> is a random string. The change corresponds with a change to the API to mhonarc::write_attachment() function in * m2h_text_plain::filter: . Changed default quoting styles: Left rule changed from 0.1em to 0.2em and the color changed from #0000FF to #5555EE. . Minor changes to flowed formatting in order to provide consistancy with how Mozilla's Gecko engine renders flowed text. * will use MIME::Base64 module if present. MIME::Base64 uses an underly C implementation for decoding, so it is noticably faster than the pure-Perl approach. ============================================================================
2004-06-21 22:13:32 +02:00
INSTALLATION_DIRS= bin lib man share/doc
.include "../../mk/"
MY_INSTALL_FLAGS+= -binpath ${PREFIX}/bin
MY_INSTALL_FLAGS+= -libpath ${PREFIX}/lib/mhonarc
MY_INSTALL_FLAGS+= -docpath ${PREFIX}/share/doc/mhonarc
Update mhonarc to version 2.4.7. Changes since version 2.2.0 (the last pkgsrc version): 10/28/2000 (2.4.7) o Added the following options to m2h_text_plain::filter: attachcheck Honor attachment disposition. By default, all text/plain data is displayed inline on the message page. If attachcheck is specified and Content-Disposition specifies the data as an attachment, the data is saved to a file with a link to it from the message page. htmlcheck Check if message is actually an HTML message (to get around abhorrent MUAs). The message is treated as HTML if the first non-whitespace data looks like the start of an HTML document. o FROMFIELD resource default value is now: from:mail-reply-to:reply-to:return-path:apparently-from: sender:resent-sender The change is the addition of "mail-reply-to." o Added the following resource variables: $MSGTORDNUM$ Ordinal number of message in current thread. o Added the following resource variable message specificiers: TEND Last message of current discussion thread. TTOP Top/root message of current discussion thread. o Changes to - %Cid hash keys are now URLs. Content-Ids are denoted as "cid:..." Hash also contains Content-Location values of message parts. This allows filters (like the HTML filter) to check for external URL references where the data for the reference is included with the message. - More robust handling of malformed multipart messages. o The null filter is applied to application/ms-tnef by default. o Lowercase tag names are now used in default resource values that contain HTML markup. o Bug fixes to the documentation. Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS. ======================================================================= 04/24/2000 (2.4.6) o Stricter check is made when decoded quoted-printable data. An escape sequence is only converted to a raw character if a it is a valid escape sequence. I.e. Any '=' not followed by two hexadecimal characters is left as-is. o Call to Digest::MD5::md5_hex() wrapped in eval block in case of bad installations of Digest::MD5 module. Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS. ======================================================================= 02/14/2000 (2.4.5) Enhancements/Changes -------------------- o Following changes to m2h_text_html::filter: - All comment declarations are removed. This avoid potential SSI attacks and declarations that may conflict with MHonArc. - Additional tags have been added to the to-strip list to avoid potential client-side scripting attacks. See MIMEFILTERS docs for list. - Added "nofont" option to strip out any <font> tags. o Added application/x-bzip2 to known mime types ( o Simple modification to get_time_from_date() in to handle abhorrent case of message date using a 2 digit year. o Under VMS, the default lock file name has been changed to "mhonarc_lck" for directory based locking will work. o mhonarc::htmlize/entify now translates the double-quote character (") to &quot;. o Added VARREGEX resource to allow customization of resource variable matching. Mainly for use with resource files written on multibyte charsets like SJIS. Use with caution. Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS. ======================================================================= 10/01/1999 (2.4.4) Enhancements/Changes -------------------- o Added the following resources: MIMEDECODERS Content-Transfer-Encoding decoding functions. o Added the following resource variables: $PGLINKLIST$ Print out a list of index page links. o New content filter for message/external-body. o Message/delivery-status content handled by o Support for "Zone[+-]DDDD" timezone specification. o MAILparse_parameter_str() function added to Function supports parsing parameter value strings with support for RFC 2184 extensions. Function added to provide support for message/external-body filter. Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS. ======================================================================= 08/15/1999 (2.4.3) Enhancements/Changes -------------------- o Added the following resources: POSIXSTRFTIME Use POSIX::strftime() or not for processing time format strings o The "latin[1-6]" character sets defined in the default value of CHARSETCONVERTERS. iso8859::str2sgml modified to use proper iso8859 map for specified latin[1-6] specification. o The text/html filter now strips out scripting markup by default. To allow scripting markup to be preserved, the "allowscript" option can be used. o Unknown media-types are now treated as application/octet-stream, which will invoke the application/octet-stream filter. Because of this, an explicit entry for application/octet-stream has been added to the default value of MIMEFILTERS. o If in a multipart/alternative entity, and no known media-types exists, the last part is treated as application/octet-stream. Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS. ======================================================================= 08/11/1999 (2.4.2) Enhancements/Changes -------------------- o Added the following resources: STDIN Source for standard input o Added the following resource variables: $ENV$ Print an environment variable o Added support for decoding uuencoded data within text messages in Decoding activated via the "uudecode" option. o For processing time format strings, POSIX::strftime() is used, if available. If not, MHonArc implementation is used. o The default value of FROMFIELDS now includes "return-path". o Description section moved before Options section in -help message. Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS. ======================================================================= 07/25/1999 (2.4.1) Enhancements/Changes -------------------- o Added the following resources: MSGEXCFILTER Perl expressions for excluding messages from archive. SAVERESOURCES Flag if resource values should be saved in database. o Added the following resource variables: $HTMLEXT$ Value of HTMLEXT resource. o Documentation corrections an additions. o Use of typeglobs removed from o explicitly defined in mhonarc package. Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS. ======================================================================= 06/25/1999 (2.4.0) Enhancements/Changes -------------------- o Added the following resources: ADDRESSMODIFYCODE Perl expressions to apply to addresses during message header conversion. CHECKNOARCHIVE Check "no archive" flag in messages. LOCKMETHOD The type of archive locking performed. SPAMMODE Perform actions to deter email address harvesters. SSMARKUP Markup at the *very* beginning of any generated page. STDOUT Destination of stdout messages/data. STDERR Destination of stderr messages/data. SUBJECTTHREADS To check, or not to check, subjects when computing threads. o Added the following resource variables: $FROMADDRNAME$ Username portion of From email address. $FROMADDRDOMAIN$ Domain portion of From email address. $TOADDRNAME$ Username portion of an email address (applicable in MAILTOURL only). $TOADDRDOMAIN$ Domain portion of an email address (applicable in MAILTOURL only). o A new utility program: mha-decode. The program functions as a MIME message decoder. Can be used against mail folders or single messages. o The "PARENT" argument to applicable resource variables is now called "TPARENT". This change should not affect anyone since the "PARENT" argument did not work properly in previous releases. o SUBJECTHEADER and HEADBODYSEP resource changes will now affect existing messages that are edited during normal operations or via EDITIDX. Note, messages created from old versions of MHonArc may not be affected. o The default TIMEZONES settings now has a more complete list. o Timezone acronym settings now support [+-]HHMM specifications. o Support for ISO-2022-JP encoded strings in message headers is now supported. It does assume that HTML viewer supports ISO-2022-JP. o If Digest::MD5 is installed, md5_hex() will be used to create message-ids for messages without message-ids. This allows MHonArc to ignore non-message-id archived messages in ADD mode. The MD5 digest is computed only on message header for efficieny. If Digest::MD5 is not installed, a message-id will still be assigned if none present, but MHonArc will not be able to detect if message has already been archived in subsequent ADD operations. o Text/html filter supports the "noscript" option. If specified, any script-related markup will be removed. This provides added security to avoid sites being compromised with foreign client-side scripting. o Added the following options to (the save-to-file filter): forceattach, forceinline, and inlineexts. o Recognize mailing list headers as defined by RFC 2369 and hyperlink URLs listed. o If no boundaries exist in a multipart message (even though a boundary is defined in the header), MHonArc will treat the entire body as the first part. This prevents "unable to process" warnings. o The "<!--X-From" comment declaration at the top of converted messages is now munged by a modified ROT13 to facilitate anti-spam-bot measures, but still provide the "From" information for mha-dbrecover. o When editing message pages, the new version of the page is now created as a temporary file and then if successfully created, it will get renamed to its proper name. This help avoids "losing" a message page if there is an error during page editing. The same method is applied to the dumping of DBFILE. o Message sorting modified to improve sorting performance when sorting by subject and author. o URL matching expression in modified to handle '&' characters. Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS. ======================================================================= 11/08/1998 (2.3.3) Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS. ======================================================================= 11/01/1998 (2.3.2) Enhancements/Changes -------------------- o A new (improved) program to do the installation. See INSTALL for more information. Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS. ======================================================================= 10/25/1998 (2.3.1) Enhancements/Changes -------------------- Please read the RELNOTES file for important information regarding upgrading to v2.2.x, or later, from pre-v2.2 releases. o Support for MHTML. I.e. An HTML document that references data included as other parts to the mail message, will be converted so the data will be shown where referenced. Before, all referenced data was shown at the end of the message. o Auto-computing the name for attachments no longer caches data, so performance may decrease when processing MIME messages. This change is required since multiple filters can now write data to files and not all to the same directory (a common utility function now exists for writing data to a file). Also, it avoids behavioral problems with custom front-ends that operate on multiple archives in a single process. o Changes to inorder to support MHTML. Changes done should help the handling of other multipart/related data types. Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS. ======================================================================= 10/10/1998 (2.3.0) o Perl 5 is now required to run MHonArc. Although the code base is still "Perl 4-style", many changes made use of Perl 5 constructs. o New utility programs added to the dustribution: mha-dbedit - Make resource/db changes w/o touching pages. mha-dbrecover - Rebuild database from HTML message files. o Many resource variables have been changed to take arguments to control what values the variables will expand to. Because, of this, many variables are now deprecated. However, old forms of resource variables are still recognized. See the documentation for more information on resource variables (a new section on resource variables has been added to the documentation) and the newer syntax. o New resources: AFS - Skip archive directory permission check ANNOTATE - Annotate message(s). LOCK - To lock, or not to lock. MSGPGS - Print, or not, message pages. NOTE - Annotate markup. NOTEIA - Inactive annotate markup. NOTEDIR - Directory where annotations are located. NOTETEXT - Annotation text. PAGENUM - Page to output when using GENIDX with MULTIPG. READDB - Just load the database (useful for application front-ends). USELOCALTIME - Use localtime to determine day groups in date index listing. o New resource variables: $DDMMYYYY$ - Day/Mon/Year(4 digit) $MMDDYYYY$ - Mon/Day/Year(4 digit) $MSG$ - Filename of message page $SORTTYPE$ - Type of sort in use for main index $TSORTTYPE$ - Type of sort in use for thread index $YYYYMMDD$ - Year(4 digit)/Mon/Day Note, many other variables have been changed. See docs for more information. o Added "J" modifier for resource variables. When specified, escapes quote characters so expanded values can be used within JavaScript strings. o Added "usenameext" option to filter. When specified, will use the filename specified in the message for determining the filename extension to use. o The -rcfile option can be specified multiple times. Resource files specified are read in the order specified. o The -definevars options has been deprecated in favor of -definevar (no ending 's'). -definevar can be specified multiple times on the command-line. The usaage of it is exactly the same as -definevars. The -definevars is still supported for backwards compatibility. o The -perlinc option can be specified multiple times. o For the filter, the TARGET attribute for links is now specified only if the target option is specified. o MHonArc is now smarter when the RMM resource is used. MHonArc will now only update pages that are required when messages are removed instead of doing a force update on all pages. RMM operations will now perform much faster. o Subject based replies are *no longer* treated as a separate "group" when printing thread index pages. I.e. Subject based replies no longer cause a separate TSUBLISTBEG and TSUBLISTEND to be invoked. Before, it was a problem if the HTML OL element was used. OL numbering would restart when subject based replies were printed. o GENIDX now supports the use of MULTIPG (w/IDXSIZE). o MHonArc uses rename instead of file copying when editing pages. Should provide a speed increase when editing archive pages. o Reason when a file cannot be opened or created is printed ($! is now included in the error message). o If unable to lock an archive (and -force not specified), MHonArc will now return an exit status of 75 (EX_TEMPFAIL). This is for the benefit of MTAs (like sendmail) where MHonArc is called via an alias. o Some changes to code to make it suitable for MHonArc to be embedded into other Perl programs. The most significant changes was to make it possible to process more than one archive in a single process instance (note, archives can only be processed in sequence and not in parallel). Now it easier to write different application front-ends to MHonArc. o Some other code cleanup in the hopes to improve performance. Bug Fixes --------- See BUGS.
2001-01-03 02:49:03 +01:00
2001-02-28 11:33:52 +01:00
.include "../../mk/"