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Update nagios-base to 3.3.1, fixig CVE-2011-1523 and CVE-2011-2179. Changes since 3.2.3: ENHANCEMENTS * Added support for same host service dependencies with servicegroups (Mathieu Gagné) * Empty hostgroups referenced from services now optionally generate a warning instead of an error. * Documentation links now point to online resources * Matt Wall's Exfoliation theme is now installed by default. You can reinstall the classic theme with "make install-classicui" * Downtime delete commands made "distributable" by deleting by host group name, host name or start time/comment (Opsview team) * Allow status.cgi to order by "host urgency" (Jochen Bern) * Added news items and quick links to main splash page * Added ability to authenticate to CGIs using contactgroup name (Stephen Gran) FIXES * Fixes status.cgi when called with no parameters, where host should be set to all if none specified (Michael Friedrich) * Fixes possible validation error with empty hostgroups/servicegroups (Sven-Göran Bergh) * Performance-data handling and checking is now thread-safe so long as embedded perl is not used. * Children should no longer hang on mutex locks held in parent for localtime() (and similar) calls. * Debug logging is now properly serialized, using soft-locking with a timeout of 150 milliseconds to avoid multiple threads competing for the privilege to write debug info. * Fixed extraneous alerts for services when host is down * Fixed incorrect parsing of multi-line host check results (Jochen Bern) * Fixed bug with passive host checks being incorrectly sent to event brokers as active checks * Fixed bug where passive host check status updates were not being propagated to event brokers * Reverted 'Fix for retaining host display name and alias, as well as service display name' as configuration information stored incorrectly over a reload * Fixed compile warnings for size_t (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed problem where acknowledgements were getting reset when a hard state change occurred * Removed duplicated unlinks for check result files with multiple results * Fixed race condition on flexible downtime commands when duration not set or zero (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed flexible downtime on service hard state change doesn't get triggered/activated (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed XSS vulnerability in config.cgi and statusmap.cgi (Stefan Schurtz) * Fixed segfault when sending host notifications (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed bug where unauthorized contacts could issue hostgroup and servicegroup commands (Sven Nierlein)
2011-08-02 16:03:18 +02:00
$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.9 2011/08/02 14:03:18 bouyer Exp $
Update nagios-base to 3.3.1, fixig CVE-2011-1523 and CVE-2011-2179. Changes since 3.2.3: ENHANCEMENTS * Added support for same host service dependencies with servicegroups (Mathieu Gagné) * Empty hostgroups referenced from services now optionally generate a warning instead of an error. * Documentation links now point to online resources * Matt Wall's Exfoliation theme is now installed by default. You can reinstall the classic theme with "make install-classicui" * Downtime delete commands made "distributable" by deleting by host group name, host name or start time/comment (Opsview team) * Allow status.cgi to order by "host urgency" (Jochen Bern) * Added news items and quick links to main splash page * Added ability to authenticate to CGIs using contactgroup name (Stephen Gran) FIXES * Fixes status.cgi when called with no parameters, where host should be set to all if none specified (Michael Friedrich) * Fixes possible validation error with empty hostgroups/servicegroups (Sven-Göran Bergh) * Performance-data handling and checking is now thread-safe so long as embedded perl is not used. * Children should no longer hang on mutex locks held in parent for localtime() (and similar) calls. * Debug logging is now properly serialized, using soft-locking with a timeout of 150 milliseconds to avoid multiple threads competing for the privilege to write debug info. * Fixed extraneous alerts for services when host is down * Fixed incorrect parsing of multi-line host check results (Jochen Bern) * Fixed bug with passive host checks being incorrectly sent to event brokers as active checks * Fixed bug where passive host check status updates were not being propagated to event brokers * Reverted 'Fix for retaining host display name and alias, as well as service display name' as configuration information stored incorrectly over a reload * Fixed compile warnings for size_t (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed problem where acknowledgements were getting reset when a hard state change occurred * Removed duplicated unlinks for check result files with multiple results * Fixed race condition on flexible downtime commands when duration not set or zero (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed flexible downtime on service hard state change doesn't get triggered/activated (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed XSS vulnerability in config.cgi and statusmap.cgi (Stefan Schurtz) * Fixed segfault when sending host notifications (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed bug where unauthorized contacts could issue hostgroup and servicegroup commands (Sven Nierlein)
2011-08-02 16:03:18 +02:00
--- 2011-07-26 04:02:18.000000000 +0200
+++ 2011-08-01 20:14:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -24,17 +24,16 @@
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
Update nagios-base to 3.3.1, fixig CVE-2011-1523 and CVE-2011-2179. Changes since 3.2.3: ENHANCEMENTS * Added support for same host service dependencies with servicegroups (Mathieu Gagné) * Empty hostgroups referenced from services now optionally generate a warning instead of an error. * Documentation links now point to online resources * Matt Wall's Exfoliation theme is now installed by default. You can reinstall the classic theme with "make install-classicui" * Downtime delete commands made "distributable" by deleting by host group name, host name or start time/comment (Opsview team) * Allow status.cgi to order by "host urgency" (Jochen Bern) * Added news items and quick links to main splash page * Added ability to authenticate to CGIs using contactgroup name (Stephen Gran) FIXES * Fixes status.cgi when called with no parameters, where host should be set to all if none specified (Michael Friedrich) * Fixes possible validation error with empty hostgroups/servicegroups (Sven-Göran Bergh) * Performance-data handling and checking is now thread-safe so long as embedded perl is not used. * Children should no longer hang on mutex locks held in parent for localtime() (and similar) calls. * Debug logging is now properly serialized, using soft-locking with a timeout of 150 milliseconds to avoid multiple threads competing for the privilege to write debug info. * Fixed extraneous alerts for services when host is down * Fixed incorrect parsing of multi-line host check results (Jochen Bern) * Fixed bug with passive host checks being incorrectly sent to event brokers as active checks * Fixed bug where passive host check status updates were not being propagated to event brokers * Reverted 'Fix for retaining host display name and alias, as well as service display name' as configuration information stored incorrectly over a reload * Fixed compile warnings for size_t (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed problem where acknowledgements were getting reset when a hard state change occurred * Removed duplicated unlinks for check result files with multiple results * Fixed race condition on flexible downtime commands when duration not set or zero (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed flexible downtime on service hard state change doesn't get triggered/activated (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed XSS vulnerability in config.cgi and statusmap.cgi (Stefan Schurtz) * Fixed segfault when sending host notifications (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed bug where unauthorized contacts could issue hostgroup and servicegroup commands (Sven Nierlein)
2011-08-02 16:03:18 +02:00
Upgrade nagios to 2.12. Changes are mostly bugfixes since this is the legacy branch. Changes since old version 2.5: * Fix for unscheduled triggered downtime entries. * Fix for embedded audio in tac and status CGIs. * Fixed bug in nagiostats utility when reporting host/service check latency. * Misc code cleanups for compiler warnings. * Fixed error when reading empty (zero byte) config files. * Default is now to check for orphaned service checks. * Fixed bug with non-standard CGI config file location in status data. * Fixed bugs and simplified examples in sample config files. * Fix for leading whitespace before comments in object config files. * Fix for scheduling immediate service check through WAP interface. * Fix for segfault during expiration or deletion of scheduled downtime. * Minor documentation updates. * Minor patches to availability and status CGIs. * Updated nagiostats with new MRTG vars for tracking buffer usage. * now sets environment var (NAGIOS_PLUGIN) to indicate patch of plugin being executed. * Added error messages for passive service checks that don't correspond to a defined service. * Fix for handling signals under NPTL. * Fix for missing check timeout in event broker calls. * Possible segfault fix during restarts when daemon was performing host checks. * Bug fix for bad date format submission in command CGI. * Bug fix for using servicegroups in service dependency definitions. * Bug fix for calculating notification interval with service escalations. * Program version is now displayed in CGIs. * Fix for keeping service checks in the event queue when active service checks are disabled globally. * Bug fix with attempting to access an uninitalized mutex if external commands are disabled. * Fix for incorrect latency calculation for passive service checks. * Fix for a segfault when processing passive host check results with empty output/perfdata. * Minor bug fixes in CGIs. * Fix for not logging passive host check results. * Minor fix for notification timeout log messages. * Fix for SIGTERMs being seen as SIGEXITs, non-logging of SIGTERMs/shutdowns. * Patch to allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. * Fix for flap detection information not be retained across restarts. * Fix for cfg_dir directive not working on Solaris. * Fix for segfault in event broker module code. * Fix for a possible memory leak in situations where overflow occurs in check result buffer. * Fix for a bug with processing service dependency templates with null master host(group) names. * Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. * Minor bug fixes in CGIs to ensure extra host/servicegroup url strings are terminated properly. * Patches for possible XSS vulnerability in CGIs (CVE-2007-5803). Please note that this now needs PTHREAD_DIAGASSERT=A to run properly under NetBSD-4.0 without the fixsa patch.
2008-06-21 16:35:49 +02:00
-INIT_OPTS=-o root -g root
+INIT_OPTS=-o root -g wheel
Update nagios-base to 3.3.1, fixig CVE-2011-1523 and CVE-2011-2179. Changes since 3.2.3: ENHANCEMENTS * Added support for same host service dependencies with servicegroups (Mathieu Gagné) * Empty hostgroups referenced from services now optionally generate a warning instead of an error. * Documentation links now point to online resources * Matt Wall's Exfoliation theme is now installed by default. You can reinstall the classic theme with "make install-classicui" * Downtime delete commands made "distributable" by deleting by host group name, host name or start time/comment (Opsview team) * Allow status.cgi to order by "host urgency" (Jochen Bern) * Added news items and quick links to main splash page * Added ability to authenticate to CGIs using contactgroup name (Stephen Gran) FIXES * Fixes status.cgi when called with no parameters, where host should be set to all if none specified (Michael Friedrich) * Fixes possible validation error with empty hostgroups/servicegroups (Sven-Göran Bergh) * Performance-data handling and checking is now thread-safe so long as embedded perl is not used. * Children should no longer hang on mutex locks held in parent for localtime() (and similar) calls. * Debug logging is now properly serialized, using soft-locking with a timeout of 150 milliseconds to avoid multiple threads competing for the privilege to write debug info. * Fixed extraneous alerts for services when host is down * Fixed incorrect parsing of multi-line host check results (Jochen Bern) * Fixed bug with passive host checks being incorrectly sent to event brokers as active checks * Fixed bug where passive host check status updates were not being propagated to event brokers * Reverted 'Fix for retaining host display name and alias, as well as service display name' as configuration information stored incorrectly over a reload * Fixed compile warnings for size_t (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed problem where acknowledgements were getting reset when a hard state change occurred * Removed duplicated unlinks for check result files with multiple results * Fixed race condition on flexible downtime commands when duration not set or zero (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed flexible downtime on service hard state change doesn't get triggered/activated (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed XSS vulnerability in config.cgi and statusmap.cgi (Stefan Schurtz) * Fixed segfault when sending host notifications (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed bug where unauthorized contacts could issue hostgroup and servicegroup commands (Sven Nierlein)
2011-08-02 16:03:18 +02:00
@@ -69,74 +68,6 @@
cd $(SRC_BASE) && $(MAKE)
cd $(SRC_CGI) && $(MAKE)
cd $(SRC_HTM) && $(MAKE)
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
- if [ x$(USE_EVENTBROKER) = xyes ]; then \
- cd $(SRC_MODULE) && $(MAKE); \
- fi
- @echo ""
- @echo "*** Compile finished ***"
- @echo ""
- @echo "If the main program and CGIs compiled without any errors, you"
- @echo "can continue with installing Nagios as follows (type 'make'"
- @echo "without any arguments for a list of all possible options):"
- @echo ""
- @echo " make install"
- @echo " - This installs the main program, CGIs, and HTML files"
- @echo ""
- @echo " make install-init"
- @echo " - This installs the init script in $(DESTDIR)$(INIT_DIR)"
- @echo ""
- @echo " make install-commandmode"
- @echo " - This installs and configures permissions on the"
- @echo " directory for holding the external command file"
- @echo ""
- @echo " make install-config"
- @echo " - This installs *SAMPLE* config files in $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)"
- @echo " You'll have to modify these sample files before you can"
- @echo " use Nagios. Read the HTML documentation for more info"
- @echo " on doing this. Pay particular attention to the docs on"
- @echo " object configuration files, as they determine what/how"
- @echo " things get monitored!"
- @echo ""
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
- @echo " make install-webconf"
- @echo " - This installs the Apache config file for the Nagios"
- @echo " web interface"
- @echo ""
Update nagios-base to 3.3.1, fixig CVE-2011-1523 and CVE-2011-2179. Changes since 3.2.3: ENHANCEMENTS * Added support for same host service dependencies with servicegroups (Mathieu Gagné) * Empty hostgroups referenced from services now optionally generate a warning instead of an error. * Documentation links now point to online resources * Matt Wall's Exfoliation theme is now installed by default. You can reinstall the classic theme with "make install-classicui" * Downtime delete commands made "distributable" by deleting by host group name, host name or start time/comment (Opsview team) * Allow status.cgi to order by "host urgency" (Jochen Bern) * Added news items and quick links to main splash page * Added ability to authenticate to CGIs using contactgroup name (Stephen Gran) FIXES * Fixes status.cgi when called with no parameters, where host should be set to all if none specified (Michael Friedrich) * Fixes possible validation error with empty hostgroups/servicegroups (Sven-Göran Bergh) * Performance-data handling and checking is now thread-safe so long as embedded perl is not used. * Children should no longer hang on mutex locks held in parent for localtime() (and similar) calls. * Debug logging is now properly serialized, using soft-locking with a timeout of 150 milliseconds to avoid multiple threads competing for the privilege to write debug info. * Fixed extraneous alerts for services when host is down * Fixed incorrect parsing of multi-line host check results (Jochen Bern) * Fixed bug with passive host checks being incorrectly sent to event brokers as active checks * Fixed bug where passive host check status updates were not being propagated to event brokers * Reverted 'Fix for retaining host display name and alias, as well as service display name' as configuration information stored incorrectly over a reload * Fixed compile warnings for size_t (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed problem where acknowledgements were getting reset when a hard state change occurred * Removed duplicated unlinks for check result files with multiple results * Fixed race condition on flexible downtime commands when duration not set or zero (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed flexible downtime on service hard state change doesn't get triggered/activated (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed XSS vulnerability in config.cgi and statusmap.cgi (Stefan Schurtz) * Fixed segfault when sending host notifications (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed bug where unauthorized contacts could issue hostgroup and servicegroup commands (Sven Nierlein)
2011-08-02 16:03:18 +02:00
- @echo " make install-exfoliation"
- @echo " - This installs the Exfoliation theme for the Nagios"
- @echo " web interface"
- @echo ""
- @echo " make install-classicui"
- @echo " - This installs the classic theme for the Nagios"
- @echo " web interface"
- @echo ""
- @echo ""
- @echo "*** Support Notes *******************************************"
- @echo ""
- @echo "If you have questions about configuring or running Nagios,"
- @echo "please make sure that you:"
- @echo ""
- @echo " - Look at the sample config files"
Update nagios-base to 3.3.1, fixig CVE-2011-1523 and CVE-2011-2179. Changes since 3.2.3: ENHANCEMENTS * Added support for same host service dependencies with servicegroups (Mathieu Gagné) * Empty hostgroups referenced from services now optionally generate a warning instead of an error. * Documentation links now point to online resources * Matt Wall's Exfoliation theme is now installed by default. You can reinstall the classic theme with "make install-classicui" * Downtime delete commands made "distributable" by deleting by host group name, host name or start time/comment (Opsview team) * Allow status.cgi to order by "host urgency" (Jochen Bern) * Added news items and quick links to main splash page * Added ability to authenticate to CGIs using contactgroup name (Stephen Gran) FIXES * Fixes status.cgi when called with no parameters, where host should be set to all if none specified (Michael Friedrich) * Fixes possible validation error with empty hostgroups/servicegroups (Sven-Göran Bergh) * Performance-data handling and checking is now thread-safe so long as embedded perl is not used. * Children should no longer hang on mutex locks held in parent for localtime() (and similar) calls. * Debug logging is now properly serialized, using soft-locking with a timeout of 150 milliseconds to avoid multiple threads competing for the privilege to write debug info. * Fixed extraneous alerts for services when host is down * Fixed incorrect parsing of multi-line host check results (Jochen Bern) * Fixed bug with passive host checks being incorrectly sent to event brokers as active checks * Fixed bug where passive host check status updates were not being propagated to event brokers * Reverted 'Fix for retaining host display name and alias, as well as service display name' as configuration information stored incorrectly over a reload * Fixed compile warnings for size_t (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed problem where acknowledgements were getting reset when a hard state change occurred * Removed duplicated unlinks for check result files with multiple results * Fixed race condition on flexible downtime commands when duration not set or zero (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed flexible downtime on service hard state change doesn't get triggered/activated (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed XSS vulnerability in config.cgi and statusmap.cgi (Stefan Schurtz) * Fixed segfault when sending host notifications (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed bug where unauthorized contacts could issue hostgroup and servicegroup commands (Sven Nierlein)
2011-08-02 16:03:18 +02:00
- @echo " - Read the documentation on the Nagios Library at:"
- @echo ""
- @echo ""
- @echo "before you post a question to one of the mailing lists."
- @echo "Also make sure to include pertinent information that could"
- @echo "help others help you. This might include:"
- @echo ""
- @echo " - What version of Nagios you are using"
- @echo " - What version of the plugins you are using"
- @echo " - Relevant snippets from your config files"
- @echo " - Relevant error messages from the Nagios log file"
- @echo ""
Upgrade nagios to 2.12. Changes are mostly bugfixes since this is the legacy branch. Changes since old version 2.5: * Fix for unscheduled triggered downtime entries. * Fix for embedded audio in tac and status CGIs. * Fixed bug in nagiostats utility when reporting host/service check latency. * Misc code cleanups for compiler warnings. * Fixed error when reading empty (zero byte) config files. * Default is now to check for orphaned service checks. * Fixed bug with non-standard CGI config file location in status data. * Fixed bugs and simplified examples in sample config files. * Fix for leading whitespace before comments in object config files. * Fix for scheduling immediate service check through WAP interface. * Fix for segfault during expiration or deletion of scheduled downtime. * Minor documentation updates. * Minor patches to availability and status CGIs. * Updated nagiostats with new MRTG vars for tracking buffer usage. * now sets environment var (NAGIOS_PLUGIN) to indicate patch of plugin being executed. * Added error messages for passive service checks that don't correspond to a defined service. * Fix for handling signals under NPTL. * Fix for missing check timeout in event broker calls. * Possible segfault fix during restarts when daemon was performing host checks. * Bug fix for bad date format submission in command CGI. * Bug fix for using servicegroups in service dependency definitions. * Bug fix for calculating notification interval with service escalations. * Program version is now displayed in CGIs. * Fix for keeping service checks in the event queue when active service checks are disabled globally. * Bug fix with attempting to access an uninitalized mutex if external commands are disabled. * Fix for incorrect latency calculation for passive service checks. * Fix for a segfault when processing passive host check results with empty output/perfdata. * Minor bug fixes in CGIs. * Fix for not logging passive host check results. * Minor fix for notification timeout log messages. * Fix for SIGTERMs being seen as SIGEXITs, non-logging of SIGTERMs/shutdowns. * Patch to allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. * Fix for flap detection information not be retained across restarts. * Fix for cfg_dir directive not working on Solaris. * Fix for segfault in event broker module code. * Fix for a possible memory leak in situations where overflow occurs in check result buffer. * Fix for a bug with processing service dependency templates with null master host(group) names. * Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. * Minor bug fixes in CGIs to ensure extra host/servicegroup url strings are terminated properly. * Patches for possible XSS vulnerability in CGIs (CVE-2007-5803). Please note that this now needs PTHREAD_DIAGASSERT=A to run properly under NetBSD-4.0 without the fixsa patch.
2008-06-21 16:35:49 +02:00
- @echo "For more information on obtaining support for Nagios, visit:"
- @echo ""
Update nagios-base to 3.3.1, fixig CVE-2011-1523 and CVE-2011-2179. Changes since 3.2.3: ENHANCEMENTS * Added support for same host service dependencies with servicegroups (Mathieu Gagné) * Empty hostgroups referenced from services now optionally generate a warning instead of an error. * Documentation links now point to online resources * Matt Wall's Exfoliation theme is now installed by default. You can reinstall the classic theme with "make install-classicui" * Downtime delete commands made "distributable" by deleting by host group name, host name or start time/comment (Opsview team) * Allow status.cgi to order by "host urgency" (Jochen Bern) * Added news items and quick links to main splash page * Added ability to authenticate to CGIs using contactgroup name (Stephen Gran) FIXES * Fixes status.cgi when called with no parameters, where host should be set to all if none specified (Michael Friedrich) * Fixes possible validation error with empty hostgroups/servicegroups (Sven-Göran Bergh) * Performance-data handling and checking is now thread-safe so long as embedded perl is not used. * Children should no longer hang on mutex locks held in parent for localtime() (and similar) calls. * Debug logging is now properly serialized, using soft-locking with a timeout of 150 milliseconds to avoid multiple threads competing for the privilege to write debug info. * Fixed extraneous alerts for services when host is down * Fixed incorrect parsing of multi-line host check results (Jochen Bern) * Fixed bug with passive host checks being incorrectly sent to event brokers as active checks * Fixed bug where passive host check status updates were not being propagated to event brokers * Reverted 'Fix for retaining host display name and alias, as well as service display name' as configuration information stored incorrectly over a reload * Fixed compile warnings for size_t (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed problem where acknowledgements were getting reset when a hard state change occurred * Removed duplicated unlinks for check result files with multiple results * Fixed race condition on flexible downtime commands when duration not set or zero (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed flexible downtime on service hard state change doesn't get triggered/activated (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed XSS vulnerability in config.cgi and statusmap.cgi (Stefan Schurtz) * Fixed segfault when sending host notifications (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed bug where unauthorized contacts could issue hostgroup and servicegroup commands (Sven Nierlein)
2011-08-02 16:03:18 +02:00
- @echo ""
- @echo ""
- @echo "*************************************************************"
- @echo ""
- @echo "Enjoy."
- @echo ""
cd $(SRC_BASE) && $(MAKE)
Update nagios-base to 3.3.1, fixig CVE-2011-1523 and CVE-2011-2179. Changes since 3.2.3: ENHANCEMENTS * Added support for same host service dependencies with servicegroups (Mathieu Gagné) * Empty hostgroups referenced from services now optionally generate a warning instead of an error. * Documentation links now point to online resources * Matt Wall's Exfoliation theme is now installed by default. You can reinstall the classic theme with "make install-classicui" * Downtime delete commands made "distributable" by deleting by host group name, host name or start time/comment (Opsview team) * Allow status.cgi to order by "host urgency" (Jochen Bern) * Added news items and quick links to main splash page * Added ability to authenticate to CGIs using contactgroup name (Stephen Gran) FIXES * Fixes status.cgi when called with no parameters, where host should be set to all if none specified (Michael Friedrich) * Fixes possible validation error with empty hostgroups/servicegroups (Sven-Göran Bergh) * Performance-data handling and checking is now thread-safe so long as embedded perl is not used. * Children should no longer hang on mutex locks held in parent for localtime() (and similar) calls. * Debug logging is now properly serialized, using soft-locking with a timeout of 150 milliseconds to avoid multiple threads competing for the privilege to write debug info. * Fixed extraneous alerts for services when host is down * Fixed incorrect parsing of multi-line host check results (Jochen Bern) * Fixed bug with passive host checks being incorrectly sent to event brokers as active checks * Fixed bug where passive host check status updates were not being propagated to event brokers * Reverted 'Fix for retaining host display name and alias, as well as service display name' as configuration information stored incorrectly over a reload * Fixed compile warnings for size_t (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed problem where acknowledgements were getting reset when a hard state change occurred * Removed duplicated unlinks for check result files with multiple results * Fixed race condition on flexible downtime commands when duration not set or zero (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed flexible downtime on service hard state change doesn't get triggered/activated (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed XSS vulnerability in config.cgi and statusmap.cgi (Stefan Schurtz) * Fixed segfault when sending host notifications (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed bug where unauthorized contacts could issue hostgroup and servicegroup commands (Sven Nierlein)
2011-08-02 16:03:18 +02:00
@@ -230,14 +161,10 @@
$(MAKE) install-basic
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
- $(INSTALL) -m 775 $(INSTALL_OPTS) -d $(DESTDIR)$(LOGDIR)/archives
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
if [ $(INSTALLPERLSTUFF) = yes ]; then \
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
@echo ""
@echo "*** Main program, CGIs and HTML files installed ***"
@echo ""
Update nagios-base to 3.3.1, fixig CVE-2011-1523 and CVE-2011-2179. Changes since 3.2.3: ENHANCEMENTS * Added support for same host service dependencies with servicegroups (Mathieu Gagné) * Empty hostgroups referenced from services now optionally generate a warning instead of an error. * Documentation links now point to online resources * Matt Wall's Exfoliation theme is now installed by default. You can reinstall the classic theme with "make install-classicui" * Downtime delete commands made "distributable" by deleting by host group name, host name or start time/comment (Opsview team) * Allow status.cgi to order by "host urgency" (Jochen Bern) * Added news items and quick links to main splash page * Added ability to authenticate to CGIs using contactgroup name (Stephen Gran) FIXES * Fixes status.cgi when called with no parameters, where host should be set to all if none specified (Michael Friedrich) * Fixes possible validation error with empty hostgroups/servicegroups (Sven-Göran Bergh) * Performance-data handling and checking is now thread-safe so long as embedded perl is not used. * Children should no longer hang on mutex locks held in parent for localtime() (and similar) calls. * Debug logging is now properly serialized, using soft-locking with a timeout of 150 milliseconds to avoid multiple threads competing for the privilege to write debug info. * Fixed extraneous alerts for services when host is down * Fixed incorrect parsing of multi-line host check results (Jochen Bern) * Fixed bug with passive host checks being incorrectly sent to event brokers as active checks * Fixed bug where passive host check status updates were not being propagated to event brokers * Reverted 'Fix for retaining host display name and alias, as well as service display name' as configuration information stored incorrectly over a reload * Fixed compile warnings for size_t (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed problem where acknowledgements were getting reset when a hard state change occurred * Removed duplicated unlinks for check result files with multiple results * Fixed race condition on flexible downtime commands when duration not set or zero (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed flexible downtime on service hard state change doesn't get triggered/activated (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed XSS vulnerability in config.cgi and statusmap.cgi (Stefan Schurtz) * Fixed segfault when sending host notifications (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed bug where unauthorized contacts could issue hostgroup and servicegroup commands (Sven Nierlein)
2011-08-02 16:03:18 +02:00
@@ -257,20 +184,20 @@
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
- $(INSTALL) -m 775 $(INSTALL_OPTS) -d $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/objects
Upgrade nagios to 2.12. Changes are mostly bugfixes since this is the legacy branch. Changes since old version 2.5: * Fix for unscheduled triggered downtime entries. * Fix for embedded audio in tac and status CGIs. * Fixed bug in nagiostats utility when reporting host/service check latency. * Misc code cleanups for compiler warnings. * Fixed error when reading empty (zero byte) config files. * Default is now to check for orphaned service checks. * Fixed bug with non-standard CGI config file location in status data. * Fixed bugs and simplified examples in sample config files. * Fix for leading whitespace before comments in object config files. * Fix for scheduling immediate service check through WAP interface. * Fix for segfault during expiration or deletion of scheduled downtime. * Minor documentation updates. * Minor patches to availability and status CGIs. * Updated nagiostats with new MRTG vars for tracking buffer usage. * now sets environment var (NAGIOS_PLUGIN) to indicate patch of plugin being executed. * Added error messages for passive service checks that don't correspond to a defined service. * Fix for handling signals under NPTL. * Fix for missing check timeout in event broker calls. * Possible segfault fix during restarts when daemon was performing host checks. * Bug fix for bad date format submission in command CGI. * Bug fix for using servicegroups in service dependency definitions. * Bug fix for calculating notification interval with service escalations. * Program version is now displayed in CGIs. * Fix for keeping service checks in the event queue when active service checks are disabled globally. * Bug fix with attempting to access an uninitalized mutex if external commands are disabled. * Fix for incorrect latency calculation for passive service checks. * Fix for a segfault when processing passive host check results with empty output/perfdata. * Minor bug fixes in CGIs. * Fix for not logging passive host check results. * Minor fix for notification timeout log messages. * Fix for SIGTERMs being seen as SIGEXITs, non-logging of SIGTERMs/shutdowns. * Patch to allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. * Fix for flap detection information not be retained across restarts. * Fix for cfg_dir directive not working on Solaris. * Fix for segfault in event broker module code. * Fix for a possible memory leak in situations where overflow occurs in check result buffer. * Fix for a bug with processing service dependency templates with null master host(group) names. * Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. * Minor bug fixes in CGIs to ensure extra host/servicegroup url strings are terminated properly. * Patches for possible XSS vulnerability in CGIs (CVE-2007-5803). Please note that this now needs PTHREAD_DIAGASSERT=A to run properly under NetBSD-4.0 without the fixsa patch.
2008-06-21 16:35:49 +02:00
- $(INSTALL) -b -m 664 $(INSTALL_OPTS) sample-config/nagios.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/nagios.cfg
- $(INSTALL) -b -m 664 $(INSTALL_OPTS) sample-config/cgi.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/cgi.cfg
- $(INSTALL) -b -m 660 $(INSTALL_OPTS) sample-config/resource.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/resource.cfg
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
- $(INSTALL) -b -m 664 $(INSTALL_OPTS) sample-config/template-object/templates.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/objects/templates.cfg
- $(INSTALL) -b -m 664 $(INSTALL_OPTS) sample-config/template-object/commands.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/objects/commands.cfg
- $(INSTALL) -b -m 664 $(INSTALL_OPTS) sample-config/template-object/contacts.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/objects/contacts.cfg
- $(INSTALL) -b -m 664 $(INSTALL_OPTS) sample-config/template-object/timeperiods.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/objects/timeperiods.cfg
- $(INSTALL) -b -m 664 $(INSTALL_OPTS) sample-config/template-object/localhost.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/objects/localhost.cfg
- $(INSTALL) -b -m 664 $(INSTALL_OPTS) sample-config/template-object/windows.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/objects/windows.cfg
- $(INSTALL) -b -m 664 $(INSTALL_OPTS) sample-config/template-object/printer.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/objects/printer.cfg
- $(INSTALL) -b -m 664 $(INSTALL_OPTS) sample-config/template-object/switch.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(CFGDIR)/objects/switch.cfg
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
+ [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/objects ] || ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA_DIR} $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/objects
Update nagios-base to 3.2.3. While there, add DESTDIR support and set LICENSE. ChangeLog: * Fixes problem where disabling all active hosts/services was not taking effect * Fixes for compiler warnings (code cleanup by Stephen Gran) * Fixes for format errors in event handler logging (Guillaume Rousse) * Fixed incorrect info in sample nagios.cfg file for state_retention_file (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed broker_event_handler() to return ERR if data is NULL (Michael Friedrich) * Patch to new_mini_epn to allow any command line length without breaking on extra trailing or leading whitespace (Ray Bengen) * Patch to mini_epn to allow any command line length (Thomas Guyot-Sionnest) * Patch to speed up loading of state retention data (Matthieu Kermagoret) * Custom notifications are now suppressed during scheduled downtime (Sven Nierlein) * Added code to warn user about exit code of 126 meaning plugin is not executable (bug #153) * Scheduled downtime can now start on SOFT error states (bug #47) * Main window frame URL can now be specify with a "corewindow=" parameter * Improved config CGI shows commands, command args in an easier to use manner (Jochen Bern) * Added ability for NEB modules to override execution of event handlers (Sven Nierlein) * Custom macros are no longer cleaned/stripped as they are user-defined and should be trusted (Peter Morch) * Fix for choosing next valid time on day of DST change when clocks go one hour backwards * Fix for nagios now erroring when "Error: Could not find any contactgroup matching..." displayed * Fix tap tests for Sol0 and newer versions of Test::Harness * Fix for notifications not being sent out when scheduled downtime is canceluzzner) * Fix for first notification delay being calculated incorrectly, and notifications potentially going out early (Plachowski) * Fix for text of scheduling downtime of all services on a host (Holger Weiss) * Fix for services inheriting notification period from hosts if not defined (Gordon Messmer) * Fix for incorrect service states on host failures (bug #130 Pet) * Fix for incorrect service state attributes being set on host failures (bug #128 Petya Kohts) * Fix for non-scheduled hostsnd services not being updated in NDOUtils * Fix for typos in TAC, CMD CGIs (bugs #150, #144, #148) * Fix for types in documentation (bugs #145, #105, #106) * Fix for incorrect host state counts in status CGI when viewing servicegroups (bug #72) * Fix few Splunk integration query parameters (bug #136) * Fix for extra field header in availability CSV export (bug #113) * Fix foracro processing code modifying input string (Jochen Bern) * Fix for update check API * Fix for CGI speedup when persistent=0 f comments * Fix for event execution loop re-scheduling host checks instead of executing them if service checks are disabled (b #152) * Fix for segfaults on Solaris (Torsten Huebler) * Fix for incorrect comment expiration times being passed to event bror (Mattieu Kermagot) * Doc updates related to cleaning of custom macros (Peter Valdemar Morch) * Fix to sample notify-service--email command (bug #62) * Fix for retaining host display name and alias, as well as service display name (Folkert van Heusden* Link to allow scheduling downtime for all services on a host (Hendrik Baecker) * Speedup to CGIs when lots of comments or dotimes in status.dat file (Jonathan Kamens) * Patch for new_mini_epn to allow for any command line length without breaking extra trailing or leading whitespace (Ray Bengen) * Fix for incorrect scheduling when time has gone back an hour (partial fix for 24x7) * Fix for compile on Fedora Core 3 (bug #0000082) * Fix for compile on Solaris * Fix for logging test, which was not timezone aware (bug #0000077 - Allan Clark) * Trivial cleanups for autoconf (Allan Clark) * Fix for CSS validation of padding: X * Fix for documentation re: case-insensitive nature of custom variables (Marc Powell) * Fix for template configurations which use negated wildcards (Tim Wilde) * Fix for read-only permissions bug in CGIs that caused problems viewing comments (bug #0000029) * Fix for incorrect CGI reports (availability, trends, etc.) when reporting period spans Daylight Savings Time (bug #0000046) * Fix for detection of truecolor support in GD library (Lars Hecking) * Reverted to use --datadir configure script option instead of the more recently introduced --datarootdir option * Status and retention files are now flushed/synced to disk to prevent incomplete information being displayed in CGIs * Fix for incorrect next service check time calculation when Nagios is reloaded with different timeperiod ranges * Updated Fedora quistart guide to indicate PHP requirements * Known issue: Service checks that are defined with timeperiods that contain "exclude" directives are incorrectly re-scheduled. Don't use these for now - we'll get this fixed for 3.4
2011-04-09 00:37:24 +02:00
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 sample-config/nagios.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/nagios.cfg-sample
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 sample-config/cgi.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/cgi.cfg-sample
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} -m 640 sample-config/resource.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/resource.cfg-sample
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 sample-config/template-object/templates.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/objects/templates.cfg-sample
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 sample-config/template-object/commands.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/objects/commands.cfg-sample
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 sample-config/template-object/contacts.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/objects/contacts.cfg-sample
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 sample-config/template-object/timeperiods.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/objects/timeperiods.cfg-sample
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 sample-config/template-object/localhost.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/objects/localhost.cfg-sample
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 sample-config/template-object/windows.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/objects/windows.cfg-sample
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 sample-config/template-object/printer.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/objects/printer.cfg-sample
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 sample-config/template-object/switch.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SAMPDIR)/objects/switch.cfg-sample
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
@echo ""
@echo "*** Config files installed ***"
@echo ""
Update nagios-base to 3.3.1, fixig CVE-2011-1523 and CVE-2011-2179. Changes since 3.2.3: ENHANCEMENTS * Added support for same host service dependencies with servicegroups (Mathieu Gagné) * Empty hostgroups referenced from services now optionally generate a warning instead of an error. * Documentation links now point to online resources * Matt Wall's Exfoliation theme is now installed by default. You can reinstall the classic theme with "make install-classicui" * Downtime delete commands made "distributable" by deleting by host group name, host name or start time/comment (Opsview team) * Allow status.cgi to order by "host urgency" (Jochen Bern) * Added news items and quick links to main splash page * Added ability to authenticate to CGIs using contactgroup name (Stephen Gran) FIXES * Fixes status.cgi when called with no parameters, where host should be set to all if none specified (Michael Friedrich) * Fixes possible validation error with empty hostgroups/servicegroups (Sven-Göran Bergh) * Performance-data handling and checking is now thread-safe so long as embedded perl is not used. * Children should no longer hang on mutex locks held in parent for localtime() (and similar) calls. * Debug logging is now properly serialized, using soft-locking with a timeout of 150 milliseconds to avoid multiple threads competing for the privilege to write debug info. * Fixed extraneous alerts for services when host is down * Fixed incorrect parsing of multi-line host check results (Jochen Bern) * Fixed bug with passive host checks being incorrectly sent to event brokers as active checks * Fixed bug where passive host check status updates were not being propagated to event brokers * Reverted 'Fix for retaining host display name and alias, as well as service display name' as configuration information stored incorrectly over a reload * Fixed compile warnings for size_t (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed problem where acknowledgements were getting reset when a hard state change occurred * Removed duplicated unlinks for check result files with multiple results * Fixed race condition on flexible downtime commands when duration not set or zero (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed flexible downtime on service hard state change doesn't get triggered/activated (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed XSS vulnerability in config.cgi and statusmap.cgi (Stefan Schurtz) * Fixed segfault when sending host notifications (Michael Friedrich) * Fixed bug where unauthorized contacts could issue hostgroup and servicegroup commands (Sven Nierlein)
2011-08-02 16:03:18 +02:00
@@ -287,8 +214,15 @@
@echo ""
- cp -rf contrib/exfoliation/stylesheets/* $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)/stylesheets
- cp -rf contrib/exfoliation/images/* $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)/images
+ for file in contrib/exfoliation/stylesheets/* ; \
+ do ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} $$file $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)/stylesheets; done
+ for file in contrib/exfoliation/images/*.* ; \
+ do ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} $$file $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)/images; done
+ for file in contrib/exfoliation/images/logos/* ; \
+ do ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} $$file $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)/images/logos; done
@echo ""
@echo "*** Exfoliation theme installed ***"
@@ -316,7 +250,10 @@
Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12: - Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21 02:35:42 +02:00
+ chmod g+s $(DESTDIR)$(LOGDIR)/archives
chmod g+s $(DESTDIR)$(LOGDIR)/rw
@echo ""