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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2015/08/30 10:12:29 kamil Exp $
Update to ECL 13.5.1 ECL 13.5.1 ========== * Visible changes: - ECL now reports #+UNIX for all compatible systems, including *BSD ones. * Compiler fixes: - Minor readability improvements in the C code. - MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND compiles using MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETQ and now both are better optimized, generating simpler C code. - The type checking routine for LOGAND was producing spurious warnings. - (LDB (BYTE ...) ...) no longer conses a BYTE object. - Added optimizations for MASK-FIELD, DPB, DEPOSIT-FIELD, LDB-TEST and LDB. - CONSTANT-VALUE-P and friends now use the (compiler) environment. - No optional type check generated for constant values. - Declare the temporary variables in DEFMACRO/DESTRUCTURING-BIND as IGNORABLE - ECL now accepts WHILE/IF before FOR/AS, a construct that is not ANSI An example: (LOOP FOR I IN LIST WHILE (SOME-TEST I) FOR X = (F I) ... ) * Common Lisp fixes: - CONSTANTP now performs a bit more work, macroexpanding forms. - ENSURE-DIRECTORIES-EXIST ignores the host and device from the original pathname when creating the directories. - In FORMAT, printing of floating point numbers could lead to an infinite loop. - ROUND, FLOOR, CEILING and TRUNCATE have been reorganized and work faster with rational numbers. - (CONCATENATE 'SIMPLE-BASE-STRING ...) returned an ordinary string. - MAKE-ARRAY did not terminate strings with #\Null (needed internally by the C code). - (SETF DOCUMENTATION) did not operate on functions because the function object documentation had precedence over the annotation. - Added the whole Unicode character database to the C library. This means ECL can now interpret all Unicode character names properly, and print them as well. ECL now also recognizes all ASCII control-character abbreviations - Print integers using upcase letters for radix > 10 - New functions RATIOP, {SINGLE,SHORT,DOUBLE,LONG}-FLOAT-P help avoid consing in TYPEP - HASH-TABLE-COUNT did not work with weak hashes: it did not update the count of live cells (Note, however, that this function is by definition not reliable, just a hint, since a garbage collection may happen while the count is being computed) - ECL no longer uses :READ-ONLY declarations in the SETF expansions because there is code out there that modifies the values variables. - PROGV can now 'unbind' variables when the list of variables is longer than the list of values. * CLOS: - Added built in classes FIXNUM and BIGNUM. - Eliminated code for accessing slots that was no longer used. Removed also redundant code. - Updating a class (due to a change in metaclass) now forces updating its children - UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS received an alist instead of a propertly-list as last argument - PRINT-OBJECT did not have a working default for built in classes. * Extensions: - SYSTEM must use the POSIX shell, which usually lives in /bin/sh. - CLX now uses recursive locks. - ASDF upgraded to version 2.32, including the ASDF-BUNDLE facility, which supersedes ECL's own implementation of precompiled libraries. - MAKE-INSTANCE, SHARED-INITIALIZE, REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE now work on structures as well.
2013-06-16 09:42:19 +02:00
DISTNAME= ecl-13.5.1
COMMENT= Embeddable Common Lisp
LICENSE= gnu-lgpl-v2
USE_TOOLS+= gmake makeinfo
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-boehm=system --with-system-gmp
Update to ECL 10.3.1, contributed by Matthew Mondor. ECL 10.3.1: =========== This release has three important focuses: performance improvements in various fronts (garbage collection and hash tables), extending the run-process function and important fixes to let ECL work better with Slime. To quote one lisper ECL "this feels like a real Lisp implementation now" * Bugs fixed: - DIRECTORY used stat() also on files that did not match the directory masks. - The syntax for matching strings in DIRECTORY is now the same as in PATHNAME-MATCH-P. Formerly there were small differences, such as DIRECTORY understanding characters #\? and #\\ and PATHNAME-MATCH-P not. - Standalone executables do not require the existence of the ECLDIR directory to start up -- it may be required, though, for working Unicode because the encodings are stored there. - PROCESS-JOIN was exported from the wrong package. - PROCESS-JOIN failed when invoked with a thread that was in the process of being set up. - The output values of a process or thread are now collected in the process object and returned by PROCESS-JOIN. - ECL's interrupt servicing thread could not be shut down. - When compiling LET forms, ECL emitted warnings about removal of variables even when they were declared IGNORABLE. - An internal variable MP:*ALLOW-WITH-INTERRUPTS* was not declared special. - The compiler now understands function type proclamations with &OPTIONAL values. - The compiler now accepts THE special forms with a VALUES type. - If file A.lsp explicitely loads B.lsp to use a package that is only defined in B, then ECL signaled an error in the compiled version of A even after this one had required B.lsp. - ECL accepts FTYPE proclamations for SETF-functions. - On platforms where a stack overflow does not trigger a SIGSEGV, ECL was unable to recover from the overflow. Now it jumps to the outermost protection frame (typically the toplevel). - Socket streams are now two-way streams. This solves a problem with certain platforms (OS X) where a C stream can not be used to read and write simultaneously by two different threads. - TRUENAME and PROBE-FILE were not thread safe. * Visible changes: - Hash tables now use hand-coded specialized loops for EQ, EQL, EQUAL, EQUALP and package types, achieving a reduction of about 30% time in lookups. - A new function EXT:ENVIRON returns the list of strings that makes up the process environment. This is the equivalent of POSIX (char **environ) and Windows' GetEnvironmentStrings. - EXT:RUN-PROGRAM now accepts a keyword argument, :ENVIRON, with a list of strings used to configure the environment of the child process. For instance '("PWD=/home" "PATH=/usr/bin") - EXT:RUN-PROGRAM returns as third value an EXT:EXTERNAL-PROCESS structure, which supports the queries EXT:EXTERNAL-PROCESS-{PID,INPUT,OUTPUT,STATUS}, following CCL's conventions. - The new function EXT:EXTERNAL-PROCESS-WAIT can be used to wait indefinitely for termination of a process or simply to query its status. - ECL implements a new garbage collector marking mode which at the overhead of one word per object achieves precise marking of heap objects, reducing accidental data retention and improving the time spent in garbage collection. This mode is only available when using --enable-boehm=system at configuration time. - ECL now ships with ASDF version 1.604 - The variables C:*USER-CC-FLAGS* and C:*USER-LD-FLAGS* are lists of strings which can used to change the behavior of the C compiler and the linker. Note, however, that the flags that ECL uses may take priority. - In the C code we are beginning to use GCC's attributes (__attribute__) and branch annotation (__builtin_expect). This decreases the size of code that checks for errors and improves performance. - When printing compiler notes, instead of printing the macroexpanded form, ECL now prints the toplevel form, as follows ;;; Warning: in file src:lsp;autoload.lsp.NEWEST, position 1178 and top form ;;; (DEFMACRO WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT (OPTIONS &REST BODY) ...) ;;; The variable OPTIONS is not used. - ECL now implements EXT:*INVOKE-DEBUGGER-HOOK*, which works like *DEBUGGER-HOOK* but is also observed by BREAK. (SBCL extension adopted by ECL) - The UFFI interface now supports C99 types, such as :int8-t, :uint32-t, etc, but only when the corresponding types do exist in the underlying C environment. - SOCKET-MAKE-STREAM defaults :BUFFERING to :FULL and allows three new keyword arguments, :INPUT, :OUTPUT and :EXTERNAL-FORMAT, as in SBCL. - COMPILE-FILE admits the keyword argument :EXTERNAL-FORMAT. - A new function EXT:ALL-ENCODINGS lists all encondings known to ECL. - Improved readability of compiler messages. - SERVE-EVENT now allows time resolution of less than one second. - The PROFILE package now has an alias, SB-PROFILE. - ECL now stores the location of its source files in a logical hostname, "SRC:", which points to the directory where Announcement is located. - When building ECL, if "etags" is installed, a file TAGS is created which contains references to the location of all C functions. This file can be used to locate functions from the core library in Slime, using M-. - Documentation files now allow for annotation of arbitrary symbols, based on a key and a sub-key which are both symbols. - New function EXT:FUNCTION-LAMBDA-LIST which currently only works with functions from the core ECL library, generic functions and interpreted functions. - The debugger now is capable of showing the special variable bindings from a function, as well as the restarts newly bound by that function. - When using git, a new function EXT:LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-VCS-ID returns a unique identifier denoting the last commit. This can be used to discriminate between unstable releases and remove stale FASL files. - COMPILE-FILE admits two new keyword arguments, :SOURCE-TRUENAME and :SOURCE-OFFSET which can be used to change the value returned by EXT:COMPILED-FUNCTION-FILE when acting on compiled functions.
2010-03-15 06:20:13 +01:00
SUBST_CLASSES+= fix-libffi-include
SUBST_STAGE.fix-libdir= post-patch
SUBST_MESSAGE.fix-libdir= Fixing libffi layout.
SUBST_FILES.fix-libdir= src/c/ffi.d
SUBST_SED.fix-libdir= -e '/include.*<ffi/ffi.h>/s:ffi/ffi.h:ffi.h:'
.include ""
.include "../../devel/boehm-gc/"
.include "../../devel/gmp/"
.include "../../mk/"