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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.46 2012/06/02 16:31:29 drochner Exp $
VERSION= 1.9.1
Update to 1.8.1. = GDAL/OGR 1.8.1 release notes = The 1.8.1 release is a routine bug fix release on the stable GDAL/OGR 1.8 branch. == General == * Fix for windows build of cpl_vsil_gzip.cpp (#3908) * Fix OGRDataSource.Open() signature so utf8 translation works in C# (#3766). * Fix so it also works with mingw compiler on windows (#3960) * Fix GEOS configuration checking affecting GEOS 3.0.4 (#3990) * Support optional nmake.local file for local MSVC config (r22529). == GDAL / Raster == * GDALReplicateWord(): fix error with missing one pixel (#4090) * Fix issue with duplicating metadata (#3961) * VRT: Fix issues with complex data types (#3977) * VRT: Fix issue with nodata values and uninitialized buffers (#4045) * VRT/.aux.xml: Fix performance with large color tables (#3961) * VRT: Fix for VRTs smaller than the default block size (#4137) * IDRISI/RST: Fix seg fault with missing fields in .ref and .rdc (#4100) * IDRISI: Fix problem with spherical inverse flattening (#3757) * GTIFF: Fix support for external overviews with COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS (#3938) * GTIFF: Correct handling of linear geokeys in feet (#3091) * GTIFF: Fix edge anomoly issues with jpeg tiles (#4096) * GTIFF: Don't skip driver even if library versions differ (#4101) * SAGA: Fix reading/writing .sdat files larger than 2GB. (#4104) * PCIDSK: Various fixes particularly for linked files (r21513) * PCIDSK: Fixes for georeferencing parsing (#3913) * ECW: Added/fixed french ECW coordinate systems (#3868) * ECW: Force sign of y pixel size when needed (#393) * ECW: Support EPSG:n style coordinate systems (#3955) * ECW: Fixes related to geotransform overrides (#4131) * ERS: Handle .ers files in case insensitive way (#3974) * PNG: Add support for libpng >= 1.5.0 (#3914) * JP2KAK: Support reading and writing resolution info (#3847) * MRSID: Fix for configuring and building on MacOS X (#3910) * HFA (.img): Fix filename computations and updating for renaming files (#3897) * HFA (.img): Support reading 2bit compressed .img files (#3956) * HFA (.img): Fix for rewriting projection/datum parameters (#3969) * NITF: Correct hemisphere setting for ICORDS=U with world file (#3931) * NITF: Added NITF_DISABLE_RPF_LOCATION_TABLE_SANITY_TESTS option (#3930) * NITF: Make attribute section size hack safer (#4020) * EHDR: Improved floating point file detection (#3933) * ASRP: Approximated support for Azimuthal Equidistant in poles (#3946) * HDF5/BAG: fix handle and memory leaks (#3953) * HDF5: Avoid returning NULL from GetProjectionRef() (#4076) * HDF5: Improve preservation of floating point precision in metadata (r22531). * JPIPKAK: Fix problems with overviews, windowing and errors (#3967) * USGSDEM: Fixing locale dependent parsing of numbers (#3886, #3979) * RS2: Support subdataset oriented metadata and overviews (#4006) * AIGRID: Support uncompressed integer images (ArcGIS 10) (#4035) * gdalwarp: Include DstDensity mask in memory calculations (#4042) * GeoRaster: Full backport for fixes and features (#4039,#3266,#4071,#4072,#4132) * ENVISAT: Fix gcp computations for stripline products (#3160,#3709) * ENVISAT: Fix gcp computations for MERIS products (#4086) * SAR_CEOS: Fix potential crash with odd filenames. (#4065) * SAR_CEOS: Skip datasets with wrong record length. (#4146) * ENVI: Support ESRI style coordinate system strings (#3312) * JAXAPALSAR: Fix datatype of 1.5 level product (#4136) * gdalfillnodata: working file is created as bigtiff if possibly needed (#4088) == OGR / Vector == * LIBKML: Fix build issue against static libkml (#3909) * LIBKML: Improve checking to see if files are actually kml (#4003) * GML: Fix crash with invalid geometries when axis order is lat/long (#3935) * GML: Support curves in directEdges (#3934) * GML: Do not force 3D linestrings for directed edges (#3936) * GPX/GeoRSS: Fix expat library order issue on unix (#3948) * PG/PGDUMP: Fix handling of NaN in zero width fields (#2112) * PGDUMP: Add CREATE_SCHEMA and DROP_TABLE layer options (#4033) * PGDUMP: Support wkbNone geometry better, and other subtle bugs (#4040) * OGR SQL: Allow double quoting column name in SELECT DISTINCT (#3966) * OGR SQL: Fix crashes with some uses of SUBSTR and CAST (#4055) * OGR SQL: Fix crash on IS NULL test on floating point fields (#4091) * OGR SQL: Fix error with SQL joins (#4112) * MSSQL: Fix for IDENTITY INSERT problem (#3992) * MSSQL: Fix for schema handling (#3951) * MSSQL: Fix for geometry handling with ExecuteSQL() (#4149) * OCI: Fix writing of tables with no general attributes (#4063) * GeoJSON: Fix assertion on ESRI json (#4056, #4057) * GeoJSON: Improve numeric field determination (#4082) * SHAPE: Fix decoding of triangle fans in multipatch files (#4081) * SHAPE: Fix multipolygon detection issue due to isClockwise failure (#4122) * MITAB: Fix handling of filenames with two dots in them. (#4123) * MITAB: Fix problems with null datetime values (#4150) * ogr2ogr: Improve -overwrite/-append handling (#4012) * ogr2ogr: Ensure -where fields are address in SetIgnoredFields (#4015)
2012-01-24 16:24:49 +01:00
PKGNAME= gdal-lib-${VERSION}
CATEGORIES= geography
COMMENT= Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
# There is mysterious failure to find gdal_version.h, even though it
# is not a generated file, apparently caused by an odd make path that
# fails to use the right includes.
2010-12-27 08:53:50 +01:00
USE_LANGUAGES= c c++ fortran77
USE_TOOLS+= gmake
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-geos
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-libtiff=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.tiff}
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-libz=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.zlib}/include
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-netcdf=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.netcdf}
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-xerces
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-xerces-inc=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.xerces-c}/include
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-xerces-lib=-L${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.xerces-c}/lib\ -lxerces-c
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-python
2006-09-09 04:41:53 +02:00
MAKE_FILE= GNUmakefile
.include ""
INSTALLATION_DIRS= bin include lib ${PKGMANDIR}/man1 share/gdal
.include "../../devel/netcdf/"
.include "../../devel/zlib/"
.include "../../geography/geos/"
2010-03-14 17:32:15 +01:00
.include "../../geography/proj/"
.include "../../graphics/jasper/"
.include "../../mk/"
.include "../../graphics/png/"
.include "../../graphics/tiff/"
.include "../../textproc/xerces-c/"
Update to 1.4.0, supplied by Brook Milligan in PR 35752. The package now has a mysql option in addition to the default pgsql. GDAL/OGR 1.4.0 - General Changes -------------------------------- Perl Bindings: - Added doxygen based documentation. NG Python Bindings: - Implemented numpy support. CSharp Bindings: - Now mostly operational. WinCE Porting: - CPL - base OGR, OSR and mitab and shape drivers. - GDAL, including GeoTIFF, DTED, AAIGrid drivers - Added test suite (gdalautotest/cpp) Mac OSX Port: - Added framework support (--with-macosx-framework) GDAL 1.4.0 - Overview Of Changes -------------------------------- WCS Driver: - New PDS (Planetary Data Set) Driver: - New ISIS (Mars Qubes) Driver: - New HFA (.img) Driver: - Support reading ProjectionX PE strings. - Support producing .aux files with statistics. - Fix serious bugs with u1, u2 and u4 compressed data. NITF Driver: - Added BLOCKA reading support. - Added ICORDS='D' - Added jpeg compression support (readonly) - Support multiple images as subdatasets. - Support CGM data (as metadata) AIGrid Driver: - Use VSI*L API (large files, in memory, etc) - Support upper case filenames. - Support .clr file above coverage. HDF4 Driver: - Added support for access to geolocation arrays (see RFC 4). - External raw raster bands supported. PCIDSK (.pix) Driver: - Support METER/FEET as LOCAL_CS. - Fix serious byte swapping error on creation. BMP Driver: - Various fixes, including 16bit combinations, and non-intel byte swapping. GeoTIFF Driver: - Fixed in place update for LZW and Deflated compressed images. JP2KAK (JPEG2000) Driver: - Added support for reading and writing gmljp2 headers. - Read xml boxes as metadata. - Accelerate YCbCr handling. JP2MrSID (JPEG2000) Driver: - Added support for reading gmljp2 headers. EHDR (ESRI BIL) Driver: - Support 1-7 bit data. - Added statistics support. OGR 1.4.0 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGR SQL: - RFC 6: Added support for SQL/attribute filter access to geometry, and style strings. OGRSpatialReference: - Support for OGC SRS URNs. - Support for +wktext/EXTENSION stuff for preserving PROJ.4 string in WKT. - Added Two Point Equidistant projection. - Added Krovak projection. - Updated support files to EPSG 6.11. OGRCoordinateTransformation: - Support source and destination longitude wrapping control. OGRFeatureStyle: - Various extensions and improvements. INFORMIX Driver: - New KML Driver: - New (write only) E00 Driver: - New (read only) - Polygon (PAL) likely not working properly. Postgres/PostGIS Driver: - Updated to support new EWKB results (PostGIS 1.1?) - Fixed serious bug with writing SRSes. - Added schema support. GML Driver: - Strip namespaces off field names. - Handle very large geometries gracefully. ODBC Driver: - Added support for spatial_ref_sys table. SDE Driver: - Added logic to speed things up while actually detecting layer geometry types PGeo Driver: - Added support for MDB Tools ODBC driver on linux/unix. VRT Driver: - Added useSpatialSubquery support.
2007-02-23 23:22:38 +01:00
.include "../../www/curl/"
.include "../../mk/"