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$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.14 2006/02/04 13:17:51 markd Exp $
Update to xfig 3.2 pachlevel 5-alpha5. Summary of changes from CHANGES.xfig: Patchlevel 5-alpha5 (April, 26, 2004): NEW FEATURES: o Added note to README and FAQ html file: If the Xaw or Xaw3d Athena widget sets are compiled with the ARROW_SCROLLBAR style of scrollbars, there is no StartScroll action and you won't be able to scroll using the wheel on the mouse. If you want to be able to scroll using the wheel, you must recompile the Xaw library from sources, disabling the ARROW_SCROLLBAR option. o Astrological symbols for planets in Miscellaneous/Astrology by Andrew Collier o Added key bindings to text dialogs to be more like modern systems (the Athena Widget Set that xfig uses is very old): Home: beginning-of-line End: end-of-line Del: delete-character-right o Added *.jpeg* to picture browse options o New libraries for electronics from Fabio González in Libraries/Electronics/Schematic/More BUGS FIXED: o typo in latex_and_xfig.html and LATEX_AND_XFIG files. Text should be: \convertMPtoPDF{foo.0}{1}{1} It was missing parameters {1}{1} o -correct_font_size missing from -help option list and man pages o -help and -version didn't work unless they were first in the options o -O option wasn't passed to fig2dev for overlapping pages in multiple page mode for PostScript export ----------------------------------- Patchlevel 5-alpha4 (Feb, 19, 2004): Note: There is a minor change to the copyright/permission notice for xfig. Basically, I have restored the part that allows one to sell xfig regardless of whether it is bundled as part of a package or not. This is identical to the original copyright/permission notice for xfig, which was based on the MIT (then later, the X Consortium) copyright notice. Here is the new notice (different files have different author copyrights at the top): > FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures > Copyright (c) 1985-1988 by Supoj Sutanthavibul > Parts Copyright (c) 1989-2002 by Brian V. Smith > Parts Copyright (c) 1991 by Paul King > Any party obtaining a copy of these files is granted, free of charge, a > full and unrestricted irrevocable, world-wide, paid up, royalty-free, > nonexclusive right and license to deal in this software and documentation > files (the "Software"), including without limitation the rights to use, > copy, modify, merge, publish distribute, sublicense and/or sell copies of > the Software, and to permit persons who receive copies from any such > party to do so, with the only requirement being that the above copyright > and this permission notice remain intact. NEW FEATURES: o Introduction.html and installation.html updated to include Macintosh port of xfig o Button to collapse depths of a compound object (make all same depth) in popup object editor o Grid changed from dotted line to light red solid line o Candle in Libraries/Miscellaneous by Dr. Lyman Hazelton o Right-click on depth checkbox sets current depth in indicator panel to that depth o Library of symbols used when diagramming folding instructions to make origami models and example contributed by Marc Vigo o Can adjust width and height directly in popup editor for picture objects o Support for David Hawkey's Xaw3D version 1.5E ( BUGS FIXED: o When loading a library object, if it contained only a compound and nothing else, when xfig promoted that compound to the toplevel the main comment was lost o Incorrect header files used for SmeBSB resulted in either segfault or none of the command panel entries being underlined o Drawing very large splines (e.g. at zoom = 0.01) caused integer roundoff errors, making xfig loop indefinitely o Bug where a line that had a zero width or length arrowhead was not redrawn after being moved, copied, canvas redraw, etc. o The page border and axis lines would obscure Fig objects when moving, copying etc. other objects on the canvas. o In the popup picture editor, if the relative position of the corners of the picture were changed, the rotation field was not updated (this bug was in 3.2.5-alpha3 only) o line, arc, ellipse length tool was reporting 0 length ----------------------------------- Patchlevel 5-alpha3 (Dec, 9, 2003): NOTE: o URL for information about the color optimization code (written by Anthony Dekker) has changed to: NEW FEATURES: o -autorefresh command-line option (resource: Fig.autorefresh) which will make xfig look at the timestamp on the .fig file and automatically load it and display it everytime it changes. o Removed requirement to compile with WHEELMOUSE when using wheelmouse o New tower computers (Libraries/Computers/AOpenKF45E.fig and AOpenKF45E.fig from Dirko van Schalkwyk) o New 10/100 8port hub (Libraries/Networks/3Com3C16750.fig also from Dirko van Schalkwyk) o When placing library objects, the name and comments are displayed in message window o New flags (Libraries/Flags): Africa/Eritrea, Africa/Zimbabwe, Asia/Myanmar, Asia/Tajikstan, Asia/Kyrgystan, Europe/Croatia o non-polar capacitor added to Libraries/Electronic/Schematic o Mouse wheel can be used to scroll through filename lists in File and Export panels and icons or object lists in Library panel o Thickness of ticks in dimension lines are user-adjustable now o For attribute popup dialogs with only one text entry, keyboard now focuses on the entry as long as the pointer is anywhere in the dialog o When using the "Open compound, keep rest visible", the other objects are drawn in shades of gray similar to the inactive layers feature. o New library objects: adder, multiplier, sine-source and voltage-source in Electronic/Schematic by Hubert Lam o Zooming in or out with the Z or z key respectively will keep the canvas centered on the mouse pointer o Full version and patchlevel is included in Fig file header for diagnostics o Can explicitly set the rotation of imported pictures in edit panel after importing o Export option to produce both EPS and PDF (in two files) in one step. Useful for those who both use LaTeX and PDFLaTeX o "Epoch" added to rpm spec o New HP/GL2 (fig2dev) driver from Glenn Burkhardt with paper size selection, offset, centering and orientation options o New library object "atom" in Libraries/Miscellaneous is the classic drawing of an atom with electrons circling From Andrew B. Collier BUGS FIXED: o Missing #ifdef XAW3D in SimpleMenu.c o Bug when breaking a compound object - depths were added twice to the counts o When implicitly cancelling the placement of a library object by choosing another mode, xfig would tell user to cancel or finish the current operation, but there was no way to do that o Picture Reread button was active before file was read the first time o Rereading picture in edit popup produced bad colors o When using multiple copies of an imported picture, h/w ratio was not computed for copies o Importing PCX images were incorrect when bytes per line different from width*bpp o When passed a filename containing a directory name for a Fig object library using -library_dir, and that directory only contains Fig files and no subdirectories with Fig files, xfig segfaulted o Several checks for memory allocation failure added to the library loading procs o Forgot to free allocated memory when return abnormally from loading libraries o Path length check in loading libraries fixed o Missing include for put_msg prototype in e_measeure.c o Needed #ifdef for XtVersion in SmeBSB.c (X11R5 doesn't have international fontset) o Added SIGPIPE signal to ignore in case an external program dies when we're using pipes o Screen capture on an MSBFirst X server with 24/32 bits per pixel was incorrect. o Importing any image file on such a server was incorrect (bytes/bits reversed). o Reading GIF or PCX files on 24-bit server *and* on big-endian machine (e.g. Sparcstation) resulted in bytes being swapped and funny colors o Could popup unit dialog when drawing/editing objects o Embedded whitespace in filenames in recently loaded files weren't parsed properly (.xfigrc) o When pasting an object on the canvas, point positioning grid wasn't used o Bug when reading a compressed eps file (file handle was passed to open proc instead of name) o Minor grid spec used twice instead of minor/major when passed to fig2dev o Fixed conversions of export/print grid values when switching to/from metric, decimal or fraction o When loading or merging a file, xfig appended ".fig" to the name if there wasn't ".fig" in the name. Now it only appends ".fig" if there is no suffix (no "."). o When appending the ".fig" before the previous change, xfig would segfault o Libraries/Electronic/Schematic/transformer and transformer_ironcore aligned to 1/16" grid o Bugs in indicator panel display of text flags, dimension line params and arrow size params when cycling through settings with middle or right mouse button o Bug in callbacks for dimension line checkboxes that select actual length or user text o When exporting to Combined PDF/LaTeX it uses ".pdf" and ".pdf_t" suffixes because LaTeX doesn't recognize ".pdftex" as a PDF file o Better clipping around arrowheads on thick lines (lines that are thicker than the arrowhead is wide) o Checks for open splines of < 2 points when reading figure file and removes them o Clicking middle mouse button after creating first point of closed spline switched to freehand mode o Export panel sections would get messed up when changing export languages o Now checks whether scrollbars support StartScroll before trying to use it for the wheel scrolling. When the Xaw widgets are compiled with ARROW_SCROLLBAR, there is no such action. o pstex_t export lacked border option (-b) to align LaTeX text when pstex figure specified border (also fixed in fig2dev) o Create one picture object with no filename, then create another and xfig crashed o Some bugs when freeing dimension line components o Bad choices for grid dot spacing in metric mode in the 5mm grid, and decimal inch mode in the 0.5 and 1.0 inch grids o -international flag missing from xfig.html and docs o Added call to XsetLocaleModifiers() when initializing input method (-international mode only) o xfig was limiting arrowhead lengths to 50 pixels instead of 50 inches, and the width to 10 pixels instead of 10 inches. o edit panel for circles shouldn't have "angle" entry o edit panel wasn't allowing typing in of negative angles for text and ellipses o Objects were sometimes drawn with a wild point when zooming o Full path was being added to default export filename and wasn't changing when user changed directories o When drawing a box or rounded box with the "show line lengths" on, the sizes were in Fig units (1200ppi) instead of user units. o Spacing cedilla (ISO 0xB8 / octal 270) was missing from CompKeyDB file o Changing the units in the popup edit panel for a text object caused a segfault. o Rulers and grid didn't change scale when user scale was != 1.0. Even though the message window showed the correct user scale when drawing objects, the rulers and grid still showed the unscaled values. o Axis lines through 0,0 now drawn after page border so it remains visible when there is a grid o Segfault if current directory was deleted after starting xfig o Positioning grid was set to "ANY" when editing a compound object, causing the original bounding box to be lost o Bug in arc drawing caused arcs to be drawn as circles at high zoom o Computing the area of a polygon larger than 38x38 inches overflowed calculation o Bug in bounds calculation for ellipses and circles that increased bounding box even with line width = 1 o Limit on number of styles in a family wasn't checked o If all depths were turned off and any edit operation was attempted on the canvas such as move object, delete object, xfig would hang, searching for objects indefinitely.
2005-11-12 17:08:21 +01:00
SHA1 (xfig.3.2.5-alpha5.full.tar.gz) = ed99caf4505bc401ac34ecbe3d4c0aa783c4cc62
RMD160 (xfig.3.2.5-alpha5.full.tar.gz) = 47fd9d74b117518d1870297228e31591f312df2d
Size (xfig.3.2.5-alpha5.full.tar.gz) = 5836544 bytes
Update xfig to 3.2.4. Provided in PR pkg/19660 by Jim Bernard <>. Changes include tons of bugfixes plus the following new features: o "Front" and "Back" labels in depth manager to show relative positioning of depths on drawing. o The mu (micro) character is now entered using "Compose | u" instead of "Compose / u" o If you wish to place a library object at the position it was originally created, e.g. for laser printer labels, hold down the Shift key and press mouse button 3 (`place at orign posn') o New URL for chemtool, a chemical structure editor: o The minimum and maximum depth of objects are shown in the edit panel for compound objects o EMF (Enhanced Metafile) export driver (TransFig/fig2dev) o SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) beta driver o The xfig documentation is nearly entirely GIF-free (TM). o Xfig reference manual now available in PDF besides html. o Dimension lines o New Xfig logo courtesy of Marc-Aurele Darche. o Can now paste text in text mode using Shift+Middle-mouse-button in addition to F20 and Sun's Paste key (F18). o If xfig is compiled with #define WHEELMOUSE uncommented in the Imakefile, the wheel may be used for several things o New grid/positioning option for inches mode o Background (-g to fig2dev) option for tk export honored now. o New command-line argument -correct_font_size o Added "Stop" button to stop loading library. o Much more efficient when copying large imported pictures o When changing an attribute of an imported picture that doesn't change the picture itself (e.g. depth), the pixmap is not regenerated, therefore saving time. The same is true when copying a picture. o New X resource Fig.ghostscript and command-line argument -ghostscript by which you can tell xfig what your ghostscript is called (e.g. "gs" or "gswin32"). o Can now add ASCII (EPSI) preview to EPS export. See export panel. o Can now add monochrome or color TIFF preview to EPS export. o Translations of LATEX.AND.XFIG document into two popular Chinese encodings (GB2312 and Big5). o When text becomes too small to see (e.g. small zoom), xfig will "Greek" it, meaning it draws a gray line segment for each word in the string. o When resizing canvas to a smaller height, the number of buttons per row of the mode (side) panel increases so that it doesn't protrude into the indicator (bottom) panel o Smarter redraw when turning on depths from the depth manager. o If the user's pointer (mouse) buttons are switched xfig will automatically flip the mouse hints messages. o Picture objects are drawn as filled gray boxes when their layer is inactive in gray mode. o xfig no longer requires fonts that are named "-adobe-..." o Updating the attribute panel from a compound object will retrieve (only) the smallest depth from the compound. o When scaling an object, the line thickness is no longer scaled with it o New measuring modes: angle, length, area and tangent. o New feature to add tangents and normal lines to curves. o Splash screen on startup. o New command-line option -grid_color o New option to print grid when exporting or printing o When drawing an arc by specifying the center point, a circle is drawn showing the radius of the arc as the user drags the mouse, then when the first end point is clicked an arc is drawn as the mouse is dragged. o If the Ruler unit is Imperial (in), you may have xfig display measurements using fractions where possible. o When opening a compound object, if the middle button us used to open the compound, all other objects on the canvas are kept visible. o When opening a compound object, the "point positioning" indicator is enabled, allowing you to set the bounds of the compound according to the indicator when you close the compound. o Zero-crossing lines on canvas have own command-line parameter o Smooth factor when exporting to bitmap format is now a pull-down menu with: No smoothing, Some smoothing, More smoothing. o Three-D borders for buttons, etc reduced from 2 to 1 pixel o Additional JPEG file format (EXIF) added for import. o Validation for integer spinners o When scaling an object, the scale factor is shown in the message. o New url for pstoedit (mentioned in installation.html). o When picking points of an object at high zoom, the tolerance has been reduced to make it easier to pick the correct point. o When "graying" inactive depths, the inactive objects are drawn first followed by active objects ensuring visibility of active objects. o xfig now draws "grayed out" picture objects (inactive depth) as a gray box with the filename only. o Line style in edit panel now shows graphic of style instead of textual description. o Cap style in edit panel was inadvertantly left off open-splines. o Popup dialog to edit behavior of spline point now pops up near the point being edited. o When cancelling drawing a picture object from the popup editor, the empty object is removed rather than showing a <empty> o Pressing Return or Escape in popup message window will dismiss it o In picture browser popup, double clicking or clicking and pressing Return will apply the selected picture AND close the browser. o New popup query if updating the depth in a compound object would result in any depth exceeding the maximum. o More consistent placement of Cancel/Ok/Set etc. buttons o More meaningful message "Cut buffer is empty" o New MetaPost driver for TransFig 3.2.4 supported. o New option for binary CGM export (must have TransFig 3.2.4 too). o Pressing escape in a popup dialog will dismiss it. o Zoom/Unzoom (Shift-Z/z) changes zoom by a factor of 1.5 o Exporting to JPEG doesn't require compiling with USE_JPEG o Minimum and maximum depths of objects in a compound are displayed in popup edit panel. o Named styles where user can save attributes that are often used for quick access. NEW LIBRARIES and Examples: o Poster advertizing German version of "Little Shop of Horrors" in Libraries/Examples/poster.fig. From Kai-Martin Knaak o Three new Examples from Carlo Kopp o Many new country flags in the Libraries/Flags directory. o New flags of Bosnia and Slovenia with vector coat of arms in Libraries/Flags directory from Roman Maurer o New maps of Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia (Libraries/Maps/Europe) o New maps of Russia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan (Libraries/Maps/Asia) o New Avery label templates in Libraries/Labels directory, including a CD label, Avery_5931, done by William Chimiak. o New Avery and PerfectData Corp CD label templates in Libraries/Labels directory, done by Len Hickey. o New computers and printers in Libraries/Computers library o New network library devices o New DSP component library from Jakub Stastny ( o Standard welding bevels library from Erik Engh o Canadian map from Seymour Green o A Uno hand (card game) drawn by Roland Rosendfeld
2003-01-07 07:30:34 +01:00
SHA1 (patch-aa) = 3ff914bd2ca913f7c4e2ea2a648a0776cd5098bf
SHA1 (patch-ab) = 7fb6cdf47d980db3d95cba0797408247087148e0
Update to xfig 3.2 pachlevel 5-alpha5. Summary of changes from CHANGES.xfig: Patchlevel 5-alpha5 (April, 26, 2004): NEW FEATURES: o Added note to README and FAQ html file: If the Xaw or Xaw3d Athena widget sets are compiled with the ARROW_SCROLLBAR style of scrollbars, there is no StartScroll action and you won't be able to scroll using the wheel on the mouse. If you want to be able to scroll using the wheel, you must recompile the Xaw library from sources, disabling the ARROW_SCROLLBAR option. o Astrological symbols for planets in Miscellaneous/Astrology by Andrew Collier o Added key bindings to text dialogs to be more like modern systems (the Athena Widget Set that xfig uses is very old): Home: beginning-of-line End: end-of-line Del: delete-character-right o Added *.jpeg* to picture browse options o New libraries for electronics from Fabio González in Libraries/Electronics/Schematic/More BUGS FIXED: o typo in latex_and_xfig.html and LATEX_AND_XFIG files. Text should be: \convertMPtoPDF{foo.0}{1}{1} It was missing parameters {1}{1} o -correct_font_size missing from -help option list and man pages o -help and -version didn't work unless they were first in the options o -O option wasn't passed to fig2dev for overlapping pages in multiple page mode for PostScript export ----------------------------------- Patchlevel 5-alpha4 (Feb, 19, 2004): Note: There is a minor change to the copyright/permission notice for xfig. Basically, I have restored the part that allows one to sell xfig regardless of whether it is bundled as part of a package or not. This is identical to the original copyright/permission notice for xfig, which was based on the MIT (then later, the X Consortium) copyright notice. Here is the new notice (different files have different author copyrights at the top): > FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures > Copyright (c) 1985-1988 by Supoj Sutanthavibul > Parts Copyright (c) 1989-2002 by Brian V. Smith > Parts Copyright (c) 1991 by Paul King > Any party obtaining a copy of these files is granted, free of charge, a > full and unrestricted irrevocable, world-wide, paid up, royalty-free, > nonexclusive right and license to deal in this software and documentation > files (the "Software"), including without limitation the rights to use, > copy, modify, merge, publish distribute, sublicense and/or sell copies of > the Software, and to permit persons who receive copies from any such > party to do so, with the only requirement being that the above copyright > and this permission notice remain intact. NEW FEATURES: o Introduction.html and installation.html updated to include Macintosh port of xfig o Button to collapse depths of a compound object (make all same depth) in popup object editor o Grid changed from dotted line to light red solid line o Candle in Libraries/Miscellaneous by Dr. Lyman Hazelton o Right-click on depth checkbox sets current depth in indicator panel to that depth o Library of symbols used when diagramming folding instructions to make origami models and example contributed by Marc Vigo o Can adjust width and height directly in popup editor for picture objects o Support for David Hawkey's Xaw3D version 1.5E ( BUGS FIXED: o When loading a library object, if it contained only a compound and nothing else, when xfig promoted that compound to the toplevel the main comment was lost o Incorrect header files used for SmeBSB resulted in either segfault or none of the command panel entries being underlined o Drawing very large splines (e.g. at zoom = 0.01) caused integer roundoff errors, making xfig loop indefinitely o Bug where a line that had a zero width or length arrowhead was not redrawn after being moved, copied, canvas redraw, etc. o The page border and axis lines would obscure Fig objects when moving, copying etc. other objects on the canvas. o In the popup picture editor, if the relative position of the corners of the picture were changed, the rotation field was not updated (this bug was in 3.2.5-alpha3 only) o line, arc, ellipse length tool was reporting 0 length ----------------------------------- Patchlevel 5-alpha3 (Dec, 9, 2003): NOTE: o URL for information about the color optimization code (written by Anthony Dekker) has changed to: NEW FEATURES: o -autorefresh command-line option (resource: Fig.autorefresh) which will make xfig look at the timestamp on the .fig file and automatically load it and display it everytime it changes. o Removed requirement to compile with WHEELMOUSE when using wheelmouse o New tower computers (Libraries/Computers/AOpenKF45E.fig and AOpenKF45E.fig from Dirko van Schalkwyk) o New 10/100 8port hub (Libraries/Networks/3Com3C16750.fig also from Dirko van Schalkwyk) o When placing library objects, the name and comments are displayed in message window o New flags (Libraries/Flags): Africa/Eritrea, Africa/Zimbabwe, Asia/Myanmar, Asia/Tajikstan, Asia/Kyrgystan, Europe/Croatia o non-polar capacitor added to Libraries/Electronic/Schematic o Mouse wheel can be used to scroll through filename lists in File and Export panels and icons or object lists in Library panel o Thickness of ticks in dimension lines are user-adjustable now o For attribute popup dialogs with only one text entry, keyboard now focuses on the entry as long as the pointer is anywhere in the dialog o When using the "Open compound, keep rest visible", the other objects are drawn in shades of gray similar to the inactive layers feature. o New library objects: adder, multiplier, sine-source and voltage-source in Electronic/Schematic by Hubert Lam o Zooming in or out with the Z or z key respectively will keep the canvas centered on the mouse pointer o Full version and patchlevel is included in Fig file header for diagnostics o Can explicitly set the rotation of imported pictures in edit panel after importing o Export option to produce both EPS and PDF (in two files) in one step. Useful for those who both use LaTeX and PDFLaTeX o "Epoch" added to rpm spec o New HP/GL2 (fig2dev) driver from Glenn Burkhardt with paper size selection, offset, centering and orientation options o New library object "atom" in Libraries/Miscellaneous is the classic drawing of an atom with electrons circling From Andrew B. Collier BUGS FIXED: o Missing #ifdef XAW3D in SimpleMenu.c o Bug when breaking a compound object - depths were added twice to the counts o When implicitly cancelling the placement of a library object by choosing another mode, xfig would tell user to cancel or finish the current operation, but there was no way to do that o Picture Reread button was active before file was read the first time o Rereading picture in edit popup produced bad colors o When using multiple copies of an imported picture, h/w ratio was not computed for copies o Importing PCX images were incorrect when bytes per line different from width*bpp o When passed a filename containing a directory name for a Fig object library using -library_dir, and that directory only contains Fig files and no subdirectories with Fig files, xfig segfaulted o Several checks for memory allocation failure added to the library loading procs o Forgot to free allocated memory when return abnormally from loading libraries o Path length check in loading libraries fixed o Missing include for put_msg prototype in e_measeure.c o Needed #ifdef for XtVersion in SmeBSB.c (X11R5 doesn't have international fontset) o Added SIGPIPE signal to ignore in case an external program dies when we're using pipes o Screen capture on an MSBFirst X server with 24/32 bits per pixel was incorrect. o Importing any image file on such a server was incorrect (bytes/bits reversed). o Reading GIF or PCX files on 24-bit server *and* on big-endian machine (e.g. Sparcstation) resulted in bytes being swapped and funny colors o Could popup unit dialog when drawing/editing objects o Embedded whitespace in filenames in recently loaded files weren't parsed properly (.xfigrc) o When pasting an object on the canvas, point positioning grid wasn't used o Bug when reading a compressed eps file (file handle was passed to open proc instead of name) o Minor grid spec used twice instead of minor/major when passed to fig2dev o Fixed conversions of export/print grid values when switching to/from metric, decimal or fraction o When loading or merging a file, xfig appended ".fig" to the name if there wasn't ".fig" in the name. Now it only appends ".fig" if there is no suffix (no "."). o When appending the ".fig" before the previous change, xfig would segfault o Libraries/Electronic/Schematic/transformer and transformer_ironcore aligned to 1/16" grid o Bugs in indicator panel display of text flags, dimension line params and arrow size params when cycling through settings with middle or right mouse button o Bug in callbacks for dimension line checkboxes that select actual length or user text o When exporting to Combined PDF/LaTeX it uses ".pdf" and ".pdf_t" suffixes because LaTeX doesn't recognize ".pdftex" as a PDF file o Better clipping around arrowheads on thick lines (lines that are thicker than the arrowhead is wide) o Checks for open splines of < 2 points when reading figure file and removes them o Clicking middle mouse button after creating first point of closed spline switched to freehand mode o Export panel sections would get messed up when changing export languages o Now checks whether scrollbars support StartScroll before trying to use it for the wheel scrolling. When the Xaw widgets are compiled with ARROW_SCROLLBAR, there is no such action. o pstex_t export lacked border option (-b) to align LaTeX text when pstex figure specified border (also fixed in fig2dev) o Create one picture object with no filename, then create another and xfig crashed o Some bugs when freeing dimension line components o Bad choices for grid dot spacing in metric mode in the 5mm grid, and decimal inch mode in the 0.5 and 1.0 inch grids o -international flag missing from xfig.html and docs o Added call to XsetLocaleModifiers() when initializing input method (-international mode only) o xfig was limiting arrowhead lengths to 50 pixels instead of 50 inches, and the width to 10 pixels instead of 10 inches. o edit panel for circles shouldn't have "angle" entry o edit panel wasn't allowing typing in of negative angles for text and ellipses o Objects were sometimes drawn with a wild point when zooming o Full path was being added to default export filename and wasn't changing when user changed directories o When drawing a box or rounded box with the "show line lengths" on, the sizes were in Fig units (1200ppi) instead of user units. o Spacing cedilla (ISO 0xB8 / octal 270) was missing from CompKeyDB file o Changing the units in the popup edit panel for a text object caused a segfault. o Rulers and grid didn't change scale when user scale was != 1.0. Even though the message window showed the correct user scale when drawing objects, the rulers and grid still showed the unscaled values. o Axis lines through 0,0 now drawn after page border so it remains visible when there is a grid o Segfault if current directory was deleted after starting xfig o Positioning grid was set to "ANY" when editing a compound object, causing the original bounding box to be lost o Bug in arc drawing caused arcs to be drawn as circles at high zoom o Computing the area of a polygon larger than 38x38 inches overflowed calculation o Bug in bounds calculation for ellipses and circles that increased bounding box even with line width = 1 o Limit on number of styles in a family wasn't checked o If all depths were turned off and any edit operation was attempted on the canvas such as move object, delete object, xfig would hang, searching for objects indefinitely.
2005-11-12 17:08:21 +01:00
SHA1 (patch-ac) = 63ac4774439cab4bda5c75a3912103080bc1c6fd
SHA1 (patch-ad) = 80ae2ce2eea6a747862d1b223ffff56feaa73f1a