Update to 0.9.2. Changes:
- Get rid of the 1024 characters per line limitation (defined as per
the syslog RFC), since LML is not limited to parsing input from syslog
- Handle events in Clamav logging format as well as syslog.
- Abstracted Squid chain regex to allow parsing of data directly
from Squid log files.
- Introduced support for openhostapd.
- Began expanding rulesets with additional_data and vendor-specific
classification data.
- Various ruleset updates and bug fixes.
Prelude-LML is a signature based log analyzer monitoring logfile and
received syslog messages for suspicious activity. It handle events
generated by a large set of components, including but not limited to:
BigIP, Grsecurity, Honeyd, ipchains, Netfilter, ipfw, Nokia ipso,
Nagios, Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition, NTsyslog, PAM, Portsentry,
Postfix, Proftpd, ssh, etc.
2006-01-31 11:46:31 +01:00
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2006/01/31 10:46:31 shannonjr Exp $
2006-01-29 16:56:42 +01:00
Update to 0.9.2. Changes:
- Get rid of the 1024 characters per line limitation (defined as per
the syslog RFC), since LML is not limited to parsing input from syslog
- Handle events in Clamav logging format as well as syslog.
- Abstracted Squid chain regex to allow parsing of data directly
from Squid log files.
- Introduced support for openhostapd.
- Began expanding rulesets with additional_data and vendor-specific
classification data.
- Various ruleset updates and bug fixes.
Prelude-LML is a signature based log analyzer monitoring logfile and
received syslog messages for suspicious activity. It handle events
generated by a large set of components, including but not limited to:
BigIP, Grsecurity, Honeyd, ipchains, Netfilter, ipfw, Nokia ipso,
Nagios, Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition, NTsyslog, PAM, Portsentry,
Postfix, Proftpd, ssh, etc.
2006-01-31 11:46:31 +01:00
DISTNAME= prelude-lml-0.9.2
2006-01-29 16:56:42 +01:00
CATEGORIES= security
MASTER_SITES= http://www.prelude-ids.org/download/releases/
MAINTAINER= shannonjr@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://www.prelude-ids.org/download/releases/
COMMENT= Log analyzer monitoring your logfile and received syslog messages
.include "../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk"
PRELUDE_USER?= _prelude
PRELUDE_GROUP?= _prelude
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-html-dir=${PREFIX}/share/doc
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-fam
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --localstatedir=${VARBASE:Q}
RCD_SCRIPTS= preludelml
PRELUDE_USER?= _prelude
PRELUDE_GROUP?= _prelude
Update to 0.9.2. Changes:
- Get rid of the 1024 characters per line limitation (defined as per
the syslog RFC), since LML is not limited to parsing input from syslog
- Handle events in Clamav logging format as well as syslog.
- Abstracted Squid chain regex to allow parsing of data directly
from Squid log files.
- Introduced support for openhostapd.
- Began expanding rulesets with additional_data and vendor-specific
classification data.
- Various ruleset updates and bug fixes.
Prelude-LML is a signature based log analyzer monitoring logfile and
received syslog messages for suspicious activity. It handle events
generated by a large set of components, including but not limited to:
BigIP, Grsecurity, Honeyd, ipchains, Netfilter, ipfw, Nokia ipso,
Nagios, Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition, NTsyslog, PAM, Portsentry,
Postfix, Proftpd, ssh, etc.
2006-01-31 11:46:31 +01:00
PRELUDE_LML_PID_DIR= ${VARBASE:Q}/run/prelude-lml
2006-01-29 16:56:42 +01:00
PRELUDE_HOME= ${VARBASE:Q}/prelude-lml
Update to 0.9.2. Changes:
- Get rid of the 1024 characters per line limitation (defined as per
the syslog RFC), since LML is not limited to parsing input from syslog
- Handle events in Clamav logging format as well as syslog.
- Abstracted Squid chain regex to allow parsing of data directly
from Squid log files.
- Introduced support for openhostapd.
- Began expanding rulesets with additional_data and vendor-specific
classification data.
- Various ruleset updates and bug fixes.
Prelude-LML is a signature based log analyzer monitoring logfile and
received syslog messages for suspicious activity. It handle events
generated by a large set of components, including but not limited to:
BigIP, Grsecurity, Honeyd, ipchains, Netfilter, ipfw, Nokia ipso,
Nagios, Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition, NTsyslog, PAM, Portsentry,
Postfix, Proftpd, ssh, etc.
2006-01-31 11:46:31 +01:00
2006-01-29 16:56:42 +01:00
SUBST_STAGE.code= post-patch
SUBST_FILES.code= run-prelude-lml.c
SUBST_SED.code= -e 's,@PREFIX@,${PREFIX},g'
${CP} ${FILESDIR}/run-prelude-lml.c ${WRKSRC}
cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o run-prelude-lml run-prelude-lml.c
${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/run-prelude-lml ${PREFIX}/sbin/run-prelude-lml
${CHMOD} 755 ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/prelude-lml
.include "../../security/libprelude/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../devel/pcre/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"