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Maybe I change the policy to GPL in the future ...
But at the moment this is the policy:
Copyright (c) 1995-99 by Michael Hipp, all rights reserved.
Parts of the software are contributed by other people, please
refer to the README file for details!
This software may be distributed freely, provided that it is
distributed in its entirety, without modifications, and with
the original copyright notice and license included. You may
distribute your own seperate patches together with this software
package or a modified package if you always include a pointer
where to get the original unmodified package. In this case
you must inform the author about the modfied package.
The software may not be sold for profit or as "hidden" part of
another software, but it may be included with collections
of other free software, such as CD-ROM images of FTP servers and
similar, provided that this software is not a significant part
of that collection.
Precompiled binaries of this software may be distributed in the
same way, provided that this copyright notice and license is
included without modification.
This software may be used freely, provided that the original
author is always credited. If you intend to use this software
as a significant part of business (for-profit) activities, you
have to contact the author first. Also, any usage that is not
covered by this license requires the explicit permission of
the author.
This software is provided as-is. The author can not be held
liable for any damage that might arise from the use of this
software. Use it at your own risk.