Update to KDE 3.5.8
POP3 ioslave * Fix SASL Authentication fails if another client of sasl is loaded. SMTP ioslave * Fix SASL Authentication fails if another client of sasl is loaded. Kate * Add .hh Extension for C++ syntax highlighting. * Highlight 'read' and 'write', used when declaring properties in Pascal. * Fix code folding breaks highlighting. * Fix tabs in wrapped line broke cursor navigation. * Fix save doesn't work after redo. * Do not disable quit button when no session is selected but the open session button. * Pressing X now triggers the open session button, when it should trigger quit button. KControl * When delete all is pressed, only delete the visible cookies if the view is filtered. * Do not loose the domain-specific cookie policies when cookie support is disabled and re-enabled again. * Newly added fonts are not available. kdesktop * Do not shutdown at autologout. kdm * Do not attempt to auto-login after a post-session shutdown confirmation. * Fix CVE-2007-4569. kwin * Fix restarting KWin messes up active border order. * Fix block global shorcuts is broken. Konsole * Real transparency support without side effects, if qt-copy patch #0078 is available. Konqueror * Fix Konqueror not autodetecting new plugins. * Avoid preview crashes when view is invalid. * Resolve media: and system: urls to local files in the popup menu. * Fix crash when the window is deleted from onmousedown. * Fix nspluginviewer crashes on amd64.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 24 additions and 190 deletions
@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.135 2007/09/25 10:03:54 hira Exp $
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.136 2007/10/20 10:37:19 markd Exp $
COMMENT= Base modules for the KDE 3 integrated X11 desktop
PATCH_SITES= ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/security_patches/ \
PATCHFILES= post-3.5.7-kdebase-konqueror-2.diff post-3.5.7-kdebase-kdm.diff
#PATCH_SITES= ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/security_patches/ \
# http://mirrors.isc.org/pub/kde/security_patches/
#PATCHFILES= post-3.5.7-kdebase-konqueror-2.diff post-3.5.7-kdebase-kdm.diff
.include "../../meta-pkgs/kde3/Makefile.kde3"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.99 2007/09/21 20:48:12 markd Exp $
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.100 2007/10/20 10:37:20 markd Exp $
SHA1 (Daemon.README) = eb1e6af52adc02ded77af17e8953134b7e60d23b
RMD160 (Daemon.README) = 39edd92ed4314397080f32a8caff0ac3f716ecf4
@ -9,28 +9,22 @@ Size (Daemon.png) = 15725 bytes
SHA1 (NetBSD-flag-1.0.png) = a9cf264a52ae0a602eec956d91222e299c7dee5c
RMD160 (NetBSD-flag-1.0.png) = 2eac20df70396169819059a704e6a85ae10234b0
Size (NetBSD-flag-1.0.png) = 4532 bytes
SHA1 (kdebase-3.5.7.tar.bz2) = 833a35e4bbec2852f0f5267e680590be0c986594
RMD160 (kdebase-3.5.7.tar.bz2) = f43070b5428c3099c0abceed56041e5b4ff3c656
Size (kdebase-3.5.7.tar.bz2) = 24395088 bytes
SHA1 (post-3.5.7-kdebase-kdm.diff) = b270a1d5b3980f49a274308bec7fc649be1bd315
RMD160 (post-3.5.7-kdebase-kdm.diff) = 4322545997610c528e56d6b810ebbda8ff4095d0
Size (post-3.5.7-kdebase-kdm.diff) = 1605 bytes
SHA1 (post-3.5.7-kdebase-konqueror-2.diff) = 3868392701ebe9fce14567a1f52d458d00f31287
RMD160 (post-3.5.7-kdebase-konqueror-2.diff) = bb59c1e78e5709d72b123c5b3b5a538fc09f564e
Size (post-3.5.7-kdebase-konqueror-2.diff) = 1901 bytes
SHA1 (kdebase-3.5.8.tar.bz2) = 07f2e33aef101e97237676719ef2bf8418d894b2
RMD160 (kdebase-3.5.8.tar.bz2) = 6441b5eaead5fff5c42c532fb11c0d37001cb6ea
Size (kdebase-3.5.8.tar.bz2) = 24200172 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = 96c587d930dd9f25ed722e759fb2127a8ec14de4
SHA1 (patch-ab) = 353de4dfb9f465ad5c3349f65854726fdb52dbed
SHA1 (patch-ac) = 8be0f15be839f4f01d3e079501b83e27f1fab2eb
SHA1 (patch-ad) = 031e5622acb376ce1867d08b35c55bce101e8855
SHA1 (patch-af) = e2366a7b638d574984674a8e6f84a687c2b0fcf9
SHA1 (patch-ag) = c2d1318f7f0d539b976fa1c1e2b234ef45056cb3
SHA1 (patch-ai) = 9691a1811585f2743a31f53a92d64b92a525551e
SHA1 (patch-ai) = 21b59f0a4723160ca8d1ef77ccacbfc09d5fd8ef
SHA1 (patch-aj) = bedd17a5a04bff32e4441ed1750ae8ab5a4fa323
SHA1 (patch-ak) = df7ff2bf5ed6bb2442d49df1c277712712a7f966
SHA1 (patch-al) = 555384dc03ab59845e5794e081dd5d1a92e2959e
SHA1 (patch-an) = e1620c558d300db98580109e64ee44a63571e5f7
SHA1 (patch-aq) = 8cdc56fb3ca1646983790b6bb20b62ac04e41aa2
SHA1 (patch-ar) = acfc797d1e599d81e5c19169e593c5bc1f0b63a7
SHA1 (patch-ar) = 0584037f39827a4b0e9859e39546295f2d7d8f5e
SHA1 (patch-bb) = 4c85002b95661db18619283e50512f3ab131a0ba
SHA1 (patch-bc) = fd7e784b584763b7351dbdaefda58443bd1aaadb
SHA1 (patch-bx) = d58d16fd484fc0a46c1ae93267af19e73af6f990
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
$NetBSD: patch-ai,v 1.13 2007/02/15 14:06:49 joerg Exp $
$NetBSD: patch-ai,v 1.14 2007/10/20 10:37:20 markd Exp $
--- libkonq/Makefile.in.orig 2007-02-12 20:12:15.000000000 +0000
--- libkonq/Makefile.in.orig 2007-10-09 03:40:30.000000000 +1300
+++ libkonq/Makefile.in
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ lib_LTLIBRARIES = libkonq.la
#>- libkonq_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) -version-info 6:0:2 -no-undefined
#>+ 1
libkonq_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) -version-info 6:0:2 -no-undefined $(KDE_NO_UNDEFINED)
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ INCLUDES = -I$(kde_includes)/arts $(all_
SUBDIRS = pics favicons
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libkonq.la
libkonq_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) -version-info 6:0:2 -no-undefined
-libkonq_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KPARTS)
+libkonq_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KPARTS) -lz
#>- libkonq_la_SOURCES = konq_popupmenu.cc knewmenu.cc \
@ -1,168 +1,9 @@
$NetBSD: patch-ar,v 1.4 2007/06/08 12:35:38 markd Exp $
$NetBSD: patch-ar,v 1.5 2007/10/20 10:37:20 markd Exp $
kde svn patch 669488
--- konsole/konsole/main.cpp.orig 2007/03/13 12:29:16 642131
+++ konsole/konsole/main.cpp 2007/05/29 14:32:54 669488
@@ -46,18 +46,15 @@
#include "konsole.h"
-// COMPOSITE disabled by default because the QApplication constructor
-// needed to enable the ARGB32 visual has undesired side effects.
-//#if 0
#if defined(Q_WS_X11) && defined(HAVE_XRENDER) && QT_VERSION >= 0x030300
# include <X11/Xlib.h>
# include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
# include <fixx11h.h>
+# include <dlfcn.h>
static const char description[] =
@@ -255,47 +252,62 @@
if( qtargs->isSet("font") )
kdWarning() << "The Qt option -fn, --font has no effect." << endl;
+ KApplication* a = NULL;
- char *display = 0;
- if ( qtargs->isSet("display"))
- display = qtargs->getOption( "display" ).data();
- Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay( display );
- if ( !dpy ) {
- kdError() << "cannot connect to X server " << display << endl;
- exit( 1 );
- }
- int screen = DefaultScreen( dpy );
- Colormap colormap = 0;
- Visual *visual = 0;
- int event_base, error_base;
- if ( args->isSet("real-transparency") && XRenderQueryExtension( dpy, &event_base, &error_base ) )
- {
- int nvi;
- XVisualInfo templ;
- templ.screen = screen;
- templ.depth = 32;
- templ.c_class = TrueColor;
- XVisualInfo *xvi = XGetVisualInfo( dpy, VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask
- | VisualClassMask, &templ, &nvi );
- for ( int i = 0; i < nvi; i++ ) {
- XRenderPictFormat *format = XRenderFindVisualFormat( dpy, xvi[i].visual );
- if ( format->type == PictTypeDirect && format->direct.alphaMask ) {
- visual = xvi[i].visual;
- colormap = XCreateColormap( dpy, RootWindow( dpy, screen ), visual, AllocNone );
- kdDebug() << "found visual with alpha support" << endl;
- argb_visual = true;
- break;
+ if ( args->isSet("real-transparency")) {
+ char *display = 0;
+ if ( qtargs->isSet("display"))
+ display = qtargs->getOption( "display" ).data();
+ Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay( display );
+ if ( !dpy ) {
+ kdError() << "cannot connect to X server " << display << endl;
+ exit( 1 );
+ }
+ int screen = DefaultScreen( dpy );
+ Colormap colormap = 0;
+ Visual *visual = 0;
+ int event_base, error_base;
+ if ( XRenderQueryExtension( dpy, &event_base, &error_base ) ) {
+ int nvi;
+ XVisualInfo templ;
+ templ.screen = screen;
+ templ.depth = 32;
+ templ.c_class = TrueColor;
+ XVisualInfo *xvi = XGetVisualInfo( dpy, VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask
+ | VisualClassMask, &templ, &nvi );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nvi; i++ ) {
+ XRenderPictFormat *format = XRenderFindVisualFormat( dpy, xvi[i].visual );
+ if ( format->type == PictTypeDirect && format->direct.alphaMask ) {
+ visual = xvi[i].visual;
+ colormap = XCreateColormap( dpy, RootWindow( dpy, screen ), visual, AllocNone );
+ kdDebug() << "found visual with alpha support" << endl;
+ argb_visual = true;
+ break;
+ }
- }
+ // The QApplication ctor used is normally intended for applications not using Qt
+ // as the primary toolkit (e.g. Motif apps also using Qt), with some slightly
+ // unpleasant side effects (e.g. #83974). This code checks if qt-copy patch #0078
+ // is applied, which allows turning this off.
+ bool* qt_no_foreign_hack = static_cast< bool* >( dlsym( RTLD_DEFAULT, "qt_no_foreign_hack" ));
+ if( qt_no_foreign_hack )
+ *qt_no_foreign_hack = true;
+ // else argb_visual = false ... ? *shrug*
- KApplication a( dpy, Qt::HANDLE( visual ), Qt::HANDLE( colormap ) );
+ if( argb_visual )
+ a = new KApplication( dpy, Qt::HANDLE( visual ), Qt::HANDLE( colormap ) );
+ else
+ XCloseDisplay( dpy );
+ }
+ if( a == NULL )
+ a = new KApplication;
- KApplication a;
+ KApplication* a = new KApplication;
QString dataPathBase = KStandardDirs::kde_default("data").append("konsole/");
@@ -351,7 +363,7 @@
fixed_size = !args->isSet("resize");
if (!full_script)
- a.dcopClient()->setQtBridgeEnabled(false);
+ a->dcopClient()->setQtBridgeEnabled(false);
QCString type = "";
@@ -467,13 +479,13 @@
putenv((char*)"COLORTERM="); // to trigger mc's color detection
KonsoleSessionManaged ksm;
- if (a.isRestored() || !profile.isEmpty())
+ if (a->isRestored() || !profile.isEmpty())
if (!shell)
shell = konsole_shell(eargs);
if (profile.isEmpty())
- sessionconfig = a.sessionConfig();
+ sessionconfig = a->sessionConfig();
int n = 1;
@@ -629,7 +641,7 @@
- int ret = a.exec();
+ int ret = a->exec();
//// Temporary code, waiting for Qt to do this properly
@@ -654,6 +666,8 @@
delete w;
delete list;
+ delete a;
return ret;
--- applnk/old_desktop_files.orig 2005-09-10 20:25:45.000000000 +1200
+++ applnk/old_desktop_files
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
Reference in a new issue