Commit Graph

398916 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
adam bef492fd06 helix: updated to 23.10
23.10 (2023-10-24)

A big shout out to all the contributors! We had 118 contributors in this release.

Breaking changes:

Support multiple language servers per language
This is a breaking change to language configuration

Support multiple language servers per language
Add a statusline element for the selected register
Add %, #, ., * and + special registers
Add initial support for LSP DidChangeWatchedFiles notifications
Search buffer contents in global_search
Add a "smart tab" command that intelligently jumps the cursor on tab
Add a statusline element for whether a file is read-only
Syntax highlight regex prompts
Allow defining alignment in indent queries
Show visual feedback in surround_replace
Switch to Nucleo for fuzzy matching
Insert a trailing newline on write
Add a -w/--working-dir CLI flag for specifying a working directory on startup
Accept a +N CLI argument to set the first file's line number
Accept Helix-specific ignore files in .helix/ignore and ~/.config/helix/ignore

merge_selections (A-minus) - merge all selections into one selection that covers all ranges
move_prev_long_word_end and extend_prev_long_word_end - move/extend to the end of the previous WORD
reverse_selection_contents - swaps the values of each selection so they are reversed
Add :rl and :rla aliases for :reload and :reload-all
yank_joined - join the selections and yank to the selected register
:write-all! (:wa!) - forcibly write all buffers to disk and create any necessary subdirectories
:redraw - clear re-render the UI
:tree-sitter-highlight-name - show the theme scope name of the highlight under the cursor
Usability improvements:

Allow cycling option values at runtime
Exit gracefully on termination signals
Add plaintext matching fallback to tree-sitter pair matching
Persist register selection in pending keymaps (0e08349)
Propagate the count and register to command palette commands (b394997)
Auto indent on insert_at_line_start
Add a config option to control whether LSP completions are automatically inserted on preview
Add a config option for default line endings
Allow ANSI colors in themes
Match pairs that don't form a standalone tree-sitter node
Allow indent sizes of up to 16 columns
Improve performance of mapping positions through changes
Mark buffers created from stdin as modified
Forcibly shut down uninitialized language servers
Add filename completer for shell prompts
Allow binding F13-F24
Resolve LSP code actions
Save an undo checkpoint before accepting completions
Include gitignored files in debugger completions
Make editor remember the last search register
Open directories with goto_file
Use relative path to open buffer in goto_file (gf)
Support default color in themes
Toggle between relative and absolute line numbers when the terminal loses focus
Lower default idle-timeout to 250ms (060e73a)
Allow theming diff gutters separately from other diff colors
Style bold/italic/strikethrough in markdown doc popups
Maintain the cursor position and view when splitting with :hsplit/:vsplit
Accept - in macros outside of </>
Show all language servers for each language in --health
Don't break on hyphens in :reflow

Update diagnostics correctly on language server exit
Fix off-by-one in select_references_to_symbol_under_cursor
Extend selection with repeat-last-motion only if the original motion extended the selection
Fix undefined behavior in the diff gutter
Check that tab width is non-zero
Fix styles being overwritten in table rows with multiple cells
Add file for --log CLI arg in help text
Fix underflow when repeating a completion that has a negative shift position
Prefer longer matches in select_next_sibling and select_prev_sibling
Preview scratch buffers in the jumplist picker
Fix chunking by bytes in tree-sitter parsing
Discard LSP publishDiagnostic from uninitialized servers
Use negotiated position encoding for LSP workspace edits
Fix error message for unknown gutter types in config
Fix :log-open when --log CLI arg is specified
Fix debouncing of LSP messages to fix the last message sticking around
Fix crash when the current working directory is deleted
Fix piping to Helix on macOS
Fix crash when parsing overlapping injections
Clear the statusline when the prompt is visible
Fix range formatting error message typo
Skip rendering gutters when gutter width exceeds view width
Center the picker preview using visual lines
Align view correctly for background buffers opened with A-ret
Fix cursor resetting to block when quitting via a keybind
Remove path completions for the :new command
Use binary path resolved by which for formatter commands
Handle crossterm's hidden modifier
Clear completion when switching between windows with the mouse
Eagerly remove the last picker (<space>') when the picker has many items
Fix find commands for buffers with non-LF line-endings
Detect the tmux clipboard provider on macOS
Fix syntax highlighting in dynamic picker preview pane
Recognize HTML code tags with attributes as code in markdown previews
Fix multicursor snippet placeholder directions
Only show diagnostic highlights when diagnostics are enabled for a language server

Improve the selection color in ferra
Add variable.other.member theming to spacebones_light
Update autumn and theme the soft-wrap indicator
Add gruvbox_dark_soft
Add merionette
Add zed_onedark and zed_onelight
Use light-gray for onedarker inlay hint theming
Update the Nord theme to follow the style guidelines
Tune dark_plus inlay hint colors
Add naysayer
Add kaolin-dark, kaolin-light and kaolin-valley-dark
Fix selection highlighting in gruvbox variants
Add soft-wrap indicator to gruvbox
Add missing palette definitions in everforest_dark
Increase diagnostics clarity in pop-dark
Add vim_dark_high_contrast
Add new_moon
Add yellowed
Improve comment readability for autumn
Distinguish active bufferline buffer in monokai
Update ruler colors in nord
Update Catppuccin themes
Add text focus scope and diagnostics undercurls for nord
Add material theme collection
Improve indent line color in dracula
Clean up and refactor papercolor to use inheritance
Fix zenburn inlay hint color
Fix picker crash when previewing an invalid range (e9d0bd7)
Correctly center items in the picker preview (13d4463)
Add cyan_light
Theme HTML tags in onedark
Refine darcula and darcula-solid themes
Improve nord highlights
Add nord-night
New languages:

Persistent DSL for Haskell
Jinja and Handlebars
GNU Assembler (GAS)
Updated languages and queries:

Add one to the ruler numbers for git-commit
Recognize XAML files as XML
Recognize Cargo.lock as TOML
Use Rust grammar for Cairo (c6d1430)
Update tree-sitter-nickel
Tune auto-pair characters for Nickel
Recognize Vagrantfile as Ruby
Recognize hidden justfiles as Just
Update Java and TypeScript highlight queries
Recognize .zimrc as Bash
Recognize .gir as XML
Update tree-sitter-scala
Recognize make file-type as Makefile
Update tree-sitter-verilog
Update tree-sitter-cpp
Support core mode for delve debugger
Add Fortran comment injections
Switch Vue language server to vue-language-server
Update tree-sitter-sql
Replace the MATLAB tre-sitter grammar
Highlight TOML table headers
Recognize cppm file-type as C++
Refactor ecma language queries into private and public queries
Update tree-sitter-dart
Add shebang for nushell files
Recognize systemd files as INI
Update TypeScript, TSX and Svelte grammars
Enable inlay hints in the Svelte language server
Recognize Brewfiles as Ruby
Add more file-types for R
Switch tree-sitter-perl to official upstream parser
Fix predicate typo in comment highlights
Update tree-sitter-prql
Recognize .gitf as JSON
Switch V language server to v-analyzer
Add protobuf language servers
Update tree-sitter-zig
Update tree-sitter-hare
Add Java indent queries
Update tree-sitter-scheme (979933b)
Recognize scm as Scheme instead of TSQ (5707151)
Update tree-sitter-git-commit
Update JavaScript, TypeScript and TSX grammars
Update tree-sitter-nu
Fix YAML indentation
Add csharp-ls, Pyright, Pylyzer and add roots for Python
Update tree-sitter-slint
Recognize more ZSH file-types as Bash
Recognize star extension as Starlark
Fix inline HTML tag highlighting in markdown
Update tree-sitter-robot
Highlight Dart 3 sealed and base keywords
Add configuration for ltex-ls to the default languages.toml
Update tree-sitter-strace
Update tree-sitter-gleam, enable auto-format
Update tree-sitter-esdl
Expand ignore file-types
Recognize feed related formats as XML
Improve YAML injections
Add shebangs for TypeScript, Julia, Java and OCaml (95e994a)
Highlight abbreviations in Scheme (ef23847)
Remove backtic auto-pair in OCaml
Recognize flake.lock as JSON
Add Python test script injection for Nix (b4494e1)
Fix Nix comment injection precedence (37e48f4)
Recognize editorconfig files as INI
Recognize .babelrc as JSON
Switch Purescript to its own tree-sitter parser
Update Unison highlights
Recognize .webmanifest as JSON
Recognize polkit policy files as XML
Recognize polkit rules files as JavaScript
Update Go highlight queries
Add shebangs for Makefiles
Add file-type associations from VSCode
Add validation to JSON/CSS language server configs
Add a configuration for the tailwind language server
Add a configuration for the ansible language server
Add a configuration for the GraphQL language server
Indent while statements in Bash
Update tree-sitter-haskell and queries

Add an overlay to the Nix flake
Check for git before fetching or building grammars
Refactor Nix flake to use Crane
Remove the aarch64 appimage from the release CI
Add desktop and icon files to Nix flake output
Build flake packages with the latest stable Rust
2024-03-24 20:06:49 +00:00
leot 36f9cb6cd4 doc: Updated sysutils/direnv to 2.34.0 2024-03-24 20:03:56 +00:00
leot e46cbff31f direnv: Update to 2.34.0
  * doc:, man pages: it's typos
  * doc: add shell setup instructions for oh-my-zsh
  * doc: added fetchurl manpage link to
  * doc: document XDG_DATA_HOME
  * feat: add Murex support
  * feat: added systemd shell for export
  * feat: allow to disable warn timeouts
  * feat: hide env diff
  * feat: made 'direnv export' non private
  * fix: `use_julia` should not set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  * fix: add missing deps for release in go.mod
  * fix: avoid use of regex in bash hook output
  * fix: add examples for $HOME expansion
  * fix: stdlib: use_flake: don't keep old generations around
  * fix: stdlib: use_node: strip leading v from version
  * fix: support Bash 5.1 array PROMPT_COMMAND
  * fix: update to avoid deprecation warning
  * fix: update zsh syntax in internal/cmd/shell_zsh.go
2024-03-24 20:03:50 +00:00
leot 5461e54432 doc: Updated net/mitmproxy to 10.2.4 2024-03-24 20:00:17 +00:00
leot 797a31cc4a mitmproxy: Update to 10.2.4
## mitmproxy 10.2.4

* Fix a bug where errors during startup would not be displayed when running mitmproxy.
* Use newer cryptography APIs to avoid CryptographyDeprecationWarnings.
  This bumps the minimum required version to cryptography 42.0.

## mitmproxy 10.2.3

* Fix a regression where `allow_hosts`/`ignore_hosts` would break with IPv6 connections.
* Fix bug where failed CONNECT request URLs are saved to HAR files incorrectly.
* Fix duplicate answers being returned in DNS queries.
* Fix bug where wireguard config is generated with incorrect endpoint when two or more NICs are active.
* Fix a regression when leaf cert creation would fail with intermediate CAs in `ca_file`.
* Add `content_view_lines_cutoff` option to mitmdump
* Allow runtime modifications of HTTP flow filters for server replays
* Fix bug view options menu in case of overflow
* Allow --allow-hosts and --ignore-hosts to work together

## mitmproxy 10.2.2

* Fix a regression where clientplayback would break due to eager task execution.
* Fix a regression where WebSocket connections would break due to eager task execution.
* Fix bug where insecure HTTP requests are saved incorrectly when exporting to HAR files.
* `allow_hosts`/`ignore_hosts` option now matches against the full `host:port` string.
2024-03-24 20:00:11 +00:00
leot 395cd62de0 doc: Updated devel/regal to 0.19.0 2024-03-24 19:50:34 +00:00
leot 3c0f0c0c52 regal: Update to 0.19.0
This release adds several new options for setting configuration options
for rules in groups, allowing users to keep a static configuration
across updates, or to ignore certainly classes of rules. v0.19.0 also
includes a number of fixes to both linter rules and the language server
integration, making for an even better experience when using Regal from
VS Code or other LSP clients.

Only a week after v0.17.0, this release comes a little earlier than
planned as we found a few issues in the VS Code OPA extension
integration that we wanted to address as soon as possible. Nothing
serious, but having that extension provide a great Regal experience
feels important enough for us to warrant an earlier v0.18.0 release.
That's not all there is to this release though, as we have both a new
linter rule as well as a bunch of fixes included here. Enjoy!
2024-03-24 19:50:29 +00:00
adam c57e42a45d Updated net/py-aio-pika, devel/py-autopep8, devel/py-importlib-resources, www/py-nbclient 2024-03-24 19:27:41 +00:00
adam b3dc0ae49f py-nbclient: updated to 0.10.0

Optionally write out executed notebook in jupyter-execute
2024-03-24 19:26:46 +00:00
adam 4d53e6235c py-importlib-resources: updated to 6.4.0


- The functions
  ``read_binary()``, and
  ``read_text()`` are un-deprecated, and support
  subdirectories via multiple positional arguments.
  The ``contents()`` function also allows subdirectories,
  but remains deprecated.
- Deferred select imports in for a speedup.



- Restored expectation that local standard readers are preferred over degenerate readers.



- Restored expectation that stdlib readers are suppressed on Python 3.10.



- Add ``Anchor`` to ``importlib.resources`` (in order for the code to comply with the documentation)



- Future compatibility adapters now ensure that standard library readers are replaced without overriding non-standard readers.
2024-03-24 19:24:42 +00:00
wiz 58fbd09035 doc: Updated editors/emacs29 to 29.3 2024-03-24 19:20:58 +00:00
wiz 27533376a1 emacs29: update to 29.3.
* Changes in Emacs 29.3
Emacs 29.3 is an emergency bugfix release intended to fix several
security vulnerabilities described below.

** Arbitrary Lisp code is no longer evaluated as part of turning on Org mode.
This is for security reasons, to avoid evaluating malicious Lisp code.

** New buffer-local variable 'untrusted-content'.
When this is non-nil, Lisp programs should treat buffer contents with
extra caution.

** Gnus now treats inline MIME contents as untrusted.
To get back previous insecure behavior, 'untrusted-content' should be
reset to nil in the buffer.

** LaTeX preview is now by default disabled for email attachments.
To get back previous insecure behavior, set the variable
'org--latex-preview-when-risky' to a non-nil value.

** Org mode now considers contents of remote files to be untrusted.
Remote files are recognized by calling 'file-remote-p'.
2024-03-24 19:20:50 +00:00
adam 5279aba8cc py-autopep8: updated to 2.1.0

migrate to pyproject.toml
Revert "Update"
run with pypy3.10
ISSUE_TEMPLATE: use "console" instead of non-existing "shell" syntax
add 3.12, drop 3.7
tox: add python3.12 to test environments
async def function formatting
pyproject: support py3.12 via new version of pycodestyle
add: unit test for e501 with async def
Update python versions
add unit test for e501 not effected with f-string
add dependabot alearts for GitHub Actions
Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5
Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4
Bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3
update codecov action v4
Avoid lib2to3 (second challenge)
2024-03-24 19:19:27 +00:00
adam a091a33d66 py-aio-pika: updated to 9.4.1

Do not use deprecated datetime.utcnow and datetime.utcfromtimestamp
add 3.12
Prevent deadlock in RobustChannel.reopen()
2024-03-24 19:15:55 +00:00
pin aaaeed1347 doc: Updated net/tlrc to 1.9.0 2024-03-24 18:53:33 +00:00
pin ee69b79dfe net/tlrc: update to 1.9.0
- Client specification v2.2
 - Fixed rendering of triple brace placeholders ({{{ ... }}} no longer shows
   one brace outside)
 - On --update, the new sha256sums will be compared to the old ones and archives
   that haven't been updated won't be downloaded anymore
 - Improved shell completions (#50)
 - New config option: cache.mirror
 - The default mirror has been changed from
   to as per the new
   client specification
2024-03-24 18:53:13 +00:00
pin 3d03675979 doc: Updated x11/alacritty to 0.13.2 2024-03-24 18:52:34 +00:00
pin e6db52a622 x11/alacritty: update to 0.13.2
  - Default Home/End bindings in Vi mode mapped to First/Last respectively

  - CLI env variables clearing configuration file variables
  - Vi inline search/semantic selection expanding across newlines
  - C0 and C1 codes being emitted in associated text when using kitty keyboard
  - Occasional hang on startup with some Wayland compositors
  - Missing key for NumpadDecimal in key bindings
  - Scrolling content upwards moving lines into history when it shouldn't
  - Sticky keys not working sometimes on X11
  - Modifiers occasionally getting desynced on X11
  - Autokey no longer working with alacritty on X11
  - Freeze when moving window between monitors on Xfwm
  - Mouse cursor not changing on Wayland when cursor theme uses legacy cursor icon names
  - Config keys are available under proper names
  - Build failure when compiling with x11 feature on NetBSD
  - Hint Select action selecting the entire line for URL escapes

  - No unused-key warnings will be emitted for OS-specific config keys
  - Use built-in font for sextant symbols from U+1FB00 to U+1FB3B
  - Kitty encoding is not used anymore for uncommon keys unless the protocol enabled
2024-03-24 18:52:12 +00:00
leot a13abcc3f2 doc: Updated devel/conftest to 0.50.0 2024-03-24 18:49:06 +00:00
leot 9a7928b830 conftest: Update to 0.50.0
### New Features
* feat: Use ORAS credentials

### Bug Fixes
* fix: Catch Google Artifact Registry URL during OCI detection

### OPA Changes
* Bump from 0.61.0 to 0.62.1
* cmd(verify): Enable show-builtin-errors by default
2024-03-24 18:48:59 +00:00
leot 85aa3c900f doc: Updated devel/opa to 0.62.1 2024-03-24 18:34:05 +00:00
leot 6c652d9a11 opa: Update to 0.62.1
This is a security fix release for the fixes published in Go

OPA servers using `--authentication=tls` would be affected: crafted
malicious client certificates could cause a panic in the server.

Also, crafted server certificates could panic OPA's HTTP clients, in
bundle plugin, status and decision logs; and `http.send` calls that
verify TLS.

This is CVE-2024-24783.

Note that there are other security fixes in this Golang release, but
whether or not OPA is affected is harder to assess. An update is

This release contains a mix of improvements and bugfixes.
2024-03-24 18:34:00 +00:00
adam b5a727d9a9 Updated devel/py-test-checkdocs, devel/py-rope, devel/py-test-mock, devel/py-progressbar2 2024-03-24 17:51:31 +00:00
adam 30108d2afa py-progressbar2: updated to 4.4.2
Fixed visible control characters issue on Windows.

Included fix for the progressbar command

Greatly improved Windows (colour) support and fixed several Windows bugs
2024-03-24 17:51:04 +00:00
adam d9cf5038ff py-test-mock: updated to 3.14.0
3.14.0 (2024-03-21)

* `MockType`` and ``AsyncMockType`` can be imported from ``pytest_mock`` for type annotation purposes.

* Fixed a regression which would cause ``mocker.patch.object`` to not being properly cleared between tests.

3.13.0 (2024-03-21)

* ``spy`` now has ``spy_return_list``, which is a list containing all the values returned by the spied function.
* ``pytest-mock`` now requires ``pytest>=6.2.5``.
* pytest-mock's ```` file is removed.
  If you relied on this file, e.g. to install pytest using `` install``,
  please see `Why you shouldn't invoke directly <>`_ for alternatives.
2024-03-24 17:43:21 +00:00
adam 0501f24943 py-rope: updated to 1.13.0
Release 1.13.0

- Isolate tests that uses external_fixturepkg into a venv (@lieryan)
- Check for ast.Attributes when finding occurrences in fstrings (@sandratsy)
- add validation to refuse Rename refactoring to a python keyword (@lieryan)
- Match on module aliases for autoimport suggestions (@MrBago)
- Remove dependency on `build` package being installed while running tests (@lieryan)
- Improved function parser to use ast parser instead of Worder (@lieryan)
- Update pre-commit (@bagel897)
- Integrate codecov with GHA (@lieryan)
- Minor type hint improvements (@lieryan)
2024-03-24 17:40:18 +00:00
adam eded56b8d8 py-test-checkdocs: updated to 2.11.0

- Bumped dependency on build and removed now unnecessary compatibility wrapper.
2024-03-24 17:37:06 +00:00
adam eb3da5fc33 Updated www/py-respx, textproc/py-tablib 2024-03-24 17:23:19 +00:00
adam 7200e63600 py-tablib: updated to 3.6.0
3.6.0 (2024-03-23)


- It's now possible to access a dataset row using its index without slicing
- The dataset `transpose()` method can be called on datasets without headers.
- The html format now supports importing from HTML content
- The ODS format now supports importing from .ods files
 still a bit experimental.
- When adding rows to a dataset with dynamic columns, it's now possible to
 provide only static values, and dynamic column values will be automatically
 calculated and added to the row


- The html export format does not depend on MarkupPy any longer, therefore the
 tablib[html] install target was removed also.


- Fix crash when loading a databook from an XLS file
- `None` Python values are now converted to the empty string by the ODS formatter.
- When applying formatters, the internal data is no longer mutated
- Columns can be inserted even when a dataset has headers but no values
2024-03-24 17:22:44 +00:00
adam fd21da49c4 py-respx: updated to 0.21.0
0.21.0 - 2024-03-19


- Fix matching request data when files are provided, thanks @ziima for input


- Add support for data\_\_contains lookup
- Add `files` pattern to support matching on uploads, thanks @ziima for input
- Add `SetCookie` utility for easier mocking of response cookie headers


- Enhance documentation on iterable side effects
- Enhance documentation on named routes and add tip about a catch-all route
2024-03-24 17:17:58 +00:00
nikita 3775cd3ed0 doc: Updated fonts/ibm-plex-ttf to 6.4.0 2024-03-24 16:03:33 +00:00
nikita e4c897f0d9 ibm-plex-ttf: update to version 6.4.0

[IBM PLEX MONO V2.4] - 2023-12-21

    old-style numerals
    referenced in issue 418
    Bulgarian Cyrillic forms
    referenced in issue 448
    alternative shape for U+0023 NUMBER SIGN
    referenced in issue 401
    Cyrillic support for Abkhaz language
    referenced in issue 355
    support for pre-1918 Cyrillic
    referenced in issue 158
    U+2236 RATIO
    referenced in issue 199
    referenced in issue 84
    U+2010-U+2015 NON-BREAKING HYPHEN, DASHES, etc.
    referenced in issue 84
    referenced in issue 317
    referenced in issue 52
    referenced in issue 52
    referenced in issue 282
    referenced in issue 361
    referenced in issue 84
    referenced in issue 318


    Rendering of certain Cyrillic glyphs
    referenced in issue 410
    Difference in lineheight for SemiBold weight in some situations
    referenced in issue 408


    referenced in issue 158
    Changed U+00AD SOFT HYPHEN to empty non-spacing character
    referenced in issue 498

[IBM PLEX SERIF V3.1] - 2023-11-27

    Bulgarian Cyrillic forms
    referenced in issue 448


    Changed /softhyphen (U+00AD) to empty non-spacing character
    Improved shapes for U+04AA and U+04AB
    referenced in issue 498

[IBM PLEX SANS ARABIC V1.5] - 2023-10-31

    Kerning for glyph /rreh-ar.fina (U+FB8D)
    referenced in issue 542


    Removed substitutions to glyph /allah-ar (U+FDF2) in rlig feature
    referenced in issue 525

[IBM PLEX SANS V3.5] - 2023-09-20

    Bulgarian Cyrillic forms
    referenced in issue 448


    Changed /softhyphen (U+00AD) to empty non-spacing character
2024-03-24 16:03:24 +00:00
nikita 3ecca17011 doc: Updated fonts/ibm-plex-otf to 6.4.0 2024-03-24 16:02:44 +00:00
nikita 66d7f034c4 ibm-plex-otf: update to version 6.4.0

[IBM PLEX MONO V2.4] - 2023-12-21

    old-style numerals
    referenced in issue 418
    Bulgarian Cyrillic forms
    referenced in issue 448
    alternative shape for U+0023 NUMBER SIGN
    referenced in issue 401
    Cyrillic support for Abkhaz language
    referenced in issue 355
    support for pre-1918 Cyrillic
    referenced in issue 158
    U+2236 RATIO
    referenced in issue 199
    referenced in issue 84
    U+2010-U+2015 NON-BREAKING HYPHEN, DASHES, etc.
    referenced in issue 84
    referenced in issue 317
    referenced in issue 52
    referenced in issue 52
    referenced in issue 282
    referenced in issue 361
    referenced in issue 84
    referenced in issue 318


    Rendering of certain Cyrillic glyphs
    referenced in issue 410
    Difference in lineheight for SemiBold weight in some situations
    referenced in issue 408


    referenced in issue 158
    Changed U+00AD SOFT HYPHEN to empty non-spacing character
    referenced in issue 498

[IBM PLEX SERIF V3.1] - 2023-11-27

    Bulgarian Cyrillic forms
    referenced in issue 448


    Changed /softhyphen (U+00AD) to empty non-spacing character
    Improved shapes for U+04AA and U+04AB
    referenced in issue 498

[IBM PLEX SANS ARABIC V1.5] - 2023-10-31

    Kerning for glyph /rreh-ar.fina (U+FB8D)
    referenced in issue 542


    Removed substitutions to glyph /allah-ar (U+FDF2) in rlig feature
    referenced in issue 525

[IBM PLEX SANS V3.5] - 2023-09-20

    Bulgarian Cyrillic forms
    referenced in issue 448


    Changed /softhyphen (U+00AD) to empty non-spacing character
2024-03-24 16:02:32 +00:00
pin 4ce69a575b doc: Updated shells/starship to 1.18.1 2024-03-24 15:32:09 +00:00
pin a9fc94815d shells/starship: update to 1.18.1
1.18.1 (2024-03-24)
Bug Fixes
 - deps: update rust crate os_info to 3.8.2 (#5870) (d421f63)
 - replace all remaining paths referring to vuepress (#5859) (d5861f9)
2024-03-24 15:31:52 +00:00
pin a96fecb8b5 doc: Updated textproc/csvlens to 0.8.0 2024-03-24 15:31:12 +00:00
pin de3d0ec888 textproc/csvlens: update to 0.8.0
This release adds support for the following:

 - Find and filter within the selected column
 - Find and filter using the selected cell (# and @)
 - Wrap lines by words (toggled via -W)
 - Copy selected cell to clipboard (y)
2024-03-24 15:30:51 +00:00
pin df973db257 doc: Updated devel/ast-grep to 0.20.0 2024-03-24 15:30:01 +00:00
pin 17bdbc8447 devel/ast-grep: update to 0.20.0
- test: add test for error suppression in scan #1007
 - refactor: merge CombinedScan::scan and CombinedScan::diff #1011
 - feat: report error count instead of file count #1009
 - feat: suppress specific rule #1005
 - fix: skip suppressed error #1006
 - feat: support error/warning suppression #446
 - fix(deps): update babel monorepo da9a938
 - fix(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.4.8 d81365a
 - feat: add more states for rule suppression 41a058c
2024-03-24 15:29:37 +00:00
ryoon 3ff22ddf61 doc: Updated net/knot to 3.3.5 2024-03-24 15:07:43 +00:00
ryoon 4eec26715a knot: Update to 3.3.5
Version 3.3.5


      + knotd: new module mod-authsignal for automatic authenticated DNSSEC
        bootstrapping records synthesis (Thanks to Peter Thomassen)
      + kzonecheck: new optional ZONEMD verification (see option '-z')


      + knotd: new DNSSEC key rollover log informs about next planned key
      + knotd, kzonecheck: added limit on non-matching keys with a duplicate
      + knot-exporter: added counter-type variant for each metric (Thanks to
        Marcel Koch)
      + libs: upgraded embedded libngtcp2 to 1.3.0
      + doc: various fixes and updates


      + knotd, kzonecheck: failed to validate RRSIG if there are more keys with
        the same keytag
      + knotd, kzonecheck: failed to validate zone with more CSK keys
      + libknot: insufficient check for malformed TCP header options over XDP
      + libzscanner: incorrect alpn processing #923

Version 3.3.4


      + knotd: new configuration item for clearing configuration sections (see
      + knotc: configuration import can preserve database contents (see
        '+nopurge' flag)
      + kxdpgun: new parameter for setting UDP payload size in EDNS (see
        '--edns-size') #915


      + knotd: extended configuration check for 'zonefile-load' and
      + knotd: lowered check limit for additional NSEC3 iterations to 0
      + knotd: lowered severity level of an informational backup log
      + knotd: better log message when flushing the journal
      + knotd: zone restore checks if requested contents are in the provided
      + knotc: '+quic' is default for zone backup, '+noquic' is default for
        zone restore
      + kdig: better processing of timeouts and reduced sent datagrams over
      + kdig: no retries are attempted over QUIC
      + keymgr: improved compatibility with bind9-generated keys
      + libs: some improvements in XDP buffer allocation
      + libs: upgraded embedded libngtcp2 to 1.2.0
      + doc: various fixes and updates


      + knotd: failed to build on macOS #909
      + knotd: 'nsec3-salt-lifetime: -1' doesn't work if 'ixfr-from-axfr' is
      + knotd: unnecessarily updated RRSIGs if 'ixfr-from-axfr' and signing are
      + knotc: zone check complains about missing zone file #913
      + kdig: failed to try another target address over QUIC
      + libknot: infinite loop in knot_rrset_to_wire_extra() #916
2024-03-24 15:07:31 +00:00
taca 339ddce424 doc: Updated www/ruby-rack2 to 2.2.9 2024-03-24 14:46:37 +00:00
taca c401bf539d www/ruby-rack2: update to 2.2.9
2.2.9 (2023-03-21)

* Return empty when parsing a multi-part POST with only one end
  delimiter. (#2104, [@alpaca-tc])
2024-03-24 14:46:24 +00:00
taca d1ee2cf7f7 doc: Updated www/ruby-rack to 3.0.10 2024-03-24 14:45:31 +00:00
taca 6440670dbd www/ruby-rack: update to 3.0.10
3.0.10 (2024-03-21)

* Backport #2104 to 3-0-stable: Return empty when parsing a multi-part POST
  with only one end delimiter. (#2164, @JoeDupuis)
2024-03-24 14:45:02 +00:00
taca a0b8e880ec doc: Updated www/ruby-excon to 0.110.0 2024-03-24 14:43:18 +00:00
taca ea928312c8 www/ruby-excon: update to 0.110.0
0.110.0 (2024-03-12)

* update bundled default certificates
2024-03-24 14:43:04 +00:00
taca 318b940e5d doc: Updated www/ruby-aws-sdk-s3 to 1.146.0 2024-03-24 14:41:56 +00:00
taca c459b9f977 www/ruby-aws-sdk-s3: update to 1.146.0
1.146.0 (2024-03-18)

* Feature - Fix two issues with response root node names.

1.145.0 (2024-03-15)

* Feature - Documentation updates for Amazon S3.

1.144.0 (2024-03-13)

* Feature - This release makes the default option for S3 on Outposts request
  signing to use the SigV4A algorithm when using AWS Common Runtime (CRT).

1.143.1 (2024-03-12)

* Issue - Include original part errors in message when aborting multipart
  upload fails (#2990).
2024-03-24 14:41:39 +00:00