Version 0.11.9
- changed: opengamecache had to move to my own server. New address:
- fixed: on certain networks, recvfrom hasen't returned. Even select
returns with data aviable recvfrom got stuck because of no data.
Added MSG_DONTWAIT here as flag. (only on linux)
- fixed: counter pkg_lastid became > 32767 almost messages are lost
in cache managment
patch from: Michel Bernay
- fixed: bug with selecting a player gfx.
- got a big patch file from Michel Bernay which fixes:
fixed: bug about compute points of the winner in multiplayer mode
fixed: bug for server for coputing point (Suppress all process in
reception of playerdata)
fixed: bug in cache managment (lot of messages lost by function
added: function to find who player is owner of explosion to compute
the killer
added: function in debug for display player statistics
changed: display points on general menu
changed: scorring now a unique players wins a round add 1 point
(bonus for victory) and numer of player killed by thge
- Added Warning if a game get startet with only one player selected
Patch send in by: Carles Pina i Estany
- Added Joystick support - Patch send in by: Patrick Kirsch
Chenges i made to the patch: I open only once the joystick device.
Since after the patch the joystick got opened a few times without
closing it again. The setupmenu will display now the number of the
button which is selected for the function.
- Fixed BUG found by Lars Poeschel
One player could join without problems and if a second player joined
this network game, the server crashed in do_contest() accessing
illegal memory. The problem is that a contest packet is received with
to -1 and from 1. Then in the line
players[ct_pkg->to].net.flags &= (0xFF - NETF_firewall);
obviously illegal memory is accessed.
Fixed the check of the to parameter from the contest packet. The
server ignores now a to value of -1.
Version 0.11.8
- Changed Docdir to $prefix/share/doc (Felipe Rafailov)
- Added some more resolutions. (requested by some users)
- Fixed BUG shown in:
(patch from: Petr Gajdos)
In network game i wanted to use all the time a different bomb
instead of the first free aviable. In the code i forgot to modify
some values. This patch should fix it now.
(player.c:player_findfreebomb) changed i to nr.
- Fixed some drawing issues with flying bombs.
- The last special item use was lost on clients in a network game.
special.use (was reset during special_clean)
special.clean variable added to save the cleaning state.
tested and works.
- Fixed: kicked bombs can travel in time. (map.bfield was set too early)
rewrote full bomb kicked system.
- Fixed: compile warning: packets.c(635): error #592: variable "s_mod" is
used before its value is set (reported by: David Binderman)
- Fixed: Special settings will be saved into the config file.
- Changed: all data will have thier own Makefile. So "make install" and
"make dist" won't copy the CVS dirs.
- Fixed: Second Player Problem
this fix includes that if a second player was used the game got somehow
very instable, because there have been no reset of all the game data.
playerselection works now much better. There have been problems with
some keys for the second player.
- Fixed: problem on slow networks with the loop that the selected player
gfx gots selected and deselected. (infinite loop on the network)
- Fixed: problem with overwriting the servers address on clients.
problem only seen on server who gets connected from two differen ip
Version 0.11.7
- Added: BomberClone Icon to the bomberclone win32 binary.
- Added: resolution 1280x800
- Testing: Security Problems found by Luigi Auriemma
Bugs: A] memcpy crash in rscache_add
B] information disclosure in send_pkg
C] simple error message termination
for more informations look here:
Solutions to
A) rewrote the whole resend cache system, also send_mapinfo needed a
bad workaround for a bug i couldn't find out. (to disable the workaround
use ./configure CFLAGS=-DBUG_MAPINFO)
B) made sure that the size of a packet is set right before send over
the network. Found only the function (do_gameinfo) where something
like this occured.
do_pkg will also check the size of the incoming packet with the
p->h.len value.
C) accept the error packets only from the server of a game. Since only the
server will send such type of packets.
- Fixed: Security Problem found by Stefan Cornelius.
For more information look here:
- Added: "more random" by Patrik Nilsson:
This map type is just a hacked version of "autogenerated",
and is as the name tells more random. Since both block,
rock and nothing are placed randomly inside the border.
- Fixed: High CPU usage in menus.
This fix was made by Chris E..
- Fixed: Bug with more as 8 different player graphics.
The window size hasen't changed if there where more as
8 different player graphics to choose from.
- Removed the Dedicated Server Support from the game.
The whole bomberclone game is not designed for a dedicated
server. The test shown that the whole game would have to
be rewritten. Also that the host can leave the game would
not work no more.
Version 0.11.1
- Added: Deathmatch mode.
- Added: Kick Bombs special
- Fixed: Network initialization at quit removed
- Fixed: packets.c: do/send_playermove tunnelto wasn't
converted into network arch.
- Fixed: packets.h: pkg_playermove speed changed to Sint16
- Fixed: gfxpixelimage.c colors on bigendian Systems Red
and Blue mask was switched
- Fixed: network.h: NET_CANSEND fixed, didn't checked right
for the server
- Fixed: crash if no tileset was selected in the selection
menu. (error was in menu.c:menu_dir_select)
- Fixed: (Network) three more stones will be restored if a new
bombdata packet reaches the player.
- Changed all Images to PNG. From now on there is alpha blending
supported too.
- Added: Game Setting start_bombs, start_range, start_bombs and
- Added: Drop Items On Death element. You can collect now
your opponents items if he died.
- Fixed: Missing "Press F4 to Start" Screen Text in Multiplayer
- Fixed: Networking over IPv6 had a little network init problem
- Fixed: Crash on Hosting games with OGC enabled and no internet
- Fixed: player_move had a problem with the speed of the player
on slow systems.
- Fixed: Major networking and packet handling problem. inpkg_check
fixed, strange crash fixed was reading from players[addr->pl_nr].*
where addr->pl_nr was set to -1. Function inpkg_delplayer added
so all inconig indexdata for double packets can be deleted. This
made a big problem when someone disconnected and tryed to rejoin
Version 0.11.0
- Added Programm options to the game. For more information
run BomberClone with -help.
- Compiler Flag added for disabling debuging. Compiler
Flags -ggdb and -O0 won'T be set no more.
./configure --disable-debug
- Added smal help screen in the multiplayer selection
- Fixed: If the player is move on a field where is
currently an explosion then will the player die.
- wrote new OpenGameCache Server for this game and
other games. This server is working almost the same
way as BCMServ did. Except that there is no
Broadcasted chat for now (but i will enable this
soon again).
OGC Link:
- Menuhandling complete rewritten and changed.
GUI created for menus: lists, buttons, check boxes
labels and other things created.
-new menugraphics made by DJ Mirage.
-mapmenu written by Patty
-the bad response form the game to users action
should be fixed.
- FullScreen switching from within the game
by pressing (F8 Works for some Reason only
in Linux)
- Changed part of the Networkhandling to detect who
is the Game Server.
- AI Players can join network games.
- Changed all positions and framenumbers to float.
Together with this i can drop the hard 20ms
gameloop limitation. So the game will be able to
run on slower systems and compare the loss of
- some more music tracks added to the game.
DJ Mirage made a page where people could
upload some songs.
- BomberClone music file "cinderella_clown.mod"
thanks to Psycho (
Version 0.10.1
- accepted Solaris, .cvsignore and bzero patch
Patch from pak21 (
- BomberCloneMServ will have even a playerlist of
a game, so you will know who have joined a game.
- added big endian support, so non intel-style
computers will be able to play over the network
now too.
- added liquid and moving bombs special.
- timer options, for how long the game will go.
- added tunnels to the game so player can go through.
PKG_playermove changed and PGK_tunneldata added
- the first music file added to the game made by
Digital_D <>
the music files will be played out of the music
directory randomly
- chat windows size will be bigger in multiplayer
games and in single games the space for the chat
window is used for the gamefield size.
bomberclone-data package.
- Added: two ways the game can end now. the old Bomberman
style with getting the size of the gamefield down and
another one with putting in the game alot of powerups.
the game even has a timeout of 10 minutes + the
2 minutes of the end game sequence.
- fixed in the data direktory. Added
${prefix}/ and changed @PREFIX_PACKAGE_DATA_DIR@ to
@NO_PREFIX_PACKAGE_DATA_DIR@ . So debian packages
can be generated easyly soon.
- GFX: scaling routine speeded up a little bit. Using inline
functions and much less "switch case".
- TekKRat made two new players, the first two
tilesets with the pseudo 3D effect
(64x96 pixel tileset) and another tileset.
(cemetery, sheep, hell and farm)
- caccola made another Tileset (supermario)
- Added: Switch to enable/disable broadcasted chats.
So the confusing will stop why there are unknown people
talking. You can enable it in the Network Options.
- Fixed: chat_findfreeline, there was a bug in the
source and destination of copying the chatlines.
Thats why the chat got mixed up after 255 lines.
- Added: maps have more options to set and it will be
displayed in the multiplayer menu, this options can be
saved for every map seperated.
- GFX: source cleanup. Player will now drawn in order they
stay tileset will change we can support 64x64pixel size
and 64x92pixel size tilesets no sdl_blit* calls from
game_loop for the game gfx.. working on a new engine with
sorting the tiles and update rects.
The new size tilesets filenames are block96.bmp for the
block.bmp file stone96.bmp for the stone.bmp file. If in
one directory are two files one stone.bmp and ston96.bmp
the game will always take the stone.bmp file.