Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-13
o The window() method erroneously dropped the dimension in case of
1-column zoo series. Fixed now.
o Bug fix in NA handling of rollmax() pointed out by Cory Fletcher.
o A few as.yearmon/as.yearqtr methods were not registered in
the NAMESPACE but are now.
o If there are less then two non-NAs in na.approx() then approx()
cannot be applied. Instead of throwing an error (as up to version
1.7-12) simply no NAs are replaced now.
o Bug fix for lag(z, k = k, na.pad = TRUE) which ignored na.pad = TRUE
if 'k' was a vector of lags.
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-12
o read.zoo with a data.frame argument now defaults to FUN = identity
if the index.column is not character or factor. See ?read.zoo for
additional details.
o Added a dim<- method that checks whether the new dimension value
appears to be ok and then calls the default.
o The index<- and time<- methods now enforce that the new time index
is actually correctly ordered (suggested by Joshua Ulrich).
o read.zoo() heuristic improved so that POSIXct rather than Date is
detected in cases like: read.zoo(text = "2010-01-01 12:05:03 88.1",
index = 1:2).
o The fortify() method now has a col.names argument that allows to set
(some of) the column names of the resulting data.frame.
o Various small bug fixes and enhancements.
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-11
o Extended the license from "GPL-2" to "GPL-2 | GPL-3".
o Avoid duplications in Suggests/Imports/Depends in the package's
DESCRIPTION. Use only :: instead of ::: to access certain functions
from other namespaces.
o Added as.list() methods for yearmon/yearqtr.
o Added workaround in Ops.zoo if first argument is not a zoo series
(prompted by Josh Ulrich).
o The transform() method for zoo series now does what method for
data.frame does (instead of just calling it) in order to get
non-standard evaluation.
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-11
o Extended the license from "GPL-2" to "GPL-2 | GPL-3".
o Avoid duplications in Suggests/Imports/Depends in the package's
DESCRIPTION. Use only :: instead of ::: to access certain functions
from other namespaces.
o Added as.list() methods for yearmon/yearqtr.
o Added workaround in Ops.zoo if first argument is not a zoo series
(prompted by Josh Ulrich).
o The transform() method for zoo series now does what method for
data.frame does (instead of just calling it) in order to get
non-standard evaluation.
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-10
o All methods that had previously been fully exported (merge.zoo,
MATCH.default, ..., and many more) in order to be accessible to
_all_ conceivable generics are now additionally registered as
S3method()s for the standard generics. Exception: as.Date.* are
still only fully exported.
o Added a new mean() method for "zoo" objects that simply does
mean(coredata(obj), ...).
o Added yearmon_trans, scale_x_yearmon and scale_y_yearmon and
yearqtr_trans, scale_x_yearqtr and scale_y_yearqtr to ggplot2 interface.
o Removed the use of the shape and linetype aesthetic by default
in autoplot() method.
o Bug fix in na.fill for univariate series based on 1-column matrices
(provided by Josh Ulrich).
o Added [[ methods for "yearmon" and "yearqtr".
o Constructs like time(obj)[ORDER(time(obj))] are now split up into
two steps in the package code. If zoo is only imported but not
loaded, R can otherwise have problems correctly dispatching to
the new generics ORDER and MATCH.
o as.Date() now also works for yearqtr/yearmon that are all NA
(especially needed for format() and print() method).
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-9
o Added ggplot2 interface through autplot() and fortify() methods. Also
support function facet_free().
Changes in Version 1.7-8
o Added rollsum.
o Bugfix in src/lag.c for the case of k > NROW.
An S3 class with methods for totally ordered indexed observations. It
is particularly aimed at irregular time series of numeric
vectors/matrices and factors. Zoo's key design goals are independence
of a particular index/date/time class and consistency with ts and base
R by providing methods to extend standard generics.