spz), and un-modify SUBST targets mistakenly committed in previous.
Should fix build where GNU sed wasn't available, and otherwise result
in no change to the binary package.
Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Config::GitLike handles interaction with configuration
files of the style used by the version control system Git. It can
both parse and modify these files, as well as create entirely new
Upstream changes:
0.59 Wed Nov 18 20:12:57 EST 2009
- Features:
* Support a special value of "all" in set_page_info
- Fixes:
* Make "default is ''" propagate correctly to ALTER and CREATE TABLE
- Installation:
* Our Module::Install was hilariously out of date
Changes in 1.5.0_22
The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_22-b03 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u22.
OlsonData 2009m
This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009m. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .
Security Baseline
This update release specifies the following security baseline:
JRE Family Version Java SE
Security Baseline Java SE for Business
Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_19 1.4.2_24
In December, 2008, Java SE 1.4.2 reached its end of service life with the release of 1.4.2_19. Future revisions of Java SE 1.4.2 (1.4.2_20 and above) include the Access Only option and are available to Java SE for Business subscribers.
For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer .
Root Certificates
Root Certificates are included in this release.
* Added one new root certificate for SECOM. (Refer to 6872579.)
* Added one new root certificate for GlobalSign. (Refer to 6860447.)
Bug Fixes
This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alerts 269868, 270474, 270475, and 270476.
Bug fixes for vulnerabilities are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6631533 java classes_2d ICC_Profile allows detecting if some files exist
6815780 java classes_2d TrueType font parsing crash when stressing Sun Bug 6751322 test case
6822057 java classes_2d X11 and Win32GraphicsDevice don't clone arrays returned from getConfigurations()
6862969 java classes_2d JPEG JFIF Decoder issue
6862970 java classes_2d Image Color Profile parsing issue
6872357 java classes_2d JRE AWT setDifflCM vulnerable to Stack Overflow
6872358 java classes_2d JRE AWT setBytePixels vulnerable to Heap Overflow
6664512 java classes_awt Component and [Default]KeyboardFocusManager pass security sensitive objects to loggers
6636650 java classes_lang (cl) Resurrected ClassLoaders can still have children
6861062 java classes_security Disable MD2 in certificate chain validation
6863503 java classes_security SECURITY: MessageDigest.isEqual introduces timing attack vulnerabilities
6864911 java classes_security ASN.1/DER input stream parser needs more work
6854303 java classes_sound Sun Java HsbParser.getSoundBank Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
6657026 java classes_swing Numerous static security flaws in Swing (findbugs)
6657138 java classes_swing Mutable statics in Windows PL&F (findbugs)
6824265 java classes_util_i18n (tz) TimeZone.getTimeZone allows probing local filesystem
6632445 java imageio DoS from parsing BMPs with UNC ICC links
6862968 java imageio JPEG Image Writer quantization problem
6874643 java imageio ImageI/O JPEG is vulnerable to Heap Overflow
6869694 java install java update malfunctioning
Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6876061 java classes_awt Following JCK5 test not working as exp-d on linux: awt-interactive-ComponentTests
6860447 java classes_security Add GlobalSign R3 Root certificate to the JDK
6872579 java classes_security Add SECOM Root CA 2 to JDK
6880110 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009m
Changes in 1.5.0_21
The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_21-b01 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u21.
OlsonData 2009l
This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009l. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .
Security Baseline
This update release specifies the following security baseline:
JRE Family Version Java SE
Security Baseline Java SE for Business
Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_19 1.4.2_22
On October 30, 2008, Java SE 1.4.2 reached its end of service life with the release of 1.4.2_19. Future revisions of Java SE 1.4.2 (1.4.2_20 and above) include the Access Only option and are available to Java SE for Business subscribers.
For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer .
Additional Supported System Configurations
As of this update, support has been added for the following system configurations:
* Windows Vista SP2
* Windows Server 2008 SP2
Refer to the Supported System Configurations page.
Bug Fixes
Bug fixes are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6422099 hotspot compiler2 C2 assert("live value must not be garbage")
6445745 hotspot compiler2 TransformerManagementThreadAddTests.java fails an assertion
6772683 hotspot compiler2 Thread.isInterrupted() fails to return true on multiprocessor PC
6842999 hotspot runtime_system Update hotspot windows os_win32 for windows 2008 R2
6845161 jaas login Bottleneck in Configuration.getConfiguration synchronized call
6860491 java classes_awt WRAP_TIME_MILLIS incorrectly set
6843003 java classes_lang Windows Server 2008 R2 system recognition
6808046 java classes_swing Having image problems on Asian Languages display
6645292 java classes_text [Fmt-Da] Timezone Western Summer Time (Australia) is parsed incorrectly
6665028 java classes_text native code of method j*.text.Bidi.nativeBidiChars is using the contents of a primitive array direct
6872467 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009l
6814140 java classes_util_logging deadlock due to synchronized demandLogger() code that locks ServerLogManager
6817482 java_plugin iexplorer On IE, modal JDialog from an Applet in html frame is not modal
6432317 java_plugin misc Vista: Java Plugin won't be able to launch extension installers.
6818278 javawebstart jnlp_file sunmc console when started with javaws does not communicate with the firewall port range
6748156 jndi ldap add an new JNDI property to control the boolean flag WaitForReply (JDK5)
6750362 jndi ldap Very large LDAP requests throw a OOM on LDAP servers which aren't aware of Paged Results Controls
Changes in 1.5.0_22
The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_22-b03 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u22.
OlsonData 2009m
This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009m. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .
Security Baseline
This update release specifies the following security baseline:
JRE Family Version Java SE
Security Baseline Java SE for Business
Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_19 1.4.2_24
In December, 2008, Java SE 1.4.2 reached its end of service life with the release of 1.4.2_19. Future revisions of Java SE 1.4.2 (1.4.2_20 and above) include the Access Only option and are available to Java SE for Business subscribers.
For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer .
Root Certificates
Root Certificates are included in this release.
* Added one new root certificate for SECOM. (Refer to 6872579.)
* Added one new root certificate for GlobalSign. (Refer to 6860447.)
Bug Fixes
This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alerts 269868, 270474, 270475, and 270476.
Bug fixes for vulnerabilities are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6631533 java classes_2d ICC_Profile allows detecting if some files exist
6815780 java classes_2d TrueType font parsing crash when stressing Sun Bug 6751322 test case
6822057 java classes_2d X11 and Win32GraphicsDevice don't clone arrays returned from getConfigurations()
6862969 java classes_2d JPEG JFIF Decoder issue
6862970 java classes_2d Image Color Profile parsing issue
6872357 java classes_2d JRE AWT setDifflCM vulnerable to Stack Overflow
6872358 java classes_2d JRE AWT setBytePixels vulnerable to Heap Overflow
6664512 java classes_awt Component and [Default]KeyboardFocusManager pass security sensitive objects to loggers
6636650 java classes_lang (cl) Resurrected ClassLoaders can still have children
6861062 java classes_security Disable MD2 in certificate chain validation
6863503 java classes_security SECURITY: MessageDigest.isEqual introduces timing attack vulnerabilities
6864911 java classes_security ASN.1/DER input stream parser needs more work
6854303 java classes_sound Sun Java HsbParser.getSoundBank Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
6657026 java classes_swing Numerous static security flaws in Swing (findbugs)
6657138 java classes_swing Mutable statics in Windows PL&F (findbugs)
6824265 java classes_util_i18n (tz) TimeZone.getTimeZone allows probing local filesystem
6632445 java imageio DoS from parsing BMPs with UNC ICC links
6862968 java imageio JPEG Image Writer quantization problem
6874643 java imageio ImageI/O JPEG is vulnerable to Heap Overflow
6869694 java install java update malfunctioning
Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6876061 java classes_awt Following JCK5 test not working as exp-d on linux: awt-interactive-ComponentTests
6860447 java classes_security Add GlobalSign R3 Root certificate to the JDK
6872579 java classes_security Add SECOM Root CA 2 to JDK
6880110 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009m
Changes in 1.5.0_21
The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_21-b01 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u21.
OlsonData 2009l
This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009l. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .
Security Baseline
This update release specifies the following security baseline:
JRE Family Version Java SE
Security Baseline Java SE for Business
Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_19 1.4.2_22
On October 30, 2008, Java SE 1.4.2 reached its end of service life with the release of 1.4.2_19. Future revisions of Java SE 1.4.2 (1.4.2_20 and above) include the Access Only option and are available to Java SE for Business subscribers.
For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer .
Additional Supported System Configurations
As of this update, support has been added for the following system configurations:
* Windows Vista SP2
* Windows Server 2008 SP2
Refer to the Supported System Configurations page.
Bug Fixes
Bug fixes are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6422099 hotspot compiler2 C2 assert("live value must not be garbage")
6445745 hotspot compiler2 TransformerManagementThreadAddTests.java fails an assertion
6772683 hotspot compiler2 Thread.isInterrupted() fails to return true on multiprocessor PC
6842999 hotspot runtime_system Update hotspot windows os_win32 for windows 2008 R2
6845161 jaas login Bottleneck in Configuration.getConfiguration synchronized call
6860491 java classes_awt WRAP_TIME_MILLIS incorrectly set
6843003 java classes_lang Windows Server 2008 R2 system recognition
6808046 java classes_swing Having image problems on Asian Languages display
6645292 java classes_text [Fmt-Da] Timezone Western Summer Time (Australia) is parsed incorrectly
6665028 java classes_text native code of method j*.text.Bidi.nativeBidiChars is using the contents of a primitive array direct
6872467 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009l
6814140 java classes_util_logging deadlock due to synchronized demandLogger() code that locks ServerLogManager
6817482 java_plugin iexplorer On IE, modal JDialog from an Applet in html frame is not modal
6432317 java_plugin misc Vista: Java Plugin won't be able to launch extension installers.
6818278 javawebstart jnlp_file sunmc console when started with javaws does not communicate with the firewall port range
6748156 jndi ldap add an new JNDI property to control the boolean flag WaitForReply (JDK5)
6750362 jndi ldap Very large LDAP requests throw a OOM on LDAP servers which aren't aware of Paged Results Controls
6u17 contains Olson time zone data version 2009m. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .
Security Baseline
6u17 specifies the following security baselines for use with Java Plug-in technology:
JRE Family Version Java SE
Security Baseline Java SE for Business
Security Baseline 6 1.6.0_17 1.6.0_17
5.0 1.5.0_22 1.5.0_22
1.4.2 1.4.2_19 1.4.2_24
Root Certificates
Root Certificates are included in this release.
* Added one new root certificate for SECOM. (Refer to 6872579.)
* Added one new root certificate for GlobalSign. (Refer to 6860447.)
Bug Fixes
This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities.
For more information, please see Sun Alerts 269868, 269869, 269870,
270474, 270475, and 270476.
Bug fixes for vulnerabilities are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6631533 java classes_2d ICC_Profile allows detecting if some files exist
6815780 java classes_2d TrueType font parsing crash when stressing Sun Bug 6751322 test case
6822057 java classes_2d X11 and Win32GraphicsDevice don't clone arrays returned from getConfigurations()
6862969 java classes_2d JPEG JFIF Decoder issue
6862970 java classes_2d Image Color Profile parsing issue
6872357 java classes_2d JRE AWT setDifflCM vulnerable to Stack Overflow
6872358 java classes_2d JRE AWT setBytePixels vulnerable to Heap Overflow
6664512 java classes_awt Component and [Default]KeyboardFocusManager pass security sensitive objects to loggers
6636650 java classes_lang (cl) Resurrected ClassLoaders can still have children
6861062 java classes_security Disable MD2 in certificate chain validation
6863503 java classes_security SECURITY: MessageDigest.isEqual introduces timing attack vulnerabilities
6864911 java classes_security ASN.1/DER input stream parser needs more work
6854303 java classes_sound Sun Java HsbParser.getSoundBank Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
6657026 java classes_swing Numerous static security flaws in Swing (findbugs)
6657138 java classes_swing Mutable statics in Windows PL&F (findbugs)
6824265 java classes_util_i18n (tz) TimeZone.getTimeZone allows probing local filesystem
6632445 java imageio DoS from parsing BMPs with UNC ICC links
6862968 java imageio JPEG Image Writer quantization problem
6874643 java imageio ImageI/O JPEG is vulnerable to Heap Overflow
6869694 java install java update malfunctioning
6869752 java_deployment deployment_toolkit Deployment Toolkit plugin "launch" method vulnerable to exploits
6872824 javawebstart general arbitary code execution using java web start
6870531 javawebstart other REGRESSION:have problem to run JNLP app and applets with signed Jar files
Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6842999 hotspot runtime_system Update hotspot windows os_win32 for windows 2008 R2
6804454 java classes_2d RFE: Provide a way to control the printing dpi resolution from MSIE browser print. See also 6801859
6813208 java classes_awt pageDialog throws NPE from applet
6825342 java classes_awt Security warning may change Z-order of top-level
6843003 java classes_lang Windows Server 2008 R2 system recognition
6860447 java classes_security Add GlobalSign R3 Root certificate to the JDK
6872579 java classes_security Add SECOM Root CA 2 to JDK
6880110 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009m
6814140 java classes_util_logging deadlock due to synchronized demandLogger() code that locks ServerLogManager
6879614 jaxp parse com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl failing to parse xml document
6u17 contains Olson time zone data version 2009m. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .
Security Baseline
6u17 specifies the following security baselines for use with Java Plug-in technology:
JRE Family Version Java SE
Security Baseline Java SE for Business
Security Baseline 6 1.6.0_17 1.6.0_17
5.0 1.5.0_22 1.5.0_22
1.4.2 1.4.2_19 1.4.2_24
Root Certificates
Root Certificates are included in this release.
* Added one new root certificate for SECOM. (Refer to 6872579.)
* Added one new root certificate for GlobalSign. (Refer to 6860447.)
Bug Fixes
This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities.
For more information, please see Sun Alerts 269868, 269869, 269870,
270474, 270475, and 270476.
Bug fixes for vulnerabilities are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6631533 java classes_2d ICC_Profile allows detecting if some files exist
6815780 java classes_2d TrueType font parsing crash when stressing Sun Bug 6751322 test case
6822057 java classes_2d X11 and Win32GraphicsDevice don't clone arrays returned from getConfigurations()
6862969 java classes_2d JPEG JFIF Decoder issue
6862970 java classes_2d Image Color Profile parsing issue
6872357 java classes_2d JRE AWT setDifflCM vulnerable to Stack Overflow
6872358 java classes_2d JRE AWT setBytePixels vulnerable to Heap Overflow
6664512 java classes_awt Component and [Default]KeyboardFocusManager pass security sensitive objects to loggers
6636650 java classes_lang (cl) Resurrected ClassLoaders can still have children
6861062 java classes_security Disable MD2 in certificate chain validation
6863503 java classes_security SECURITY: MessageDigest.isEqual introduces timing attack vulnerabilities
6864911 java classes_security ASN.1/DER input stream parser needs more work
6854303 java classes_sound Sun Java HsbParser.getSoundBank Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
6657026 java classes_swing Numerous static security flaws in Swing (findbugs)
6657138 java classes_swing Mutable statics in Windows PL&F (findbugs)
6824265 java classes_util_i18n (tz) TimeZone.getTimeZone allows probing local filesystem
6632445 java imageio DoS from parsing BMPs with UNC ICC links
6862968 java imageio JPEG Image Writer quantization problem
6874643 java imageio ImageI/O JPEG is vulnerable to Heap Overflow
6869694 java install java update malfunctioning
6869752 java_deployment deployment_toolkit Deployment Toolkit plugin "launch" method vulnerable to exploits
6872824 javawebstart general arbitary code execution using java web start
6870531 javawebstart other REGRESSION:have problem to run JNLP app and applets with signed Jar files
Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6842999 hotspot runtime_system Update hotspot windows os_win32 for windows 2008 R2
6804454 java classes_2d RFE: Provide a way to control the printing dpi resolution from MSIE browser print. See also 6801859
6813208 java classes_awt pageDialog throws NPE from applet
6825342 java classes_awt Security warning may change Z-order of top-level
6843003 java classes_lang Windows Server 2008 R2 system recognition
6860447 java classes_security Add GlobalSign R3 Root certificate to the JDK
6872579 java classes_security Add SECOM Root CA 2 to JDK
6880110 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009m
6814140 java classes_util_logging deadlock due to synchronized demandLogger() code that locks ServerLogManager
6879614 jaxp parse com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl failing to parse xml document
with color profiles to implement caching): pass NULL (which disables
the cache), depend on new poppler headers and bump PKGREVISION
(While this is a poppler API change, it is in an unofficial interface,
so inkscape just gets what it deserves.)
problem reported by Tobias Nygren
Upstream changes:
1.004009 2009-11-07
- Fix warning if your $ENV{PERL5LIB} is undef
- Doc improvement from kgish/#perl-help@irc.perl.org
- t0m and chrisa on #local-lib@irc.perl.org pointed out a
PERL5LIB ordering issue with C<--self-contained>.
1.004008 2009-10-13
- Clarify re-reading the shell config file after writing to it.
- Clarify copyright and licensing for packaging by vendors.
15/10/2009 - UFRaw-0.16 released, based on DCRaw v 8.98.
* New German translation by Matthias Urlichs and Chris Leick.
* New Simplified Chinese translation.
* Added --with-gtk configuration option to make GTK optional.
* When GTK is used, the GtkImageView library is mandatory.
* Added lightness adjustmens by hue. Based on patch by Bruce Guenter.
* Added --color-smoothing command line option.
* Added --maximize-window command line switch.
* Configurable frame lines overlay. Patch by Bruce Guenter.
* OpenMP support for preview redrawing. Patch by Bruce Guenter.
* OpenMP support for VNG interpolation. Patch by Bruce Guenter.
* Added rotation control to the transformations page of the
GUI. Patch by Frank van Maarseveen.
* Initial implementation of 100% preview. Based on patches by
Frank van Maarseveen.
* Added support for hot pixel elimination. It is an experimental
feature enabled by the configuration switch
--enable-hotpixels. Based on patch by Frank van Maarseveen.
Changes are mostly bug fixes.
Perform conservative update: recreate libF77 and libI77 providing
binary compatibility.
Prefer files to patches creating respective files.
Override build system completely, we effectively did that anyway.
Upstream changes:
Version 2.54: ( Wed Nov 18 12:00:44 IST 2009 )
* Adapted t/25line-endings.t to perl-5.6.x .
- http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2009/11/msg6026936.html
- Failure there.
- did that by replacing open ">:raw" with "binmode()".
Version 2.53: ( Fri Nov 13 11:52:40 IST 2009 )
* Converted t/01basic.t to Test::More and modernised it.
* Converted t/02weird.t to Test::More and modernised it.
* Converted t/04import.t to Test::More and modernised it.
* Applied a patch from Steffen Heinrich (SHE) for:
- https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=51445
- included t/25line-endings.t
- modified a little.
Upstream changes:
0.18 Mon 16 Nov 2009
- ensure XML loader's _coerce() method checks specifically for HASH refs
- add YAML::XS to the top of the YAML loaders list
Upstream changes:
2.02 Wed Nov 4 12:04:08 CET 2009
- no functional changes.
- add META.yml clarification to the faq, tune the docs a bit
and add a "much reduced typing" section.
- unfortunately, the tone of the manpage has tightened and is
more serious in many parts now. We consider this a bug that we
plan to fix before 2100.
2.01 Mon Oct 5 17:01:48 CEST 2009
- add a FAQ section.
- use a more future-proof way to set the warning mask.
Upstream changes:
1.05 Sun Nov 15 12:54 2009
- Minor developer doc tweaks.
- Minor XS refactoring
1.04_05 Mon Nov 9 20:10 2009
- Fixes for perls < 5.10:
=> No entersub optimization
=> Do no use precalculated hashes
- Updated entersub optimization
- Remove brain-damaged double-hashing
- Minor portability fixlets
1.04_04 Thu Nov 5 18:00 2009
- Fixes for non-threaded perls
(no need for locks, perl_mutex not even defined).
1.04_03 Tue Nov 3 22:32 2009
** This release features some very radical changes. Test well. **
- Replace use of perl hashes in the global hash key name storage with
a full-blown, separate implementation of a hash table
(Steffen, Chocolateboy)
- Similarly, throw out the SV's for simple C strings.
- Add a global lock for all modifications to global data structures:
- The above three items fix RT #50454 (serious threading issues).
- Add support for alternate use Class::XSAccessor { ... } syntax
(Adam K)
1.04_02 Mon Sep 7 11:35 2009
** This release features some very radical changes. Test well. **
- Significant optimization by replacing the relevant entersub ops
with stripped down versions (Chocolateboy)
1.04_01 Mon Sep 7 11:35 2009
** This release features some very radical changes. Test well. **
- More aggressive OPTIMIZE flags if possible (Chocolateboy)
- Added shorthand syntax for getters, setters, accessors, and predicates
where the attribute has the same name as the method (Chocolateboy)
- Remove dependency on AutoXS::Header.
- Merge Class::XSAccessor::Array into this distribution.
- Refactored the XS to remove duplicate code.
- Refactored the perl code in XSAccessor.pm and Array.pm to remove
duplicate code (=> Heavy.pm).
- Upgrade Devel::PPPort/ppport.h (Chocolateboy)
1.04 Thu Jun 11 16:40 2009
- Fix a bunch of warnings thanks to a heads up from
Marcela Maslanova.
LibMicro is a portable set of microbenchmarks that many Solaris engineers
used during Solaris 10 development to measure the performance of various
system and library calls. LibMicro was developed by Bart Smaalders and
Phil Harman as part of their "If Linux is faster it's a Solaris bug
performance" campaign.