Upstream changes:
0.03 16 Sept 2008
* flatten now just a thin wrapper around as_tree()
core Helper method
0.04 4 Nov 2008
* has_related() now checks if $self can $rel . _count
and tries to handle it sanely if _count is not a method
0.05 4 Nove 2008
* oops. fix 0.04 fix to always turn **integer** not object.
0.06 10 Nov 2008
* add moniker() and unique_value() methods
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.8.8 -> 5.10.0.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=...").
In the tradition of Rose::DB::Object::Helpers, more importable methods.
This class inherits from Rose::Object::MixIn. See the Rose::Object::MixIn
documentation for a full explanation of how to import methods from
this class. The helper methods themselves are described below.