Changes in Version 1.8-9
o Added a basic boxplot(x, ...) method for zoo objects that simply calls
boxplot(coredata(x), ...).
o Bug fix in [.zoo and [<-.zoo where indexing with matrices did not
work correctly anymore in R 4.x.y because "matrix" objects now additionally
inherit from "array" objects. (Reported by Bill Cunliffe.)
o Improved internal functionality in na.spline.default() in the same way
na.approx.default() was enhanced in zoo 1.7-14 and 1.7-13. One difference
is that while na.approx() requires at least two non-NA observations,
na.spline() just needs one non-NA observation (using a constant to
interpolate in that case).
o If the FUN in rollapply() returns a matrix or data.frame with more than
one row per element/time point, then this is flattened now so that the
result is again a matrix with one row per element/time point.
o merge.zoo() now handles the case of all indexes being integer or numeric
by coercing the integer indexes to numeric (reported by Simone Giannerini).
o zooreg(x) now allows to create an integer index if start (and end, if any)
are integer and the implied deltat is not numerically different from an
integer value.
Changes in Version 1.8-8
o diff.zoo(x, arithmetic = FALSE) now also works if x contains negative
o merge.zoo() now handles the combination of Date and numeric indexes
explicitly to work around the new behavior of c.Date() in R >= 4.1.0.
Changes in Version 1.8-7
o Added scale_type() methods for yearmon/yearqtr to facilitate ggplot2
visualizations of zoo series with yearmon/yearqtr time index (suggested
by Brian Diggs). This requires at least ggplot2 3.0.0.
o In merge.zoo() "character" columns are now processed in the same way
as "logical" columns.
o Replaced the "fruitohms" example in the "zoo" vignette because the
corresponding "DAAG" package is not actively maintained on CRAN anymore.
Instead the "Journals" data from the "AER" package is used.
The canonical form [1] of an R package Makefile includes the
- The first stanza includes R_PKGNAME, R_PKGVER, PKGREVISION (as
needed), and CATEGORIES.
- HOMEPAGE is not present but defined in math/R/Makefile.extension to
refer to the CRAN web page describing the package. Other relevant
web pages are often linked from there via the URL field.
This updates all current R packages to this form, which will make
regular updates _much_ easier, especially using pkgtools/R2pkg.
Each R package should include ../../math/R/Makefile.extension, which also
defines MASTER_SITES. Consequently, it is redundant for the individual
packages to do the same. Package-specific definitions also prevent
redefining MASTER_SITES in a single common place.
o New .DollarNames method (contributed by Josh Ulrich) to enable tab
completion when using zoo_object$...
o New default method for zoo::as.Date() that simply dispatches to
o rollapply(x, k, FUN, align = "right") lead to an error if length(x) < k.
This has been corrected to match the behavior of the other align types.
o rollmean(), rollsum(), rollmedian(), and rollmax() no longer throw an
error if the series is shorter than the window size. Instead rollapply()
is called which either returns an empty series (if "fill" is not specified)
or a padded series (if "fill" is specified, e.g., to NA).
o read.zoo() now also handles "tbl" objects by coercing them to proper
"data.frame"s first. Also gained a read = read.table argument to simplify
convenience interfaces read.csv.zoo() etc.
o The fortify() method gained a "names" argument so that the column names
of the (melted) series can be modified.
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.8-0
o zoo() and zooreg() gained a calendar = getOption("zoo.calendar", TRUE)
argument so that, by default, yearqtr and yearmon are used as the time
index for regular zoo series with frequency 4 and 12, respectively. With
calendar = FALSE the behavior from previous versions with plain
unclassed time indexes can be obtained. Set options(zoo.calendar = FALSE)
to always retain the old behavior.
o na.locf() is made faster by using a diff()-based solution rather than
cumsum() (suggested by Ruben Arslan). Also, the workhorse function
na.locf0() underlying the default na.locf() method is now exported
in the user interface as it is faster (but also supports less options).
o Better support of vector-valued 'split' arguments in read.zoo().
o Special-cased rollmax(..., k = 1) to return the input coredata().
o as.character() for "yearqtr" objects did not process NA elements correctly.
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-14
o Several convenience interfaces to read.zoo() have been added:
read.table.zoo(), read.csv.zoo(), read.csv2.zoo(), read.delim.zoo(),
read.delim2.zoo(). All of these first call the corresponding read.*()
function to read the data from a text file (with the respective default
settings) and subsequently call read.zoo() to turn the data into
a zoo series.
o na.approx.default() did not properly process the "maxgap" argument
if y did not contain any NAs but NAs were only created implicitly
by xout being different from x (pointed out by Stefan Metzger).
A suitable fix has been added that merges x and xout first.
o aggregate.zoo() and rollapply.zoo() gained the argument coredata=TRUE
which can control whether only the coredata is passed to each subset
(previous behavior) or the full zoo series.
o The "its" package has been archived on CRAN and hence removed from
the list of zoo's suggested packages. However, various methods for
objects of class "its" continue to be available in zoo in case someone
still uses the legacy code.
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-13
o The window() method erroneously dropped the dimension in case of
1-column zoo series. Fixed now.
o Bug fix in NA handling of rollmax() pointed out by Cory Fletcher.
o A few as.yearmon/as.yearqtr methods were not registered in
the NAMESPACE but are now.
o If there are less then two non-NAs in na.approx() then approx()
cannot be applied. Instead of throwing an error (as up to version
1.7-12) simply no NAs are replaced now.
o Bug fix for lag(z, k = k, na.pad = TRUE) which ignored na.pad = TRUE
if 'k' was a vector of lags.
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-12
o read.zoo with a data.frame argument now defaults to FUN = identity
if the index.column is not character or factor. See ?read.zoo for
additional details.
o Added a dim<- method that checks whether the new dimension value
appears to be ok and then calls the default.
o The index<- and time<- methods now enforce that the new time index
is actually correctly ordered (suggested by Joshua Ulrich).
o read.zoo() heuristic improved so that POSIXct rather than Date is
detected in cases like: read.zoo(text = "2010-01-01 12:05:03 88.1",
index = 1:2).
o The fortify() method now has a col.names argument that allows to set
(some of) the column names of the resulting data.frame.
o Various small bug fixes and enhancements.
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-11
o Extended the license from "GPL-2" to "GPL-2 | GPL-3".
o Avoid duplications in Suggests/Imports/Depends in the package's
DESCRIPTION. Use only :: instead of ::: to access certain functions
from other namespaces.
o Added as.list() methods for yearmon/yearqtr.
o Added workaround in Ops.zoo if first argument is not a zoo series
(prompted by Josh Ulrich).
o The transform() method for zoo series now does what method for
data.frame does (instead of just calling it) in order to get
non-standard evaluation.
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-11
o Extended the license from "GPL-2" to "GPL-2 | GPL-3".
o Avoid duplications in Suggests/Imports/Depends in the package's
DESCRIPTION. Use only :: instead of ::: to access certain functions
from other namespaces.
o Added as.list() methods for yearmon/yearqtr.
o Added workaround in Ops.zoo if first argument is not a zoo series
(prompted by Josh Ulrich).
o The transform() method for zoo series now does what method for
data.frame does (instead of just calling it) in order to get
non-standard evaluation.
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-10
o All methods that had previously been fully exported (merge.zoo,
MATCH.default, ..., and many more) in order to be accessible to
_all_ conceivable generics are now additionally registered as
S3method()s for the standard generics. Exception: as.Date.* are
still only fully exported.
o Added a new mean() method for "zoo" objects that simply does
mean(coredata(obj), ...).
o Added yearmon_trans, scale_x_yearmon and scale_y_yearmon and
yearqtr_trans, scale_x_yearqtr and scale_y_yearqtr to ggplot2 interface.
o Removed the use of the shape and linetype aesthetic by default
in autoplot() method.
o Bug fix in na.fill for univariate series based on 1-column matrices
(provided by Josh Ulrich).
o Added [[ methods for "yearmon" and "yearqtr".
o Constructs like time(obj)[ORDER(time(obj))] are now split up into
two steps in the package code. If zoo is only imported but not
loaded, R can otherwise have problems correctly dispatching to
the new generics ORDER and MATCH.
o as.Date() now also works for yearqtr/yearmon that are all NA
(especially needed for format() and print() method).
Upstream changes:
Changes in Version 1.7-9
o Added ggplot2 interface through autplot() and fortify() methods. Also
support function facet_free().
Changes in Version 1.7-8
o Added rollsum.
o Bugfix in src/lag.c for the case of k > NROW.
An S3 class with methods for totally ordered indexed observations. It
is particularly aimed at irregular time series of numeric
vectors/matrices and factors. Zoo's key design goals are independence
of a particular index/date/time class and consistency with ts and base
R by providing methods to extend standard generics.