as www/p5-Plack-Middleware-JSConcat into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module Plack::Middleware::JSConcat is a Plack middleware.
It allows you to concatenate multiple javascripts files into one.
0.02 as www/p5-Plack-Middleware-ConsoleLogger into The NetBSD
Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Plack::Middleware::ConsoleLogger captures logs
from PSGI applications and plack middleware components and makes
them available to see on JavaScript console for Firebug and Webkit
0.06 as www/p5-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy is a Plack
middleware. It resets some HTTP headers, which were changed by
reverse-proxy. You can specify the reverse proxy address and stop
fake requests using 'enable_if' directive in your app.psgi.
0.03 as www/p5-Plack-Middleware-Auth-Digest into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module Plack::Middleware::Auth::Digest is a Plack
middleware. It enables digest authentication. Your authenticator
callback is given an username as a string and should return a
password, either as a raw password or a hashed password.
as www/p5-Plack-Middleware-Header into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Plack::Middleware::Header is a Plack a middleware
to append to, set or unset HTTP response's headers.
www/p5-Plack-Middleware-Debug into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Plack::Middleware::Debug is a Plack middleware.
It offers a configurable set of panels that displays information
about the current request and response. The information is generated
only for responses with a status of 200 (OK) and a Content-Type
that contains text/html or application/xhtml+xml and is embedded
in the HTML that is sent back to the browser.
devel/p5-Module-Versions into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Module::Versions handles versions of loaded modules
with a flexible result interface. The main goal is to get as much
version informations as possible about a module or module list with
a simple call interface and an absolutely flexible result interface.
Module::Versions handles *loaded* and *loadable* modules.
as www/p5-Plack-Middleware-Session into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Plack::Middleware::Session is a Plack middleware
component for session management. By default it uses cookies to
keep session state and store data in memory. It also comes with
other state and store solutions.
as www/p5-Plack-Middleware-Deflater into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module Plack::Middleware::Deflater is a middleware to
encode your response body in gzip or deflate, based on Accept-Encoding
HTTP request header. It would save the bandwidth a little bit but
should increase the Plack server load, so ideally you should handle
this on the frontend reverse proxy servers.
0.01 as www/p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-HTTPD into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::HTTPD is a Plack handler
to run PSGI apps on AnyEvent::HTTPD module.
www/p5-AnyEvent-HTTPD into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module AnyEvent::HTTPD provides a simple HTTPD for serving
simple web application interfaces. It's completly event based and
independend from any event loop by using the AnyEvent module.
devel/p5-Object-Event into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Object::Event provides a simple way to extend a
class with an event callback interface.
0.02 as www/p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-SCGI into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::SCGI is a standalone
SCGI daemon running on AnyEvent::SCGI.
www/p5-AnyEvent-SCGI into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module AnyEvent::SCGI allows you to build event based
SCGI servers. It can be used with or without Coro.
version 0.04 as www/p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP into The
NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::ReverseHTTP is Plack
handler that runs your PSGI application on AnyEvent::ReverseHTTP.
It uses ReverseHTTP gateway to access your PSGI application on your
desktop or behind the firewall from the internet. Just like Ruby's
hookout does with Rack applications.
www/p5-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module AnyEvent::ReverseHTTP is an AnyEvent module that
acts as a Reverse HTTP server (which is actually a polling client
for Reverse HTTP gateway). This module implements simple Reverse
HTTP client that's tested against demo server. More
complicated specification like relaying or pipelining is not (yet)
as www/p5-POE-Component-Server-PSGI into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module POE::Component::Server::PSGI is a PSGI Server
implementation for POE.
devel/p5-Test-POE-Client-TCP into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Test::POE::Client::TCP is a POE component that
provides a TCP client framework for inclusion in client component
test cases, instead of having to roll your own.
into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module HTTP::Parser is an HTTP request parser. It takes
chunks of text as received and returns a 'hint' as to what is
required, or returns the HTTP::Request when a complete request has
been read. HTTP/1.1 chunking is supported.
devel/p5-App-perlbrew into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
perlbrew is a program to automate the building and installation of
perl in the user's HOME. At the moment, it installs everything to
~/perl5/perlbrew, and requires you to tweak your PATH by including
a bashrc/cshrc file it provides. You then can benefit from not
having to run 'sudo' commands to install cpan modules because those
are installed inside your HOME too. It's almost like an isolated
perl environment.
devel/p5-App-cpanoutdated into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module App::cpanoutdated provides the script cpan-outdated
which prints a list of outdated CPAN modules in your environment.
It has the same functionality as 'CPAN::Shell->r', but cpan-outdated
is faster and uses less memory. It can be used with the cpanm command
from the App::cpanminus module.
0.01 as devel/p5-Path-Dispatcher-Declarative into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module Path::Dispatcher::Declarative provides
Jifty::Dispatcher-like sugar for Path::Dispatcher.