Passing LDFLAGS verbatim no longer works, prefix each of them with -ccopt,
this seems to work across more ocaml binaries than -ldopt.
Tested across a number of packages that previously failed.
(it currently affects packages using X11, but I guess it will also cause
problems when using pkgviews, for example).
So, instead of fixing it on a package basis, create some wrappers in the
buildlink directory that parse CFLAGS and LDFLAGS contents and convert them
to ocaml flags (basically, prepend -ccopt to each of them).
novelties compared with its ancestor, Caml Light, are:
* Full support for objects and classes -- here combined for the first time
with ML-style type reconstruction.
* A powerful module calculus in the style of Standard ML (but retaining
separate compilation).
* A high-performance native code compiler (in addition to a Caml
Light-style bytecode compiler).
TO BE DONE: install emacs mode, get native compiler working on ARCHs that
support it.