not seen with cwrappers due to the package specifically using the legacy
wrappers through accidental WRAPPER_DIR usage. The latter will be fixed
in upcoming infrastructure changes.
- don't use ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH on SunOS, just build like on other platforms
- regen all bootstraps to facilitate removal of the +UseSerialGC hacks
- bootstrap binaries on FTP are now PGP signed
- remove a handful of obsolete patches
* Disable SCTP support under NetBSD.
IANA Data 2014j
JDK 7u76 contains IANA time zone data version 2014j. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.
New Features and Changes
SSLv3 is disabled by default
Starting with JDK 7u75 release, the SSLv3 protocol (Secure Socket Layer) has been deactivated and is not available by default. See the property jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms in <JRE_HOME>/lib/security/ file.
If SSLv3 is absolutely required, the protocol can be reactivated by removing "SSLv3" from the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property in the file or by dynamically setting this Security property to "true" before JSSE is initialized.
It should be noted that SSLv3 is obsolete and should no longer be used.
Changes to Java Control Panel
Starting with 7u75 release, SSLv3 protocol is removed from Java Control Panel Advanced options.
If the user needs to use SSLv3 for applications, re-enable it manually as follows:
Enable SSLv3 protocol on JRE level: as described in the previous section.
Enable SSLv3 protocol on deploy level: edit the file and add the following:
* -Wno-new-returns-null is not currently known to installed clang on fbsd, make it optional
* on fbsd, openjdk builds libjsoundalsa and libsctp, add them optionally to PLIST
* add necessary patches to make it build on fbsd
Reviewed by wiz
* Update icedtea* to latest
* UTF-8 build patch
These are based on the patches from richard@.
The full version string for this update release is 1.7.0_71-b14 (where "b" means "build"). The version number is 7u71.
IANA Data 2014c
JDK 7u71 contains IANA time zone data version 2014c. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.
rules.make and explicitly on calls to ant. Be nice and raise the memory
limit to 1G. Adjust ant rules to also apply SerialGC + 1G limit.
This currently reverts to the default settings for !BSD, if necessary
the changes to rules.make should be copied.
Add a small fragment for providing lang/openjdk7/libs with compat
versions of libstdc++ and libgcc_s to allow using the GCC bootstrap in a
pure clang release. Versions can be obtained from NetBSD 6's base.tgz.
* Use openjdk7-1.7.60 based bootstrap kits to avoid headlessawt related errors.
Confirmed under NetBSD/{amd64,i386} 5.2.2, NetBSD/{amd64,i386} 6.1.1,
NetBSD/{amd64,i386} 6.99.47, and DragonFly/amd64 {3.6.1,3.8.1}.
* Drop pre-3.6 DragonFly support.
* Drop unused distfiles from
Changelog: for Oracle Java 7u65
Java™ SE Development Kit 7, Update 65 (JDK 7u65)
The full version string for this update release is 1.7.0_65-b17 (where "b" means "build"), except for Windows, where the version string is 1.7.0_65-b20. The version number is 7u65.
This update release contains the following enhancements and changes:
New Features and Changes
IANA Data 2014c
JDK 7u65 contains IANA time zone data version 2014c. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.
Security Baselines
The security baselines for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at the time of the release of JDK 7u65 are specified in the following table:
JRE Family Version JRE Security Baseline
(Full Version String)
7 1.7.0_65
6 1.6.0_81
5.0 1.5.0_71
For more information about security baselines, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer.
JRE Expiration Date
The JRE expires whenever a new release with security vulnerability fixes becomes available. Critical patch updates, which contain security vulnerability fixes, are announced one year in advance on Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Third Party Bulletin. This JRE (version 7u65) will expire with the release of the next critical patch update scheduled for October 14, 2014.
For systems unable to reach the Oracle Servers, a secondary mechanism expires this JRE (version 7u65) on November 15, 2014. After either condition is met (new release becoming available or expiration date reached), the JRE will provide additional warnings and reminders to users to update to the newer version. For more information, see JRE Expiration Date.
JavaFX Release Notes
This JDK release includes JavaFX version 2.2.65.
New Features and Changes
New Java Control Panel option to disable sponsors
Currently, to disable sponsor offers at the time of installation, the user can de-select the option during installation or can pass SPONSORS=0 as a commandline option.
In this release, a new Java Control Panel(JCP) option to disable sponsors is available. To use this option, go to JCP's "Advanced" tab, and check or uncheck "Suppress sponsor offers when updating Java".
This option is applicable to 32 and 64 bit Windows operating systems.
New JAXP processing limit property - maxElementDepth
A new property, maxElementDepth, is added to provide applications the ability to set limit on maximum element depth in an xml file that they parse. This may be helpful for applications that may use too much resources when processing an xml file with excessive element depth.
Definition: Limit the maximum element depth
Value: A positive integer. 0 is treated as no limit. Negative numbers are treated as 0.
Defaule value: 0
System property: jdk.xml.maxElementDepth
For more details, see Processing Limits from JAXP tutorial trail.
See 8031541 (not public).
Bug Fixes
This release contains fixes for security vulnerabilities. For more information, see Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory.
For a list of bug fixes included in this release, see JDK 7u65 Bug Fixes page.
The following are some of the notable bug fixes in this release:
Area: client-libs/AWT
Synopsis: Using RMI from a restricted environment may cause a NullPointerException.
If an application uses RMI and runs in a restricted environment (ie. Java Plugin, Java Web Start), it may not work. In particular, if you run a UI from an RMI callback, a NullPointerException is likely to be thrown.
See 8019274.
Area: other-libs/corba
Synopsis: org.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass loading no longer uses context class loader
The system property org.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass is used to configure the system-wide/singleton ORB. The handling of this system property was changed in the 7u55 release to require that the system wide/singleton ORB be visible to the system class loader.
In this release, the handling of this system property has been reverted to match the behavior found in JDK versions prior to 7u55 release, i.e. the singleton ORB is once again located using the thread context class loader of the first thread, to call the no-argument ORB.init method. The change is made to support applications which depend on this behavior.
Note that this change is applicable to 8u20, 7u65, 6u85 and 5.0u75 releases. For JDK 9, the new behavior, where the system wide/singleton ORB needs to be visible to the system class loader, will continue.
See 8046603.
Known Issues
Area: xml/jax-ws
Synopsis: JAF initialization in SAAJ clashing with the one in javax.mail
After initialization of SAAJ components, the javax.mail library may fail to work under certain circumstances, which in turn could break the javax.mail's JAF setup.
A possible workaround is to re-add the javax.mail handler before using javax.mail API:
MailcapCommandMap mailMap = (MailcapCommandMap) CommandMap.getDefaultCommandMap();
See 8043129.
From release notes for Oracle JDK 7u60 .
Java SE Development Kit 7, Update 60 (JDK 7u60)
The full version string for this update release is 1.7.0_60-b19 (where "b" means "build"). The version number is 7u60.
This update release contains several enhancements and changes including the following:
Java Mission Control
New Features and Changes
IANA Data 2014b
JDK 7u60 contains IANA time zone data version 2014b. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.
This JDK release includes JavaFX version 2.2.60.
Java Mission Control
This JDK release includes Java Mission Control(JMC) version 5.3. For more information, see JMC 5.3 Release Notes.
New Features and Changes
Java ignores deployment.expiration.check.enabled property for first launch
If you have an older version of Java and expiration check is turned off through file, Java may ignore this property for first launch.
To ensure that expiration check is disabled, use the following Java Web Start command:
javaws -userConfig deployment.expiration.check.enabled false
If this property is changed in the file, open the Java Control Panel before starting an application to ensure that the native cache is synchronized with the file. For more information, see Deployment Configuration File and Properties.
New flags added to Java Management API
The flags MinHeapFreeRatio and MaxHeapFreeRatio have been made manageable. This means they can be changed at runtime using the management API in Java. Support for these flags have also been added to the ParallelGC as part of the adaptive size policy.
Bug Fixes
For a list of bug fixes included in this release, see JDK 7u60 Bug Fixes page.
The following are some of the notable bug fixes in this release:
Area: security-libs/
Synopsis: Realm.getRealmsList returns realms list in wrong order
Java does not support the [capaths] section in krb5.conf correctly if there are more then one intermediate realm between the client realm and the server realm.
See 8012615.
Changelog: From release notes for Oracle JDK 7u55
JavaFX Release Notes
JavaFX is now part of JDK. JDK 7u55 release includes JavaFX version 2.2.55.
New Features and Changes
The frequency of some security dialogs has been reduced on systems that run the same RIA multiple times.
See 8029649.
Using "*" in Caller-Allowable-Codebase Attribute.
If a stand-alone asterisk (*), or asterisk as part of a top level domain such as (*.org), is specified as the value for the Caller-Allowable-Codebase attribute, then calls from JavaScript code to the RIA will show a security warning. An option to remember the choice is also provided, and if the user selects the option to remember the choice to run the RIA, no further warning messages are shown for the same RIA, when run with JavaScript from the same source.
For more information, see JAR File Manifest Attributes for Security documentation.
See 8033707.
Disabling Sponsor Offers in the Java Installer
During the installation of Java, users may be presented with the option of downloading and installing sponsor offers, such as browser add-ons, or security software. With 7u55 and later releases of Java, sponsor offers can be bypassed entirely by using "SPONSORS=0" as an option, when installing Java via the command line:
Manually download the 32bit online installer for 7u55 to your local machine.
Click the Windows Start Button/Menu. From the available Menu choices, select the 'Search box' and enter the text "command" in it.
A list of matches will appear. Select 'Command Prompt' from the available Programs list.
Navigate to the folder containing the downloaded installer, e.g.:
cd c:\Users\<username>\Downloads
To start the installation, in the Command Prompt window type:
jre-7u55-windows-i586-iftw.exe SPONSORS=0
The option to disable sponsors will persist across all future updates and re-installs of Java.
Note that sponsor offers, and therefore this functionality, is only applicable to online 32bit JRE installers and Auto Update mechanisms for the Windows operating system.
Bug Fixes
Bug Id Category Sub-Category Description
JDK-7190349 client-libs 2d [macosx] Text (Label) is incorrectly drawn with a rotated g2d
JDK-8013569 client-libs 2d [macosx] JLabel preferred size incorrect on retina displays with non-default font size
JDK-6571600 client-libs java.awt JNI use results in UnsatisfiedLinkError looking for
JDK-8025588 client-libs java.awt [macosx] Frozen AppKit thread in 7u40
JDK-5049299 core-libs java.lang (process) Use posix_spawn, not fork, on S10 to avoid swap exhaustion
JDK-8020191 core-libs java.lang System.getProperty( " " ) returns " Windows NT (unknown) " on Windows 8.1
JDK-8030822 core-libs java.time (tz) Support tzdata2013i
JDK-8019853 core-libs java.util.logging Break logging and AWT circular dependency
JDK-8026474 deploy deployment_toolkit deployJava.js versioncheck doesn't work in IE11
JDK-8028691 deploy plugin loading browser proxy via config script should not trigger JAR download
JDK-8029649 deploy plugin Reduce dialog frequency when app is run multiple times
JDK-8033705 deploy plugin Array out of bounds exception in PluginMain.performSSVValidation
JDK-8033779 deploy plugin JRE 7u51 Plugin Failing to Run Older JRE Version < 1.6.0
JDK-8029922 deploy webstart 32-bit only Java Web Start apps fail to run on 32- and 64-bit JRE configs
JDK-8031579 deploy webstart Spurious Missing Manifest Permissions Attribute Warning When Launching versioned Java Web Start app
JDK-8024830 hotspot compiler SEGV in org.apache.lucene.codecs.compressing.CompressingTermVectorsReader.get
JDK-8035618 other-libs corba:rmi-iiop Four api/org_omg/CORBA TCK tests fail under plugin only
Revision 1.6 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Wed Apr 30 23:12:48 2014 UTC (35 hours, 33 minutes ago) by ryoon
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.5: +2 -2 lines
Diff to previous 1.5 (colored)
Update to 7.0.55
JavaFX Release Notes
JavaFX is now part of JDK. JDK 7u55 release includes JavaFX version 2.2.55.
New Features and Changes
The frequency of some security dialogs has been reduced on systems that run the same RIA multiple times.
See 8029649.
Using "*" in Caller-Allowable-Codebase Attribute.
If a stand-alone asterisk (*), or asterisk as part of a top level domain such as (*.org), is specified as the value for the Caller-Allowable-Codebase attribute, then calls from JavaScript code to the RIA will show a security warning. An option to remember the choice is also provided, and if the user selects the option to remember the choice to run the RIA, no further warning messages are shown for the same RIA, when run with JavaScript from the same source.
For more information, see JAR File Manifest Attributes for Security documentation.
See 8033707.
Disabling Sponsor Offers in the Java Installer
During the installation of Java, users may be presented with the option of downloading and installing sponsor offers, such as browser add-ons, or security software. With 7u55 and later releases of Java, sponsor offers can be bypassed entirely by using "SPONSORS=0" as an option, when installing Java via the command line:
Manually download the 32bit online installer for 7u55 to your local machine.
Click the Windows Start Button/Menu. From the available Menu choices, select the 'Search box' and enter the text "command" in it.
A list of matches will appear. Select 'Command Prompt' from the available Programs list.
Navigate to the folder containing the downloaded installer, e.g.:
cd c:\Users\<username>\Downloads
To start the installation, in the Command Prompt window type:
jre-7u55-windows-i586-iftw.exe SPONSORS=0
The option to disable sponsors will persist across all future updates and re-installs of Java.
Note that sponsor offers, and therefore this functionality, is only applicable to online 32bit JRE installers and Auto Update mechanisms for the Windows operating system.
Bug Fixes
Bug Id Category Sub-Category Description
JDK-7190349 client-libs 2d [macosx] Text (Label) is incorrectly drawn with a rotated g2d
JDK-8013569 client-libs 2d [macosx] JLabel preferred size incorrect on retina displays with non-default font size
JDK-6571600 client-libs java.awt JNI use results in UnsatisfiedLinkError looking for
JDK-8025588 client-libs java.awt [macosx] Frozen AppKit thread in 7u40
JDK-5049299 core-libs java.lang (process) Use posix_spawn, not fork, on S10 to avoid swap exhaustion
JDK-8020191 core-libs java.lang System.getProperty( " " ) returns " Windows NT (unknown) " on Windows 8.1
JDK-8030822 core-libs java.time (tz) Support tzdata2013i
JDK-8019853 core-libs java.util.logging Break logging and AWT circular dependency
JDK-8026474 deploy deployment_toolkit deployJava.js versioncheck doesn't work in IE11
JDK-8028691 deploy plugin loading browser proxy via config script should not trigger JAR download
JDK-8029649 deploy plugin Reduce dialog frequency when app is run multiple times
JDK-8033705 deploy plugin Array out of bounds exception in PluginMain.performSSVValidation
JDK-8033779 deploy plugin JRE 7u51 Plugin Failing to Run Older JRE Version < 1.6.0
JDK-8029922 deploy webstart 32-bit only Java Web Start apps fail to run on 32- and 64-bit JRE configs
JDK-8031579 deploy webstart Spurious Missing Manifest Permissions Attribute Warning When Launching versioned Java Web Start app
JDK-8024830 hotspot compiler SEGV in org.apache.lucene.codecs.compressing.CompressingTermVectorsReader.get
JDK-8035618 other-libs corba:rmi-iiop Four api/org_omg/CORBA TCK tests fail under plugin only