a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
Changes from previous:
0.19 15/02/2011
- added missing prerequisite.
0.18 14/02/2011
- removed tests which are no longer applicable.
0.17 13/02/2011
- Distribution name chang: Test-YAML-Meta => Test-CPAN-Meta-YAML.
- This distribution now a wrapper around Test-CPAN-Meta-YAML.
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.
sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
pkgsrc changes:
- Adjust dependencies
Upstream changes:
0.15 18/12/2009
- renamed word() to keyword().
- added identifier() validation.
- changed optional_features key from a keyword to an identifier type,
thus further clarifying RT#52685 (thanks Kevin).
0.14 12/12/2009
- clarified spec defined and user defined keys, as promoted by Kevin
Ryde in RT#52685 (thanks Kevin).
0.13 07/12/2009
- RT#46473: license url with fragment part (Kevin Ryde)
- RT#47393: "optional_features" as map rather than list (Kevin Ryde)
- above applied to 1.4, 1.3 and 1.2 version of the meta-spec.
- Updating package for p5 module Test::YAML::Meta from 0.11 to 0.12
- Setting LICENSE=${PERL5_LICENSE} according to META.yaml
Upstream changes:
0.12 24/05/2009
- added version checking to standard 94metatest.t
- added changes file checking, 95changedate.t
- added support for v-strings (RT#43566, thanks to David Golden)
- relaxed resource keys names, as per spec (RT#41605, thanks to
Jonathan Yu)
This module was written to ensure that a META.yml file, provided
with a standard distribution uploaded to CPAN, meets the specifications
that slowly being introduced to module uploads, via the use of
ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build and Module::Install.