license to the value from META.yml.
Upstream changes:
1.8 Thu 25 Jun 2009 21:17:17 BST
- Apply patches from doy (#41710) and nothingmuch (set_closed_over).
1.9 Fri 26 Jun 2009 10:01:17 BST
- Identical to 1.8, but with the bogus metadata ._ files removed
from the distributed tar file.
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.8.8 -> 5.10.0.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=...").
PadWalker is a module which allows you to inspect (and even change!)
lexical variables in any subroutine which called you. It will only
show those variables which are in scope at the point of the call.
PadWalker is particularly useful for debugging. It's even used by
Perl's built-in debugger. (It can also be used for evil, of course.)
I wouldn't recommend using PadWalker directly in production code,
but it's your call. Some of the modules that use PadWalker internally
are certainly safe for and useful in production.