== 2.2.1 / 2013-05-20
* Fix package problem (termtter requires termtter).
* Suppress the warning on ruby 1.9 with CentOS.
== 2.2.0 / 2013-04-20
* Using https to connect to api.twitter.com (important).
* Improvement testing (CI enabled).
* Using jeweler for packaging.
* Suppress the warning (on ruby 2.0).
* Change default stdout and colors.
* Added some plugins
== 2.1.1 / 2013-04-10
* Correspond to API 1.1
* Other fixes.
== 2.0.0 / 2013-04-07
* User own plugins loader.
* If ~/.termtter/lib/plugins exist, load them.
* Improvement easy_post plugin.
* Plug-in easy_post should operate only when above 15 characters.
* Improvement tests.
* "Failed to update :(" when updated with URL.
* use String#sub instead of String#[regexp]=.
* spec for expand_tco_url plugin.
* and fix other minor bugs.