Changes since 2.2.9:
2008-03-11 david <>
* Re-baselined to the FreeBSD indent version to avoid onerous constraints in the old BSD license.
* Release version 2.2.10
2007-12-11 david <>
* Added GPL version 3 as the COPYING file.
* Added missing documentation of blf and brf as reported by Tom Tromey <>
2007-11-27 Matthew Wilcox <>
* extended --indent-label with negative offsets. -il0 now
gives no indentation, -il-2 is the default to match the old
2007-11-11 Jean-Christophe Dubois <>
* added --indent-label and --linux-style options.
2007-02-25 david Ingamells <>
* Added doxygen profile and updated source to be better documented with doxygen.
* Cleanup of code.
2003-09-28 Erik de Castro Lopo <>
* indent.c Fixed Bug#212320: --blank-lines-after-procedures does not work
* indent.c Fixed Bug#206785: indent segfaults on the attached file
From ChangeLog:
from ucommon 6.0.6 to 6.0.7
- error state in fsys open fixed
- fsys error reset inline added
from ucommon 6.0.5 to 6.0.6
- small cleanup of useless validator assignments
- fix gnutls casting and warnings
- modernized automake support
per documentation. Updated to latest release, 3.0.8. From Changelog:
- Serializer: loads and dumps now wraps exceptions raised into
:exc:`~kombu.exceptions.DecodeError` and
:exc:`kombu.exceptions.EncodeError` respectively.
- Redis: Would attempt to read from the wrong connection if a
select/epoll/kqueue exception event happened.
- Redis: Disabling ack emulation now works properly.
- Redis: :exc:`IOError` and :exc:`OSError` are now treated as recoverable
connection errors.
- SQS: Improved performance by reading messages in bulk.
- Connection Pool: Attempting to acquire from a closed pool will now
raise :class:`RuntimeError`.
- Fixes Python 2.6 compatibility.
- Redis: Fixes 'bad file descriptor' issue.
- Timer: No longer attempts to hash keyword arguments (Issue #275).
- Async: Did not account for the long type for file descriptors.
- PyPy: kqueue support was broken.
- Redis: Bad pub/sub payloads no longer crashes the consumer.
- Redis: Unix socket URLs can now specify a virtual host by including
it as a query parameter.
- ``kombu.VERSION`` is now a named tuple.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 1.3.3.
- Redis: Fixed Python 3 compatibility problem (Issue #270).
- MongoDB: Fixed problem with URL parsing when authentication used.
- pyamqp: Fixed small issue when publishing the message and
the property dictionary was set to None.
- Fixed problem in ``repr(LaxBoundedSemaphore)``.
- Tests now passing on Python 3.3.
- common.QoS: ``decrement_eventually`` now makes sure the value
does not go below 1 if a prefetch count is enabled.
- SQS: Properly reverted patch that caused delays between messages.
- select: Clear all registerd fds on poller.cloe
- Eventloop: unregister if EBADF raised.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` version 1.3.2.
- select: Fixed problem where unregister did not properly remove
the fd.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` version 1.3.1.
- Redis: New option ``fanout_keyprefix``
This transport option is recommended for all users as it ensures
that broadcast (fanout) messages sent is only seen by the current
virtual host:
Connection('redis://', transport_options={'fanout_keyprefix': True})
However, enabling this means that you cannot send or receive messages
from older Kombu versions so make sure all of your participants
are upgraded and have the transport option enabled.
This will be the default behavior in Kombu 4.0.
- Distribution: Removed file ``requirements/py25.txt``.
- MongoDB: Now disables ``auto_start_request``.
- MongoDB: Enables ``use_greenlets`` if eventlet/gevent used.
- Pidbox: Fixes problem where expires header was None,
which is a value not supported by the amq protocol.
- ConsumerMixin: New ``consumer_context`` method for starting
the consumer without draining events.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` version 1.3.
- No longer supports Python 2.5
The minimum Python version supported is now Python 2.6.0 for Python2,
and Python 3.3 for Python3.
- Dual codebase supporting both Python 2 and 3.
No longer using ``2to3``, making it easier to maintain support for
both versions.
- pickle, yaml and msgpack deserialization is now disabled by default.
This means that Kombu will by default refuse to handle any content type
other than json.
- kombu.async: Experimental event loop implementation.
- Utility function ``kombu.common.ipublish`` has been removed.
Use ``Producer(..., retry=True)`` instead.
- Utility function ``kombu.common.isend_reply`` has been removed
Use ``send_reply(..., retry=True)`` instead.
- ``kombu.common.entry_to_queue`` and ``kombu.messaging.entry_to_queue``
has been removed.
Use ``Queue.from_dict(name, **options)`` instead.
- Redis: Messages are now restored at the end of the list.
- ``StdConnectionError`` and ``StdChannelError`` is removed
and :exc:`amqp.ConnectionError` and :exc:`amqp.ChannelError` is used
- Message object implementation has moved to :class:`kombu.message.Message`.
- Serailization: Renamed functions encode/decode to
:func:`~kombu.serialization.dumps` and :func:`~kombu.serialization.loads`.
For backward compatibility the old names are still available as aliases.
- The ``kombu.log.anon_logger`` function has been removed.
Use :func:`~kombu.log.get_logger` instead.
- ``queue_declare`` now returns namedtuple with ``queue``, ``message_count``,
and ``consumer_count`` fields.
- LamportClock: Can now set lock class
- :mod:`kombu.utils.clock`: Utilities for ordering events added.
- :class:`~kombu.simple.SimpleQueue` now allows you to override
the exchange type used.
- Zookeeper transport updated to support new changes in the :mod:`kazoo`
- pyamqp/librabbitmq: Transport options are now forwarded as keyword arguments
to the underlying connection (Issue #214).
- Transports may now distinguish between recoverable and irrecoverable
connection and channel errors.
- ``kombu.utils.Finalize`` has been removed: Use
:mod:`multiprocessing.util.Finalize` instead.
- Memory transport now supports the fanout exchange type.
- Experimental new `Pyro`_ transport (:mod:`kombu.transport.pyro`).
.. _`Pyro`:
- Experimental new `SoftLayer MQ`_ transport (:mod:`kombu.transport.SLMQ`).
.. _`SoftLayer MQ`:
- Eventio: Kqueue breaks in subtle ways so select is now used instead.
- SQLAlchemy transport: Can now specify table names using the
``queue_tablename`` and ``message_tablename`` transport options.
Redis transport: Now supports using local UNIX sockets to communicate with the
Redis server (Issue #1283)
To connect using a UNIX socket you have to use the ``redis+socket``
URL-prefix: ``redis+socket:///tmp/redis.sock``.
This functionality was merged from the `celery-redis-unixsocket`_ project.
Contributed by Maxime Rouyrre.
ZeroMQ transport: drain_events now supports timeout.
.. _`celery-redis-unixsocket`:
- Python3: Fixed problem with dependencies not being installed.
- Declaration cache: Now only keeps hash of declaration
so that it does not keep a reference to the channel.
- Declaration cache: Now respects ``entity.can_cache_declaration``
- Fixes Python 2.5 compatibility.
- Fixes tests after python-msgpack changes.
- ``Queue.get``: Now supports ``accept`` argument.
- safe_str did not work properly resulting in
:exc:`UnicodeDecodeError` (Issue #248).
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 1.0.13
- Fixed typo in Django functional tests.
- safe_str now returns Unicode in Python 2.x
- amqp: Transport options are now merged with arguments
supplied to the connection.
- Tests no longer depends on distribute, which was deprecated
and merged back into setuptools.
- ConsumerMixin now also restarts on channel related errors.
This is a fork of amqplib which was originally written by Barry Pederson. It is
maintained by the Celery project, and used by kombu as a pure python alternative
when librabbitmq is not available.
This library should be API compatible with librabbitmq.
which is accepted by both the GCC bundled with Solaris 10 and the more
modern GCC versions availabe in "pkgsrc". Handling of POSIX thread
related options should be left to pkgsrc anyway.
Fix based on a suggestion by Richard Palo.
PLIST. From ChangeLog: - 2013-12-13
- Fixes compatability with Python < 2.7.6
- No longer attempts to handle ``SIGBUS``
- Non-thread based pool now only handles signals:
- Only show compilation warning for build related commands. - 2013-12-09
- Fixed installation for Python 3.
- Pool: Fixed bug with maxtasksperchild.
- Pool: Fixed bug in maintain_pool. - 2013-12-03
- Fixed Unicode error when installing the distribution (Issue #89).
- Daemonic processes are now allowed to have children.
But note that it will not be possible to automatically
terminate them when the process exits.
- Pool: Would not always be able to detect that a process exited. - 2013-12-02
- Windows: Fixed problem with missing ``WAITABANDONED_0``
- Windows: PipeConnection can now be inherited. - 2013-12-02
- Temporary workaround for Celery maxtasksperchild issue. - 2013-11-21
- Now also sets ``multiprocessing.current_process`` for compatibility
with loggings ``processName`` field. - 2013-11-15
- Fixed compatibility with PyPy 2.1 + 2.2.
- Fixed problem in pypy detection.
- Now uses ``ctypes.find_library`` instead of hardcoded path to find
the OS X CoreServices framework. - 2013-11-12
- Now works without C extension again.
- New ``, buffer, [len, ])` function
implements with buffer support (new buffer API)
- New pure-python implementation of ``Connection.send_offset``. - 2013-11-11
- All platforms except for Windows/PyPy/Jython now requires the C extension. - 2013-11-11
- Fixed problem with Python3 and setblocking. - 2013-11-09
- Now works on Windows again. - 2013-11-08
- ApplyResult.terminate() may be set to signify that the job
must not be executed. It can be used in combination with
- Pipe/_SimpleQueue: Now supports rnonblock/wnonblock arguments
to set the read or write end of the pipe to be nonblocking.
- Pool: Log message included exception info but exception happened
in another process so the resulting traceback was wrong.
- Pool: Worker process can now prepare results before they are sent
back to the main process (using ``Worker.prepare_result``). - 2013-11-04
- Pool: New ``correlation_id`` argument to ``apply_async`` can be
used to set a related id for the ``ApplyResult`` object returned:
>>> r = pool.apply_async(target, args, kwargs, correlation_id='foo')
>>> r.correlation_id
- Pool: New callback `on_process_exit` is called when a pool
process exits, with signature ``(pid, exitcode)``.
- Pool: Improved the too many restarts detection. - 2013-10-14
- Dual code base now runs on Python 2.6+ and Python 3.
- No longer compatible with Python 2.5
- Includes many changes from multiprocessing in 3.4.
- Now uses ``time.monotonic`` when available, also including
fallback implementations for Linux and OS X.
- No longer cleans up after receiving SIGILL, SIGSEGV or SIGFPE
- ``Finalize`` and ``register_after_fork`` is now aliases to multiprocessing.
It's better to import these from multiprocessing directly now
so that there aren't multiple registries.
- New `billiard.queues._SimpleQueue` that does not use semaphores.
- Pool: Can now be extended to support using multiple IPC queues.
- Pool: Can now use async I/O to write to pool IPC queues.
- Pool: New ``Worker.on_loop_stop`` handler can be used to add actions
at pool worker process shutdown.
Note that, like all finalization handlers, there is no guarantee that
this will be executed.
* Fix a libmodplug compilation problem due to wrong sndfile.h (#324).
* Fix teletransporters activated while coming back from falling (#346).
* Fix a crash when changing the hero state in block:on_moved (#340).
* Fix enemy death detection when falling into hole, lava or water (#350).
Fixes to the UPDATE FUNCTIONS for upgrades from releases earlier than 2.2.0
Fixes to the FAILOVER logic
Fixes slon to avoid constant database connection & disconnection
Fixes to CLONE PREPARE processing
Bug fixes
Fixed BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher with py-bcrypt and Python 3.
Fixed a regression that prevented a ForeignKey with a hidden reverse manager (related_name ending with ‘+’) from being used as a lookup for prefetch_related.
Fixed Queryset.datetimes raising AttributeError in some situations.
Fixed ModelBackend raising UnboundLocalError if get_user_model() raised an error.
Fixed a regression that prevented editable GenericRelation subclasses from working in ModelForms.
Added missing to_python method for ModelMultipleChoiceField which is required in Django 1.6 to properly detect changes from initial values.
Fixed django.contrib.humanize translations where the unicode sequence for the non-breaking space was returned verbatim.
Fixed loaddata error when fixture file name contained any dots not related to file extensions or when fixture path was relative but located in a subdirectory.
Fixed display of inline instances in formsets when parent has 0 for primary key.
Fixed a regression where custom querysets for foreign keys were overwritten if ModelAdmin had ordering set.
Removed mention of a feature in the --locale/-l option of the makemessages and compilemessages commands that never worked as promised: Support of multiple locale names separated by commas. It’s still possible to specify multiple locales in one run by using the option multiple times.
Fixed a regression that unnecessarily triggered settings configuration when importing get_wsgi_application.
Fixed test client logout() method when using the cookie-based session backend.
Fixed a crash when a GeometryField uses a non-geometric widget.
Fixed password hash upgrade when changing the iteration count.
Fixed a bug in the debug view when the URLconf only contains one element.
Re-added missing search result count and reset link in changelist admin view.
The current language is no longer saved to the session by LocaleMiddleware on every response, but rather only after a logout.
Fixed a crash when executing runserver on non-English systems and when the formatted date in its output contained non-ASCII characters.
Fixed a crash in the debug view after an exception occurred on Python ≥ 3.3.
Fixed a crash in ImageField on some platforms (Homebrew and RHEL6 reported).
Fixed a regression when using generic relations in ModelAdmin.list_filter.
* Added missing header in for clang
* Bug 3498: FTP PUT assertion 'r->body_pipe != NULL'
* Bug 3985: 60s limit introduced by balance_on_multiple_ip breaks bad IP recovery
* Fix \-unescaping in quoted strings from helpers
* WCCPv2: fix assertion 'Cannot convert non-IPv4 to IPv4' on FreeBSD
* Fix missing cast in rev.13162
* Bug 3980: FATAL ERROR due to max_user_ip -s option
* Fix linker errors "relocation R_X86_64_32 against .rodata"
* Regression in URL helper API
* Bug 3806: Caching responses with Vary header
* Set sslcrtvalidator_children concurrency option default value to 1
* Release notes: update HTML version
SSL: protocol version can be specified more precisely
imap/pop3/smtp: Added graceful cancellation of SASL authentication
Add "Happy Eyeballs" for IPv4/IPv6 dual connect attempts
base64: Added validation of base64 input strings when decoding
curl_easy_setopt: Added the ability to set the login options separately
smtp: Added support for additional SMTP commands
curl_easy_getinfo: Added CURLINFO_TLS_SESSION for accessing TLS internals
nss: allow to use TLS > 1.0 if built against recent NSS
SECURITY: added this document to describe our security processes
parseconfig: warn if unquoted white spaces are detected
SECURITY VULNERABILITY: libcurl cert name check ignore with GnuTLS
darwinssl: un-break iOS build after PKCS/12 feature added
tool: use XFERFUNCTION to save some casts
usercertinmem: fix memory leaks
ssh: Handle successful SSH_USERAUTH_NONE
NSS: acknowledge the --no-sessionid/CURLOPT_SSL_SESSIONID_CACHE option
test906: Fixed failing test on some platforms
sasl: initialize NSS before using NTLM crypto
sasl: Fixed memory leak in OAUTH2 message creation
imap/pop3/smtp: Fixed QUIT / LOGOUT being sent when SSL connect fails
cmake: unbreak for non-Windows platforms
ssh: initialize per-handle data in ssh_connect()
glob: fix broken URLs
configure: check for long long when building with cyassl
CURLOPT_RESOLVE: mention they don't time-out
docs/examples/httpput.c: fix build for MSVC
FTP: make the data connection work when going through proxy
NSS: support for CERTINFO feature
curl_multi_wait: accept 0 from multi_timeout() as valid timeout
glob_range: pass the closing bracket for a-z ranges
tool_help: Updated --list-only description to include POP3
Curl_ssl_push_certinfo_len: don't %.*s non-zero-terminated string
cmake: fix Windows build with IPv6 support
ares: Fixed compilation under Visual Studio 2012
curl_easy_setopt.3: clarify CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST documentation
curl.1: mention that -O does no URL decoding
darwinssl: PKCS/12 import feature now requires Lion or later
darwinssl: check for SSLSetSessionOption() presence when toggling BEAST
configure: Fix test with -Werror=implicit-function-declaration
sigpipe: factor out sigpipe_reset from easy.c
curl_multi_cleanup: ignore SIGPIPE
globbing: curl glob counter mismatch with {} list use
parseconfig: dash options can't specified with colon or equals
curl.h: for OpenBSD
darwinssl: Fix #if 10.6.0 for SecKeychainSearch
TFTP: fix return codes for connect timeout
login options: remove the ;[options] support from CURLOPT_USERPWD
imap: Fixed incorrect fallback to clear text authentication
parsedate: avoid integer overflow
curl.1: document -J doesn't %-decode
multi: add timer inaccuracy margin to timeout/connecttimeout
Release 1.12.8 (2013-12-23) Kouhei Sutou <>
* Bundled missing libwinpthread-1.dll into gem for Windows.
[Reported by Masafumi Yokoyama]
* Masafumi Yokoyama
Release 1.12.7 (2013-12-23) Kouhei Sutou <>
* Added paper sizes of ISO B series and JIS B series.
[Patch by 5.5]
* Added Windows binary for Ruby 2.1.0.
* Updated bundled cairo to 1.12.16 from 1.12.14 for Windows.
* Fixed a bug that, ...)
changes both the original data and the cloned data.
[Patch by Naoyuki Hirayama]
* 5.5
* Naoyuki Hirayama
0.11.2 [2013/12/19]
* Support querying/setting operating system and external attributes.
* For newly added files, set operating system to UNIX, permissions
to 0666 (0777 for directories).
* Fix bug when writing zip archives containing files bigger than 4GB.
Changes in version 1.12.3, released on December 31, 2013
* In the mdoc(7) SYNOPSIS, line breaks and hanging indentation
now work correctly for .Fo/.Fa/.Fc and .Fn blocks.
Thanks to Franco Fichtner for doing part of the work.
* The mdoc(7) .Bk macro got some addititonal bugfixes.
* In mdoc(7) macro arguments, double quotes can now be quoted
by doubling them, just like in man(7).
Thanks to Tsugutomo ENAMI for the patch.
* At the end of man(7) macro lines, end-of-sentence spacing
now works. Thanks to Franco Fichtner for the patch.
* For backward compatibility, the man(7) parser now supports the
man-ext .UR/.UE (uniform resource identifier) block macros.
* The man(7) parser now handles closing blocks that are not open
more gracefully.
* The man(7) parser now ignores blank lines right after .SH and .SS.
* In the man(7) formatter, reset indentation when leaving a block,
not just when entering the next one.
* The roff(7) .nr request now supports incrementing and decrementing
number registers and stops parsing the number right before the
first non-digit character.
* The roff(7) parser now supports the alternative escape sequence
syntax \C'uXXXX' for Unicode characters.
* The roff(7) parser now parses and ignores the .fam (font family)
and .hw (hyphenation points) requests and the \d and \u escape
* The roff(7) manual got a new ESCAPE SEQUENCE REFERENCE.
This release includes a veritable ton of work, but the biggest change
is probably the addition of real (YMMV) metadata support, including
hardlinks, and the ability to directly save/restore trees without tar
and split/join. See bup-index(1), bup-save(1), bup-restore(1),
bup-meta(1), bup-xstat(1), and the updated "Using bup" section in the
Note though, that the metadata support really is our first pass, and
there are already things that we know need fixing (i.e. better support
for cross-filesystem-type save/restore (too noisy), etc.). And check
the "Notes on ..." sections in the README for some platform-specific
An incomplete list of other notable changes since 0.24b:
- bup will no longer create ~/.bup implicitly; "bup init" is
- "bup split" now supports a compression-level option (-#).
- "bup tag" now supports "-f".
- "bup ls" now supports "-a", "-s", "--human-readable", etc., and
reports more information.
- "bup web" now supports "--human-readable".
- "bup import-rdiff-backup" has been added.
- "bup cat-file" has been added.
- The default "/usr" installation prefix can be overridden via PREFIX.
- Python 2.4 is no longer supported.
And we have at least one (likely minor) known issue:
- *Very* large (i.e. probably greater than MAX_LONG), or negative
filesystem timestamps may not always be handled correctly at the
moment. We'll fix that soon. And related -- some of the tests
may fail on FUSE filesystems.
Bugs Fixed
0002967: [display] Album list management display enhancement, faster load
0002964: [configuration] zero should be allowed for the recent period
0002980: [other] Fatal error when renaming a group
0002977: [albums] move a public album into a private album may create inconsistent permissions
0002975: [template] Internet Explorer 7, album creation form is broken
0002974: [configuration] avoid deprecated errors
0002973: [metadata] missing characters from IPTC when using encoding windows-1252
0002970: [other] Division by zero on batch manager
0002934: [authentication] [Smartpocket ] Can't register
Bugs Fixed
0002921: [tags] Can't create tags with special chars like ( + [
0002915: [synchronization] synchronization not really disabled
0002894: [albums] set as album thumbnail on picture.php does not apply to all users
0002895: [display] dark administration theme, plugins menu flashes
0002907: [albums] wrong number of sub-albums
0002917: [web API] [pwg.images.delete] if the photo is album thumbnail, blocking error on gallery
0002909: [users & groups] give permission on an empty list of albums produces SQL error
0002901: [photos] [Batch Manager] french, set author action, default value should disappear
0002899: [metadata] ability to allow HTML in EXIF/IPTC
0002896: [technical] Apply trigger render_element_description for thumbnail title (for picture description)
Technical changes
0002922: [technical] Add caseSensitive option to TokenInput (web form for tag creation)
0002929: [photos] [multiple size] strip metadata on configurable threshold
0002925: [template] new function theme_delete
Bugs Fixed
0002892: [web API] [pwg.images.setInfo] empty tag_ids input parameter produces errors
0002865: [database] [mysqli] support for mysql sockets and port number
0002891: [navigation] unexpected flat parameter in home link on picture page breadcrumb
0002864: [authentication] open_basedir restriction and new password generator
0002887: [user comments] Comments accessible anonymously if comments author is known
0002861: [installation & upgrade] invalid password on manual upgrade
0002867: [template] [LocalFiles Editor] can't create new template-extension
0002881: [web API] [pwg.images.addSimple] undefined constant tags-assumed "tags"
Many changes include
User features
User comments: Email and Website added
Tag duplication
Pagination on albums
Batch manager: filter on dimensions
Group manager
Better looking icons
Connect with Facebook, Google, OpenID...
Temporary image while loading
51 languages
Physical vs virtual albums
Protection of original photos
Tag exclusion in quick search
IP address and sessions
Tecnical features
New web API explorer
increased security on passwords
mysqli library for MySQL
JSmin replaced by JavaScriptPacker
Sprite for flags
Sessions can store infos, errors and warnings
Add triggers on all main pages
Add template method to sort action buttons
jquery 1.8.3, jquery.ui 1.10.1
Earlier detection of mobile device
Triggers for login system
Bugs Fixed
0002819: [template] Link problem in menu with smartpocket
0002843: [security] [install.php on Windows] improved security on temporary config file download (reported by htbridge and fixed in collaboration with Gjoko Krstic)
0002844: [security] increase security on LocalFiles Editor (reported by htbridge)
0002793: [technical] Fatal error: Cannot redeclare PclZipUtilPathReduction
0002797: [template] local css for "clear" impacts admin theme "clear"