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Author SHA1 Message Date
993ef200a5 Add comment. 2015-04-14 08:14:01 +00:00
5f5f64b188 Update devel/cfitsio to 3.37.
Changes from previous:
Version 3.37 - 3 June 2014

   - added configure options to support reading bzip2 compressed FITS files.
     This depends on having the bzlib library installed on the local machine.
     Patch submitted by Dustin Lang.

   - replaced the random Gaussian and Poissonian distribution functions with
     new code written by Craig Markwardt derived from public domain C++ functions
     written by John D Cook.

   - patched fitsio2.h to support CFITSIO on AArch64 (64-bit ARM)
     architecture (both big and little endian).  Supplied by
     Marcin Juszkiewicz and Sergio Pascual Ramirez, with further update
     by Michel Normand.

   - fixed bug in fpackutil.c that caused fpack to exit prematurely if
     the FZALGOR directive keyword was present in the HDU header.

Version 3.36 - 6 December 2013

   - added 9 Dec: small change to the fileseek function in drvrfile.c to
     support large files > 2 GB when building CFITSIO with MinGW on Windows

   - reorganized the CFITSIO code directory structure; added a 'docs'
     subdirectory for all the documentation, and a 'zlib' directory
     for the zlib/gzip file compression code.

   - made major changes to the compression code for FITS binary table
     to support all types of columns, including variable-length arrays.
     This code is mainly used via the fpack and funpack programs.

   - increased the number of FITS files that can be opened as one
     time to 1000, as defined by NMAXFILES in fitsio2.h.

   - made small configuration changes to, configure,
     fitsio.h, and drvrfile.c to support large files (64-bit file
     offsets} when using the mingw-w64 compiler (provided by
     Benjamin Gilbert).

   - made small change to fits_delete_file to more completely ignore
     any non-zero input status value.

   - fixed a logic error in a 'if' test when parsing a keyword name
     in the ngp_keyword_is_write function in grparser.c (provided
     by David Binderman).

   - when specifying the image compression parameters as part of the
     compressed image file name (using the "[compress]" qualifier
     after the name of the file), the quantization level value, if
     specified, was not being recognized by the CFITSIO compression
     routines. The image would always be compressed with the default
     quantization level of 4.0, regardless of what was specified.  This
     affected the imcopy program, and potentially other user-generated
     application programs that used this method to specify the
     compression parameters.  This bug did not affect fpack or
     funpack.   This was fixed in the imcomp_get_compressed_image_par
     routine in the imcompress.c file. (reported by Sean Peters)

   - defined a new CFITS_API macro in fitsio.h which is used to export the
     public symbols when building CFITSIO on Windows systems with CMake. This
     works in conjunction with the new Windows CMake build procedure that
     is described in the README.win32 file. This complete revamping of the
     way CFITSIO is built under Windows now supports building 64-bit
     versions of the library.  Thanks to Daniel Kaneider (Luminance HDR
     Team) for providing these new  CMake build procedures.

   - modified the way that the low-level file_create routine works when
     running in the Hera environment to ensure that the FITS file that is
     created is within the allow user data disk area.

   - modified fits_get_compression_type so that it does not return an error
     if the HDU is a normal FITS IMAGE extension, and is not a tile-compressed

   - modified the low-level ffgcl* and ffpcl* routines to ensure that they
     never try ro read or write more than 2**31 bytes from disk at one time,
     as might happen with very large images, to avoid integer overflow errors.
     Fix kindly provided by Fred Gutsche at NanoFocus AG (

   - modified so that doing 'make distclean' does not delete
     new config.sub and config.guess files that were recently added.

   - adopted a patch from Debian in zcompress.c to "define" the values of
     GZBUFSIZE and BUFFINCR, instead of exporting the symbols as 'int's.

Version 3.35 - 26 June 2013  (1st beta release was on 24 May)

   - fixed problem with the default tile size when compressing images with
     fpack using the Hcompress algorithm.

   - fixed returned value ("status" instead of "*status")

   - in imcompress.c, declared some arrays that are used to store the dimensions
     of the image from 'int' to 'long', to support very large images (at least
     on systems where sizeof(long) = 8),

   - modified the routines that convert a string value to a float or double
     to prevent them from returning a NaN or Inf value if the
     string is "NaN" or "Inf" (as can happen with gcc implementation of the
     strtod function).

   - removed/replaced the use of the assert() functions when locking or
     unlocking threads because they did not work correctly if NDEBUG is

   - made modifications to the way the command-line file filters are parsed to
     1) remove the 1024-character limit when specifying a column filter,
     2) fixed a potential character buffer-overflow risk in fits_get_token, and
     3) improved the parsing logic to remove any possible of confusing
     2 slash characters ("//") in the string as the beginning of a
     comment string.

   - modified configure and so that when building CFITSIO
     as a shared library on linux or Mac platforms, it will use the SONAME
     convention to indicate whether each new release of the CFITSIO
     library is binary-compatible with the previous version.  Application
     programs that link with the shared library will not need to be
     recompiled as long as the versions are compatible.  In practice,
     this means that the shared library binary file that is created (on
     Linux systems) will have a name like '', where I is the
     SONAME version number, J is the major CFITSIO version number (e.g. 3),
     and K is the minor CFITSIO version number (e.g., 34).  Two link
     files will also be created such that ->, and -> libcfitsio.I.J.K
     Application programs will still run correctly with the new version of
     CFITSIO as long as the 'I' version number remains the same, but the
     applications will fail to run if the 'I' number changes, thus alerting
     the user that the application must be rebuilt.

   - fixed bug in fits_insert_col when computing the new table row width
     when inserting a '1Q' variable length array column.

  - modified the image compression routines so that the output compressed
     image (stored in a FITS binary table) uses the '1Q' variable length
     array format (instead of '1P') when the input file is larger than 4 GB.

   - added support for "compression directive" keywords which indicate how
     that HDU should be compressed (e.g., which compression algorithm to use,
     what tiling pattern to use, etc.).  The values of these keywords will
     override the compression parameters that were specified on the command
     line when running the fpack FITS file compression program.

   - globally changed the variable and/or subroutine name "dither_offset"
     to "dither_seed" and "quantize_dither" to "quantize_method" so
     that the names more accurately reflects their purpose.

   - added support for a new SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 method when compressing
     floating point images.  The only difference with the previous method
     is that pixels with a value exactly equal to 0.0 will not be dithered,
     and instead will be exactly preserved when the image is compressed.

   - added support for an alias of "RICE_ONE" for "RICE_1" as the value
     of the ZCMPTYPE keyword, which gives the name of the image compression
     algorithm.  This alias is used if the new SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 option
     is used, to prevent old versions of funpack from creating a corrupted
     uncompressed image file.  Only newer versions of funpack will recognize
     this alias and be able to uncompress the image.

   - made performance improvement to fits_read_compressed_img so that
     when reading a section of an compressed image that includes only
     every nth pixel in some dimension, it will only uncompressed a tile
     if there are actually any pixels of interest in that tile.

   - fixed several issues with the beta FITS binary table compression code
     that is used by fpack:  added support for zero-length vector columns,
     made improvements to the output report when using the -T option in fpack,
     changed the default table compression method to 'Rice' instead of
     'Best', and now writes the 'ZTILELEN' keyword to document the number
     of table rows in each tile.

   - fixed error in ffbinit in calculating the total length of the binary
     table extension if the THEAP keyword was used to override the
     default starting location of the heap.

Version 3.34 - 20 March 2013

   - modified configure and to support cross-compiled cfitsio
     as a static library for Windows on a Linux platform using MXE
     ( - a build environment for mingw32. (contributed by
     Niels Kristian Bech Jensen)

   - added conditional compilation statementsfor the mingw32 environment in
     drvrfile.c because mingw32 does not include the ftello and fseeko functions.
     (contributed by Niels Kristian Bech Jensen)

   - fixed a potential bug in ffcpcl (routine to copy a column from one table
     to another table) when dealing with the rare case of a '0X' column (zero
     length bit column).

   - fixed an issue in the routines that update or modify string-valued
     keyword values, as a result of the change to ffc2s in the previous
     release.  These routines would exit with a 204 error status if the
     current value of the keyword to be updated or modified is null.

   - fixed typo in the previous modification that was intended to ignore
     numerical overflows in Hcompress when decompressing an image.

   - moved the 'startcol' static variable out of the ffgcnn routine and
     instead added it as a member of the 'FITSfile' structure that is defined
     in fitsio.h.  This removes a possible race condition in ffgcnn in
     multi-threaded environments.

Version 3.33 - 14 Feb 2013

   - modified the imcomp_decompress_tile routine to ignore any numerical
     overflows that might occur when using Hcompress to decompress the
     image.  If Hcompress is used in its 'lossy' mode, the uncompressed
     image pixel values may slightly exceed the range of an integer*2
     variable. This is generally of no consequence, so we can safely ignore
     any overflows in this case and just clip the values to the legal range.

   - the default tiling pattern when writing a tile-compressed image
     has been changed.  The old behavior was to compress the whole image
     as one single large tile.  This is often not optimal when dealing
     with large images, so the new default behavior is to treat each
     row of the image as one tile.  This is the same default behavior
     as in the standalone fpack program.  The default tile size can
     be overridden by calling fits_set_tile_dim.

   - fixed bug that resulted in a corrupted output FITS image when
     attempting to write a float or double array of values to a
     tile-compressed integer data type image.  CFITSIO does not support
     implicit data type conversion in this case and now correctly
     returns an appropriate error status.

   - modified ricecomp.c to define the nonzero_count lookup table as an
     external variable, rather then dynamically allocating it within the
     3 routines that use it.  This simplifies the code and eliminates the
     need for special thread locking and unlocking statements. (Thanks to
     Lars Kr. Lundin for this suggestion).

   - modified how the uncompressed size of a gzipped file is computed in the
     mem_compress_open routine in drvrmem.c.  Since gzip only uses 4 bytes
     in the compressed file header to store the original file size, one may
     need to apply a modulo 2^32 byte correction in some cases.  The logic
     here was modified to allow for corner cases (e.g., very small files, and
     when running on 32-bit platforms that do not support files larger than
     2^31 bytes in size).

   - added new public routine to construct a 80 keyword record from the 3 input
     component strings, i.e, the keyword name string, the value string, and
     the comment string: fits_make_key/ffmkky.  (This was already an undocumented
     internal routine in previous versions of CFITSIO).

   - modified ffc2s so that if the input keyword value string is a null string,
     then it will return a VALUE_UNDEFINED (204) status value.  This makes it
     consistent with the behavior when attempting to read a null keyword
     (which has no value) as a logical or as a number (which also returns
     the 204 error).  This should only affect cases where the header keyword
     does not have an equal sign followed by a space character in columns 9
     and 10 of the header record.

   - Changed the "char *" parameter declarations to "const char *" in many
     of the routines (mainly the routines that modify or update keywords) to
     avoid compiler warnings or errors from C++ programs that tend to be more
     rigorous about using "const char *" when appropriate.

   - added support for caching uncompressed image tiles, so that the tile does
     not need to be uncompressed again if the application program wants
     to read more data from the same tile. This required changes to the
     main FITS file structure that is defined in fitsio.h, as well as
     changes to imcompress.c.

   - enhanced the previous modification to drvrfile.c to handle additional user
     cases when running in the HEASARC's Hera environment.

Version 3.32 - Oct 2012

   - fixed flaw in the way logical columns (TFORM = 'L') in binary tables
     were read which caused an illegal value of 1 in the column to be interpreted
     as a 'T' (TRUE) value.

   - extended the column filtering syntax in the CFITSIO file name parser to
     enable users and scripts to append new COMMENT or HISTORY keyword into the
     header of the filtered file (provided by Craig Markwardt).  For example,
     fcopy "infile.fits[col #HISTORY='Processed on 2012-10-05']" outfile.fits
     will append this header keyword: "HISTORY Processed on 2012-10-05"

   - small change to the code that opens and reads an ASCII region file to
     return an error if the file is empty.

   - fixed obscure sign propagation error when attempting to read the
     uncompressed size of a gzipped FITS file.  This resulted in a memory
     allocation error if the gzipped file had an uncompressed file
     size between 2^31 and 2^32 bytes.  Fix supplied by Gudlaugur Johannesson

Version 3.31 - 18 July 2012

   - enhanced the CFITSIO column filtering syntax to allow the comma, in addition
     to the semi-colon, to be used to separate clauses, for example:
     [col X,Y;Z = max(X,Y)].  This was done because users are not allowed to
     enter the semi-colon character in the on-line Hera data processing
     system due to computer security concerns.

   - enhanced the CFITSIO extended filename syntax to allow specifying image
     compression parameters (e.g. '[compress Rice]') when opening an existing
     FITS file with write access.  The specified compression parameters will
     be used by default if more images are appended to the existing file.

   - modified drvrfile.c to do additional file security checks when CFITSIO
     is running within the HEASARC's Hera software system.  In this case
     CFITSIO will not allow FITS files to be created outside of the user's
     individual Hera data directory area.

   - fixed an issue in fpack and funpack on Windows machines, caused by
     the fact that the 'rename' function behaves differently on Windows
     in that it does not clobber an existing file, as it does on Unix

   - fixed bug in the way byte-swapping was being performed when writing
     integer*8 null values to an image or binary table column.

   - added the missing macro definition for fffree to fitsio.h.

   - modified the low level table read and write functions in getcol*.c and
     putcol*.c to remove the 32-bit limitation on the number of elements.
     These routines now support reading and writing more than 2**31 elements
     at one time. Thanks to Keh-Cheng Chu (Stanford U.) for the patch.

   - modified so that the shared is linked against
     pthreads and libm.

Version 3.30 - 11 April 2012


   - Added new routine called fits_is_reentrant which returns 1 or 0 depending on
     whether or not CFITSIO was compiled with the -D_REENTRANT directive.  This can
     be used to determine if it is safe to use CFITSIO in multi-threaded programs.

   - Implemented much faster byte-swapping algorithms in swapproc.c based on code
     provided by Julian Taylor at ESO, Garching.  These routines significantly
     improve the FITS image read and write speed (by more than a factor of 2 in
     some cases) on little-endian machines (e.g., Linux and Microsoft Windows and
     Macs running on x86 CPUs) where byte-swapping is required when reading and
     writing data in FITS files.  This has no effect on big-endian machines
     (e.g. Motorola CPUs and some IBM systems).  Even faster byte-swapping
     performance can be achieved in some cases by invoking the new "--enable-sse2"
     or "--enable-ssse3" configure options when building CFITSIO on machines that
     have CPUs and compilers that support the SSE2 and SSSE3 machine instructions.

   - added additional support for implicit data type conversion in cases where
     the floating point image has been losslessly compressed with gzip.  The
     pixels in these compressed images can now be read back as arrays of short,
     int, and long integers as well as single and double precision floating-point.

   - modified fitsio2.h and f77_wrap.h to recognize IBM System z mainframes by
     testing if __s390x__ or __s390__ is defined.

   - small change to ffgcrd in getkey.c so that it supports reading a blank
     keyword (e.g., a keyword whose name simply contains 8 space characters).

   Bug Fixes

   - fixed a bug in imcomp_decompress_tile that caused the tile-compressed image
     to be uncompressed incorrectly (even though the tile-compressed image itself
     was written correctly) under the following specific conditions:
      - the original FITS image has a "float" datatype (R*4)
      - one or more of the image tiles cannot be compressed using the standard
        quantization method  and instead are losslessly compressed with gzip
      - the pixels in these tiles are not all equal to zero (this bug does
        affect tiles where all the pixels are equal to zero)
      - the program that is reading the compressed image uses CFITSIO's
        "implicit datatype conversion" feature to read the "float" image
        back into an array of "double" pixel values.
      If all these conditions are met, then the returned pixel values in the
      affected image tiles will be garbage, with values often ranging
      up to 10**34.  Note that this bug does not affect the fpack/funpack
      programs, because funpack does not use CFITSIO's implicit datatype
      conversion feature when uncompressing the image.
2015-04-08 16:23:27 +00:00
f9b4747f09 Update to 3.270, set LICENSE:
Version 3.27 - 3 March 2011


    - added new routines fits_read_str and fits_delete_str which read or
      delete, respectively, a header keyword record that contains a specified
      character string.

    - added a new routine call fits_free_key_longstr which frees the memory
      that fits_read_key_longstr allocated for the long string keyword value.

    - enhanced the ffmkky routine in fitscore.c to not put a space before the
      equals sign when writing long string-valued keywords using the ESO
      HIERARCH keyword convension, if that extra character is needed to
      fit the length of the keyword name + value string within the 80-character
      FITS keyword record.

    - made small change to fits_translate_keyword to support translation of
      blank keywords (where the name = 8 blank chracters)

    - modified fpack so that it uses the minimum of the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th order
      MAD noise values when quantizing and compressing a floating point image.
      This is more conservative than just using the 3rd order MAD value alone.

    - added new routine imcomp_copy_prime2img to imcompress.c that is used by
      funpack to copy any keywords that may have been added to the primary
      array of the compressed image file (a null image) back into the header of
      the uncompressed image.

    - enhanced the fits_quantize_float and fits_quantize_double routines in
      quantize.c to also compress the tile if it is completely filled with
      null values.  Previously, this type of tile would have been written
      to the output compressed image without any compression.

    - enhanced imcomp_decompress_tile to support implicit datatype conversion
      when reading a losslessly compressed (with gzip) real*4 image into an
      array of real*8 values.

Version 3.26 - 30 December 2010


   - defined 2 new macros in fitsio.h:
       #define CFITSIO_MAJOR 3
       #define CFITSIO_MINOR 26
     These may be used within other macros to detect the CFITSIO
     version number at compile time.

   - modified group.c to initialize the output URL to a null string in
     fits_url2relurl.  Also added more robust tests to see if 2 file
     pointers point to the same file.

   - enhanced the template keyword parsing code in grparser.c to support
     the 'D' exponent character in the ASCII representation of floating
     point keyword values (as in TVAL = 1.23D03).  Previously, the parser
     would have writen this keyword with a string value (TVAL = '1.23D03').

   - modified the low-level routines that write a keyword record to a FITS
     header so that they silently replace any illegal characters (ASCII
     values less than 32 or greater than 126) with an ASCII space character.
     Previously, these routines would have returned with an error when
     encountering these illegal characters in the keyword record (most commonly
     tab, carriage return, and line feed characters).

   - made substantial internal changes to imcompress.c in preparation for
     possible future support for compression methods for FITS tables analogous
     to the tiled image compression method.

   - replaced all the source code in CFITSIO that was distributed under the
     GNU General Public License with freely available code.  In particular,
     the  gzip file compression and uncompression code was replaced by the
     zlib compression library.  Thus, beginning with this version 3.26 of CFITSIO,
     other software applications may freely use CFITSIO without necessarily
     incurring any GNU licensing requirement.  See the License.txt file for
     the CFITSIO licensing requirements.

   - added support for using cfitsio in different 'locales' which use a
     comma, not a period, as the decimal point character in ASCII
     representation of a floating point number (e.g., France).  This
     affects how floating point keyword values and floating point numbers
     in ASCII tables are read and written with the 'printf' and 'strtod'

   - added a new utility routine called fits_copy_rows/ffcprw that copies
     a specified range of rows from one table to another.

   - enhanced the test for illegal ASCII characters in a header (fftrec) to
     print out the name of the offending character (e.g TAB or Line Feed) as
     well as the Hex value of the chracter.

   - modified ffgtbc (in fitscore.c) to support nonstandard vector variable
     length array columns in binary tables (e.g. with TFORMn = 2000PE(500)').

   - modified the configure file to add "-lm" when linking CFITSIO on
     Solaris machines.

   - added new routine, fits_get_inttype, to parse an integer keyword value
     string and return the minimum integer datatype (TBYTE, TSHORT, TLONG,
     TLONGLONG) required to store the integer value.

   - added new routine, fits_convert_hdr2str, which is similar to fits_hdr2str
     except that if the input HDU is a tile compressed image (stored
     in a binary table) then it will first convert that header back to
     that of a normal uncompressed FITS image before concatenating the header
     keyword records.

   - modified the file template reading routine (ngp_line_from_file in
     grparser.c) so that it ignores any carriage return characters (\r)
     in the line, that might be present, e.g. if the file was created on a
     Windows machine that uses \r\n as end of line characters.

   - modified the ffoptplt routine in cfileio.c to check if the PCOUNT
     keyword in the template file has a non-zero value, and if so, resets
     it to zero in the newly created file.

   Bug Fixes

   - fixed a bug when uncompressing floating-point images that contain Nan
     values on some 64-bit platforms.

   - fixed a bug when updating the value of the CRPIXn world coordinate
     system keywords when extracting a subimage from larger FITS image, using the
     extended CFITSIO syntax (e.g.  myimage[1:500:2, 1:500:2]).  This bug only
     affects casee where the pixel increment value is not equal to 1, and caused
     the coordinate grid to be shifted by between 0.25 pixels (in the case of
     a pixel increment of 2) and 0.5 pixels (for large pixel increment values).

   - fixed a potential string buffer overflow error in the ffmkls routine
     that modifies the value and comment strings in a keyword that uses
     the HEASARC long string keyword convention.

   - fixed a bug in imcompress.c that could cause programs to abort on 64-bit
     machines when using gzip to tile-compress images.  Changed the declaration
     of clen in imcomp_compress_tile from int to size_t.

Version 3.25 - 9 June 2010

   - fixed bug that was introduced in version 3.13 that broke the ability
     to reverse an image section along the y-axis with an image section
     specifier like this: myimage.fits[*,-*].  This bug caused the output
     image to be filled with zeros.

   - fixed typo in the definition of the ftgprh Fortran wrapper routine
     in f77_wrap3.c.

   - modified the configuration file to make the lib path
     a variable instead of hard coding the path.   The provides more
     flexibility for projects such as suse and fedora when building CFITSIO.

   - fixed bug in imcomp_compress_tile in imcompress.c which caused
     null pixel values to be written incorrectly in the rare case where
     the floating-point tile of pixels could not be quantized into integers.

   - modified imcompress.c to add a new specialized routine to uncompress
     an input image and then write it to a output image on a tile by tile basis.
     This appears to be faster than the old method of uncompressing the
     whole image into memory before writing it out.  It also supports
     large images with more than 2**31 pixels.

   - made trivial changes to 2 statements in drvrfile.c to suppress
     nuisance compiler warnings.

   - some compilers define CLOCKS_PER_SEC as a double instead of an integer,
     so added an explicted integer type conversion to 2 statements in
     imcompress.c that used this macro.

   - removed debugging printf statements in drvrnet.c (15 July)

Version 3.24 - 26 January 2010

   - modified fits_translate_keywords so that it silently ignores any
     illegal ASCII characters in the value or comment fields of the input
     FITS file. Otherwise, fpack would abort without compressing input
     files that contained this minor violation of the FITS rules.

   - added support for Super H cpu in fitsio2.h

   - updated funpack to correctly handle the -S option, and to use a
     more robust algorithm for creating temporary output files.

   - modified the imcomp_compress_tile routine to support the NOCOMPRESS
     debugging option for real*4 images.

Version 3.23 - 7 January 2010

   - reduced the default value for the floating point image quantization
     parameter (q) from 16 to 4.  This parameter is used when tile compressing
     floating point images.  This change will increase the average compression
     ratio for floating point images from about 4.6 to about 6.5 without losing
     any significant information in the image.

   - enhanced the template keyword parsing routine to reject a header
     template string that only contains a sequence of dashes.

   - enhanced the ASCII region file reading routine to allow tabs as well
     as spaces between fields in the file.

   - got rid of bogus error message when calling fits_update_key_longstr

   - Made the error message more explicit when CFITSIO tries to write
     to a GZIP compressed file.  Instead of just stating "cannot write
     to a READONLY file", it will say "cannot write to a GZIP compressed

Version 3.22 - 28 October 2009

   - added an option (in imcompress.c) to losslessly compress floating
     point images, rather than using the default integer scaling method.
     This option is almost never useful in practice for astronomical
     images (because the amount of compression is so poor), but it has
     been added for test comparison purposes.

   - enhanced the dithering option when quantizing and compressing
     floating point images so that a random dithering starting point
     is used, so that the same dithering pattern does not get used for
     every image.

   - modified the architecture setup section of fitsio2.h to support the
     64-core 8x8-architecture Tile64 platform (thanks to Ken Mighell, NOAO)


   - fixed a problem that was introduced in version 3.13 of CFITSIO
     in cases where a program writes it own END keyword to the header
     instead of letting CFITSIO do it, as is strongly recommended.  In
     one case this caused CFITSIO to rewrite the END keyword and any
     blank fill keywords in the header many times, causing a
     noticeable slow-down in the FITS file writing speed.

Version 3.21 - 24 September 2009

   - fixed bug in cfileio.c  that caused CFITSIO to crash with a bus error
     on Mac OS X if CFITSIO was compiled with multi-threaded support (with
     the  --enable-reentrant configure option). The Mac requires an
     additional thread initialization step that is not required on Linux
     machines.  Even with this fix, occasional bus errors have been seen on
     some Mac platforms, The bus errors are seen when running the
     thread_test.c program.  The bus errors are very intermittent, and occur
     less than about 1% of the time, on the affected platforms.
     These bus errors have not been seen on Linux platforms.

   - fixed invalid C comment delimiter ("//*" should have been "/*")
     in imcompress.c.

   - Increased the CFITSIO version number string length
     in fpackutil.c, to fix problem on some platforms when running
     fpack -V or funpack -V.   Also modified the output format of the
     fpack -L command.

Version 3.20 - 31 August 2009

   - modified and configure so that it will build the Fortran
     interface routines by default, even if no Fortran compiler is found
     in the user's path. Building the interface routines may be disabled
     by specifying FC="none".  This was done at the request of users who
     obtained CFITSIO from some other standard linux distributions, where
     CFITSIO was apparently built in an environment that had no Fortran
     compiler and hence did not build the Fortran wrappers.

   - modified ffchdu (close HDU) so that it calls the routine to update
     the maximum length of variable length table columns in the TFORM
     values in all cases  where the values may have changed.  Previously
     it would not update the values if a value was already specified in
     the TFORM value.

   - added 2 new string manipulation functions to the CFITSIO parser
     (contributed by Craig Markwardt): strmid extracts a substring
     from a string, and strstr searches for a substring within a string.

   - removed the code in quantize.c that treated "floating-point integer"
     images as a special case (it would just do a datatype conversion from
     float to int, and not otherwise quantize the pixel values).  This
     caused complications with the new subtractive dithering feature.

   - enhanced the code for converting floating point images to quantized
     scaled integer prior to tile-compressing them, to apply a random
     subtractive dithering, which improves the photometric accuracy
     of the compressed images.

   - added new internal routine, iraf_delete_file, for use by fpack to
     delete a pair of IRAF format header and pixel files.

   - small change in cfileio.c in the way it recognizes an IRAF format
     .imh file.  Instead of just requiring that the filename contain the
     ".imh" string, that string must occur at the end of the file name.

   - fixed bug in the code that is used when tile-compressing real*4 FITS
     images, which quantizes the floating point pixel values into
     integer levels.  The bug would only appear in the fairly rare
     circumstance of tile compressing a floating point image that contains
     null pixels (NaNs) and only when using the lossy Hcompress algorithm
     (with the s parameter not equal to 1).  This could cause underflow of
     low valued pixels, causing them to appear as very large pixel values
     (e.g., > 10**30)  in the compressed image

   - changed the "if defined" blocks in fitsio.h, fitsio2.h and f77_wrap.h
     to correctly set the length of long variables on sparc64 machines.
     Patch contributed by Matthew Truch (U. Penn).

   - modified the HTTP file access code in drvrnet.c to support basic
     HTTP authentication, where the user supplies a user name and
     password.  The CFITSIO filename format in this case is:
     Thanks to Jochen Liske (ESO) for the suggestion and the code.

Version 3.181 (BETA) - 12 May 2009

   - modified region.c and region.h to add support for additional
     types of region shapes that are supported by ds9: panda, epanda,
     and bpanda.

   - fixed compiler error when using the new _REENTRANT flag, having to
     do with the an attempted static definition of Fitsio_Lock in
     several source files, after declaring it to be non-static in fitsio2.h.

Version 3.18 (BETA) - 10 April 2009

   - Made extensive changes to make CFITSIO thread safe.  Previously,
     all opened FITS files shared a common pool of memory to store
     the most recently read or written FITS records in the files.
     In a multi-threaded environment different threads could
     simultaneously read or write to this common area causing
     unpredictable results. This was changed so that every opened
     FITS file has its own private memory area for buffering the
     file. Most of the changes were in buffers.c, fitsio.h, and
     fitsio2.h. Additional changes were made to cfileio.c, mainly
     to put locks around small sections of code when setting up the
     low-level drivers to read or write the FITS file.  Also, locks
     were needed around the GZIP compression and uncompression code
     in compress.c.,  the error message stack access routine in
     fitscore.c, the encode and decode routines in fits_hcompress.c
     and  fits_hdecompress.c, in ricecomp.c,  and  the table row
     selection and table calculator functions. Also, removed the
     'static' declaration of the local variables in pliocomp.c
     which did not appeared to be required and prevented the
     routines from being thread safe.

     As a consequence of having a separate memory buffer for every
     FITS file (by default, about 115 kB per file), CFITSIO may now
     allocate more memory than previously when an application
     program opens multiple FITS files at once.  The read and write
     speed may also be slightly faster, since the buffers are not
     shared between files.

   - Added new families of Fortran wrapper routines to read and
     write values to large tables that have more than 2**31 rows.
     The arguments that define the first row and first element to
     read or write must be I*8 integers, not ordinary I*4
     integers.  The names of these new routines have 'LL' appended
     to them, so for example, ftgcvb becomes ftgcvbll.


   - Corrected an obscure bug in imcompress.c that would have incorrectly
     written the null values only in the rare case of writing a signed
     byte array that is then tile compressed using the Hcompress or PLIO

Version 3.14 - 18 March 2009


   - modified the tiled-image compression and uncompression code to
     support compressing unsigned 16-bit integer images with PLIO.
     FITS unsigned integer arrays are offset by -32768, but the PLIO
     algorithm does not work with negative integer values.  In this
     case, an offset of 32768 is added to the array before compression,
     and then subtracted again when reading the compressed array.
     IMPORTANT NOTE:  This change is not backward compatible, so
     these PLIO compressed unsigned 16-bit integer images will not be
     read correctly by previous versions of CFITSIO; the pixel values
     will have an offset of +32768.

   - minor changes to the fpack utility to print out more complete
     version information with the -V option, and format the report
     produced by the -T option more compactly.


   - Modified imcomp_compress_image (which is called by fpack) so that
     it will preserve any null values (NaNs) if the input image has
     a floating point datatype (BITPIX = -32 or -64).  Null values in
     integer datatype images are handled correctly.

   - Modified imcomp_copy_comp2img so that it does not copy the
     ZBLANK keyword, if present, from the compressed image header
     when uncompressing the image.

   - Fixed typo in the Fortran wrapper macro for the ftexist function.

Version 3.13 -  5 January 2009


   - updated the typedef of LONGLONG in fitsio.h and cfortran.h to
     support the Borland compiler which uses the  __int64 data type.

   - added new feature to the extended filename syntax so that when
     performing a filtering operation on specified HDU, if you add
     a '#' character after the name or number of the HDU, then ONLY
     that HDU (and the primary array if the HDU is a table) will be
     copied into the filtered version of the file in memory.  Otherwise,
     by default CFITSIO copies all the HDUs from the input file into

   - when specifying a section, if the specified number of dimensions
     is less than the number of dimensions in the image, then CFITSIO
     will use the entire dimension, as if a '*' had been specified.
     Thus [1:100] is equivalent to [1:100,*] when specifying a section
     of 2 dimensional image.

   - modified fits_copy_image_section to read/write the section 1 row
     at a time, instead of the whole section, to reduce memory usage.

   - added new stream:// drivers for reading/writing to stdin/stdout.
     This driver is somewhat fragile, but for simple FITS read and
     write operations this driver streams the FITS file on stdin
     or stdout without first copying the entire file in memory, as is
     done when specifying the file name as "-".

   - slight modification to ffcopy to make sure that the END keyword
     is correctly written before copying the data.  This is required
     by the new stream driver.

   - modified ffgcprll, so that when writing data to an HDU, it first
     checks that the END keyword has been written to the correct place.
     This is required by the new stream driver.


   - fixed bug in ffgcls2 when reading an ASCII string column in binary
     tables in cases where the width of the column is greater than 2880
     characters and when reading more than 1 row at a time.  Similar
     change was made to ffpcls to fix same problem with writing to
     columns wider than 2880 characters.

   - updated the source files listed in makepc.bat so that it can be
     used to build CFITSIO with the Borland C++ compiler.

   - fixed overflow error in ffiblk that could cause writing to Large Files
     (> 2.1 GB) to fail with an error status.

   - fixed a bug in the spatial region code (region.c) with the annulus
     region.   This bug only affected specialized applications which
     directly use the internal region structure; it does not affect
     any CFITSIO functions directly.

   - fixed memory corruption bug in region.c that was triggered if the
     region file contained a large number of excluded regions.

   - got rid of a harmless error message that would appear if filtering
     a FITS table with a GTI file that has zero rows. (eval_f.c)

   - modified fits_read_rgnfile so that it removes the error messages
     from the error stack if it is unable to open the region file as
     a FITS file. (region.c)

Version 3.12 - 8 October 2008

   - modified the histogramming code so that the first pixel in the binned
     array is chosen as the reference pixel by default, if no other
     value is previously defined.

   - modified ffitab and ffibin to allow a null pointer to the
     EXTNAME string, when inserting a table with no name.

Version 3.11 - 19 September 2008

   - optimized the code when tile compressing real*4 images (which get
     scaled to integers).  This produced a modest speed increase.  For
     best performance, one must specify the absolute q quantization
     parameter, rather than relative to the noise in the tile (which
     is expensive to compute).

   - modified the FITS region file reading code to check for NaN values,
     which signify the end of the array of points in a polygon region.

   - removed the test for LONGSIZE == 64 from fitsio.h, since it may
     not be defined.

   - modified imcompress.c to support unconventional floating point FITS
     images that also have BSCALE and BZERO keywords.  The compressed
     floating point images are linearly scaled twice in this case.
2011-03-11 11:56:05 +00:00
1a9a136a9c Make it build on DragonFly. 2009-09-02 13:04:59 +00:00
0e72987c9c Update cfitsio to version 3.100
leaf node.  Fixes build problem seen in bulk builds.

Four years worth of changes.
2008-12-29 10:13:12 +00:00
2855a8e766 Add missing RCS Id tag to patch-ac. 2005-06-16 12:58:52 +00:00
303d5e4f13 IRIX 5 also needs sys/types.h here. IRIX 6 does not need it, but it has
been tested not to cause any harm there.
2005-03-01 21:24:07 +00:00
c453a7da0d Update to 2.500 (should fix bulk build).
Changes since 2.037: 4 years of active development, and about 1000 lines
of NEWS included in changes.txt in the archive.
2004-09-08 13:32:31 +00:00
5387c65bd9 Fix compilation on alpha. 2000-12-27 02:01:46 +00:00
52fbae8bef Import new "cfitsio" package based on contribution by Jens Schmalzing
in PR pkg/10599:
FITS (flexible image transport system) file input and output
2000-07-31 16:47:04 +00:00