As discussed on pkgsrc-users, x11/ftlk (1.1) is no longer maintained,
and 1.3 is believed to be almost entirely compatible.
Patch from Tim Larson, who has build-tested these packages on
TYPO3-CORE-SA-2012-005: Several Vulnerabilities in TYPO3 Core
2012-11-08 54eab24 [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.7.6 (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-08 f5d3162 #42696 [SECURITY] Fix SQL injection and XSS in record history (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 07c3d63 #42774 [SECURITY] XSS in TCA Tree (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 7b916d0 #42776 [SECURITY] Fix potential XSS in t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck (Helmut Hummel)
2012-11-08 389452e [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-07 3f2929d #39677 [BUGFIX] No sorting in TypoScript Object Browser when browsing (Nicole Cordes)
2012-11-02 b69dc9d #42281 [BUGFIX] Translated non-published page in workspace breaks live workspace (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-02 9330ab6 #38024 [BUGFIX] Illegal string offsets in t3lib_stdgraphic (Wouter Wolters)
2012-11-01 8098997 [TASK] Use correct branch for travis integration build (Helmut Hummel)
2012-11-01 24f4a8d#37578 [BUGFIX] PHP 5.4 warning in CLI context in switch back user (Christian Kuhn)
2012-10-31 dc73a91 #39662 [BUGFIX] RTE: Link class not always set in Firefox (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-31 ba8ead7 #42046 [BUGFIX] Restore display of mount points path (Francois Suter)
2012-10-29 fbd5057 #40733 [BUGFIX] Wrong call to TSFE in FrontendEditing (Steffen Ritter)
2012-10-29 4bf3cca #42054 [BUGFIX] PHP warning: open_basedir restriction (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-28 19f0cbb #42454 [BUGFIX] Fix usage of fileadminDir (Helmut Hummel)
2012-10-27 dd20440 #42444 [TASK] Fix generation of ext_emconf.php (Wouter Wolters)
2012-10-22 ce6ab74 #41980 [TASK] Clean-up EXT: aboutmodules, adapt to "TYPO3 CMS" (Felix Kopp)
2012-10-22 3440228 #38699 [BUGFIX] t3lib_div::unlink_tempfile does not always work on Windows (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-22 689f1fb #33504 [BUGFIX] New form wizard not loading in IE8 (Sebastian Schawohl)
2012-10-19 74c10e0 [BUGFIX] Unit test for saltedpasswords fail (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-18 bfb12db #36087 [BUGFIX] RTE: Link to disabled page doesn't show in FE, link icon does (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-18 9d621aa #29685 [BUGFIX] RTE: Words containing umlauts not added to personal dictionary (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-17 bd4645c #38406 [BUGFIX] Extension Import not working with postgresql and DBAL (Ernesto Baschny)
TYPO3-CORE-SA-2012-005: Several Vulnerabilities in TYPO3 Core
2012-11-08 948f241 [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.6.14 (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-08 c150b27 #42696 [SECURITY] Fix SQL injection and XSS in record history (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 b02026d #42774 [SECURITY] XSS in TCA Tree (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 f22dc79 #42776 [SECURITY] Fix potential XSS in t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck (Helmut Hummel)
2012-11-08 72153cc [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-07 3ea5e0b #39677 [BUGFIX] No sorting in TypoScript Object Browser when browsing (Nicole Cordes)
2012-11-02 5de1807 #42281 [BUGFIX] Translated non-published page in workspace breaks live workspace (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-02 93bb671 #38024 [BUGFIX] Illegal string offsets in t3lib_stdgraphic (Wouter Wolters)
2012-11-01 84cb9b6 #37578 [BUGFIX] PHP 5.4 warning in CLI context in switch back user (Christian Kuhn)
2012-10-29 76d0b9c #28248 [BUGFIX] t3lib_div: adjust substUrlsInPlainText to also work on URLs at end of sentence (Robert Heel)
2012-10-29 3ff27f4 #40733 [BUGFIX] Wrong call to TSFE in FrontendEditing (Steffen Ritter)
2012-10-29 9767b86 #42054 [BUGFIX] PHP warning: open_basedir restriction (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-27 7381250 #42444 [TASK] Fix generation of ext_emconf.php (Wouter Wolters)
2012-10-22 ccebb50 #38699 [BUGFIX] t3lib_div::unlink_tempfile does not always work on Windows (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-22 2a0929b #33504 [BUGFIX] New form wizard not loading in IE8 (Sebastian Schawohl)
2012-10-19 b32e08c [BUGFIX] Fix case of tests folder (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-19 22bef48 [BUGFIX] Unit test for saltedpasswords fail (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-18 9ed2c6f #36087 [BUGFIX] RTE: Link to disabled page doesn't show in FE, link icon does (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-18 2e48486 #29685 [BUGFIX] RTE: Words containing umlauts not added to personal dictionary (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-17 a3a7417 #38406 [BUGFIX] Extension Import not working with postgresql and DBAL (Ernesto Baschny)
2012-10-17 a5fc128 #25021 [BUGFIX] Creating new pages via drag'n'drop respects page TS (Philipp Kitzberger)
Security fix for TYPO3-CORE-SA-2012-005: Several Vulnerabilities in TYPO3 Core.
2012-11-08 c211c0e [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.5.21 (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-08 5245e09 #42696 [SECURITY] Fix SQL injection and XSS in record history (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 ab335bc #42774 [SECURITY] XSS in TCA Tree (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-08 a768d97 #42776 [SECURITY] Fix potential XSS in t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck (Helmut Hummel)
2012-11-08 ba187e5 [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-11-07 b4f7658 #39677 [BUGFIX] No sorting in TypoScript Object Browser when browsing (Nicole Cordes)
2012-11-02 dba123b #42281 [BUGFIX] Translated non-published page in workspace breaks live workspace (Oliver Hader)
2012-11-02 fc6f82f #38024 [BUGFIX] Illegal string offsets in t3lib_stdgraphic (Wouter Wolters)
2012-11-01 ded3a6e #37578 [BUGFIX] PHP 5.4 warning in CLI context in switch back user (Christian Kuhn)
2012-10-29 c05e759 #28248 [BUGFIX] t3lib_div: adjust substUrlsInPlainText to also work on URLs at end of sentence (Robert Heel)
2012-10-29 d4c539d #40733 [BUGFIX] Wrong call to TSFE in FrontendEditing (Steffen Ritter)
2012-10-27 7b28c0e #42444 [TASK] Fix generation of ext_emconf.php (Wouter Wolters)
2012-10-22 7f0696f #38699 [BUGFIX] t3lib_div::unlink_tempfile does not always work on Windows (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-22 f50483d #27020 [BUGFIX] TCEForms.Suggest wizard in IRRE records (Nicole Cordes)
2012-10-19 b77171c [BUGFIX] Fix case of tests folder (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-19 2490737 [BUGFIX] Unit test for saltedpasswords fail (Xavier Perseguers)
2012-10-18 9a14bcf #36087 [BUGFIX] RTE: Link to disabled page doesn't show in FE, link icon does (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-18 f8fc399 #29685 [BUGFIX] RTE: Words containing umlauts not added to personal dictionary (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-10-17 17b1d65 #38406 [BUGFIX] Extension Import not working with postgresql and DBAL (Ernesto Baschny)
Drupal 7.17, 2012-11-07
- Changed the default value of the '404_fast_html' variable to have a DOCTYPE
- Made it possible to use associative arrays for the 'items' variable in
- Fixed a bug which prevented required form elements without a title from being
given an "error" class when the form fails validation.
- Prevented duplicate HTML IDs from appearing when two forms are displayed on
the same page and one of them is submitted with invalid data (minor markup
- Fixed a bug which prevented Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 upgrades on sites which had
stale data in the Upload module's database tables.
- Fixed a bug in the States API which prevented certain types of form elements
from being disabled when requested.
- Allowed aggregator feed items with author names longer than 255 characters to
have a truncated version saved to the database (rather than causing a fatal
- Allowed aggregator feed items to have URLs longer than 255 characters
(schema change which results in several columns in the Aggregator module's
database tables changing from VARCHAR to TEXT fields).
- Added hook_taxonomy_term_view() and standardized the process for rendering
taxonomy terms to invoke hook_entity_view() and otherwise make it consistent
with other entities (API change:
- Added hook_entity_view_mode_alter() to allow modules to change entity view
modes on display (API addition:
- Fixed a bug which made database queries running a "LIKE" query on blob fields
fail on PostgreSQL databases. This caused errors during the Drupal 6 to
Drupal 7 upgrade.
- Changed the hook_menu() entry for Drupal's rss.xml page to prevent extra path
components from being accidentally passed to the page callback function (data
structure change).
- Removed a non-standard "name" attribute from Drupal's default Content-Type
header for file downloads.
- Fixed the theme settings form to properly clean up submitted values in
$form_state['values'] when the form is submitted (data structure change).
- Fixed an inconsistency by removing the colon from the end of the label on
multi-valued form fields (minor string change).
- Added support for 'weight' in hook_field_widget_info() to allow modules to
control the order in which widgets are displayed in the Field UI.
- Updated various tables in the OpenID and Book modules to use the default
"empty table" text pattern (string change).
- Added proxy server support to drupal_http_request().
- Added "lang" attributes to language links, to better support screen readers.
- Fixed double occurrence of a "ul" HTML tag on secondary local tasks in the
Seven theme (markup change).
- Fixed bugs which caused taxonomy vocabulary and shortcut set titles to be
double-escaped. The fix replaces the taxonomy vocabulary overview page and
"Edit shortcuts" menu items' title callback entries in hook_menu() with new
functions that do not escape HTML characters (data structure change).
- Modified the Update manager module to allow to collect usage
statistics for individual modules and themes, rather than only for entire
- Modified the node listing database query on Drupal's default front page to
add table aliases for better query altering (this is a data structure change
affecting code which implements hook_query_alter() on this query).
- Improved the translatability of the "Field type(s) in use" message on the
modules page (admin-facing string change).
- Fixed a regression which caused a "call to undefined function
drupal_find_base_themes()" fatal error under rare circumstances.
- Numerous API documentation improvements.
- Additional automated test coverage.
Contao Open Source CMS 3.0.0 is new major release since Contao (as
TYPOlight) was publicly released.
Major changes from 2.11.
* Use PHP namespace and more flexible to extend.
* Improve performance with mapper class loader.
* Better support for mobile devices and responsive design
* Database supported file management and handling of file's meta data.
* jQuery support coexist with MooTools.
* Directories in URL path.
* HTML5 based audio/video player (also YouTube).
* Improve ease to use.
* Display of what has changed.
* Complete fix for CSRF.
Version 4.0.8 Oct 10th 2012
Show Login Button when user and password are autocompleted
Sanitize LDAP base, user and groups
Security: Fix for insufficiently Random Values (CVE-2008-4107)
Security: Fixed multiple XSS vulnerabilities (CVE-2012-5056)
Security: Fixed a HTTP header injection (CVE-2012-5057)
Security: Fixed an Auth bypass in /lib/base.php (CVE-2012-5336)
a) lang/see support was removed (see below)
b) lang/spidermonkey and wip/spidermonkey185 aren't recognized
ELinks 0.12pre6
Security fix:
* bug 1124, CVE-2012-4545: Do not delegate GSSAPI credentials in HTTP
Negotiate or GSS-Negotiate authentication. Reported by Marko Myllynen.
(ELinks 0.12pre1 was the first release that supported GSSAPI; earlier
releases are not vulnerable.)
Fixed crashes and hangs:
* critical bug 943: Don't let user JavaScripts call any methods of
``elinks.action'' in tabs that do not have the focus. If a tab was
closed with ``elinks.action.tab_close'' while it had pop-up windows,
ELinks could crash; as a precaution, don't allow other actions
either. (ELinks 0.12pre1 was the first release that supported
* critical bug 1083: Avoid an infinite loop when trying to decompress
malformed data. Caused by the bug 1068 fix in ELinks 0.12pre3.
* Fix a possible crash or information disclosure on big-endian 64-bit
systems using HTTP Negotiate or GSS-Negotiate authentication.
* Dropped support for SEE. (ELinks 0.12pre1 was the first release
that supported SEE.)
* Guile 2.0.0 (released on 2011-02-16) changed its license to
LGPLv3-or-later, which is not compatible with the GPLv2 that covers
ELinks. Also, Guile has deprecated many of the functions that
ELinks calls.
Other changes:
* major bug 764: Correctly initialize options on big-endian 64-bit
* bug 983: Give preference to the Content-Type specified in the HTTP
header over that specified via the HTML meta tag.
* bug 1084: Allow option names containing '+' and '*' in the option
* bug 1112: Map most numeric character references € ... Ÿ
to graphical characters also when the output charset is UTF-8.
(ELinks 0.12pre1 was the first release that supported UTF-8 as the
terminal charset, and ELinks 0.12pre5 was the first release that
supported UTF-8 as the dump charset.)
* minor bug 1113: Fix a small memory leak if a mailcap file is malformed.
* minor bug 1114: Decode SGML entities and NCRs only once in link/@title
and other attributes.
* build: Fix several warnings reported by GCC 4.7.1. Harmless at
runtime but could break the build if configured --enable-debug.
(This version does not fix all such warnings.)
- support for include directive
- added support for HTTPS backends
- support for SNI via multiple Cert directives (thanks to Joe Gooch)
Bug fixes:
- fixed problem with long input lines in http.c
- keep sessions for disabled back-ends, continue using them until the time-out
- fixed memory leak in session removal
- fix for possible request smuggling by using multiple headers
- changed long to long long for support of requests larger than 2GB
handle /(de)?objectify_text/ for <script> extraction
(Stanislaw Pusep)
commit 07b40205fd03564d476eff7675e9f19196939f2f
Author: Oleg G <>
Date: Sat Mar 31 13:26:11 2012 +0700
added few methods to support Web::Query
5.03 2012-09-22
Release by Christopher J. Madsen
* as_HTML no longer indents <textarea> (Tomohiro Hosaka) (RT #70385)
* as_trimmed_text did not accept '0' for extra_chars
* Explain that as_text never adds whitespace (RT #66498)
* Explain what extra_chars can contain for as_trimmed_text.
Upstream changes:
2012-10-21 HTTP-Message 6.06
Gisle Aas (2):
More forgiving test on croak message [RT#80302]
Added test for multipart parsing
Mark Overmeer (1):
Multipart end boundary doesn't need match a complete line [RT#79239]
2012-10-20 HTTP-Message 6.05
Gisle Aas (5):
Updated ignores
No need to prevent visiting field values starting with '_'
Report the correct croak caller for delegated methods
Disallow empty field names or field names containing ':'
Make the extra std_case entries local to each header
2012-09-30 HTTP-Message 6.04
Gisle Aas (5):
Updated repository URL
Avoid undef warning for empty content
Teach $m->content_charset about JSON
Use the canonical charset name for UTF-16LE (and frieds)
Add option to override the "(no content)" marker of $m->dump
Christopher J. Madsen (2):
Use IO::HTML for <meta> encoding sniffing
mime_name was introduced in Encode 2.21
Tom Hukins (1):
Remove an unneeded "require"
Ville Skytt. (1):
Spelling fixes.
chromatic (1):
Sanitized PERL_HTTP_URI_CLASS environment variable.
Martin H. Sluka (1):
Add test from RT#77466
Father Chrysostomos (1):
Fix doc grammo [RT#75831]
Since 2.2-rc
bugfix: calendar monthly view performance upgrades.
bugfix: translation tool for plugins fixed.
bugfix: email html signature puts br tags when composing email.
bugfix: Person email modification does not work.
bugfix: Prevent double task completion (when double clicking on complete link).
bugfix: Fixed company edit link from people tree.
Since 2.2-beta
bugfix: several fixes in custom reports display.
bugfix: custom reports csv/pdf export always show status column.
bugfix: dashboard activity widget does not control permissions correctly.
bugfix: dashboard activity widget shows username instead of person complete name.
bugfix: subworkspace creation does not inherit color.
bugfix: email autoclassification does not classify attachments.
bugfix: email view shows wrong "To" value when "To" field is empty or undefined.
bugfix: unclassified mails allows to subscribe other users.
bugfix: error when forwarding another user's account emails with attachments.
bugfix: several fixes in email classification functions.
bugfix: company comments are not displayed.
bugfix: dashboard's tasks widget breaks right widgets when scrolling (only in chrome).
bugfix: permissions check in Administration/Dimensions.
bugfix: css is being printed in csv exported reports.
bugfix: error subscribing users when instantiating templates with milestones and subtasks.
bugfix: don't use $this in static functions.
bugfix: archiving and unarchiving members is not done in a transaction.
bugfix: permissions in dimension member selectors.
bugfix: cannot set task's due date to 12:30 PM, always sets the same time but AM.
bugfix: tasks drag and drop losses some attributes.
usability: mouseover highlight on member properties/restrictions tables.
Since 2.1
bugfix: several fixes in repetitive tasks.
bugfix: quick add of tasks does not subscribe creator.
bugfix: google calendar import fixed.
bugfix: fixed event deletion.
bugfix: fixed email account sharing.
bugfix: fixed AM/PM issue when selecting task's dates.
bugfix: special characters in workspace when adding from quick add.
bugfix: error 500 in workspaces dashboard.
bugfix: error when searching emails by "From" field in advanced search.
bugfix: 1.7 -> 2.x upgrade fixed subtasks.
bugfix: permissions in user's card.
bugfix: task's drag and drop edition bugfixes.
bugfix: task's quick add does not keep the task name when switching to complete edition.
bugfix: several LDAP integration fixes.
bugfix: fixed contact phones display in list.
bugfix: config option descriptions added.
bugfix: user email is not required.
bugfix: milestone selector does not show all available milestones.
bugfix: person email cannot be edited.
bugfix: disabled users are shown in subscribers and invited people.
bugfix: permission groups upgrade does not set type.
bugfix: Javascript problems in IE.
bugfix: issues with breadcrumbs with special characters.
bugfix: VCard import/export fixed.
bugfix: cannot delete workspace with apostrophe.
bugfix: fixed "enters" issue in tasks description wysisyg editor.
bugfix: File copy makes two copies.
bugfix: permissions fixed for submembers.
bugfix: when updating a file, does not subscribe the updater user.
bugfix: milestones display diferent dates in milestone view and task list.
bugfix: "assigned to" filter in tasks does not work properly.
bugfix: cannot archive dimension members.
bugfix: cannot archive several tasks at once.
feature: activity widget.
feature: new workspace and tag selectors.
feature: add timeslot entries to application_logs.
feature: complete parent tasks asks to complete child tasks.
usability: sort email panel by "to" column.
usability: changes in advanced search for email fields.
usability: can change imported calendar names.
usability: email with attachments classification process upgraded.
usability: linked objects selector can filter by workspace and tags.
system: CKEditor updated.
system: translation module upgraded - translate plugins files.
system: German, Russian and French languages upgraded.
Release notes
Maintenance and security release of the Drupal 7 series.
This release fixes security vulnerabilities. Sites are urged to upgrade
immediately after reading the security announcement:
SA-CORE-2012-003 - Drupal core - Arbitrary PHP code execution and
Information disclosure
No other fixes are included.
* monochrome: New theme, contributed by Jon Dowland.
* rst: Ported to python 3, while still also being valid python 2.
Thanks, W. Trevor King
* Try to avoid a situation in which so many ikiwiki cgi wrapper programs
are running, all waiting on some long-running thing like a site rebuild,
that it prevents the web server from doing anything else. The current
approach only avoids this problem for GET requests; if multiple cgi's
run GETs on a site at the same time, one will display a "please wait"
page for a configurable number of seconds, which then redirects to retry.
To enable this protection, set cgi_overload_delay to the number of
seconds to wait. This is not enabled by default.
* Add back a 1em margin between archivepage divs.
* recentchangesdiff: Correct broken template that resulted in duplicate
diff icons being displayed, and bloated the recentchanges page with
inline diffs when the configuration should have not allowed them.
mj_turner and jihbed.
A comprehensive Python HTTP client library that supports many features left out
of other HTTP libraries.
o Keep-Alive
o Authentication
o Caching
o All Methods
o Redirects
o Compression
o Lost update support
o Unit Tested