## [3.3.0] - 2018-11-06
### Added
* Allow to change following webkit settings during runtime
* allow-file-access-from-file-urls
* allow-universal-access-from-file-urls
* Added `#define CHECK_WEBEXTENSION_ON_STARTUP 1` to config.def.h to enable
checks during runtime if the webextension file could be found. Hope that
this helps user to fix compile/installation issues easier.
* Re-Added support for page marks to jump around within long single pages by
using names marks.
Set a marks by `m{a-z}` in normal mode. Jump to marks by `'{a-z}`.
* Re-Added `gf` to show page source (Thanks to Leonardo Taccari) #361.
Webkit2 does not allow to show tha page in the source view mode so the `gf`
writes the HTML to a temporary files and opens it in the editor configured
by `:set editor-command=...`
### Changed
* New created files in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vimb` are generated with `0600`
permission to prevent cookies be observed on multi users systems. Existing
files are not affected by this change. It's a good advice to change the
permission of all the files in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vimb` to `0600` by
### Fixed
* Fixed missing dependency in Makefile which possibly caused broken builds
(Thanks to Patrick Steinhardt).
* Fixed weird scroll position values shown in scroll indicator on some pages #501.
* Fixed wrong hint label position on #506.
* Fixed wrong hint label position in case of hints within iframes.
## [3.2.0] - 2018-06-16
### Added
* Allow basic motion commands for hinting too.
* Show the numbers of search matches in status bar.
* Show dialog if the page makes a permission request e.g. gelocation to allow
the user to make a decission.
* new Setting `show-titlebar` to toggle window decorations.
### Changed
* Use sqlite as cookie storage #470 to prevent cookies lost on running many
vimb instances.
* Start vimb with maximized window #483.
* Hints are now styled based on the vimbhint attributes. The old additional set
classes are not set anymore to the hints. So customized css for the hints have
to be adapted to this.
* Element ID is stored in case the editor was spawned. So it's now possible to
start the editor, load another page, come back and paste the edotor contents
(thanks to Sven Speckmaier).
### Fixed
* Fixed none cleaned webextension object files on `make clean`.
* Remove none used gui styling for completion.
### Removed
* Removed webkit1 combat code.
## [3.1.0] - 2017-12-18
### Added
* Added completion of bookmarked URIs for `:bmr` to allow to easily remove
bookmarks without loading the page first.
* Refresh hints after scrolling the page or resizing the window which makes
extended hint mode more comfortable.
* Reintroduce the automatic commands from vimb2. An automatic command is
executed automatically in response to some event, such as a URI being opened.
### Changed
* Number of webprocesses in no longer limited to one.
* Treat hint label generation depending on the first hint-key char.
If first char is '0' generate numeric style labels else the labels start with
the first char (thanks to Yoann Blein).
* `hint-keys=0123` -> `1 2 3 10 11 12 13`
* `hint-keys=asdf` -> `a s d f aa as ad af`
* Show versions of used libs on `vimb --bug-info` and the extension directory
for easier issue investigation.
* During hinting JavaScript is enabled and reset to it's previous setting after
hinting is done might be security relevant.
* Allow extended hints mode also for open `g;o` to allow the user to toggle
checkboxes and radiobuttons of forms.
* Rename `hint-number-same-length` into `hint-keys-same-length` for consistency.
* Search is restarted on pressing `n` or `N` with previous search query if no
one was given (thanks to Yoann Blein).
### Fixed
* Deduced min required webkit version 2.16.x -> 2.8.x to compile vimb also on
older systems.
* Fixed undeleted desktop file on `make uninstall`.
* Fixed window not redrawn properly in case vimb was run within tabbed.
* Fixed cursor appearing in empty inputbox on searching in case a normal mode
command was used that switches vimb into command mode like 'T' or ':'.
* Fixed hint labels never started by the first char of the 'hint-keys'.
* Fixed items where added to history even when `history-max-items` is set to 0
(thanks to Patrick Steinhardt).
* Fixed hinting caused dbus timeout on attempt to open URI with location hash.
* Fixed wrong scroll position shown in the right of the statusbar on some pages.
* Fixed vimb keeping in normal mode when HTTP Authentication dialog is shown.
* Fixed password show in title bar and beeing written to hisotry in case the
pssword was given by URI like https://user:password@host.tdl.
## [3.0-alpha] - 2017-05-27
### Changed
* completely rebuild of vimb on webkit2 api.
* Syntax for the font related gui settings has be changed.
Fonts have to be given as `[ font-style | font-variant | font-weight | font-stretch ]? font-size font-family`
Example `set input-font-normal=bold 10pt "DejaVu Sans Mono"` instead of
previous `set input-fg-normal=DejaVu Sans Mono Bold 10`
* Renames some settings to consequently use dashed setting names. Following
settings where changed.
previous setting - new setting name
cursivfont - cursiv-font
defaultfont - default-font
fontsize - font-size
hintkeys - hint-keys
minimumfontsize - minimum-font-size
monofont - monospace-font
monofontsize - monospace-font-size
offlinecache - offline-cache
useragent - user-agent
sansfont - sans-serif-font
scrollstep - scroll-step
seriffont - serif-font
statusbar - status-bar
userscripts - user-scripts
xssauditor - xss-auditor
### Removed
* There where many features removed during the webkit2 migration. That will
hopefully be added again soon.
* auto-response-headers
* autocommands and augroups
* external downloader
* kiosk mode
* multiple ex commands on startup via `--cmd, -C`
* page marks
* prevnext
* showing page source via `gF` this viewtype is not supported by webkit
* socket support
Packaged by Yorick Hardy and myself in pkgsrc-wip.
## 2.12 - 2017-04-11
### Added
* Queueing of key events - fixes swalled chars in case of some imap bindings
#258 (thanks to Michael Mackus)
* Allow to disable xembed by `FEATURE_NO_XEMBED` to compile on wayland only
platforms (thanks to Patrick Steinhardt)
* Custom default_zoom setting disables HIGH_DPI logic (thanks to Robert Timm)
* Allow link activation from search result via `<CR>` #131
### Changed
* Allow shortcuts without parameters #329
* Write soup cache to disk after each page load to allow other instances to
pick this up.
* Use the beginning position of links for hinting (thanks to Yutao Yuan)
### Fixed
* Fix path expansion to accept only valid POSIX.1-2008 usernames (thanks to
Manzur Mukhitdinov)
* Fix default previouspattern (thanks to Nicolas Porcel)
Please note that this is the last release of the vimb for WebKit1. WebKit1 is not
supported anymore and is considered unsecure.
So this release is a way to end the WebKit1 version of vimb gracefully.
I hope the WebKit2 branch will be in alpha state soon. Hope some developer
will help to migrate the known features to the new WebKit2 process model.
Help is appreciated.
vimb is a fast and lightweight web browser based on the webkit web browser
engine and the gtk toolkit. vimb is modal like the great vim editor and
also easily configurable during runtime. vimb is mostly keyboard driven
and does not detract you from your daily work.