Changes since 45:
DIN Is Noise 46 @ Chennai, India
!+! what is fixed when modulating microtonal range?:
+ left, right or center
!+! voice is voice or noise on microtonal keyboard
+ voice intones the pitch under mouse cursor
+ volume of voice is mouse's height above the bottom of the microtonal keyboard
+ noise makes noise with frequency content related to pitch under cursor
+ volume of noise is mouse's height above the bottom of the microtonal keyboard
!+! presets for superformula geometry > waveform/envelope/modulation curve plugin
+ Click on Browse on Superformula page on a curve editor
+ Mouse wheel or move up and down to browse the shapes
+ Apply or Auto Apply
+ toggle draw mesh outline
+ improved selection of point modulators
+ improved selection of sine mixer bookmarks
! modulate checkbutton set when Menu > Ranges > Toggle !
/!/ zooming curve editor when mouse captures are paused does not update visual !
Changes since 44.0.2:
DIN Is Noise 45 @ Chennai, India
! fixed internal bug in noise generator !
+ results in improved noise :)
+ keys can trigger notes or noise on keyboard-keyboard
+ ie keys from computer keyboard or MIDI keyboard
+ press ENTER to toggle
- removed black/white notes display from MIDI keyboard input
+ colored notes displayed instead
+ balls can trigger notes or noise in Mondrian
+ Select balls
+ and Menu > Balls Triggers Note <> Ball Triggers Noise
+ or press ENTER
+ if there is no selection, all balls will trigger note (default)or noise
Approved by: jperkin@
Changes since 43.0.1:
DIN Is Noise 44 @ Chennai, India
!+! new noise generator in DIN Is Noise!
+ using drone UI
+ choose if a drone drones a pitch or makes noise
+ Menu > Drone Tools > Drone is Drone OR Drone is Noise
+ OR SHIFT + q
+ when a drone makes noise:
+ a low frequency 'drone' makes low frequency noise
+ a high frequency 'drone' makes high frequency noise
+ manipulate drones ie move, modulate, launch, orbit to
manipulate noises!
+ choose Menu > Editors > Noise Interpolator to
+ edit the noise sample interpolator curve
+ use drone pendulum's parameters to turn rows and/or columns
of a drone mesh into drone pendulums! :)
+ works best when you make all drones of the mesh at the same time
+ so set In seconds to 0
+ and make drones in:
+ ascending or descending rows
+ ascending or descending columns
+ apply to AM BPM and/or FM BPM to turn rows and/or columns of drone
mesh as drone pendulums!
+ flip button to flip start/end bpm of drones in drone pendulum
+ harmonic bookmarks on Sine Mixer
+ click on + to bookmark selected harmonics
+ click on - to delete selected bookmarks
+ click on x to delete all bookmarks
+ click bookmark to select harmonics linked to it
+ SHIFT click to select more bookmarks
+ DIN switches menu to:
+ Drone Params when drones selected
+ Voice when Voice is enabled
+ Ranges when a range is selected
+ new microtonal keyboard shortcuts:
+ SHIFT + f selects range under cursor
+ CTRL + f to switch between change note to note and change note by octave
+ CTRL + v to change both notes (to another note or by octave) of current range
+ CTRL + g to change left note (to another note or by octave) of current range
+ CTRL + h to change right note (to another note or by octave) of current range
+ SHIFT + b to change height of current range
+ CTRL + b to change height of entire microtonal keyboard
+ rearranged menu items on Drone Params
+ brought drone AM depth and FM depth together
+ brought drone AM BPM and FM BPM together
+ moved Rotate and Scale drones to Drone Params tab from Drone Tools tab
+ new ~ checkbutton on all spinners to toggle random increment
+ click > on spinner to edit random increment
+ in field after ~ label
+ default is -100% to 100% of steady increment ie value in +- field
+ press ESC to abort active octave shift on current instrument
+ press g to toggle draw cursor guide on curve editors
+ useful for aligning curve components
+ activate with keyboard shortcut only, may appear on menu in future
* improved turn and speed ball operator on Mondrian
+ using new noise / random algorithm!
* improved bezier curve generation
* improved expression evaluation in numeric fields
* improved warper default curves
* improved waveforms library
! fixed bug: DIN may crash when deleting a vertex of curve that has point modulation !
! fixed bug: make absolute values of a binaural pair available for editing
when selection changed from multiple pairs to one pair. !
! fixed bug: num pad + and - to change slit size on Mondrian !
! fixed bug: non decaying notes when ball volume < 0 on Mondrian !
! fixed bug: in display of Selected Range number on Microtonal Keyboard!
! fixed bug: reposition drones when left note of first range, right note of last range changed !
! fixed bug: in 2600 patch !
! fixed typo: paris instead of pairs in binaural drones instrument !
Changes since 42:
DIN Is Noise 43 @ Chennai, India
+ move groups of harmonics on sine mixer
+ shift + click harmonic on sine mixer to select / deselect
+ moving one of the selected harmonics moves all the selected harmonics
'But then one lizard (or iguana) moved, and all moved'
- VS Naipaul, Among the Believers
+ but shift when moving moves just the selected harmonic
+ all, none, invert buttons for gross selection
+ resize phrase position slider
+ DIN saves/reloads slider
+ change both notes of selected range using mouse slider
+ Use Menu > Ranges > Change note? > Both
- removed Change Left note, Change Right note menu items in Menu > Ranges
+ replaced with Change note? Left Right Both menu items
+ scrub / scratch point modulations
+ click on Scrub and move up or down
+ Sync on Point Modulator
+ workflow is
+ select modulations
+ pause
+ sync
+ play
+ voice volume minimum can be < 0 [voice waveform flips]
+ spinner to set absolute drone master volume
+ drone master volume can be < 0 [drone waveform flips]
- removed mute drones button
* just spin drone master volume to 0
+ save/load auto apply state on sine mixer
+ save/load drone selection state
+ save/load drone frozen state
+ save/load plugins fold state for each curve editor
+ save/load auto select launched drones flag
+ turn on/off UI in all screens, not just in instruments
* optimised
+ click repeat of Apply button and key repeat of shortcut r for continous apply
of plugin output to curve
+ useful/interesting when point modulating custom sin/cos/radius curves etc
+ drones per minute is floating point instead of integer
* improved phrase handling for voice on microtonal keyboard
* improved plugin browser on curve editors
* changed default drone handle size to 3
! fixed bug: turning on/off ui on point modulator may crash DIN42 !
! fixed bug: pressing shift/ctrl effected selection box when not previewing mesh !
! fixed bug: changing parameters on Number plugin didnt update preview !
! fixed bug: frozen drones saved to disk thawed on reload !
! fixed bug: didnt save/load turns on spiraler !
! fixed bug: rotate/scale of drones happened in UI loop, now moved to audio loop !
! fixed bug: stopped gravity editing when menu displayed !
Changes since 41:
DIN Is Noise 42 @ Chennai, India
Dedicated to Dad, Mr Narasimhan Sampath [06-10-1943 >> 16-04-2019]
+++ Point Modulator on all curve editors, new for DIN42 +++
+ modulate any point on any bezier curve along horizontal (ie X) and
vertical (ie Y) axis over BPM
+ eg., when done on a waveform, leads to timbral modulation, look @ the FFT :)
+ try on shapeforms too!
+ try on decays, delay feedback and volumes, pitch and range modulation
curves etc etc!
+ to modulate, click on the + button on the Point Modulator panel
+ now pick a point on curve (any vertex or tangent) to modulate
+ DIN draws a dotted line joining a state button to the point on curve
+ nothing is modulating yet
+ change X depth to modulate the point along horizontal axis over BPM
+ the point should start moving along the horizontal
+ change Y depth to modulate the point along vertical axis over BPM
+ change X BPM and Y BPM to change the rate ie speed of modulation of the point
+ when more than one point is modulating,
+ click on None to deselect all modulating points
+ click on a point's state button to change modulation params for just that point.
+ use the X depth/BPM, Y depth/BPM spinners to change the params
+ use All, None and Invert to select more than one state button and thus more than
one point.
+ use the X depth/BPM, Y depth/BPM spinners to change params for selected points
+ press play button to toggle point modulation of selected points
+ press kill button to kill point modulations of selected points
+ point modulations are saved [and loaded] to [from] disk :)
+++ Captures - mouse capture panel on all curve editors, new for DIN42 +++
+ play, pause and kill captures
+ To record a mouse capture, position mouse on the curve item
that you want to assign the mouse capture, choose Menu > Mouse capture > Start,
move mouse as you please and click or ESC to finish.
+ To assign the mouse capture, choose Menu > Mouse capture > Assign and pick
the curve item to assign the mouse capture. You can assign the same mouse
capture to other items by repeating the same.
+ mouse capture is *not* saved to disk [maybe in a future release]
+ Overlay pitch and volume distrubution on microtonal-keyboard:
+ Menu > Misc > Overlay pitch distribution
+ Menu > Misc > Overlay volume distribution
+ Pixels Per Level
+ more pixels, less acurate rendering of distribution but faster
+ less pixels, more accurate rendering of distribution but slower
+ Default is 5 pixels
+ Mirror whole curve or curve vertex/tangent about Horizontal and Vertical axis
+ Swap 2 curves [experimental, only works on editors with 2 curves]
- removed Close button from Menu
Changes since 39.0.1:
DIN Is Noise 41 @ Chennai, India
+++ non-linear pitch and volume distributon on all microtonal-keybard ranges +++
! until DIN 40, pitch increased steadily from left note to right note on all
microtonal ranges !
! until DIN 40, volume increased steadily from the bottom to the top on all
microtonal ranges !
+ in DIN 41, edit the pitch distribution curve to non-linearly change the pitch
when going left to right in a microtonal range.
+ Menu > Editors > Range Pitch & Volume
+ in DIN 41, edit the volume distribution curve to non-linearly change the volume
when going from bottom to top of a microtonal range.
+ Menu > Editors > Range Pitch & Volume
+ Voice and Drones all pick up changes to range width+height, range pitch+volume curves
+ Press INSERT on microtonal-keyboard to toggle overlay of volume distribution
+ Press END on microtonal-keyboard to toggle overlay of pitch distribution
+++ drone pendulum +++
+ inspired by wave pendulum toy/experiment from physics
+ Menu > Drone Tools > Create drone pendulum
+ click and drag a box to create drone pendulum
+ spacing determines the number of drones made along orientation
+ low spacing = large number of drones
high spacing = small number of drones
+ orientation
+ vertical
+ frequency changes more than volume
+ change FM depth, bpm for interest
+ horizontal
+ volume changes more than frequency
+ change AM depth, bpm for interest
+ press SHIFT or CTRL to square the selection box
+ SHIFT chooses lesser of width or height
+ CTRL chooses greater of width or height to square mesh
+ squaring useful when creating mesh and drone pendulums
+ ESC or Right click from Settings screen to come back to previuos screen
- removed F8 = mouse capture assign and F9 = mouse capture delete
- Please use Menu > Tools > Mouse capture > Assign or Delete
! FIXED: curve picker display !
! FIXED: menu items on curve editor !
DIN Is Noise 40 @ Chennai, India.
+ Wrap checkbutton on Sine Mixer to toggle wrapping of harmonics when sliding them
- always wrapped harmonics until DIN 39
+ defered creation of drones of the drone mesh
- all drones were created at the same time until DIN 39
+ affects their phase so affects their visual modulation
+ visible and audible when you do FM / AM
+ different creation schemes:
+ ascending/descending rows and columns, random, nearest/farthest from various
end points, random and custom point
+ set width and height of all microtonal ranges by sculpting curves range-width
and range-height in the new Range Width & Height editor
+ invoke editor with Menu > Editors > Range Width & Height
+ useful to overlay the microtonal keyboard when on the editor
+ press o or Menu > Tools > Overlay Instrument
+ sculpting the curves is another way to do mircotonal range modulation :)
! automate by assigning mouse capture to points !
+ randomize increment on a value spinner:
+ click on right arrow beside the value field to reveal ~ checkbutton
+ turn increment randomization on/off by clicking on the ~ checkbutton
+ default randomisation of increment is -100% to 100% ie no
increment at all to twice the increment
+ change this value in the field to change the randomisation
eg., 0 100 means increment to twice the increment
+ direction indicators on mouse slider
+ move along indicated directions to change parameter
+ new checkbox Overlay Instrument on all curve editors
+ overlays the current instrument on the curve editor
* changed widgets on the keyboard-keyboard:
* voices attack time, decay time
* can now constrain drone scaling (Menu > Drone Tools > Scale) to horizontal or vertical axis.
* default is uniform scaling along both horizontal and vertical axes
* press SHIFT to scale selected drones along horizontal only
* press CTRL to scale selected drones along vertical only
! FIXED set drone master volume increment to 0.1 !
! FIXED countries plugin preview !
! FIXED drone mesh preview display !
! FIXED fold arrow button color on oscilloscope !
! FIXED no pitch/volume display when cursor on widgets on microtonal keyboard !
Changes since 38a:
DIN Is Noise 39.0.1 @ Chennai, India.
! FIXED build !
DIN Is Noise 39 @ Chennai, India.
+ change left or right note of the current microtonal range
+ change to another note of the scale or any note in tuning
+ using Menu > Ranges > Change left note
+ using Menu > Ranges > Change right note
+ use range picker to pick the microtonal range
+ browse selected drones to pick one
+ DIN hilites picked drone with green cross hairs
+ press LEFT ARROW to pick previous drone
+ press RIGHT ARROW to pick next drone
+ when you reach the end, DIN picks all drones in the original selection.
+ can keep browsing if you like
+ you can apply any drone operation to this picked drone
eg., launch/stop launch drones from this drone and so on.
+ aliter Menu > Drone Tools > Browse Drone
+ snap selected drones to notes
! DIN snapped all drones to notes until version 38a !
+ allows for some drones to snap to notes and others to roam free
+ select a bunch of drones and
+ k to toggle snap drones to notes
+ SHIFT + k to snap drones to notes
+ CTRL + k to unsnap drones from notes
+ aliter Menu > Drone Params > Snap drones to notes
+ Set, Unset and Toggle
+ use Snap Left and Snap Right to determine how drone snaps to left or
right note of the microtonal range:
+ eg., if Snap Left = 0.25 and Snap Right = 0.75 drone snaps to left note
if the drone is in first 25% of microtonal range's width, snaps to the right
note if its beyond 75% of the microtonal range's width.
+ eg., if Snap Left = 0.5 and Snap Right = 0.5 too, drone snaps to left note
for the first 50% of the microtonal range's width and then snaps to the right
note for the remaining 50% of the microtonal range's width ie the drone always
snaps to a note.
+ modulation now affects velocity vector of selected drones
+ select a bunch of drones and
+ v to toggle
+ SHIFT + v to let modulation affect velocity vector of selected drones
+ CTRL + v to not let modulation affect velocity vector of selected drones
+ aliter Menu > Drone Params > Modulation Affects Velocity
+ Set, Unset and Toggle
+ added Curve Mix Samples to specify Curve Mix Time in samples
+ allows for very small curve mix times
+ changing this value changes Curve Mix Time and vice-versa.
+ also changes when sample rate changes
+ turns is now floating point (was integer) in spiraler
+ allows for both partial and complete turns eg., 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2 turns.
+ press l to toggle label vertices on any curve editor
+ RPM increment is 1.0 on curve editor
* default Curve Mix Time is now 1 seconds
* improved Mirror style of snap drones to notes
* improved drone pitch / volume tagging
! OPTIMISED plugins circler, rose milker, spiraler, sine mixer, lissajous !
! FIXED select attractors from any selection of drones !
! FIXED Record and Clear Phrase in Menu > Voice !
! FIXED labeling of notes on Mondrian when tuning changes !
! FIXED Drone Master Volume display !
! FIXED Gravity tracks snapped x of drone instead of absolute x of drone !
! FIXED default modulation width for all ranges is 0 !
din: Updated the maintainer email address.
DIN Is Noise is an open source, cross-platform sound synthesizer.
DIN Is Noise is a musical instrument for Windows, Mac OS X and
GNU/Linux, Use your mouse & keyboard to make high quality music.
It can accept input from your MIDI keyboard, Notes, control change,
pitch bend and clock sync.