Reworked tests and finally applied
Improve documentation examples and snippets
Restore RobustChannel.default_exchange on reconnect
Improve the docs a bit
This release fixes an issue with Basic.Reject requeue=False always being set to True
This represents the first stable release of the 3.0 branch for pamqp. It is Python 3.6+ only and is focused on protocol correctness and completeness.
Bugfix for encoding of unsigned small integers being treated as signed small integers
Updated tests around timezone behavior issues
Upstream Release Notes:
* Fixed regressions with old version validation
* Fixed invalid root aliases not being reported
* Fixed regressions with old version validation
* fixed several ISO/IEC 15444-4 conformance bugs
* fixed new variant of CVE-2016-9398
* disabled the MIF codec by default for security reasons (but it is still
included in the library);
in a future release, the MIF codec may also be excluded from the
library by default
* added documentation for the I/O streams library API
Fix that broke several driver builds. Sorry
Add configure support for editline
SQLDriversW was ignoring user config
SQLDataSources Fix termination character
Fix for pooling seg fault
Make calling SQLSetStmtAttrW call the W function in the driver is its there
Try and fix race condition clearing system odbc.ini file
Remove trailing space from isql/iusql SQL
When setting connection attributes set before connect also check if the W entry poins can be used
Try calling the W error functions first if available in the driver
Add iconvperdriver configure option to allow calling unicode_setup in SQLAllocHandle
iconv handles was being lost when reusing pooled connection
Catch null copy in iniPropertyInsert
Fix some leaks
Update ruby-shoulda-matchers package to 4.4.1.
4.4.1 - 2020-08-26
Bug fixes
* Revert reorganization around autoloading introduced in 4.4.0 which
prevented matchers from being loaded. (#1334)
4.4.0 - 2020-08-25
Bug fixes
* Fix performance of allow_value so that it doesn't hang if the given value
is really long. (#1290)
* Fix have_many so that it is possible to test an association that has a
scope that takes an argument. (#952, #992)
* Update validate_uniqueness_of to use the public validators_on instead of
the private _validators when reading validations off of a model. This
enables shoulda-matchers to be used with the schema_validations
gem. (#995)
* Update validate_uniqueness_of to work with scopes that are time
columns. (#1190)
* Fix have_and_belong_to_many so that when using the join_table qualifier
you can pass a symbol rather than a string. (#1323)
* Add an ignoring_check_for_db_index qualifier to the have_secure_token
matcher, since has_secure_token encourages use of an index but does not
enforce it. (#1278)
* Add allow_blank to validate_length_of to match other validation
matchers. (#725, #1318)
* Add new matcher have_implicit_order_column which can be used to test the
implicit_order_column setting for ActiveRecord models under Rails
6+. (#1243)
* Add a new is_other_than qualifier to validate_numericality_of to be able
to test the numericality validation's :other_than option. (#1282)
* Add a new have_one_attached and have_many_attached matchers for testing
the new model-level ActiveStorage macros in Rails 6. (#1102)
* Update have_many when used against a :through association so that it fails
if the inverse model does not have a belongs_to association. (#646, #723,
* Add Ruby 2.7 to test matrix and default development Ruby. (#1310)
* Remove warnings emitted on Ruby 2.7 in word_wrap. (#1314)
* Remove warnings emitted on Ruby 2.7 in Doublespeak. (#1328)
* Clean up requires within the code by converting them to autoloads. (#1320)
Update ruby-pathname2 package to 1.8.3.
== 1.8.3 - 30-Aug-2020
* Updated the tests to match the version. Thanks go to Cédric Boutillier for
the spot.
* Fixed a redefinition warning for the :children method.
* Fixed a Fixnum deprecation warning.
== 1.8.2 - 21-Jul-2020
* Added a LICENSE file as required by the Apache-2.0 license.
Update ruby-mixlib-shellout package to 3.1.6.
3.1.6 (2020-09-10)
* Use dir instead of FILE #220 (tas50)
* Simplify things a bit with &. #221 (tas50)
3.1.4 (2020-08-13)
* Fix a few typos #217 (tas50)
* Optimize requires for non-omnibus installs #218 (tas50)
3.1.2 (2020-07-24)
* convert helper to default_paths API #216 (lamont-granquist)
3.1.1 (2020-07-18)
3.1.0 (2020-07-17)
* shellout_spec: make "current user" independent of the environment #203
* Minor doc fixes#205 (phiggins)
* extracting shell_out helper to mixlib-shellout #206 (lamont-granquist)
* Bumping minor version #207 (lamont-granquist)
* Test on Ruby 2.7 final, update chefstyle, and other CI fixes#208 (tas50)
* Bump minor for release #210 (lamont-granquist)
* Bumping minor for release again, again. #211 (lamont-granquist)
Update ruby-json-pure package to 2.3.1.
## 2020-06-30 (2.3.1)
* Spelling and grammar fixes for comments. Pull request #191 by Josh
* Enhance generic JSON and #generate docs. Pull request #347 by Victor
* Add :nodoc: for GeneratorMethods. Pull request #349 by Victor Shepelev.
* Baseline changes to help (JRuby) development. Pull request #371 by Karol
* Add metadata for rubygems.org. Pull request #379 by Alexandre ZANNI.
* Remove invalid JSON.generate description from JSON module rdoc. Pull
request #384 by Jeremy Evans.
* Test with TruffleRuby in CI. Pull request #402 by Benoit Daloze.
* Rdoc enhancements. Pull request #413 by Burdette Lamar.
* Fixtures/ are not being tested... Pull request #416 by Marc-André
* Use frozen string for hash key. Pull request #420 by Marc-André
* Added :call-seq: to RDoc for some methods. Pull request #422 by Burdette
* Small typo fix. Pull request #423 by Marc-André Lafortune.
Update ruby-json package to 2.3.1.
## 2020-06-30 (2.3.1)
* Spelling and grammar fixes for comments. Pull request #191 by Josh
* Enhance generic JSON and #generate docs. Pull request #347 by Victor
* Add :nodoc: for GeneratorMethods. Pull request #349 by Victor Shepelev.
* Baseline changes to help (JRuby) development. Pull request #371 by Karol
* Add metadata for rubygems.org. Pull request #379 by Alexandre ZANNI.
* Remove invalid JSON.generate description from JSON module rdoc. Pull
request #384 by Jeremy Evans.
* Test with TruffleRuby in CI. Pull request #402 by Benoit Daloze.
* Rdoc enhancements. Pull request #413 by Burdette Lamar.
* Fixtures/ are not being tested... Pull request #416 by Marc-Andr«±
* Use frozen string for hash key. Pull request #420 by Marc-Andr«±
* Added :call-seq: to RDoc for some methods. Pull request #422 by Burdette
* Small typo fix. Pull request #423 by Marc-Andr«± Lafortune.
Update ruby-unicorn package to 5.7.0.
5.7.0 (2020-09-08)
unicorn 5.7.0
Relaxed Ruby version requirements for Ruby 3.0.0dev.
Thanks to Jean Boussier for testing
5.6.0 (2020-07-26)
unicorn 5.6.0 - early_hints support
This release adds support for the early_hints configurator
directive for the 'rack.early_hints' API used by Rails 5.2+.
Thanks to Jean Boussier for the patch.