- Configuration: CELERY_SEND_EVENTS instead of CELERYD_SEND_EVENTS for 3.1.x compatibility
- App: Restore behavior so Broadcast queues work.
- Sphinx: Make appstr use standard format
- App: Make id, name always accessible from logging.Formatter via extra
- Worker: Add worker_shutting_down signal
- PyPy: Support PyPy version 5.8.0
- Results: Elasticsearch: Fix serializing keys
- Canvas: Deserialize all tasks in a chain
- Systemd: Recover loglevel for ExecStart in systemd config
- Sphinx: Use the Sphinx add_directive_to_domain API.
- App: Pass properties to before_task_publish signal
- Results: Add SSL option for Redis backends
- Beat: celery.schedule.crontab: fix reduce
- State: Fix celery issues when using flower REST API
- Results: Elasticsearch: Fix serializing document id.
- Beat: Make shallow copy of schedules dictionary
- Beat: Populate heap when periodic tasks are changed
- Task: Allow class methods to define tasks
- Platforms: Always return boolean value when checking if signal is supported.
- Canvas: Avoid duplicating chains in chords
- Canvas: Lookup task only if list has items
- Results: Allow unicode message for exception raised in task
- Python3: Support for Python 3.6
- App: Fix retried tasks with expirations
- * Fixes items format route in docs
- Utils: Fix maybe_make_aware
- Task: Fix task ETA issues when timezone is defined in configuration
- Concurrency: Consumer does not shutdown properly when embedded in gevent application
- Canvas: Fix 3725: Task replaced with group does not complete
- Task: Correct order in chains with replaced tasks
- Result: Enable synchronous execution of sub-tasks
- Task: Fix request context for blocking task apply (added hostname)
- Utils: Fix task argument handling
- Beat: Provide a transparent method to update the Scheduler heap
- Beat: Specify default value for pidfile option of celery beat.
- Results: Elasticsearch: Stop generating a new field every time when a new result is being put
- Results: Elasticsearch now reuses fields when new results are added.
- Results: Fixed MongoDB integration when using binary encodings
- Worker: Making missing ``*args`` and ``kwargs`` in Task protocol 1
return empty value in protocol 2.
- App: Fixed :exc:`TypeError` in AMQP when using deprecated signal
- Beat: Added a transparent method to update the scheduler heap.
- Task: Fixed handling of tasks with keyword arguments on Python 3
- Task: Fixed request context for blocking task apply by adding missing
hostname attribute.
- Task: Added option to run subtasks synchronously with
``disable_sync_subtasks`` argument.
- App: Fixed chaining of replaced tasks.
- Canvas: Fixed bug where replaced tasks with groups were not completing
- Worker: Fixed problem where consumer does not shutdown properly when
embedded in a gevent application.
- Results: Added support for using AWS DynamoDB as a result backend.
- Testing: Added caching on pip installs.
- Worker: Prevent consuming queue before ready on startup.
- App: Fixed task ETA issues when timezone is defined in configuration
- Utils: ``maybe_make_aware`` should not modify datetime when it is
already timezone-aware.
- App: Fixed retrying tasks with expirations.
- Results: Allow unicode message for exceptions raised in task
- Canvas: Fixed :exc:`IndexError` raised when chord has an empty header.
- Canvas: Avoid duplicating chains in chords.
- Utils: Allow class methods to define tasks.
- Beat: Populate heap when periodic tasks are changed.
- Results: Added support for Elasticsearch backend options settings.
- Events: Ensure ``Task.as_dict()`` works when not all information about
task is available.
- Schedules: Fixed pickled crontab schedules to restore properly.
- Results: Added SSL option for redis backends
* Requirements: Now depends on Kombu 4.0.2.
* Tasks: Fixed problem with JSON serialization of group
* Worker: Fixed JSON serialization issue when using inspect active and friends
* App: Fixed saferef errors when using signals
* Prefork: Fixed bug with pack requiring bytes argument on Python 2.7.5 and earlier
* Tasks: Saferepr did not handle unicode in bytestrings on Python 2
* Testing: Added new celery_worker_paremeters fixture.
* Tasks: Added new app argument to GroupResult.restore
This makes the restore method behave the same way as the GroupResult constructor.
* Tasks: Fixed type checking crash when task takes *args on Python 3
* Documentation and examples improvements
- **Worker**: 3.1.15 broke ``-Ofair`` behavior.
This regression could result in all tasks executing
in a single child process if ``-Ofair`` was enabled.
- **Canvas**: ``celery.signature`` now properly forwards app argument
in all cases.
- **Task**: ``.retry()`` did not raise the exception correctly
when called without a current exception.
- **Worker**: The ``enable_events`` remote control command
disabled worker-related events by mistake.
- **Django**: Adds support for Django 1.7 class names in INSTALLED_APPS
when using ``app.autodiscover_tasks()``.
- **Sphinx**: ``celery.contrib.sphinx`` now uses ``getfullargspec``
on Python 3.
- **Django**: Now makes sure ``django.setup()`` is called
before importing any task modules (Django 1.7 compatibility)
- **Results**: ``result.get()`` was misbehaving by calling
``backend.get_task_meta`` in a finally call leading to
AMQP result backend queues not being properly cleaned up.
- **Requirements**
- **Init scripts**: The generic worker init scripts ``status`` command
now gets an accurate pidfile list.
- **Init scripts**: The generic beat script now implements the ``status``
- **Commands**: Multi now writes informational output to stdout instead of
- **Worker**: Now ignores not implemented error for ``pool.restart``
- **Task**: Retry no longer raises retry exception when executed in eager mode
- **AMQP Result backend**: Now ensured ``on_interval`` is called at least
every second for blocking calls to properly propagate parent errors.
- **Django**: Compatibility with Django 1.7 on Windows.
- **Programs**: `--umask` argument can be now specified in both octal (if
Security Fixes
* [Security: `CELERYSA-0002`_] Insecure default umask.
The built-in utility used to daemonize the Celery worker service sets
an insecure umask by default (umask 0).
This means that any files or directories created by the worker will
end up having world-writable permissions.
Special thanks to Red Hat for originally discovering and reporting the
This version will no longer set a default umask by default, so if unset
the umask of the parent process will be used.
.. _`CELERYSA-0002`:
- **Requirements**
- Now depends on :ref:`Kombu 3.0.21 <kombu:version-3.0.21>`.
- Now depends on :mod:`billiard`
- **App**: ``backend`` argument now also sets the :setting:`CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND`
- **Task**: ``signature_from_request`` now propagates ``reply_to`` so that
the RPC backend works with retried tasks
- **Task**: ``retry`` will no longer attempt to requeue the task if sending
the retry message fails.
Unrelated exceptions being raised could cause a message loop, so it was
better to remove this behavior.
- **Beat**: Accounts for standard 1ms drift by always waking up 0.010s
This will adjust the latency so that the periodic tasks will not move
1ms after every invocation.
- Documentation fixes
- **Worker**: Removed an outdated assert statement that could lead to errors
being masked
Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message
passing. It is focused on real-time operation, but supports scheduling as well.
The execution units, called tasks, are executed concurrently on a single or more
worker servers using multiprocessing, Eventlet, or gevent. Tasks can execute
asynchronously (in the background) or synchronously (wait until ready).