Commit graph

10049 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
25cbe8a226 Update to 0.69.0
* Use CMake
* Install cfg files like before

Change highlights in uncrustify-0.69.0 (May 2019)

Changing option:
  - The option name is changed from 'align_assign_func_proto' to 'align_assign_func_proto_span'
      Mar  4 17:19:40 2019

New options:
  - align_constr_value_gap               Apr 24 2019
  - align_constr_value_span              Apr 24 2019
  - align_constr_value_thresh            Apr 24 2019
  - align_func_proto_thresh              Apr  5 2019
  - indent_col1_multi_string_literal     Mar 31 2019
  - sp_paren_noexcept                    Jan 13 2019
  - sp_paren_qualifier                   Jan 11 2019
  - sp_type_question                     Jan 11 2019
  - sp_inside_angle_empty                Dec 27 2018
  - nl_fdef_brace_cond                   Nov 29 2018
  - nl_func_call_start                   Nov 29 2018

Change highlights in uncrustify-0.68 (November 2018)

New options:
  - align_same_func_call_params_span     Nov  9
  - align_same_func_call_params_thresh   Nov  9
  - nl_class_leave_one_liner_groups      Oct 17
  - nl_inside_namespace                  Aug 26
  - sp_return_brace                      Aug 21
  - align_assign_decl_func               Jul 24
  - sp_brace_brace                       Jul 23
  - sp_after_decltype                    Jul 22
  - sp_decltype_paren                    Jul 22
  - align_right_cmt_same_level           Jul 14
  - nl_oc_mdef_brace                     Jul  8
  - mod_enum_last_comma                  Jul  8
  - sp_type_ellipsis                     Jun 15
  - sp_paren_ellipsis                    Jun 15
  - sp_sizeof_ellipsis                   Jun 15
  - sp_sizeof_ellipsis_paren             Jun 15
  - indent_continue_class_head           May 30

 - Issue # 1709, 1713, 1729, 1736, 1739, 1740, 1748, 1752, 1755, 1758, 1760,
     1762, 1763, 1776, 1778, 1782, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1788, 1789, 1804, 1827,
     1832, 1838, 1839, 1854, 1865, 1867, 1870, 1875, 1876, 1888, 1904, 1916,
     1917, 1918, 1919, 1942, 1946, 1947, 1958, 1960, 1962, 1965, 1969, 1979,
     1982, 1985, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2009, 2014, 2015, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2033,
     2035, 2037, 2046, 2055

Change highlights in uncrustify-0.67 (May 2018)

Changing option:

Removed option:

New options:
  - indent_first_for_expr                Apr 29
  - indent_semicolon_for_paren           Apr 29
  - nl_oc_interface_brace                Apr 13
  - nl_oc_implementation_brace           Apr 13
  - indent_cpp_lambda_only_once          Mar 24
  - indent_cs_delegate_body              Mar 18
  - sp_after_noexcept                    Mar 18
  - indent_single_newlines               Mar  6
  - sp_after_ptr_block_caret             Feb 24
  - sp_after_oc_synchronized             Feb 24
  - sp_inside_square_oc_array            Feb 23
  - sp_oc_catch_paren                    Feb 23
  - sp_oc_catch_brace                    Feb 23
  - sp_oc_brace_catch                    Feb 23
  - nl_oc_catch_brace                    Feb 23
  - nl_oc_brace_catch                    Feb 23
  - nl_cs_property_leave_one_liners      Feb 16
  - indent_member_single                 Feb 10
  - sp_func_call_user_paren_paren        Feb  5
  - sp_func_call_user_inside_fparen      Feb  5
  - sp_inside_braces_oc_dict             Feb  5
  - nl_create_func_def_one_liner         Jan 17
  - nl_namespace_two_to_one_liner        Jan 15
  - nl_squeeze_paren_close               Jan 15
  - sp_fparen_brace_initializer          Jan 12
  - sp_cpp_before_struct_binding    2018 Jan 12
  - indent_align_paren                   Dec 14
  - nl_tsquare_brace                     Dec  9
  - indent_single_after_return           Nov 28
  - indent_off_after_return_new          Nov 28
  - indent_ignore_asm_block         2017 Nov 05

New keyword:
  - __unused                             Apr 21
  - @synchronized                        Feb 24
  - @available                           Feb 23
  - fixed                                Feb 16
  - @protected                           Feb  4
  - @public                              Feb  4
  - __autoreleasing                      Feb  4
  - __bridge                             Feb  4
  - __bridge_retained                    Feb  4
  - __bridge_transfer                    Feb  4
  - __declspec                           Feb  4
  - __has_include                        Feb  4
  - __has_include_next                   Feb  4
  - __strong                             Feb  4
  - __typeof                             Feb  4
  - __unsafe_unretained                  Feb  4
  - __weak                               Feb  4
  - self                                 Feb  4
  - unsafe_unretained               2018 Feb  4
  - where                           2017 Dec  6

 - Debian issue #881249 "FTBFS on armel/i386/mips64el/s390x: cpp_33057 fails"
     is fixed
 - Adopt many bugfix and tests from UT:
     10000, 10002, 10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007, 10008, 10009, 10011,
     10012, 10013, 10014, 10015, 10016, 10018, 10019, 10020, 10021, 10022,
     10023, 10024, 10025, 10027, 10028, 10029, 10030, 10031, 10032, 10033,
     10034, 10035, 10036, 10039, 10044, 10045, 10046, 10047, 10048, 10049,
     10050, 10051, 10052, 10053, 10054, 10054, 10055, 10056, 10057, 10058,
     10060, 10062, 10063, 10065, 10066, 10067, 10069, 10070, 10071, 10072,
     10073, 10074, 10075, 10076, 10077, 10078, 10079, 10080, 10100, 10102,
     10103, 10104,
     60001, 60002, 60003, 60004, 60005, 60006, 60007, 60008, 60009, 60011,
     60012, 60013, 60014, 60015, 60016, 60017, 60018, 60019, 60020, 60021,
     60022, 60023, 60024, 60025, 60026, 60027, 60028, 60029, 60030, 60031,
     60032, 60033, 60034, 60036, 60037, 60038, 60039, 60040

  - Add crash handling for Windows

Change highlights in uncrustify-0.66 (November 2017)

New options:
  - sp_arith_additive                    Oct 17
  - sp_angle_colon                       Oct 17
  - nl_func_call_empty                   Sep 30
  - nl_func_call_paren_empty             Sep 30
  - align_func_params_span               Sep 29
  - align_func_params_thresh             Sep 29
  - align_func_params_gap                Sep 29
  - nl_func_call_paren                   Jul 25
  - indent_paren_after_func_def          Jul 21
  - indent_paren_after_func_decl         Jul 21
  - indent_paren_after_func_call         Jul 21
  - nl_func_paren_empty                  Jul 07
  - nl_func_def_paren_empty              Jul 07
  - indent_switch_pp                     Jun 22
  - pp_indent_case                       Jun 22
  - pp_indent_func_def                   Jun 22
  - pp_indent_extern                     Jun 22
  - pp_indent_brace                      Jun 22

Changing option:
  - The option name is changed from 'align_number_left' to 'align_number_right'

 - Issue # 548, 1098, 1103, 1108, 1112, 1127, 1134, 1158, 1165, 1170, 1187,
     1200, 1203, 1236, 1249, 1310, 1315, 1340, 1349, 1352, 1366 are fixed

Change highlights in uncrustify-0.65 (May 2017)

New options:
  - nl_before_if_closing_paren                     May 12
  - sp_after_type_brace_init_lst_open              May 09
  - sp_before_type_brace_init_lst_close            May 09
  - sp_inside_type_brace_init_lst                  May 09
  - sp_type_brace_init_lst                         May 09
  - nl_type_brace_init_lst                         May 09
  - nl_type_brace_init_lst_open                    May 09
  - nl_type_brace_init_lst_close                   May 09
  - mod_sort_oc_property_class_weight              May 05
  - mod_full_brace_nl_block_rem_mlcond             Mar 17
  - sp_inside_newop_paren_open                     Mar 13
  - sp_inside_newop_paren                          Mar 13
  - sp_after_newop_paren                           Mar 13
  - sp_inside_newop_paren_close                    Mar 13
  - pp_ignore_define_body                          Feb 18
  - sp_enum_colon                                  Feb 13
  - nl_enum_class                                  Feb 13
  - nl_enum_class_identifier                       Feb 13
  - nl_enum_identifier_colon                       Feb 13
  - nl_enum_colon_type                             Feb 13
  - indent_param                                   Feb 01
  - include_category_0                             Jan 24
  - include_category_1                             Jan 24
  - include_category_2                       2017  Jan 24
  - force_tab_after_define                   2016  Dec 29
  - nl_max_blank_in_func                           Nov 26
  - indent_ternary_operator                        Nov 24
  - indent_using_block                             Oct 20

  - emscripten interface
  - removal of autogen / configure build
  - list options that are now AT_UNUM type
  - change option name from align_number_left to align_number_right

Removed option:
  - dont_protect_xcode_code_placeholders

Removed MS calling convention keywords:
  - __cdecl, __clrcall, __fastcall, __stdcall, __thiscall, __vectorcall

 - Issue # 324, 398, 404, 497, 525, 575, 633, 638, 643, 646, 663, 666,
     679, 682, 687, 726, 752, 753, 793, 815, 825, 842, 857, 859, 869, 870,
     889, 902, 916, 917, 928, 935, 938, 940, 972, 1002, 1005, 1020, 1030,
     1032, 1041, 1068, 1117, 1139 are fixed
 - Proposal #381, 876 are adopted.

Change highlights in uncrustify-0.64 (October 2016)

 - Support for new C#6 language elements. (Bug #672)
    Expression filter with the keyword 'when' in try/catch is now supported.
    Null conditional operator (?.) is now supported.

New options:
 - align_var_class_span                             Aug 23
 - align_var_class_thresh                           Aug 23
 - align_var_class_gap                              Aug 23
 - pos_enum_comma                                   Aug 14
 - indent_token_after_brace                         Aug  3
 - cmt_multi_first_len_minimum                      Aug  2
 - nl_enum_own_lines                                Aug  1
 - nl_func_class_scope                              Jul 26
 - nl_squeeze_ifdef_top_level                       Jul 24
 - sp_super_paren                                   Jul 21
 - sp_this_paren                                    Jul 21
 - sp_angle_paren_empty                             Jul 21
 - sp_after_operator_sym_empty                      Jul 20
 - sp_skip_vbrace_tokens                            Jul 13
 - indent_cs_delegate_brace                         Jul  9
 - cmt_insert_before_inlines                        Jun 29
 - cmt_insert_before_ctor_dtor                      Jun 29
 - mod_full_brace_if_chain_only                     Jun 28
 - nl_func_decl_start_multi_line                    Jun 28
 - nl_func_def_start_multi_line                     Jun 28
 - nl_func_decl_args_multi_line                     Jun 28
 - nl_func_def_args_multi_line                      Jun 28
 - nl_func_decl_end_multi_line                      Jun 28
 - nl_func_def_end_multi_line                       Jun 28
 - nl_func_call_start_multi_line                    Jun 28
 - nl_func_call_args_multi_line                     Jun 28
 - nl_func_call_end_multi_line                      Jun 28
 - use_options_overriding_for_qt_macros             Jun 16
 - sp_func_def_paren_empty                          Jun 15
 - sp_func_proto_paren_empty                        Jun 15
 - sp_func_class_paren_empty                        Jun 15
 - nl_oc_block_brace                                May 26
 - nl_split_if_one_liner                            May 26
 - nl_split_for_one_line                            May 24
 - nl_split_while_one_liner                         May 24
 - nl_after_func_class_proto                        May 12
 - nl_after_func_class_proto_group                  May 12 2016

 - Bugs #620, #651, #654, #662, #663, #664, #670, #671, #672, #674 are fixed
 - Issues #322, #323, #359, #405, #408, #412, #478, #481, #495, #503, #509, #512, #513, #514,
    #518, #519, #520, #521, #522, #524, #529, #530, #533, #536, #539, #542,
    #543, #544, #546, #568 are fixed
 - Proposals #409, #477 are implemented
 - Issue #411 is partialy fixed

Change highlights in uncrustify-0.63 (Mar 2016)

 - The branch uncrustify4Qt is now merged.
 - A configuration file for the sources of uncrustify is provided:
 - Some considerations about the problem "stable" are described at
 - Simplify expressions such as:
     if ((cpd.lang_flags & LANG_PAWN) != 0)
     if (cpd.lang_flags & LANG_PAWN)
 - introduce CT_STDCALL to work with typedef void (__stdcall *func)(); Bug # 633
 - introduce some more MS calling conventions: __cdecl, __clrcall, __fastcall, __thiscall, __vectorcall

New options:
 - nl_before_func_class_def                         Apr 16
 - nl_before_func_class_proto                       Apr 16
 - nl_before_func_body_def                          Apr 25
 - nl_before_func_body_proto                        Apr 25
 - use_indent_continue_only_once                    Mar  7 2016

 - Simplify some more expressions.
 - Bugfix for win32 for the flags.
 - make test c/ 00617 stable
 - make test c/ 02501 stable
 - The issue #467 and the test tests/output/c/02100-i2c-core.c are not yet fixed.
 - uncrustify all the sources with forUncrustifySources.cfg
 - better descriptions for options
 - bug #631 is fixed
 - produce a better dump output
 - DbConfig::configuredDatabase()->apply(db); is NOT a declaration of a variable
 - bug # 657 is fixed: change 'mode' if necessary for 'pos_class_comma'
 - fix 3 calls of unc_add_option for "align_oc_msg_colon_span",
     "indent_oc_block_msg", "indent_oc_msg_colon"
 - bugs #664, #662, #654, #653, #651 and #633 are fixed

 - space: drop vbrace tokens... 2014-09-01 06:33:17
   I cannot anderstand this change.
   It makes some troubles: Bug # 637
   No test file for it found
   Reverse the change until more informations could be found


Some more Qt-macros:
 - for_each

Change highlights in uncrustify4Qt-0.62 (Oct 2015)
This is an extention of uncrustify to support Qt-macros

Change highlights in uncrustify4Qt-0.62 (Oct 2015)
New options:
 - use_indent_func_call_param

Change highlights in uncrustify-0.62 (2 Feb 2016)
This release is just a roll-up of the past year.
Many bugs were squashed and many options were added.

New options:
 - string_replace_tab_chars
 - disable_processing_cmt
 - enable_processing_cmt
 - enable_digraphs
 - indent_class_on_colon
 - indent_shift
 - indent_min_vbrace_open
 - indent_vbrace_open_on_tabstop
 - sp_after_mdatype_commas
 - sp_before_mdatype_commas
 - sp_between_mdatype_commas
 - sp_cmt_cpp_doxygen
 - sp_cmt_cpp_qttr
 - sp_between_new_paren
 - nl_while_leave_one_liners
 - nl_synchronized_brace
 - nl_before_synchronized
 - nl_after_synchronized
 - nl_after_label_colon

Change highlights in uncrustify-0.61 (22 Dec 2014)
This release is just a roll-up of the past two years.
Many bugs were squashed and many options were added.

New options:
 - indent_paren_open_brace
 - indent_namespace_single_indent
 - indent_constr_colon
 - indent_oc_msg_prioritize_first_colon
 - indent_oc_block_msg_xcode_style
 - indent_oc_block_msg_from_keyword
 - indent_oc_block_msg_from_colon
 - indent_oc_block_msg_from_caret
 - indent_oc_block_msg_from_brace
 - sp_enum_paren
 - sp_cparen_oparen
 - sp_after_ptr_star_qualifier
 - sp_after_constr_colon
 - sp_before_constr_colon
 - sp_fparen_dbrace
 - sp_word_brace
 - sp_word_brace_ns
 - sp_cond_colon_before
 - sp_cond_colon_after
 - sp_cond_question_before
 - sp_cond_question_after
 - sp_cond_ternary_short
 - align_keep_extra_space
 - nl_cpp_lambda_leave_one_liners
 - nl_brace_square
 - nl_brace_fparen
 - nl_constr_init_args
 - nl_cpp_ldef_brace
 - nl_paren_dbrace_open
 - nl_constr_colon
 - pos_constr_comma
 - pos_constr_colon
 - mod_add_long_namespace_closebrace_comment
 - cmt_convert_tab_to_spaces
2019-05-14 12:54:17 +00:00
2092b348f6 tex-csvsimple{,-doc}: update to 1.21
- spurious blank in sorting code removed
- package 'pgfrcs' added as required package
- introduction augmented with additional hints for first time users
2019-05-13 21:09:30 +00:00
5639459790 Work around upstream bug, PR pkg/54193 2019-05-13 14:55:05 +00:00
a9d473e72d tex-lwarp{,-doc}: update to 0.71
Improved error handling.
Fixes for \makebox, \parbox.
MathJax updated, allows custom scripts, works with mhchem.
textcomp, xunicode: Fix for \textinterrobang.
Updated the changes package.
Added autonum, changelayout, inputtrc, mathtools, metalogox.

Added support for tabular '*' columns.
Updated chemfig, endfloat, textpos.
Added media9, movie15, multimedia.
2019-05-12 11:39:20 +00:00
6d59d0b729 Recursive revbump from print/poppler
Exclude print/luatex that is updated manually.
2019-05-09 13:57:48 +00:00
031d8b545e texlive: updated to 20190410

Kpathsea: More consistent brace expansion and path splitting; new variable TEXMFDOTDIR instead of hard-coded . in paths allows for easily searching additional or sub-directories (see comments in texmf.cnf).

epTEX, eupTEX: New primitives \readpapersizespecial and \expanded.

LuaTEX: Lua 5.3 now used, with concomitant arithmetic and interface changes. The homegrown library pplib is used to read pdf files, thus eliminating the dependency on poppler (and the need for C++); Lua interface changed accordingly.

MetaPost: r-mpost command name recognized as an alias for invocation with the –restricted option, and added to the list of restricted commands available by default. Minimum precision now 2 for decimal and binary mode. Binary mode no longer available in MPlib but still available in standalone MetaPost.

pdfTEX: New primitive \expanded; if new primitive parameter \pdfomitcharset is set to 1, the /CharSet string omitted from the PDF output, since it cannot feasibly be guaranteed correct, as required by PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3.

XeTEX: New primitives \expanded, \creationdate, \elapsedtime, \filedump, \filemoddate, \filesize, \resettimer, \normaldeviate, \uniformdeviate, \randomseed; extend \Ucharcat to produce active characters.

tlmgr: Support curl as a download program; use lz4 and gzip before xz for local backups, if available; prefer system-provided binaries over binaries provided with TEX Live for compressor and download programs, unless the environment variable TEXLIVE_PREFER_OWN is set.

install-tl: New option -gui (with no argument) is the default on Windows and Macs, and invokes a new Tcl/TK GUI (see sections 1.3 and 3.1.6).


cwebbin ( is now the CWEB implementation in TEX Live, with support for more language dialects, and including the ctwill program to make mini-indexes.
chkdvifont: report font information from DVI files, also from tfm/ofm, vf, gf, pk.
dvispc: make a DVI file page-independent with respect to specials.
MacTEX: x86_64-darwin now supports 10.12 and higher (Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave); x86_64-darwinlegacy still supports 10.6 and newer. The spell checker Excalibur is no longer included, since it requires 32-bit support.

Platforms: removed sparc-solaris.
2019-05-09 09:47:34 +00:00
043a31e908 py-rst2pdf: use distfile from GitHub; fixes PR 54161 2019-05-08 10:20:16 +00:00
d1b20caf66 tex-lwarp{,-doc}: update to 0.67
 Added options to set image directory and prefix.

 Improved support for multiple projects in the same directory.

 Added support for xr and xr-hyper.

 Improved filename generation when special characters or macros
 are used in section names.

 Added a user-adjustable limit to the filename length.

 Fixed floats, indexing, minipages.

 Improved HTML output formatting, CSS for definition lists and
 table notes.

 Fixed, improved, or updated caption, subcaption, multicol,
 multicolrule, tocbasic, acronym, kotexutf, extramarks, fancyhdr.

 Added ar, ed, indentfirst, nameauth, truncate, and verified
 works as-is with changelog.

 Prevented the use of several obsolete packages.

 Improved filename generation for symbols in section names.

 Added academicons, bbding, dingbat, eurosym, fontawesome, fontawesome5,
  marvosym, pifont, typicons.

 Added changes, easyReview, fitbox, foreign, gloss, karnaugh-map, multicap,
  nomencl, notes, struktex, umoline, xfakebold.

 Tested to work as-is with askmaps, curves, euro, karnaughmap, tikz-karnaugh.
2019-05-07 12:17:48 +00:00
2d36c8eaba Update my (sjmulder) maintainer email address 2019-05-06 09:17:12 +00:00
1e9bf6d41f textproc/libxlsxwriter: update to 0.8.6
Upstream changes:
 - Fixed issue where images that started in hidden rows/columns weren't
   placed correctly in the worksheet.
 - Fixed the mime-type reported by system file(1). The mime-type
   reported by "file --mime-type"/magic was incorrect for XlsxWriter
   files since it expected the [Content_types] to be the first file in
   the zip container.

Package changes:
 - Fixed not picking up from buildlink.
2019-05-06 08:58:16 +00:00
f3265d2413 textproc/libxls: update to 1.5.1
Upstream changes:
 - Fix undefined behavior when formatting NaNs
 - Add missing files to distribution tarballs
 - Remove unused checks from configure
 - Add C++ test target and fix errors
 - Add a pkg-config file
 - Fix off-by-one in double byteswapping (big-endian systems)
 - Add note about Autoconf Archive

Package changes:
 - Add test target
2019-05-06 08:55:20 +00:00
2fccc6912e py-xlsxwriter: updated to 1.1.8
Release 1.1.8:
* Added ability to combine Doughnut and Pie charts.
* Added gauge chart example which is a combination of a Doughnut and a Pie
2019-05-06 08:21:52 +00:00
73e0539571 icu: SSP skip libicudata 2019-05-04 20:30:34 +00:00
02ccbaa55b Forget about Python 3.4 2019-05-02 09:27:09 +00:00
7c4b71d5c2 py-jsbeautifier: updated to 1.10.0
Added templating setting to control when template languages are recognized. All languages are off by default in Javascript and on by default in HTML.

Closed Issues
beautifying scss selector with colon in it adds space
Javascript multiline comments duplicates
Tokenizer crashes if the input terminates with a dot character.
stop reformatting valid css \! into invalid \ !
wrong indent for unclosed <? - need to support disabling templating
Beautify inserts space before exclamation mark in comment <!-- in css <style>
'less' mixins parameter formatting problem
Change css tests to use 4 space indenting instead of tabs
Braces after case get pushed onto new line
Extra space in pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes selectors
LESS formatting - mixins with multiple variables
Bug in less format
2019-05-02 08:35:09 +00:00
c75c3d0a77 py-defusedxml: updated to 0.6.0
defusedxml 0.6.0
- Increase test coverage.
- Add badges to README.

defusedxml 0.6.0rc1
- Test on Python 3.7 stable and 3.8-dev
- Drop support for Python 3.4
- No longer pass *html* argument to XMLParse. It has been deprecated and
  ignored for a long time. The DefusedXMLParser still takes a html argument.
  A deprecation warning is issued when the argument is False and a TypeError
  when it's True.
- defusedxml now fails early when pyexpat stdlib module is not available or
- defusedxml.ElementTree.__all__ now lists ParseError as public attribute.
- The defusedxml.ElementTree and defusedxml.cElementTree modules had a typo
  and used XMLParse instead of XMLParser as an alias for DefusedXMLParser.
  Both the old and fixed name are now available.
2019-04-29 10:37:14 +00:00
e9df07bccf textproc/libcroco: remove unknown configure options 2019-04-28 19:37:36 +00:00
9eda37edac py-deepdiff: updated to 4.0.6
Found a tiny bug in Python formatting of numbers in scientific notation. Added a workaround.

v4-0-5: Fixing number diffing. Adding number_format_notation and number_to_string_func.
v4-0-4: Adding ignore_string_case and ignore_type_subclasses
v4-0-3: Adding versionbump tool for release
v4-0-2: Fixing installation issue where rst files are missing.
v4-0-1: Fixing installation Tarball missing requirements.txt . DeepDiff v4+ should not show up as pip installable for Py2. Making Murmur3 installation optional.

Ending Python 2 support, Adding more functionalities and documentation for DeepHash. Switching to Pytest for testing. Switching to Murmur3 128bit for hashing. Fixing classes which inherit from classes with slots didn't have all of their slots compared. Renaming ContentHash to DeepHash. Adding exclude by path and regex path to DeepHash. Adding ignore_type_in_groups. Adding match_string to DeepSearch. Adding Timedelta object diffing.
2019-04-28 19:07:08 +00:00
6ad4c5543c py-marisa: use PYTHON_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED 2019-04-28 07:12:34 +00:00
3b77c8b32c Update to php yaml-2.0.4.
The main highlight is it works with all PHP-7 versions now.
2019-04-27 22:40:59 +00:00
7820bc7a2f fix some whitespace, mostly introduced in the previous
python 3.4 / 3.5 removal commit.
2019-04-26 14:12:31 +00:00
5901ac0824 Omit mentions of python 34 and 35, after those were removed.
- Includes some whitespace changes, to be handled in a separate commit.
2019-04-26 13:13:41 +00:00
507d3e4057 More packages wave bye-bye to python34 and python35 2019-04-26 12:44:43 +00:00
b1be2a42ef kde: update KDE Frameworks to 5.57.0

  Don't set a null completer on a non-editable combobox

Syntax Highlighting

  Add syntax definition for Elm language to syntax-highlighting
  AppArmor & SELinux: remove one indentation in XML files
  Doxygen: don't use black color in tags
  Allow line end context switches in empty lines
  Fix endRegion folding in rules with beginRegion+endRegion (use length=0)
  Add extensions to groovy highlighting
  Add Smali syntax highlighting file
  Add "." as weakDeliminator in Octave syntax file
  Logcat: fix dsError color with underline="0"
  fix highlighter crash for broken hl file
  guard target link libraries for older CMake version
2019-04-25 21:08:10 +00:00
f34a8c24a3 PKGREVISION bump for anything using python without a PYPKGPREFIX.
This is a semi-manual PKGREVISION bump.
2019-04-25 07:32:34 +00:00
8b315265de py-validators: updated to 0.12.5
- Fixed py37 support
2019-04-25 07:25:56 +00:00
8df99d9bbf py-pallets-sphinx-themes: added version 1.1.4
Themes for the Pallets projects. If you're writing an extension, use the
appropriate theme to make your documentation look consistent.

Available themes:
- flask
- jinja
- werkzeug
- click
2019-04-24 15:52:31 +00:00
895ed6ef43 py-sphinx-issues: added version 1.2.0
A Sphinx extension for linking to your project's issue tracker. Includes roles
for linking to issues, pull requests, user profiles, with built-in support for
GitHub (though this works with other services).
2019-04-24 15:50:43 +00:00
5f44d6656f py-xlsxwriter: updated to 1.1.7
Release 1.1.7:

* Added docs on :ref:object_position.

* Added fix for sizing of cell comment boxes when they cross columns/rows that
  have size changes that occur after the comment is written.

* Added fix for the sizing of worksheet objects (images, charts, textboxes)
  when the underlying cell sizes have changed and the "object_position"
  parameter has been set to 1 "Move and size with cells". An additional mode 4
  has been added to simulate inserting the object in hidden rows.

* Added object positioning for charts and textboxes, it was already supported
  for images. Note, the parameter is now called object_position. The
  previous parameter name positioning is deprecated but still supported
  for images.
2019-04-24 10:11:28 +00:00
1ab137370c icu: restore -install_name fix for Darwin 2019-04-24 07:59:36 +00:00
2c837aee52 Update to 64.2
2019-04-17: ICU 64.2 released. This maintenance update for ICU 64
includes draft Unicode 12.1 update, CLDR 35.1 locale data and
support for new Japanese era Reiwa.
2019-04-23 13:32:11 +00:00
c4f395731b translate-shell: Update to
 - (Google Translate only) Show gender-specific translations (#274)
 - Support multiple source languages (#281)
 - GNU awk 5.0.0 compatibility (#285)
 - Fix for virtual emulators that have own BiDi support, e.g., konsole (#288)
 - New option: `-bidi` (enforce bidirectional conversion, #288)
 - New options: `-4`, `-6` (choose manually IPv4 or IPv6 connection, #287)
 - Support the use of language aliases for TTS
 - New option: `-no-browser` (do not open the web browser, #295)
 - New option: `-join-sentence` (treat all arguments as one single sentence,
 - Multiple fixes
2019-04-20 09:41:45 +00:00
65fc216b57 Revbump all Go packages after go112 update 2019-04-16 18:41:08 +00:00
74e2dddb22 ripgrep: update to 0.10.0
ripgrep 0.10.0:

This is a new minor version release of ripgrep that contains some major new
features, a huge number of bug fixes, and is the first release based on
libripgrep. The entirety of ripgrep's core search and printing code has been
rewritten and generalized so that anyone can make use of it.

Major new features include PCRE2 support, multi-line search and a JSON output


    The minimum version required to compile Rust has now changed to track the
    latest stable version of Rust. Patch releases will continue to compile with
    the same version of Rust as the previous patch release, but new minor
    versions will use the current stable version of the Rust compile as its
    minimum supported version.
    The match semantics of -w/--word-regexp have changed slightly. They used
    to be \b(?:<your pattern>)\b, but now it's
    (?:^|\W)(?:<your pattern>)(?:$|\W). This matches the behavior of GNU grep
    and is believed to be closer to the intended semantics of the flag. See
    #389 for more details.

Feature enhancements:

    FEATURE #162:
    libripgrep is now a thing. The primary crate is
    FEATURE #176:
    Add -U/--multiline flag that permits matching over multiple lines.
    FEATURE #188:
    Add -P/--pcre2 flag that gives support for look-around and backreferences.
    FEATURE #244:
    Add --json flag that prints results in a JSON Lines format.
    FEATURE #321:
    Add --one-file-system flag to skip directories on different file systems.
    FEATURE #404:
    Add --sort and --sortr flag for more sorting. Deprecate --sort-files.
    FEATURE #416:
    Add --crlf flag to permit $ to work with carriage returns on Windows.
    FEATURE #917:
    The --trim flag strips prefix whitespace from all lines printed.
    FEATURE #993:
    Add --null-data flag, which makes ripgrep use NUL as a line terminator.
    FEATURE #997:
    The --passthru flag now works with the --replace flag.
    FEATURE #1038-1:
    Add --line-buffered and --block-buffered for forcing a buffer strategy.
    FEATURE #1038-2:
    Add --pre-glob for filtering files through the --pre flag.

Bug fixes:

    BUG #2:
    Searching with non-zero context can now use memory maps if appropriate.
    BUG #200:
    ripgrep will now stop correctly when its output pipe is closed.
    BUG #389:
    The -w/--word-regexp flag now works more intuitively.
    BUG #643:
    Detection of readable stdin has improved on Windows.
    BUG #441,
    BUG #690,
    BUG #980:
    Matching empty lines now works correctly in several corner cases.
    BUG #764:
    Color escape sequences now coalesce, which reduces output size.
    BUG #842:
    Add man page to binary Debian package.
    BUG #922:
    ripgrep is now more robust with respect to memory maps failing.
    BUG #937:
    Color escape sequences are no longer emitted for empty matches.
    BUG #940:
    Context from the --passthru flag should not impact process exit status.
    BUG #984:
    Fixes bug in ignore crate where first path was always treated as a symlink.
    BUG #990:
    Read stderr asynchronously when running a process.
    BUG #1013:
    Add compile time and runtime CPU features to --version output.
    BUG #1028:
    Don't complete bare pattern after -f in zsh.

ripgrep 0.9.0:


    When --count and --only-matching are provided simultaneously, the
    behavior of ripgrep is as if the --count-matches flag was given. That is,
    the total number of matches is reported, where there may be multiple matches
    per line. Previously, the behavior of ripgrep was to report the total number
    of matching lines. (Note that this behavior diverges from the behavior of
    GNU grep.)
    Octal syntax is no longer supported. ripgrep previously accepted expressions
    like \1 as syntax for matching U+0001, but ripgrep will now report an
    error instead.
    The --line-number-width flag has been removed. Its functionality was not
    carefully considered with all ripgrep output formats.
    See #795 for more

Feature enhancements:

    Added or improved file type filtering for Android, Bazel, Fuschia, Haskell,
    Java and Puppet.
    FEATURE #411:
    Add a --stats flag, which emits aggregate statistics after search results.
    FEATURE #646:
    Add a --no-ignore-messages flag, which suppresses parse errors from reading
    .ignore and .gitignore files.
    FEATURE #702:
    Support \u{..} Unicode escape sequences.
    FEATURE #812:
    Add -b/--byte-offset flag that shows the byte offset of each matching line.
    FEATURE #814:
    Add --count-matches flag, which is like --count, but for each match.
    FEATURE #880:
    Add a --no-column flag, which disables column numbers in the output.
    FEATURE #898:
    Add support for lz4 when using the -z/--search-zip flag.
    FEATURE #924:
    termcolor has moved to its own repository:
    FEATURE #934:
    Add a new flag, --no-ignore-global, that permits disabling global
    FEATURE #967:
    Rename --maxdepth to --max-depth for consistency. Keep --maxdepth for
    backwards compatibility.
    FEATURE #978:
    Add a --pre option to filter inputs with an arbitrary program.
    FEATURE fca9709d:
    Improve zsh completion.

Bug fixes:

    BUG #135:
    Release portable binaries that conditionally use SSSE3, AVX2, etc., at
    BUG #268:
    Print descriptive error message when trying to use look-around or
    BUG #395:
    Show comprehensible error messages for regexes like \s*{.
    BUG #526:
    Support backslash escapes in globs.
    BUG #795:
    Fix problems with --line-number-width by removing it.
    BUG #832:
    Clarify usage instructions for -f/--file flag.
    BUG #835:
    Fix small performance regression while crawling very large directory trees.
    BUG #851:
    Fix -S/--smart-case detection once and for all.
    BUG #852:
    Be robust with respect to ENOMEM errors returned by mmap.
    BUG #853:
    Upgrade grep crate to regex-syntax 0.6.0.
    BUG #893:
    Improve support for git submodules.
    BUG #900:
    When no patterns are given, ripgrep should never match anything.
    BUG #907:
    ripgrep will now stop traversing after the first file when --quiet --files
    is used.
    BUG #918:
    Don't skip tar archives when -z/--search-zip is used.
    BUG #934:
    Don't respect gitignore files when searching outside git repositories.
    BUG #948:
    Use exit code 2 to indicate error, and use exit code 1 to indicate no
    BUG #951:
    Add stdin example to ripgrep usage documentation.
    BUG #955:
    Use buffered writing when not printing to a tty, which fixes a performance
    BUG #957:
    Improve the error message shown for --path separator / in some Windows
    BUG #964:
    Add a --no-fixed-strings flag to disable -F/--fixed-strings.
    BUG #988:
    Fix a bug in the ignore crate that prevented the use of explicit ignore
    files after disabling all other ignore rules.
    BUG #995:
    Respect $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/git/config for detecting core.excludesFile.
2019-04-12 08:08:48 +00:00
cb6ecd528a py-parse: updated to 1.12.0
Do not assume closing brace when an opening one is found
2019-04-11 08:31:55 +00:00
bb27e4cd70 xindy: add dependencies
fix PR pkg/54110
2019-04-10 11:49:43 +00:00
d01cfede69 json-schema: update to 1.2.
1.2 [2019-04-09]

* add this file
* build shared library by default (needs jsoncpp shared library)
* fix pkgconfig file
2019-04-09 07:33:45 +00:00
e35e0bc4fd *: recursive bump for jsoncpp with shared libraries 2019-04-09 07:09:02 +00:00
39b07f0407 jsoncpp: update to 1.8.4nb2.
Give static library the same name as the shared one.

Bump dependency in to a version with shared libraries.
2019-04-09 07:08:18 +00:00
97e37fb386 jsoncpp: build shared library
2019-04-09 06:48:18 +00:00
0718798590 cmark: updated to 0.29.0
Update spec to 0.29.
Make rendering safe by default. Adds CMARK_OPT_UNSAFE and make CMARK_OPT_SAFE a no-op (for API compatibility). The new default behavior is to suppress raw HTML and potentially dangerous links. The CMARK_OPT_UNSAFE option has to be set explicitly to prevent this. NOTE: This change will require modifications in bindings for cmark and in most libraries and programs that use cmark.
Add sourcepos info for inlines (Yuki Izumi).
Disallow more than 32 nested balanced parens in a link (Yuki Izumi).
Resolve link references before creating setext header. A setext header line after a link reference should not create a header, according to the spec.
commonmark renderer: improve escaping. URL-escape special characters when escape mode is URL, and not otherwise. Entity-escape control characters (< 0x20) in non-literal escape modes.
render: only emit actual newline when escape mode is LITERAL. For markdown content, e.g., in other contexts we want some kind of escaping, not a literal newline.
Update code span normalization to conform with spec change.
Allow empty <> link destination in reference link.
Remove leftover includes of memory.h.
A link destination can't start with < unless it is an angle-bracket link that also ends with >. (If your URL really starts with <, URL-escape it.)
Allow internal delimiter runs to match if both have lengths that are multiples of 3.
Include references.h in parser.h.
Fix [link](<foo\>).
Use hand-rolled scanner for thematic break. Keep track of the last position where a thematic break failed to match on a line, to avoid rescanning unnecessarily.
Rename ends_with_blank_line with S_ prefix.
Add CMARK_NODE__LAST_LINE_CHECKED flag. Use this to avoid unnecessary recursion in ends_with_blank_line.
In ends_with_blank_line, call S_set_last_line_blank to avoid unnecessary repetition. Once we settle whether a list item ends in a blank line, we don't need to revisit this in considering parent list items.
Disallow unescaped ( in parenthesized link title.
Copy line/col info straight from opener/closer (Ashe Connor). We can't rely on anything in subj since it's been modified while parsing the subject and could represent line info from a future line. This is simple and works.
render.c: reset last_breakable after cr.
Fix a typo in houdini_href_e.c (Felix Yan).
commonmark writer: use ~~~ fences if info string contains backtick. This is needed for round-trip tests.
Update scanners for new info string rules.
Add XSLT stylesheet to convert cmark XML back to Commonmark. Initial version of an XSLT stylesheet that converts the XML format produced by cmark -t xml back to Commonmark.
Check for whitespace before reference title.
Bump CMake to version 3 (Jonathan Müller).
Build: Remove deprecated call to add_compiler_export_flags() (Jonathan Müller). It is deprecated in CMake 3.0, the replacement is to set the CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET (or in our case C_VISIBILITY_PRESET) and VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN properties of the target. We're already setting them by setting the CMake variables anyway, so the call can be removed.
Build: only attempt to install MSVC system libraries on Windows (Saleem Abdulrasool). Newer versions of CMake attempt to query the system for information about the VS 2017 installation. Unfortunately, this query fails on non-Windows systems when cross-compiling: cmake_host_system_information does not recognize <key> VS_15_DIR. CMake will not find these system libraries on non-Windows hosts anyways, and we were silencing the warnings, so simply omit the installation when cross-compiling to Windows.
Simplify code normalization, in line with spec change.
Implement code span spec changes. These affect both parsing and writing commonmark.
Add link parsing corner cases to regressions (Ashe Connor).
Add xml:space="preserve" in XML output when appropriate (Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy). (For text, code, code_block, html_inline and html_block tags.)
Removed meta from list of block tags. Added regression test. - omit noisy success output. make tests run faster. Commented out the (already ignored) "many references" test, which times out. Reduced the iterations for a couple other tests. added test for deeply nested lists.
Optimize S_find_first_nonspace. We were needlessly redoing things we'd already done. Now we skip the work if the first nonspace is greater than the current offset. This fixes pathological slowdown with deeply nested lists. For N = 3000, the time goes from over 17s to about 0.7s. Thanks to Martin Mitas for diagnosing the problem.
Allow spaces in link destination delimited with pointy brackets.
Adjust max length of decimal/numeric entities.
Fix inline raw HTML parsing. This fixes a recently added failing spec test case. Previously spaces were being allowed in unquoted attribute values; no we forbid them.
Don't allow list markers to be indented >= 4 spaces.
Check for empty buffer when rendering (Phil Turnbull). For empty documents, ->size is zero so renderer.buffer->ptr[renderer.buffer->size - 1] will cause an out-of-bounds read. Empty buffers always point to the global cmark_strbuf__initbuf buffer so we read cmark_strbuf__initbuf[-1].
Also run API tests with CMARK_SHARED=OFF (Nick Wellnhofer).
Rename roundtrip and entity tests (Nick Wellnhofer). Rename the tests to reflect that they use the library, not the executable.
Generate export header for static-only build.
Fuzz width parameter too (Phil Turnbull). Allow the width parameter to be generated too so we get better fuzz-coverage.
Don't discard empty fuzz test-cases (Phil Turnbull). We currently discard fuzz test-cases that are empty but empty inputs are valid markdown. This improves the fuzzing coverage slightly.
Fixed exit code for pathological tests.
Add allowed failures to This allows us to include tests that we don't yet know how to pass.
Add timeout to Tests must complete in 8 seconds or are errors.
Add more pathological tests.
Use pledge(2) on OpenBSD (Ashe Connor).
Update the Racket wrapper (Eli Barzilay).
Makefile: For afl target, don't build tests.
2019-04-09 06:04:13 +00:00
16474f0203 json-schema: add pcrecpp to 2019-04-08 22:07:42 +00:00
c85c244508 icu: Fix build on SunOS. 2019-04-08 21:39:43 +00:00
1ecde125ea json-schema: update to 1.1.
The include path for the header was changed to have a json/ prefix,
just like jsoncpp has.
2019-04-08 15:45:01 +00:00
571f6a337c py-yaml: updated to 5.1
* Some modernization of the test running
* Install tox in a virtualenv
* Allow colon in a plain scalar in a flow context
* Fix typos
* Improve RepresenterError creation
* Resolves 57, update readme issues link
* Document and test Python 3.6 support
* Use Travis CI built in pip cache support
* Remove tox workaround for Travis CI
* Adding support to Unicode characters over codepoint 0xffff
* Support unicode literals over codepoint 0xffff
* add 3.12 changelog
* Fallback to Pure Python if Compilation fails
* Drop unsupported Python 3.3
* Include license file in the generated wheel package
* Removed Python 2.6 & 3.3 support
* Remove commented out Psyco code
* Remove call to ord in lib3 emitter code
* Allow to turn off sorting keys in Dumper
* Test on Python 3.7-dev
* Support escaped slash in double quotes "\/"
* Import Hashable from
* Make default_flow_style=False
* Deprecate yaml.load and add FullLoader and UnsafeLoader classes
* Windows Appveyor build
2019-04-07 22:02:09 +00:00
50810a1c2f itstool: update to 2.0.6.
* Make DocBook keyword element within text
* Apply ITS files passed with -i in --join mode
2019-04-07 21:37:51 +00:00
2c4057c212 py-jinja2: updated to 2.10.1
Version 2.10.1
- SandboxedEnvironment securely handles str.format_map in
  order to prevent code execution through untrusted format strings.
  The sandbox already handled str.format.
2019-04-07 16:05:38 +00:00
4c433b81cc py-xlsxwriter: updated to 1.1.6
Release 1.1.6:
* Fixed issue where images that started in hidden rows/columns weren't placed
  correctly in the worksheet.
* Fixed the mime-type reported by system file(1). The mime-type reported
  by "file --mime-type"/magic was incorrect for XlsxWriter files since it
  expected the [Content_types] to be the first file in the zip container.
2019-04-07 16:00:09 +00:00
f25e3fa832 Update to 0.59
Add missing DEPENDS

Upstream changes:
2019-02-06  Dave Cross <>

  * lib/XML/, lib/XML/Feed/, lib/XML/Feed/,
  lib/XML/Feed/, lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/,
  lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/, lib/XML/Feed/Format/,
  lib/XML/Feed/Format/, lib/XML/Feed/ Bump version for release

  * MANIFEST: Added missing files to MANIFEST

2019-02-05  Dave Cross <>

  * t/26-content-encoded.t, t/28-rss-guid.t: Replace more hard-coded paths with

  * Changes: Changelog

  * lib/XML/, lib/XML/Feed/, lib/XML/Feed/,
  lib/XML/Feed/, lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/,
  lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/, lib/XML/Feed/Format/,
  lib/XML/Feed/Format/, lib/XML/Feed/ Bump version

  * t/12-multi-categories-atom.t, t/12-multi-categories-rss.t,
  t/12-multi-subjects-rss.t: Don't hard-code 'require' paths.

2019-02-04  Dave Cross <>

  * README: Remove CVS/SVN tag from README

  * Changes: Update Changes

  * lib/XML/, lib/XML/Feed/, lib/XML/Feed/,
  lib/XML/Feed/, lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/,
  lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/, lib/XML/Feed/Format/,
  lib/XML/Feed/Format/, lib/XML/Feed/ Bump versions for release.

2019-02-04  Mohammad S Anwar <>

  * Build.PL: Fixed github repo meta not showing up.

2019-02-04  Dave Cross <>

  * Changes: Update Changes

2019-02-03  Dave Cross <>

  * eg/ Improve one of the example programs

  * t/29-date-parsing.t: Improved tests

2019-01-11  Nicolas R <>

  * MANIFEST, t/relative-links.t: Add a unit test for relative links  RT 53661
  - GH #45  This is adding a unit test from an upstream ticket. Not really a
  bug, more a question about behavior and relative links.  Make sure we are
  processing correctly.

2019-01-11  Dave Cross <>

  * lib/XML/, lib/XML/Feed/, lib/XML/Feed/,
  lib/XML/Feed/, lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/,
  lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/, lib/XML/Feed/Format/,
  lib/XML/Feed/Format/, lib/XML/Feed/ Bump version numbers

2019-01-11  Nicolas R <>

  * Build.PL: Advertise GitHub as default bugtracker  Also set repo url and web

2019-01-10  Nicolas R <>

  * .travis.yml: add Perl 5.22 to 5.26 to travis

2018-10-28  Tim Gim Yee <>

  * lib/XML/Feed/ Rename undocumented private subroutine for

2018-10-26  Tim Gim Yee <>

  * Build.PL, MANIFEST, MANIFEST.SKIP, lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/,
  lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/, lib/XML/Feed/Format/,
  lib/XML/Feed/Format/, lib/XML/Feed/, t/29-date-parsing.t,
  t/samples/rss10-invalid-date.xml: Parse incorrectly formatted dates
2019-04-07 08:00:26 +00:00
853ea9e68f Update to 1.39
Upstream changes:
1.39    - 2019-03-15, H.Merijn Brand
    * It's 2019
    * Fix tests to skip on Encode failing (PR#17 charsbar + klapperl)
    * Tested on Z/OS (s390x - Hercules) :)
    * Test with new Module::CPANTS::Analyse
    * Add options -w/-b/-Z to csvdiff
    * Fix strict on streaming EOF
    * Now also tested with cperl
2019-04-07 07:38:42 +00:00