OpenSceneGraph 3.6 release
Updates include:
* OpenThreads::Affinity introduced to enable setting of processor affinity on viewer and database threads
* osgText rewritten to improve visual quality, add signed distance field support and full GLES2/3 and GL3/4 support
* Added VertexArrayObject support, enable full OpenGL Core Profile support under OSX.
* Added OpenCASCADE plugin
* Added STEP (.stp) plugin
* Improvements to FBX and COLLADA loaders
* Improvements to gles plugin to provide better Sketchfab support
* Added osgemscripten example
* Improvements to osgAnimation
* NodeVisitor ValueMap for storing values that can be stored and accessed across frames, such as update, event and cull traversals
* ShapeDrawable rewritten as an osg::Geometry to improve performance and flexibility
* Added osg::MultiDrawArrays support
* Added osgdeferred example that illustrates how to implement deferred rendering
* Added MultiDrawIndirect support
* Moved glDispatchCompute control out of osg::Program into a dedicated osg::DispatchCompute class to improve control of compute shaders
* KdTree support added for PolytopeIntersector, and ability to work with points, lines and polygons
* osgQt has been moved out to it's own dedicated osgQt github repository
* CMake build support for iOS bitcode builds
* CoverityScan testing introduced, fixes bring defect density to 0.0 per 1,0000 lines of code!
* Support for Codedoc automated documentation
* Support for Travis automated build system