0.20 2014-09-08 11:06:19 PDT
- Add Test::Requires dependency (andk)
0.19 2014-08-31 14:04:44 JST
- Revert #3 since it causes deep recursion when printing to STDERR
inside CGI handler under some perl environments. #6
0.18 2014-08-07 07:58:32 PDT
- Fix perl prereq (haarg) #7
0.17 2014-08-03 18:30:54 PDT
- Make it work with debugger with perl 5.8.x (tehmoth) #5
0.16 2013-09-18 12:23:21 JST
- Use tied handle for STDIN/STDERR (#3)
- Convert to Milla
Changes from previous:
0.14 Mon Oct 31 10:37:49 PDT 2011
- Fixed a bug where croak was not imported from Carp (ctfliblime)
0.13 Sun Sep 18 12:10:56 PDT 2011
- Set the status header to 302 if there's Location header but no Status in the resonse (ASP)
0.12 Thu Jun 9 23:58:10 PDT 2011
- Fixed the PSGI header generation to prevent invalid PSGI response headers
such as newlines in the value and "Status" key
0.11 Fri Feb 18 21:35:29 PST 2011
- Filter psgix.* environment too (mkanat)
Upstream changes:
0.10 Sun May 16 00:39:55 PDT 2010
- Added a possible workaround to deal with Win32 systems to undo :utf8 PerlIO layer
perl #75106 (suggested by Eric Brine)
0.09 Sat May 8 18:52:04 PDT 2010
- Added a test for utf8 decoding
0.08 Sat May 1 04:30:25 PDT 2010
- Fixed Test::More deps
0.07 Tue Apr 27 15:44:08 PDT 2010
- binmode the stdout filehandle when parsing
Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module CGI::Emulate::PSGI allows an application designed
for the CGI environment to run in a PSGI environment, and thus on
any of the backends that PSGI supports.