pkgsrc changes:
- Add license definition
- Add module type definition
Upstream changes:
[Changes for 0.23 - 0210-02-17]
* Fix for [ #54609] If Scalar::Defer is loaded after
a thread is created, no more threads can be started. - SPROUT
[Changes for 0.22 - 2010-01-29]
* No code changes; note performance problems under 5.8.9
[Changes for 0.21 - 2010-01-18]
* Upgrade to a newer Module::Install
- Updating package for p5 module Scalar::Defer from 1.18nb1 to 1.20
Upstream changes:
[Changes for 0.20 - 20090-02-04]
* No code changes. 0.19 dist was incorrectly built from blib
[Changes for 0.19 - 20090-02-04]
* Silence Scalar::Defer::Deferred::DEMOLISH warnings - SARTAK++
The Perl 5 module Scalar::Defer exports functions for constructing
values that are evaluated on demand and to force evaluation of a
deferred value.