Commit graph

57 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
255d200ca0 Update to 3.2.2
Upstream changes:
Here is the full list of fixed issues in 3.2.2.


    MDL-36233 - Fixed inconsistent "Submissions not graded" link displayed to the teachers on the course overview block
    MDL-48228 - MySQL and MariaDB drivers updated to support full UTF-8 . For sites upgrading to 3.2.2, a CLI script may be used to convert to full UTF-8. See MySQL full unicode support for details.

Security issues

A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.
Fixes and improvements

    MDL-56122 - Force reload/recreation of (unoconv) preview in grading interface
    MDL-51833 - Performance improvement in event monitor preferences loading
    MDL-55859 - Assignment: Delete incomplete files after pdf conversion failure
    MDL-55762 - Better error handling around ghostscript
    MDL-50719 - Long-running scheduled task should not significantly slow down cron processing of other tasks
    MDL-57587 - Quiz: Show feedback images when reviewing a quiz attempt
    MDL-57608 - VideoJS and VideoJs-Youtube javascript modules are no longer loaded when not required on the page
    MDL-50770 - Dashboard should apply customized block positions during dashboard reset
    MDL-57374 - Pasting unformatted non HTML plain text in Atto should not remove all styles and class attributes from all existing content in editor
    MDL-57362 - Assignment list all submissions must respect separate groups mode
    MDL-46782 - When re-entering Multi-SCO SCORM start from the first uncompleted SCO
    MDL-53367 - Importing a forum with auto subscription now automatically subscribes current users
    MDL-50625 - Allow to use LDAP user synchronisation without page control
    MDL-55915 - Respect capability to view full names in assignment grading, grader report and manual user enrolment popup
    MDL-57785 - Don't refresh SCORM navigation when navigation display is disabled
    MDL-57370 - Performance improvement when displaying notifications and messages popups
    MDL-57296 - Fixed bug when teacher without permission to view hidden grades was not able to collapse grade categories in the gradebook
    MDL-55547 - Event monitor: fixed bug preventing to view current subscription after deleting a course with subscriptions

For developers

    MDL-57030 - Add option to behat run tool to automatically rerun failures
    MDL-57940 - Allow behat parallel run to start at different time
2017-03-15 14:00:03 +00:00
2885521081 Update to 3.2.1
Upstream changes:
Moodle 3.2.1 release notes

Releases > Moodle 3.2.1 release notes

Release date: 9 January 2017

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 3.2.1.
Fixes and improvements

    MDL-55906 - Assignment grading table reset button should clear persistent settings
    MDL-57222 - Marking workflow and grading must still save for hidden Assignment
    MDL-56810 - Fixed error converting submissions for annotation when student is unenrolled from course
    MDL-55062 - Upload users admin tool incorrectly updates authentication method for existing users when not included in CSV
    MDL-56912 - Feedback: Allow to submit empty not required multichoice questions
    MDL-53044 - Completely prevent login with expired passwords
    MDL-57213 - Boost - Fixed bug when my courses were not displayed at all with $CFG->navshowmycoursecategories on

Security issues

    MSA-17-0001 System file inclusion when adding own preset file in Boost theme
    MSA-17-0002 Incorrect sanitation of attributes in forums
    MSA-17-0003 PHPMailer vulnerability in no-reply address
    MSA-17-0004 XSS in assignment submission page
2017-01-19 02:31:57 +00:00
3d5bbf96f2 Update to 3.2
Upstream changes:
Major features

    MDL-55071, MDL-55074 - New "Boost" Bootstrap 4 theme, usability improvements of the navigation
    MDL-54682 - Messaging UI improvements
    MDL-52777 - User tours - walkthoughs/instructional overlays for first time user on page
    MDL-38158 - Pluggable media players in Moodle; Video.JS player
    MDL-55324 - Easier embedding videos in audios in Atto editor with poster, subtitles and other attributes
    MDL-54987 - New chart API and library

Mobile app

    MDL-53870 - Support for offline quizzes in the Mobile app
    MDL-53777 - Include support for login via the browser in the new Moodle Mobile admin tool
    MDL-55059 - Support Smart App Banners for iOS
    MDL-56607 - Move mobile settings to top-level admin

External tool (LTI)

    MDL-49609 - Add LTI Content Item support
    MDL-47113 - Open LTI Tools in new Window, add link when popup is blocked
    MDL-53832 - LTI v2.0 support


    MDL-38105 - Allow negative score for rubric and change default grade calculation method
    MDL-29795 - Assignment deadline overrides for an individual or group
    MDL-54872 - Sort blind marked assignment by blind ID instead of userid


    MDL-48629 - Change the separator for matching correct answer feedback
    MDL-3782 - Allow multiple answers in cloze MULTICHOICE question type
    MDL-55200 - Show coordinates in ddmarker questions to simplify dropzone creation
    MDL-27072 - Quiz reports now work on very large courses, rather than running out of memory


    MDL-18592 - Allow teacher to make choices for students
    MDL-11369 - Show choice deadline in the course calendar
    MDL-55140 - Allow to specify open and close dates separately
    MDL-37946 - When choice display is set horizontal or vertical apply it to both options and results display


    MDL-18599 - Upon restore, association of "owner" of single simple discussion forum type defaults to user completing restore. Solution: hide author of the first post
    MDL-37669 - Forum: Make "Mark as read on notification" a user preference
    MDL-55982 - Add support for automatic locking of an individual forum discussion after a period of inactivity

Other activity modules

    MDL-55327 - Lesson: option to duplicate pages
    MDL-55868 - Book: various usability improvements
    MDL-56100 - Folder: Display in recent activity block
    MDL-54945 - Workshop: integrate with portfolio API
    MDL-48944 - Survey: activity completion condition on survey completion
    MDL-44712 - SCORM: improve Multi-SCO completion handing in activity completion
    MDL-55158 - Database activity: add start and end dates to the calendar
    MDL-14448, MDL-55464, MDL-55254, MDL-55251, MDL-49029 - Add standard capability "mod/xxxxx:view" to Lesson, Label, Database, Chat and Choice activities
    MDL-55866 - Remember editor disabled setting on a per-activity setting

Global search

    MDL-54794 - Add users to global search
    MDL-54973 - Add messages to global search
    MDL-55127 - Add database entries to global search
    MDL-53222 - Revise admin settings/report for global search for improved usability

Other improvements

    MDL-30179 - Allow teacher to toggle to/from "user view" in the User report in the gradebook (some items may be hidden for students but not teachers)
    MDL-53048 - New "password" fields that are not auto-filled by password managers
    MDL-55767 - Competency frameworks import
    MDL-29110 - Specify welcome email sender in enrol_self, or send emails from system noreply address
    MDL-22078 - Store "End date" for each course to be used in reports and analytics
    MDL-53399 - 'Activity chooser off/on' option moved to user preferences
    MDL-54751 - Introduce asynchronous module deletion so that recycle bin backup does not slow down editing process for the teacher
    MDL-55981 - By default non-editing teacher should not be able to access all groups (roles in upgraded sites are not changed)
    MDL-31356 - IMS Enterprise enrol plugin added features
    MDL-43230 - Support revoking awarded badges
    MDL-50286 - Allow to filter report_log by origin : Logs clogged up with events listed as origin cli
    MDL-51749 - Add Ability to Export Calendar for user or group events
    MDL-50888 - Antivirus: Implement ClamAV virus scanning using unix sockets.
    MDL-54617 - Always show count of online users in the online users block
    MDL-54680 - Offer cartridges in LTI provider

For administrators

Please read carefully: Possible issues that may affect you in Moodle 3.2

    MDL-44467 - Return-Path should use no-reply address instead of support email; use only no-reply email or allowed domains in "From" header
    MDL-48468 - Add a Redis cache store to Moodle core
    MDL-39117 - Add a APCu cache store to Moodle core
    MDL-54947 - Update PostgreSQL binary (bytea) handling and improve connection performance
    MDL-48766 - Support IPv6 in IP lookup tool
    MDL-55124 - Support for connection pooler (pgbouncer) in PostgreSQL connection
    MDL-55916 - Maintenance mode should serve a http 503 instead of a 200
    MDL-54606 - Sessions: Add support for Redis as a session_class_handler
    MDL-53366 - Antivirus clamav: Remove "Quarantine directory" settings parameter.
    MDL-55791 - Add capability to allow certain users through Maintenance mode

Plugins removal

If you are using any of the following you need to download and install the plugins or otherwise they will be removed following 3.2 upgrade:

    MDL-55837 - Themes Base and Canvas - these themes can not be used by themselves but they may be used as parent themes
    MDL-49533 - Repository Alfresco for Alfresco 4.2 and below, see Alfresco repository documentation
    MDL-55927 - Authentication method Radius. This plugin uses mcrypt library and is not compatible with PHP 7.1
    MDL-38158 - Media players Flowplayer, Windows media player, RealPlayer, Quicktime - these media players were present in Moodle 3.1 but removed in 3.2. They need to be installed in media/player directory

Web services

    MDL-31465 - Incorporate user suspension into web services
    MDL-45639 - Web Service for SSO (auto-login from the app to the site)
    MDL-55923 - Improve the behavior of deleted tokens on password reset
    MDL-55928 - New Web Service gradereport_user_get_grade_items
    MDL-55100 - New Web Service core_course_get_courses_by_field

For developers

    MDL-55071, MDL-55074 - New "Boost" Bootstrap 4 theme, block and navigation changes (see Boost_Navigation and Themes)
    MDL-38158 - Introduction of Media players plugin type (see Media players)
    MDL-50937 - JQuery updated to version 3.1 (see jQuery)
    MDL-54987 - New chart API and library (see Charts_API)
    MDL-55727 - AMD modal module introduced (see AMD Modal documentation)
    MDL-52127 - Linting for Javascript with ESLint (see Linting Javascript)
    MDL-55058 - Linting for CSS with stylelint (see Linting CSS)
    MDL-48114 - Moodle can now be downloaded via composer (see Composer)
    MDL-55091 - phpunit has been upgraded to 5.x
    MDL-55072 - Behat now supports different themes. (See Running_acceptance_test)
    MDL-55048 - Grunt and npm build dependencies now require node version 4 or above
    MDL-31243 - New get_with_capability_sql function for retrieving SQL for finding users with capability in the given context
    MDL-49599 - Boxnet v1 API is now deprecated
    MDL-53306 - New authentication plugin method added which is called before user login
    MDL-47162 - Course ID is now required in message events
    MDL-55141 - Debugging option added for scheduled tasks from CLI (see Scheduled tasks documentation)
    MDL-54941 - Add filesize as a new field returned in all the Web Services returning file information
    MDL-56082 - Expose external authentication methods (loginpage_idp_list) in login block (see Authentication plugins)
2016-12-08 15:17:12 +00:00
62a16dc204 Update to 3.1.3
Upstream changes:
Moodle 3.1.3 release notes

Functional changes

    MDL-56022 - Assignment: Allow to bulk download students submissions in separate folders to avoid file renaming confirmations
    MDL-46946 - Prompt users to complete required custom user profile fields before allowing them to use the site
    MDL-43796 - Assignment: When importing an assignment with blind marking into another course never reveal identities

API changes

    MDL-52051 - Migrate to Dropbox API v2
    MDL-55602 - Sessions: Add support for Redis as a session_class_handler

Security issues

A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.
Fixes and improvements

    MDL-47500 - SCORM: Remove blank space on top
    MDL-54852 - Assignment: Do not display "Do you want to leave this page" dialogue on PDF grading screen when changes are saved
    MDL-29332 - Allow calculated questions to have variables with case differences (usually affects upgrades from before Moodle 2.1)
    MDL-56129 - Fix video playback with iOS 10.0 and 10.1 devices (iPad / iPhone)
    MDL-29774 - When adding group members and using user search display groups of potential members
    MDL-42041 - Book: put "Turn editing on" button in a more obvious location
    MDL-56368 - Fixed alignment of settings for Restrict Access when activity titles are very long
    MDL-55858 - Remove unsubscribe link from notification email in forum with forced subscription
    MDL-45969 - PDF annotations now show the submission of the selected attempt (fixed the bug when only last attempt was shown)
    MDL-55505 - Assignment: Fixed bug when editing grades for previous submission attempts overwrites existing grades
    MDL-56328 - Bootstrapbase Themes - reduce section activity indent when not editing
2016-11-19 06:33:25 +00:00
24f4e3076d Update to 3.1.2
Upstream changes:


    MDL-37250 - Lessons: save students attempts if they timeout
    MDL-54977 - Fixed bug with navigation tree not working in some cases
    MDL-50586 - Warn teachers about removing level 0 in rubrics as it leads to unexpected grades.
    MDL-41174 - Update the calendar event when inline changing activity name or duplicating activity
    MDL-33741 - Allow teacher to access course files in hidden categories using Server files repository in filepicker
    MDL-55333 - Fixed error when trying to view/export feedback responses with over 60 questions using mariadb/mysql

Security issues

    MSA-16-0022 Web service tokens should be invalidated when the user password is changed or forced to be changed

Fixes and improvements

    MDL-55312 - Bugfix: Load timeout for modules: core/first occurs after purge caches
    MDL-55229 - Bugfix: Meta Enrolment - Search for course produces error
    MDL-55707 - Bugfix: Possible to get in "recalculating grades" infinite loop
    MDL-55292 - Include tideways profiler along with xhprof for PHP7 profiling
    MDL-54892 - Uninstall scheduled tasks when plugin is uninstalled
    MDL-22183 - Prevent stats from running later and later - use scheduled task time only
    MDL-47371 - Bugfix: The character & is displayed as " & amp ; " in book module
    MDL-52544 - Resolved problems of Oracle driver in PHP7 environment
    MDL-55246 - Bugfix: Unoconv fails on files with spaces in the name.
    MDL-51078 - Add "All changes" option to the Action selector in report_log (was present in 2.6 and removed in 2.7+)
    MDL-52105 - Remove CAP_PROHIBIT in manager role for capability 'enrol/self:holdkey'
    MDL-54847 - Allow students to insert HTML audio and video tags
    MDL-55273 - Default setting for cookiesecure should be on
    MDL-55520 - Assignment module no longer resets max grade to 100 during module editing
    MDL-55245 - Attempting to select text in PDF annotation comments drags the comment box
2016-09-12 12:24:06 +00:00
5f84ee3fc6 Drop "55" (php55) from PHP_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED. 2016-09-11 17:03:25 +00:00
e73985a513 Update to 3.1.1
Upstream changes:
Moodle 3.1.1 release notes

Releases > Moodle 3.1.1 release notes

Release date: 11 July, 2016

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 3.1.1.


    MDL-41922 - Completed quizzes no longer appear in the Course overview block for students
    MDL-54165 - Allow to hide the document preview in assignment grading interface
    MDL-41945 - Do not overwrite submission with an empty filearea when several team members edit the same assignment
    MDL-49852 - Mark assignment as completed for all students in the team when one student from the team has made a submission
    MDL-29905 - Fixed the bug when deleting empty quiz category was showing an error that it has questions
    MDL-46721 - Assignment blind marking: participant number in the notification email matches the number on the submission
    MDL-45427 - Database activity: When creating a template clicking on the tags should add it to the textarea when Atto editor is used
    MDL-35104 - Allow to change username of a user registered under LDAP authentication method
    MDL-51806 - Workshop: allow to save edited settings when using comma as a decimal separator
    MDL-43887 - Fixed bug when handling optional date/time custom user profile field with date range starting later than 1970
    MDL-35987 - Do not abort restore process in case of multichoice question error 'Backup error: invalid input syntax for integer: ""'

Fixes and improvements

    MDL-55020 - Fixed bug when installing plugin downloaded from github repository
    MDL-54909 - Show different background from page when annotating PDF
    MDL-53111 - Allow to unmark completion criterion 'Require end reached'
    MDL-37138 - When clicking a URL in chat, it should open in a new window or tab
    MDL-54997 - Activity completion for a competency should be attached to course competency and not the learning plan competency
    MDL-54934 - Accessibility enhancements: Indicate phase name/form name on the Workshop title

Security issues

A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.
For developers

    MDL-53019 - PHP 5.6.5 or higher is required for development on master branch
2016-07-15 02:44:39 +00:00
73716d23de Bump PKGREVISION for perl-5.24.0 for everything mentioning perl. 2016-07-09 06:38:30 +00:00
23f94b494e Update to 3.1
Upstream changelog is too long, please visit:
2016-05-25 08:23:58 +00:00
97aed659fa Update to 3.0.3
Upstream changes:
Moodle 3.0.3 release notes

Releases > Moodle 3.0.3 release notes

Release date: 14 March 2016

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 3.0.3.

    1 Highlights
    2 Fixes and improvements
    3 Security issues
    4 See also


    MDL-48778 - Fixed problems with assign quick grading in case of multiple attempts
    MDL-21912 - New setting 'Allow admin conflict resolution' for restoring a course from a different Moodle site
    MDL-31635 - Course completion "grade" criteria now correctly shows grades as points and not percents
    MDL-51702 - Restored ability to assign roles to blocks in Default dashboard and My home
    MDL-49807 - Wiki table of contents correctly displays headers created in Atto editor

Fixes and improvements

    MDL-48015 - Fixed misalignment in gradebook when category has no total and items
    MDL-52566 - Releasing assignment with team submission now releases grades to all group members
    MDL-52486 - Fixed javascript errors in languages with _ in the name such as en_us (for example when editing user interests)
    MDL-52249 - Custom menus with subitems now work correctly on touch screen devices
    MDL-51723 - Fixed bug with unenrolling users on login under LDAP auth with Active Directory
    MDL-38020 - Corrected user enrollment workflow through Participant list using Edit Icon
    MDL-41531 - Fixed irregular characters in course name interfering with PayPal enrolment
    MDL-51075 - Centered positioning of glossary popup
    MDL-52217 - Cleaning temporary download directory for dropbox repository
    MDL-52637 - Fixed problems with connection to SMTP mail in some configurations
    MDL-52589 - Allow non-default cache stores to be uninstalled
    MDL-50083 - Unlock submissions when reopening locked assignment
    MDL-43620 - Allow to reset the course start date when having a chat activity
    MDL-49338 - Fixed bug when quiz statistics report displays the preview icons to the wrong variant
    MDL-52763 - Users with the mod/assign:viewblinddetails capability are able to cross reference users with their blind identities
    MDL-52435 - Plagiarism prevention links are moved to the top of the submission text
    MDL-52814 - Fixed overlapping of redo button in Quiz
    MDL-53012 - Behat: Add step to run scheduled task
    MDL-50218 - If there is no grade, an external tool (LTI) module will now return a grade of '' instead of 0 to the LTI tool producer

Security issues

    MSA-16-0003 Incorrect capability check when displaying users emails in Participants list
    MSA-16-0004 XSS from profile fields from external db
    MSA-16-0005 Reflected XSS in mod_data advanced search
    MSA-16-0006 Hidden courses are shown to students in Event Monitor
    MSA-16-0007 Non-Editing Instructor role can edit exclude checkbox in Single View
    MSA-16-0008 External function get_calendar_events return events that pertains to hidden activities
    MSA-16-0009 CSRF in Assignment plugin management page
    MSA-16-0010 Enumeration of category details possible without authentication
    MSA-16-0011 Add no referrer to links with _blank target attribute
    MSA-16-0012 External function mod_assign_save_submission does not check due dates
2016-04-10 03:08:56 +00:00
74b012b89e Update to 3.0.2
Move the line of ${SED} from do-install to post-patch, to pet pkglint

Upstream change:
Releases > Moodle 3.0.2 release notes

Release date: 11 January 2016

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 3.0.2.
Security issues

A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.
Fixes and improvements

This is a very quiet release since Moodle 3.0.1 has only come out recently and lots of developers and users took Christmas holidays after that. Additional interesting issues included in 3.0.2 are:

    MDL-49473 - Logs export contains year
    MDL-52078 - Fixed error in grade totals when using natural grading and excluding hidden items that appeared only when viewed by students
    MDL-52354, MDL-52355 - Database module now allows to set dates in a broader range and respects calendar type plugin
    MDL-51257 - Messaging screen now indicates when a message is not sent
    MDL-52194 - Fixed Flowplayer not working with insecure configuration of request_order
2016-01-15 06:50:55 +00:00
c4d7c37e80 Explicitly restrict PHP_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED to 55 and 56 for packages which
use php-mysql package.
2015-12-06 12:13:12 +00:00
150886aae6 Add php-opcache as DEPENDS. 2015-11-21 11:17:13 +00:00
dd5eb48d2e Update to 3.0
Upstream changes:
Major features

    MDL-29801 - Allow users to delete personal messages
    MDL-27177 - Allow students to see each other's contact details in full profile without global permission if they are able to see each other's course profile
    MDL-46455 - Backup/restore functionality with new logging system
    MDL-46878 - Reset Dashboard for all users after changing the default Dashboard


    MDL-47494 - New question types from the UK Open University - Select missing words, Drag and drop into text, Drag and drop onto image and Drag and drop markers
    MDL-38214 - New Cloze subquestion types with shuffling of answers - MCS, MCVS, MCHS
    MDL-50217 - Question types sorted with common ones at the top
    MDL-29771 - Interactive behaviour should show number of tries left in the Try again state


    MDL-49682 - Make forum email template editable
    MDL-46321 - Uninformative error when moving forum without first selecting destination
    MDL-50993 - Timed discussions are now displayed to students in a logical order
    MDL-50430 - Number of subscribers specified in forum subscriber list


    MDL-49176 - Assignment marking guide 'flattens' instructions for markers and students
    MDL-49515 - Upgrade FPDI library in assignfeedback_editpdf to 1.5.4 to fix problems with PDF annotator on some files
    MDL-50283 - Improve Rubric interface to include the ability to duplicate rows

Other activity modules

    MDL-49028 - Wiki: Option to delete pages during course reset
    MDL-40836 - File resource: New file resource setting option to display upload/modified date
    MDL-26501 - Glossary: Do not allow to browse by author if author is never displayed
    MDL-50673 - Workshop: display all participants on "Submission phase" page in a table
    MDL-50664 - Database activity: add setting to disallow managing of own entries after approval
    MDL-50658 - LTI: Add support for LTI Memberships service
    MDL-49581 - Lesson: Remove high scores list feature
    MDL-49882 - Lesson: Essay questions are not imported into the lesson Module
    MDL-50720 - Database activity: Highlight database entries that are not yet approved.

User interface and usability improvements

    MDL-51051 - Rename 'Categories and items' to 'Gradebook setup' and add link
    MDL-51250 - Show default section name when editing section details with default checkbox being checked
    MDL-49984 - Add visual blocks outlines to My profile page to help separate information
    MDL-48947 - Collect all course section editing buttons under one "Edit" dropdown
    MDL-51087 - Use client-side validation in the signup form
    MDL-50113 - Improve display of long user and course names in Messaging
    MDL-50919 - Simplify the Manage tags page, allow to quickly change name, flag and official status of the tags
    MDL-51013 - Navbar button should appear for smaller screens only when the custom menu or language menu is not empty
    MDL-51260 - Use the new autocomplete form field for tags
    MDL-51296 - Add title to page when adding blog post
    MDL-38763 - Permission override UI should use JS confirmation
    MDL-29763 - Add description to Portfolio settings page

Atto editor

    MDL-45515 - New table editing features in Atto editor
    MDL-49732 - Keyboard interaction for hyperlink in Atto (Ctrl+K)
    MDL-50936 - More Atto editor Maths equation buttons (sum, sqrt, int, etc.)
    MDL-50142 - Text editor preferences help pop-up


    MDL-30674 - Set guest access key from enrolment methods page
    MDL-30157 - Allow users to start manual enrolments right now
    MDL-49746 - Allow to sort enrolled users page by last course access
    MDL-48074 - Group filter in enrolments list should have option "not in any group"


    MDL-49329 - Multiple improvements in the plugins installation/update system including ability to install several plugins at the same time
    MDL-49280 - New configuration setting to allow duplicate email addresses
    MDL-51330 - Show scheduled tasks component in the cron log
    MDL-51261 - Upgrade key - mechanism to protect anonymous web access to upgrade screens
    MDL-50602 - New settings in Automated backup setup for deleting older backups and keeping a minimum number of backups
    MDL-48438 - Add real name to email about login failures
    MDL-30960 - New option in email settings to specify SSL or TLS (SMTPSecure property of PHPMailer)
    MDL-46623, MDL-51824 - CAS and LDAP: Replace CLI script to synchronise users with a scheduled tasks
    MDL-39319 - Allow administrator to uninstall several languages in one single action
    MDL-50155 - Move and rename "Common activities settings" link to be under "Manage activities" for consistency
    MDL-50631 - Display Moodle ASCII logo in CLI installer
    MDL-46167 - New option for CLI installation: skip database
    MDL-50572 - Disable YouTube repository by default since it requires setting up
    MDL-51739 - Lock theme selector UI when $CFG->theme is hardcoded in config.php
    MDL-51478 - Enable Mobile services by default for sites with https
    MDL-19748 - Do not allow to edit tags in the default authenticated user role
    MDL-46398 - Make HTML5 video the default player for capable videos

Other improvements

    MDL-51132 - Introduce course tagging as a replacement for user-course-tagging in the "Tags" block. See upgrade documentation
    MDL-41042 - Course contacts shown in course listings no longer lag by an hour
    MDL-44273 - Back-off strategy for RSS feeds
    MDL-45981 - CAS Auth Config needs way to specify that curl should use SSLv3.
    MDL-49891 - Add description meta to frontpage
    MDL-25451 - Go straight to "Permissions" from block context menu instead of "Assign roles" if they are not available
    MDL-50647 - Add 'not in group' section to group overview page
    MDL-50956 - Allow main menu block to be displayed "throughout the entire site"
    MDL-28954 - Allow images and embedded files in the cohort descriptions
    MDL-50371 - Use $CFG->gradepointdefault for new manual gradeitems and grade categories

Security issues

There are no new security issues since the Moodle 2.9.3 release on 9 November 2015.
For developers

    MDL-46455 - Events must define fields mappings in order to be correctly restored (documentation)
    MDL-50125 - Allow all plugins to inject links in the preferences page (documentation)
    MDL-51247 - Revive / refresh / rebuild the autocomplete mform element.
    MDL-50839 - Allow themes to set User menu avatar size (documentation)
    MDL-48494 - Make $plugin->component required for all plugins
    MDL-43896 - Drop support for $module in version.php files for Moodle 3.0
    MDL-50645 - Cache the list of available callbacks per plugin
    MDL-33564 - rss_error() should return a proper HTTP response code
    MDL-37864 - New method to add help icons to the sortable table headers (documentation)
    MDL-51737 - Add ability to detect MS Edge in our browser sniffing code
    MDL-51213 - external_format_text should be safe to call from web or webservice (documentation)
    MDL-51413 - Add an additional return field in get_forums_by_courses in order to specify if the current user can create discussions
    MDL-51217 - Using recaptcha is not possible outside auth_email plugin.
    MDL-51107 - Add a callback to inject nodes in the category settings navigation (documentation)
    MDL-50891 - is_web_crawler should be moved to useragent class
    MDL-50453 - Replace reserved word usage from \core\progress\null (PHP7)
    MDL-50009 - Prevent scheduled tasks from leaving unfinished db transactions
    MDL-49821 - Some Web Services miss checks for guest and deleted users
    MDL-50926 - Upgrade to phpunit 4.x
    MDL-50491 - New format_text option to exclude particular filters
    MDL-50783 - Allow some ajax external functions to be called without a session
    MDL-50150 - Add "Blocks" feature to JS and PHP mustache engines (documentation)
2015-11-19 02:05:34 +00:00
81e54cbefe Update to 2.9.3
Upstream changes:

    MDL-42639 - Web service core_user_get_users_by_field should return username or idnumber to all managers
    MDL-48861 - Assignment: "Need grading" filter is not working properly within grading overview
    MDL-51552 - "Single View" bulk insert for empty grades no longer overwrites non-empty grades
    MDL-51083 - Fixed undesired browser password autofilling in several forms (majority of forms were fixed in MDL-45772 in previous release)
    MDL-36606 - AJAX Grader report now works correctly when uneditable cells are present

Functional changes

    MDL-49545 - Teachers without capability to change course full or short name should not be able to do it during restore as well
    MDL-50917 - Allow manager to access another user's preferences
    MDL-50811 - Forum email replies update completion tracking information
    MDL-51834 - Lock custom profile fields that are set to by synchronised with various auth plugins
    MDL-44707 - Copy embedded files in HTML block when duplicating block (mostly affects adding HTML block with files to default Dashboard)
    MDL-51467 - Changing course start date when resetting course now correctly adjusts Date Restrictions
    MDL-43594 - Assignment: Resetting course start date now updates calendar events respectfully

UI changes

    MDL-40710 - Better visualization of badges backpack icon
    MDL-51290 - Make adding a photo to a profile more obvious
    MDL-50207 - Fixed activity results block CSS not to overwrite table caption and work correctly with RTL

Security issues

A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.

Fixes and improvements

    MDL-51514 - Performance improvement in one of regrading queries on MySQL
    MDL-51498 - Improve performance for regrading gradebook
    MDL-50805 - Performance improvement in cron Messaging Cleanup Task
    MDL-50790 - Fixed problem with removing content of Reply to email feature in gmail
    MDL-26429 - Added missing criteria icons to completion report
    MDL-51190 - Fixed MS Edge locking up when viewing embedded PDF
    MDL-46710 - LTI module correctly tracks completion when opened in a new window
    MDL-46497 - Atto: clicking RTL button and then LTR button should not add additional HTML tags
    MDL-49032 - RFC2445_WSP defined incorrectly for Bennu iCal.
    MDL-50892 - Fixed errors appearing when resource or activity was named '0' (zero)
    MDL-51390 - Badges: fixed connection to external backpack
    MDL-50079 - Atto: Fixed bug when user was unable to select "open in new window" when linking to the file from repository
    MDL-48881 - Fixed bug with lesson not always showing student attempts
2015-11-09 14:29:10 +00:00
b9b754e081 Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for www category
Problems found locating distfiles:
	Package haskell-cgi: missing distfile haskell-cgi-20001206.tar.gz
	Package nginx: missing distfile array-var-nginx-module-0.04.tar.gz
	Package nginx: missing distfile encrypted-session-nginx-module-0.04.tar.gz
	Package nginx: missing distfile headers-more-nginx-module-0.261.tar.gz
	Package nginx: missing distfile nginx_http_push_module-0.692.tar.gz
	Package nginx: missing distfile set-misc-nginx-module-0.29.tar.gz
	Package nginx-devel: missing distfile echo-nginx-module-0.58.tar.gz
	Package nginx-devel: missing distfile form-input-nginx-module-0.11.tar.gz
	Package nginx-devel: missing distfile lua-nginx-module-0.9.16.tar.gz
	Package nginx-devel: missing distfile nginx_http_push_module-0.692.tar.gz
	Package nginx-devel: missing distfile set-misc-nginx-module-0.29.tar.gz
	Package php-owncloud: missing distfile owncloud-8.2.0.tar.bz2

Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden).  All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
2015-11-04 02:46:46 +00:00
cecc2887eb Update to 2.9.2(security update)
Oked by wiz@

Upstream changes:
Moodle 2.9.2

    MDL-50062 - Changing grading category aggregation method no longer results in unexpected "Extra credit" items
    MDL-34938 - Enrolment expiration dates are now respected in meta course enrolments
    MDL-35148 - Course/Category themes are respected when viewing website on tablets or mobile devices
    MDL-45772 - Forms such as "Create new group" are no longer populated with passwords and usernames by the browsers

UI changes

    MDL-37832 - Course overview block on "My" ("Dashboard") page indicates that activities are expandable/collapsible
    MDL-46860 - Filepicker is displayed correctly inside Manage Files popup in Atto
    MDL-49536 - "Clean" and "More" theme's logo removes all header information.
    MDL-45841 - Blog-style forums better indicate unread posts
    MDL-50293 - File name wraps properly in the Navigation block
    MDL-50323 - Unordered lists are styled in course sections properly
    MDL-50869 - Increased contract of warning colours for AA accessibility
    MDL-50801 - Allow to set the caption side in Atto table
    MDL-50525 - Improve placement of preventsubmissionnotingroup on settings page

Functional changes

    MDL-49826 - Single view now requires capability moodle/grade:edit and not moodle/grade:manage
    MDL-35027 - Forum's subscribers list shows participants with no access to forum
    MDL-51179 - Atto autosave restore is disabled if the content is modified by somebody else
    MDL-49629 - Possible to specify icon URL for a named external tool
    MDL-50868 - Allow to use ruby tags

API changes

    MDL-49085 - Block tag_youtube is converted to the new YouTube API
    MDL-49360 - Function get_local_referer() should be used rather than HTTP_REFERER directly

Security issues

A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.
Fixes and improvements

    MDL-46232 - Fixed "Only lowercase letters allowed" error on deleting users with empty email
    MDL-30315 - Uploading feedback from CSV no longer overrides local assigned grades
    MDL-50446 - Main menu block no longer throws error if there is a resource to be opened in a new window
    MDL-49440 - Date picker correctly displays names for week days in all locales
    MDL-42670 - Recent activity block no longer shows student name when assignment blind marking is on
    MDL-49864 - Assignment PDF Pen annotations are always visible even if there are draft pen annotations
    MDL-43785 - Corrected error message text about expired sessions when clicking on AJAX elements such as expanding admin menu
    MDL-44962 - Fixed error when using HTML tags inside wiki headers
    MDL-50649 - Optimised database query for Course Participation report
    MDL-50714 - Posting in a forum does not unnecessarily require capability 'mod/forum:movediscussions'
    MDL-50799 - Improve question bank "questions per page" string behaviou
2015-09-20 13:11:38 +00:00
dab805e784 Update to 2.9.1
Upstream changes:


A lot of work has been done in dealing with unexpected grade changes in the gradebook which some users have experienced when upgrading from Moodle 2.7 to 2.8 or 2.9. See the user documentation Grades min max and Gradebook calculation changes for details.

    MDL-48618 - Dealing with unexpected changes to grades after upgrading to Moodle 2.8
    MDL-49257 - Adjusting weights when extra credit item is present causes unexpected behaviour
    MDL-48239 - Changing the maximum grade of items with calculation to the value different from 100

Another release highlight is the introduction of the authorised access to the YouTube repository. After upgrading you will need to enter an API key from YouTube into your site's YouTube repository settings.

    MDL-50176 - Authenticated access to the YouTube repository

Functional changes

    MDL-50089 - Gradebook export now respects aggregate only non-empty grades for percentage and letter
    MDL-48467 - Atto: Clean the html even if submitting the form when Atto is in html view mode

API changes

    MDL-49022 - sync_users must trigger event core\event\user_updated

Security issues

A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.
Fixes and improvements

    MDL-50177 - Upgrading assignments in 2.7/2.8 works even when conditional access is used
    MDL-39353 - Connection to a hub from behind a proxy server
    MDL-49742 - Enrolled users page no longer displays sorting by fields that are not used in user identity
    MDL-47787 - After deleting a quiz, its question categories and questions remain in the database
    MDL-49764 - Fixed gradebook UI inconsistencies in Internet Explorer
    MDL-49885 - The course overview block can now be added to Dashboard
    MDL-50675 - Display Wikimedia repository thumbnails (caused by the change in Wikimedia API)
    MDL-50091 - Fixed fatal error in gradebook singleview after a module has been uninstalled
    MDL-48664 - Messaging contacts paging bar no longer expands and overlaps other text
    MDL-50092 - User unenrollment is now working with IMS Enterprise
    MDL-49560 - SOAP web service now works with token
    MDL-50004 - Fix coursename and enrolment icons in category combo on Frontpage
    MDL-50646 - Site default language should be set as the language for new users
    MDL-50394 - Grade to pass no longer throws an error when a decimal point separator is used
    MDL-50276 - Added missing new line separator in plain text e-mails from the forum
    MDL-49061 - The activity completion report in a course correctly shortens headers when multi language filter is used
    MDL-50275 - Added missing version bump after risk bitmap change in MDL-49941
    MDL-50380 - Fixed missing parameter error when editing files in wiki
2015-07-08 15:51:56 +00:00
2e65d464e8 Recursive PKGREVISION bump for all packages mentioning 'perl',
having a PKGNAME of p5-*, or depending such a package,
for perl-5.22.0.
2015-06-12 10:50:58 +00:00
c1f8913314 Update to 2.9
Upstream changes is too long, please visit:
2015-05-15 10:58:18 +00:00
6bb950725e Update to 2.8.5
Upstream changes:
MDL-35392 - Feedback from module assign is now always shown in the gradebook
MDL-31036 - No more truncating characters in assignment quick grading
MDL-46626 - Log report export no longer contains html
MDL-23273 - Limit of responses in choice module is respected in case of synchronous submissions
Functional changes
MDL-31578 - Shibboleth can map attributes for all Moodle fields including custom attributes
MDL-47911 - Performance improvement on gradebook operations
MDL-49240 - Web service core_get_string now functions correctly
MDL-45621 - It is possible to uninstall portfolio plugins
MDL-48670 - Standard behat tests now work properly regardless of user timezone
UI changes
MDL-48533 - Backup report now links to the individual course backup summaries
MDL-49064 - left-align css class now has an RTL equivalent in bootstrap base
Security issues
A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.

Fixes and improvements
MDL-42138 - Required custom profile fields are always required on signup form even when user has logged in as guest
MDL-49059 - Possible to embed YouTube videos with start time or playlist info
MDL-48544 - Block region no longer disappears if all blocks in it were hidden
MDL-48841 - Fixed bug with not being able to reset scheduled task to defaults
MDL-49167 - Fixed regression with $CFG->yuislasharguments introduced by previous minor release
MDL-47953 - Grader report shows correct number of students per page when suspended users are present
MDL-48294 - enablemobilewebservice is no longer duplicated in Site admin
MDL-48679 - Fixed bug with missing grade export URL when using grade publishing
2015-03-11 14:14:52 +00:00
c6a6148c40 Update to 2.8.3
Upstream changes:
MDL-47935 - Atto Autosave message no longer covers text you are editing
MDL-44560 - Pagination in glossary category works correctly when entries have multiple categories
MDL-47792 - Course and Activity Completion Reports display vertical text without truncating
Functional changes
MDL-43386 - Lesson grade essay responses preserve HTML formatting
MDL-14730 - Allow linking to pages inside a lesson
MDL-47761 - Explanation is given to the users why they are unable to enrol in the course
MDL-47871 - Event monitor: Teacher can duplicate System rule
UI changes
MDL-44907 - Better styling of admin setting validation messages in bootstrapbase
MDL-48596 - Lesson editing page has correct layout used by other editing pages and does not obstruct page with blocks
MDL-47166 - Atto: outdent button is shown first followed by indent button
Security issues
A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.

Fixes and improvements
MDL-48765 - Improved icon alignment on course enrolment methods page
MDL-40285 - When assignment is submitted by one team member it is shown as submitted for all team members
MDL-38142 - User forum posts page no longer displays error for the hidden course
MDL-36877 - Final lesson page is displayed when course setting "Show gradebook to students" is set to "No"
MDL-48073 - Group filter is preserved when moving to next page of enrolled users
MDL-40326 - Course reset also resets lesson progress bar
MDL-48383 - Cron no longer warns about disabled enrol_imsenterprise after each scheduled task
MDL-48914 - Roles assignment page does not display user select if there are too many users preventing from php memory error
2015-02-02 14:54:55 +00:00
54fc49347e Update to 2.8.2
Upstream changes:
Release date: 12 January, 2015

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 2.8.2.

1 Highlights
2 Functional changes
3 API changes
4 UI changes
5 Security issues
6 Fixes and improvements
7 See also
MDL-40241 - Default Manager and Teacher role are able to manually mark course as completed
MDL-46442 - Notifications about assignment re-submissions are sent
MDL-43462 - EditPDF correctly shows landscape PDFs
MDL-43679 - Clicking link to Moodle in MS Word no longer results "You are already logged in" message
Functional changes
MDL-42717 - Ensure automated backup files are deleted when an error occurs because of directory permissions
MDL-47601 - Ensure old automated backups are deleted including the case when file name is renamed from language string
MDL-48023 - Changed "Cache-control: private" to "public" on public static files to increase performance
MDL-48224 - In the Task API, each adhoc and scheduled task now has it's own SMTP buffer, and the legacy cron has one buffer for all tasks. Previously scheduled tasks had no buffer, and the legacy cron had a buffer only for tasks of activity modules.
MDL-33606 - Make distinction between all section course view and a single section course view log entry
API changes
MDL-44657 - No more Javascript error when the form class is namespaced
MDL-22309 - get_role_users() works correctly when a user is assigned more than one role
MDL-48697 - Completion directory is recognized by Moodle as a valid component directory
MDL-48495 - Limit protocols supported by curl by default
UI changes
MDL-35078 - End date for self enrolment on the bulk enrolment form now also contains time
MDL-42501 - Added help about deleting grades in the course reset form
MDL-48206 - Wider textarea for the comments in the comments block
Security issues
A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.

Fixes and improvements
MDL-40097 - Course completion role criteria no longer causes fatal error
MDL-35494 - User is able to restore an activity even when they own only one course
MDL-20304 - Practice lesson does not appear in Gradebook [Patch]
MDL-45324 - Grading notifications are not sent before the grades are released to students
MDL-47133 - Keyboard shortcuts in Atto do not interfere with regional keyboard settings
MDL-37704 - Possible to lock Description field in users' profiles
MDL-36240 - Calendar events from activities are restored even without user data
MDL-14908 - Parent Role can view courses for students that are in groups
MDL-46472 - Fixed upgrade loop caused by undeletable themes
MDL-31822 - Non-default section name is shown at the site level
MDL-47475 - PDF annotation is visible by all students in the team and not only by the one who made a submission
MDL-47993, MDL-48088 - Correctly parse dates with timezones when importing from Microsoft calendar
MDL-48150 - Fixed a bug whereby only the first post in a forum was sent with the correct headers on each run of cron
MDL-48288, MDL-48191 - Grader report's floating headers work correctly when email or average row is hidden
MDL-48179 - Backup progress no longer times out when compressing large backup
MDL-48164 - 'Reply to email' does not result in out-of-office replies posted in forum
2015-01-12 13:33:15 +00:00
7ae2bedc94 Update to 2.8.1
Upstream changes:
Moodle 2.8.1 release notes
Release date: 13 November 2014

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 2.8.1.

Regression fixes
MDL-48204 - Syntax error in mod/wiki/admin.php -- Note: this is the regression that lead to Moodle 2.8.1 being released a few days after 2.8.
MDL-48168 - It should be possible to edit the overall max grade after a quiz has been attempted
MDL-48156 - Schedule task manager misinterprets core\plugininfo\base::is_enabled()
Other fixes
MDL-48093 - HTML 5 video: Firefox now supports .mp4
MDL-47391 - Default profile page uses page-layout "mydashboard" instead of "mypublic"
MDL-39692 - Letter boundary cannot be deleted
MDL-39376 - performance problem while calling admin setting page in case of large amount of categories
MDL-30968 - Group hyper-link in Forum view links to list of all participants
2014-11-16 09:04:05 +00:00
fbc73df8a2 Update to 2.8
Upstream changelog is too long, please visit:
2014-11-11 12:04:51 +00:00
cda18437be Remove pkgviews: don't set PKG_INSTALLATION_TYPES in Makefiles. 2014-10-09 14:05:50 +00:00
5cbb9c4d36 Update to 2.7.2(security update)
Upstream changes:
MDL-45780 - Atto now working with form change checker and quiz autosave
MDL-46748 - Mathjax address that changed, that caused Atto to fail to load, has been updated in Moodle
MDL-35984 - Gradebook Sum of grades shows correct total if items are hidden
Functional changes
MDL-45724 - Warning given when the same memcached instance is used for both sessions and MUC
MDL-46681 - For Multiple choices questions in the quiz / question bank, the options "Clear incorrect responses" and "Show the number of correct responses" did not make sense for "One answer only" questions. It is now impossible to select that combination of options on the form.
Security issues
MSA-14-0033 URL parameter injection in CAS authentication
MSA-14-0034 Identity information revealed early in Q&A forum
Fixes and improvements
MDL-37509 - Description of assignment hidden in calendar if "always show description" = NO
MDL-46545 - Weekly stats now working again
MDL-46589 - Automatic emails now sent after users import from CSV
MDL-43197 - Parent role only sees course total and no longer individual grades
MDL-46236 - Start New Attempt option is now followed if SCORM is set to appear in a popup

Approved by:	wiz@
2014-09-23 07:06:10 +00:00
9c7dd21d60 Update to 2.7.1
Upstream changes:
MDL-41383 - File picker works when zooming in and out of browser
MDL-45580 - PDF Annotations working with multiple attempts
Functional changes
MDL-43274 - Course logs can no longer be deleted when course is reset
API changes
MDL-44871 - Behat tests written for Atto functionalities
MDL-43669 - Configuration option added so that mail can be sent from noreply address exclusively
UI changes
MDL-45599 - The term 'add-on' is changed to 'plugin'
Security issues
A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.

Fixes and improvements
MDL-44124 - iCal import recurrence rules working consistently
MDL-45579 - Duplicate group enrolment keys for the same course are no longer allowed
MDL-45682 - Can now insert images using Chrome
2014-07-18 13:34:17 +00:00
0522814e9e Update to 2.7
Add missing php module zlib
Update minimum php version to 5.4.4

Upstream changes:
Please visiti:
2014-06-02 14:15:37 +00:00
7eeb51b534 Bump for perl-5.20.0.
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
2014-05-29 23:35:13 +00:00
370b56161b Update to 2.5.6
Upstream changes:
Moodle 2.5.6 release notes
Release date: 12 May, 2014

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 2.5.6.

Functional changes
MDL-43985 - Checkbox added to control sending of feedback when grading Assignment (backport of MDL-33600)
Security issues
MSA-14-0014 Cross-site request forgery possible in Assignment
MSA-14-0015 Web service token expiry issue for MoodleMobile
MSA-14-0016 Anonymous student identity revealed in Assignment
MSA-14-0017 File access issue in HTML block
MSA-14-0019 Reflected XSS in URL downloader repository
Fixes and improvements
MDL-45119 - When student opens assignment feedback PDF no error messages are shown
MDL-41551 - Block drag-drop fixed for Clean theme on My Home page
MDL-44936 - CSS chunking is now more reliable on IE
MDL-45154 - Warnings and errors in user profile page fixed
MDL-43721 - Poor performance on Assignment grading page fixed
2014-05-22 00:58:07 +00:00
44f841856c Update to 2.5.5
Approved by: wiz@

Upstream changes:
MDL-43733 - Auto-saved responses are used when a quiz attempt is submitted automatically
MDL-27414 - Random short answer matching question type now works again (with thanks to Jean-Michel Védrine)
Functional changes
MDL-40821 - Language menu in Clean shows language used
API changes
MDL-43882 - "Time spent waiting for the database" value added to performance info
UI changes
MDL-44425 - Skydrive, and Google Docs are renamed OneDrive, Box and Google Drive respectively to reflect these remote service name changes.
Security issues
MSA-14-0004 Incorrect filtering in Quiz
MSA-14-0005 Access issue in Feedback activity
MSA-14-0006 Capability issue in Chat
MSA-14-0007 Access issue in Wiki
MSA-14-0008 Cross site scripting potential in Flowplayer
MSA-14-0009 Identity information leak in Forum and Quiz
MSA-14-0010 Identity information leak in Alfresco Repository
MSA-14-0011 Cross site request forgery potential in IMS enrolments
MSA-14-0012 Access issue in Badges
Fixes and improvements
MDL-40705 - Long course names are truncated in navigation menu
MDL-40205 - Long block titles are truncated in Clean
MDL-42882 - Performance improvement to missing root directory upgrade step
MDL-40849 - Assignment marking guide screen fixed in Clean
MDL-44217 - The link colour in Bootstrapbase (and Clean) is now WCAG compliant
MDL-44029 - Quiz user overrides no longer deleted by group event handler
MDL-44018 - Variant field of question_attempts is backed up by Moodle backup
MDL-43941 - Activity show/hide toggle fixed in hidden and orphaned sections
MDL-43306 - Backup no longer introduces duplicate gradeitem sortorders when restoring

MDL-41819 - Able to edit a larger number of grades in the grader report
Functional changes
MDL-42504 - Quiz auto-save detects that the connection to the server has been lost and warns students
API changes
MDL-40741 - Behat tests adapted to Clean theme
MDL-42942 - Environmental information shown at the beginning of every Behat run
Security issues
MSA-14-0001 Config passwords visibility issue
MSA-14-0002 Group constraints lacking in "login as"
MSA-14-0003 Cross-site request forgery vulnerability in profile fields
Fixes and improvements
MDL-34182 - Invalid JSON no longer output on filepicker when repository plugins output invalid content
MDL-43367 - get_child_contexts() returns correct contexts when context path missing
MDL-42913 - Group cache works as expected
MDL-40003 - Assignment submission comments are restored
MDL-42085 - Default enrolment duration is now applied when manually enrolling a user
2014-03-19 14:20:00 +00:00
b880225abb Update to 2.5.3
Upstream changes:
MDL-41252 - Accessibility improvements to course page.
MDL-34209 - Moving sections by drag and drop reorders sections correctly.
MDL-29987 - Embedded PDF files behave correctly.
Functional changes
MDL-42069 - Option to sort by last name in Quiz grading report.
MDL-38267 - Submit button is not shown after cut-off date in Assignment.
MDL-22669 - When restoring a larger course over a smaller one, the number of sections is maintained.
MDL-42666 and MDL-42668 - The repository and portfolio have been updated to use API v2. Moodle sites which have used the repository previously need to run the tool as soon as possible. Also, HTTPS is now required for sites to access See APIv1 migration for details.
API changes
MDL-41861, MDL-41882, MDL-41853,... - Generator tools have been backported.
Security issues
A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.

Fixes and improvements
MDL-32862 - Links to 1.9 resource types work after upgrade to 2.2 followed by backup and restore.
MDL-40903 - Persistent cache is now split into logical parts.
MDL-41942 - Courses in categories no longer become invisible due to caching problem.
MDL-41352 - Mymobile theme no longer producing JavaScript error on course pages.
MDL-37528 - Block drag-and-drop issue resolved.
MDL-42542 - The Portfolio cron job is now working.
MDL-42619 - Error deleting a course link from the community block is fixed.
MDL-37877 - Automated backup failure is now reported.
2013-11-16 13:03:08 +00:00
6335023cd6 Changes:
* APACHE_USER and APACHE_GROUP are defined somewhere else; don't redefine these here.
* Don't depend on php-zlib as Moodle does not require this module.
* Faster installation using 'pax'.
* Auto-generare PLIST.
* Don't change owner/group of Moodle files; web-server should only be able to read them, and nothing more.
2013-09-10 23:39:59 +00:00
9d9ef73407 Update to 2.5.2
Upstream changes:
Releases > Moodle 2.5.2 release notes

Release date: 9 September 2013

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 2.5.2.

Contents [hide]
1 Highlights
2 Functional changes
3 API changes
4 Security issues
5 Fixes and improvements
6 See also
MDL-30839 - Form validation and error recovery draws the user to where focus is needed.
MDL-27953 - Uploaded users can be added with authentication options other than Manual account or No login.
MDL-38707 - Folders displayed on course pages show their name.
Functional changes
MDL-40854 - Links to course activities/resources do not appear to users without appropriate view capabilities.
MDL-35981 - Confirmation is no longer needed after deleting a comment.
MDL-38707 - Folders displayed on course pages show their name.
MDL-41036 - Question category info is now edited using the HTML editor.
API changes
MDL-40176 - Mock form submission introduced for testing.
Security issues
A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.

Fixes and improvements
MDL-37333 - Clicking "Clear theme caches" in Default theme selector redirects page to "Select theme for tablet device".
MDL-41106 - MUC session cache fixes were made.
MDL-36803 - TinyMCE editor now works better with iOS.
MDL-40891 - MUC cache purge works consistently when creating directories.
MDL-31487 - Grade items remain hidden if explicitly hidden via Gradebook (regardless of activity state).
2013-09-10 02:41:18 +00:00
1918db65e2 Adjust example config file for Apache 2.4 2013-09-07 07:31:40 +00:00
1b92bfa4df Update to 2.5.1
Upstream changes:
MDL-39824 - Simplification of themes
MDL-38434 - Functional tests added for the Chat activity
MDL-39723 - Two unnecessary course queries were removed from most pages
Functional changes
MDL-39790 - My Latest badges block appears on the course page
API changes
MDL-40137 - Correct naming of functions in theme/clean/lib.php
Security issues
A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.

Fixes and improvements
MDL-39778 - Course deletion now functions with badges.
MDL-40120 - Issue when recent PostgreSQL versions retrieve the number of records from course table fixed.
MDL-39697 - Bootstrap layouts now have 'Maintenance' layout and related options.
MDL-40065 - Bootstrap Theme only sends content to "side-pre" if necessary.
MDL-40088 - Can now edit course settings if course is in a hidden category.
MDL-39979 - Teachers no longer see errors when Show Activity Reports is set to yes.
MDL-39363 - SCORM pass/fail status is set for a grade of 0.
MDL-39227 - SCORM navigation panel is no longer hidden when a Bootstrap theme is active.
MDL-39177 - Overwriting files always observes the "alias" attribute.
MDL-33719 - When overwriting a copy of a file with an alias/shortcut of a file, the file thumbnail is refreshed.
MDL-40142 - No JavaScript error is caused by the navigation block in relation to course categories.
MDL-40289 - Badges capabilities now have correct risks, levels and archetypes. Note for sites which are upgrading from 2.5: See the section 'Upgrading from Moodle 2.5 to 2.5.1' in Upgrading for details of how to correctly set badge permissions for each role archetype.
2013-07-08 13:52:08 +00:00
d2ca14a3f1 Bump all packages for perl-5.18, that
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package

Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
2013-05-31 12:39:57 +00:00
0917c60d39 Update to 2.5
Upstream changelog is too long, please visit:
2013-05-23 08:04:37 +00:00
353a11e4d8 Update to 2.4.3
Upstream changes(since 2.4.0):
Regression fix
MDL-38474 - Teachers unable to access server files
Note: Moodle 2.4.3 is being released just one week after 2.4.2 in response to a serious regression being discovered in 2.4.2.
Other fixes
MDL-38303 - MUC: Session cache is adjusted accordingly when user logs in or out
MDL-38386 - Upgrade step for 24 and master adjusted
MDL-38332 - Browsing users paginates properly for multiples of 30 users
MDL-33424 - Images correctly restored from a 1.9 course quiz
MDL-34011 - Display of student attempts for Short Answer questions in Lessons is now correct

MDL-32975 - There is an option to sort My Courses list alphabetically
MDL-36297 - HTML purifier strings are now cached
MDL-35074 - More students can now appear per page in the Grader Report
MDL-34435 - Actions in categories are now logged
Functional changes
MDL-30669 - Admins are warned before deleting 'Sticky' site-wide blocks in 2.2 accidentally through a course page
MDL-37894 - Not yet opened quizzes show close date as well as open date
MDL-35336 - Process for enabling statistics is now clearer
API changes
MDL-36363 - Removing a file store cache instance removes its folder too
MDL-31636 - Comments API allows plugins to set the date format
Security issues
MSA-13-0011 Calendar subscription capability issue
MSA-13-0012 Information leak in course profiles
MSA-13-0013 Server information revealed through exception messages
MSA-13-0014 Password revealed in WebDav repository
MSA-13-0015 Cross-site scripting issue in Filepicker
MSA-13-0016 External Entity Injection through Zend library
MSA-13-0017 Form manipulation issue in notes
MSA-13-0018 Personal information leak through repositories
MSA-13-0019 Unauthorised settings editing through WebDav repository
Fixes and improvements
Fixes for MUC - MDL-37683 MDL-37545 MDL-38110 MDL-38165
MDL-37792 - Conditional Resource based on a profile interest field now works when fields are empty
MDL-38173 - Adding modules to courses where completion is enabled no longer causes corruption
MDL-37847 - Plain text essays now show HTML special characters appropriately
MDL-37774 - Moodle 1.9 to 2.x course restore now works with directory resources
MDL-37563 - Assignment upgrade now includes conditional access settings
MDL-36757 - Editing an activity no longer reveals hidden grades
MDL-35780 - Participants page disclosure of email addresses is now consistent
MDL-35175 - Lesson now shows attempts if associated with a grouping
MDL-37710 - Students can access their own submitted files in a team submission assignment
MDL-38352 - Improved language strings added to the English language pack, the most noticeable being 'My Moodle' in the site admin settings renamed as My home

MDL-32880 - Make 1.9 blocks restorable in 2.3 onwards
MDL-34791 - Activity quick title edit updates name in gradebook
MDL-35653 - Wiki module works if you activate the force format option
API changes
MDL-30700 - There is a new function "text_sorting($columnname)" for the class flexible_table which allows you to specify which columns are of type "text" so they can be sorted correctly in all databases.
MDL-35593 - core_webservice_get_site_info returns version number as PARAM_TEXT
MDL-30961 - get_course_contents web service's name value is now PARAM_RAW
Security issues
MSA-13-0001 - Security issue in Google Spellchecker in TinyMCE
MSA-13-0002 - Capability issue with Outcome editing
MSA-13-0003 - Potential server file access through backup restoration
MSA-13-0004 - Information leak through activity report
MSA-13-0005 - Potential phishing attack through URL redirects
MSA-13-0006 - Potential information leak in Assignment module
MSA-13-0007 - Potential exploit in messaging
MSA-13-0008 - Information leak through Blog RSS
MSA-13-0009 - Information leak through Blog RSS
MSA-13-0010 - Failure to check capabilities in calendar
Fixes and improvements
MDL-36680 - Overview report now gives correct course total by not including hidden item grades
MDL-37165 - Assignment summary displays on Oracle
MDL-36963 - Automatic updates deployer needs checks directory permissions
2013-03-31 13:51:48 +00:00
778bed8bfb Bump PKGREVISION from default PHP version change to 5.4. 2013-03-16 07:21:18 +00:00
d33b1267d8 Update to 2.3.4
Upstream changes:
MDL-32880 - Make 1.9 blocks restorable in 2.3 onwards
MDL-34791 - Activity quick title edit updates name in gradebook
MDL-35653 - Wiki module works if you activate the force format option
Functional changes
MDL-35422 - To start writing their Workshop submissions, students now click a button labelled 'Start preparing your submission' instead of 'Submit'
API changes
MDL-30700 - There is a new function "text_sorting($columnname)" for the class flexible_table which allows you to specify which columns are of type "text" so they can be sorted correctly in all databases.
MDL-35593 - core_webservice_get_site_info returns version number as PARAM_TEXT
MDL-30961 - get_course_contents web service's name value is now PARAM_RAW
MDL-36795 - In the default course settings, numsections is not limited to maxsections
Security issues
MSA-13-0001 - Security issue in Google Spellchecker in TinyMCE
MSA-13-0002 - Capability issue with Outcome editing
MSA-13-0003 - Potential server file access through backup restoration
MSA-13-0004 - Information leak through activity report
MSA-13-0005 - Potential phishing attack through URL redirects
MSA-13-0006 - Potential information leak in Assignment module
MSA-13-0007 - Potential exploit in messaging
MSA-13-0008 - Information leak through Blog RSS
MSA-13-0009 - Information leak through Blog RSS
Fixes and improvements
MDL-36680 - Overview report now gives correct course total by not including hidden item grades
MDL-35717 - Quiz cron not closing old attempts after quiz close date (also MDL-36842)
MDL-37165 - Assignment summary displays on Oracle
MDL-36668 - Performance issue resolved in viewing pages in Database activity
MDL-36760 - Numerical type quiz questions now work with frozen elements changes
MDL-36551 - Database presets retain advanced search template
MDL-33863 - Importing quiz questions into new course happens without error
MDL-36683 - It is now possible to duplicate a quiz when course question bank contains matching questions
2013-01-23 00:54:37 +00:00
bac4c24bb6 Update to 2.3.3
Upstream changes:
Moodle 2.3.3 release notes
MDL-35297 - Upgrading books from earlier versions now works correctly
MDL-21801 - References to the non-functional Powerpoint import option have been removed from the Lesson module
MDL-33166 - A capability has been introduced to consistently exempt specific users from forum auto-subscriptions and forced subscriptions
MDL-34607 - Folder resources now show files in sorted order
MDL-33646 - Viewing an empty book shows a friendly notice rather than an error messsage
Functional changes
MDL-34794 - Course reset now works with the new Assignment module
MDL-35370 - Blank answers in Cloze type quiz questions are treated accordingly, when an answer of zero is expected
MDL-33374 - When adding or updating a user profile, the action button displays 'Create user' and 'Update user' relatively
MDL-27786 - The title field of a new calendar event is now labelled "Event title" instead of "Name"
MDL-28235 - The close button on help dialogues have changed to provide greater accessibility. (Note: if debugging is turned on, a string error will appear during the upgrade process. This is expected and will be resolved once the upgrade process is complete.)
API changes
MDL-30667 - Maximum upload limits are enforced consistently in relation to various system variables
MDL-35395 - A method has been added so forms can work around form change checking when necessary
MDL-35442 - Local plugins now have settings and uninstall links on the plugins overview page
Security issues
MSA-12-0057 Access issue through repository
MSA-12-0058 Possible form data manipulation issue
MSA-12-0059 Information leak in Database activity module
MSA-12-0060 Cross-site scripting vulnerability in YUI2
MSA-12-0061 Remote code execution through Portfolio API
MSA-12-0062 Information leak in Database activity module
MSA-12-0063 Information leak in Check Permissions page
Fixes and improvements
MDL-35411 - Submissions and feedback are now saved with imported/restored assignments
MDL-35397 - Notifications page 'many other contributors' link leads to appropriate credits page
MDL-35726 - Feedback forms work correctly when grading a series of assignments
MDL-35754 - Quizzes in pop-up windows now work correctly
2012-11-30 07:19:44 +00:00
8b5d49eb78 Bump all packages that use perl, or depend on a p5-* package, or
are called p5-*.

I hope that's all of them.
2012-10-03 21:53:53 +00:00
6cf011e4ab Update to 2.1.7
Approved by: obache@

Upstream changes:
  MDL-28557 Group event now appears to teachers, managers and administrators
  MDL-33398 MDL-27368 Cron works when course completion is enabled
Functional changes
  MDL-24401 Lesson string changes
  MDL-33401 Managers can add blocks at the site level
Security issues
  MSA-12-0042 File access issue in blocks
  MSA-12-0043 Early information access issue in forum
  MSA-12-0044 Capability check issue in forum subscriptions
  MSA-12-0045 Injection potential in admin for repositories
  MSA-12-0046 Insecure protocol redirection in LDAP authentication
  MSA-12-0047 SQL injection potential in Feedback module
  MSA-12-0048 Possible XSS in cohort administration
  MSA-12-0049 Group restricted activity displayed to all users
  MSA-12-0050 Potential DOS attack through database activity
Fixes and improvements
  MDL-32866 Filemanager in private files now saves changes
  MDL-33583 "Keep all" automated backups now works
  MDL-33607 Add new wiki page no longer reports error writing to database
  MDL-33603 Database activity entries are linked correctly
  MDL-26892 Question images not lost during upgrade
  MDL-29924 Glossary attachments appear in filter popups
2012-07-27 12:44:20 +00:00
8565974778 Update dependency to php-intl.
2012-06-16 03:05:44 +00:00
c7ce1fc4be Update moodle to 2.1.6, include some security fixes.
Based on maintainer update request by PR 46498.

Upstream changes:


* MDL-32431 Calendar events can be backed-up and restored
* MDL-29262 Moodle 2 backup_controllers table is no longer needlessly massive

Functional changes

* MDL-27862 Ability to unset a theme
* MDL-31835 Recent conversations link added when viewing a message
* MDL-27427 Option added to delete external blog entries

Security issues

* MSA-12-0024 Hidden information access issue
* MSA-12-0025 Personal communication access issue
* MSA-12-0026 Quiz capability issue
* MSA-12-0027 Question bank capability issues
* MSA-12-0028 Insecure authentication issue
* MSA-12-0029 Information editing access issue
* MSA-12-0030 Capability manipulation issue
* MSA-12-0031 Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Wiki
* MSA-12-0032 Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Web services
* MSA-12-0035 Cross-site scripting vulnerability in "download all"
* MSA-12-0036 Cross-site scripting vulnerability in category identifier
* MSA-12-0037 Write access issue in Database activity module
* MSA-12-0038 Calendar event write permission issue

Fixes and improvements

* MDL-32061 Backup fixed when there is a lesson with attempts in the course
* MDL-31008 CSS fixed to display dimmed objects
* MDL-30867 Lesson essay question formatting fixed
* MDL-31528 Breadcrumbs appearing consistently when editing is off
* MDL-31631 Caching fixed so deleted activities do not remain listed
* MDL-26674 Wiki Module activity logs activity fully
* MDL-31510 Students in groups see only assignments in the Gradebook according to their group allocation
* MDL-32141 Custom TinyMCE additions now work in Firefox 11
2012-05-31 12:12:54 +00:00
7f69bfd57b Update www/moodle to 2.1.5.
Upstream changes:


    MDL-27891 Tag flagging is now logged

Functional changes

    MDL-31095 Quiz max grade maintained when adding and removing questions
    MDL-30031 Quiz Adaptive mode ignores invalid answers without penalty

Security issues

    MSA-12-0013 - Database activity export permission issue
    MSA-12-0014 - Password and Web services issue
    MSA-12-0015 - Backup and private files issue
    MSA-12-0016 - Default repository capabilities issue
    MSA-12-0017 - Personal information leak issue
    MSA-12-0018 - Course information leak in Gradebook export
    MSA-12-0019 - Overview report and hidden course issue
    MSA-12-0020 - Forum subscription permission issue
    MSA-12-0021 - Course information leak through tags
    MSA-12-0022 - Security conflict in Web services

Fixes and improvements

    MDL-31248 Change to RC4 encryption is now backwards compatible
 - Note: all users will need to log in to set a new cookie after this update

    MDL-31213 Problem with new password form was fixed
    MDL-29254 Problem adding blog entries after an update from 1.9 was resolved
    MDL-22896 Forum messages with ampersands are now sent correctly by email
    MDL-27793 Login names now appear consistently in all themes across all languages
    MDL-26037 When importing in a site with lots of courses, all courses are checked
    MDL-30484 Regrading quiz causes essay attachments to disappear
    MDL-28364 Correct import formats accepted when importing questions
    MDL-31407 Quiz grades are saved properly when the submitter is not the user taking the quiz
    MDL-31876, MDL-31495 Quiz performance improvements have been made
2012-04-25 20:21:58 +00:00
0ef5029812 Update www/moodle to 2.1.4
Fixes many security advisories, see below in the changelog.


MDL-28710 - CSS class names have been added for rating div/span elements
enabling theming
MDL-29579 - Question text included in export of quiz statistics report in
Moodle 2.1

Functional changes

MDL-19147 - Single Simple forums are no longer targets for moving (and losing)
MDL-30273 - Students and teachers can add additional topics to a simple forum

Security issues

MSA-12-0001 - Recaptcha transmission consistency issue
MSA-12-0003 - Added password protection
MSA-12-0004 - Added profile image security
MSA-12-0005 - Encryption enhancement
MSA-12-0006 - Additional email address validation
MSA-12-0007 - Email injection prevention
MSA-12-0008 - Unsynchronised access via tokens
MSA-12-0009 - Role access issue
MSA-12-0010 - Unauthorised access to session key
MSA-12-0011 - Browser autofill password issue
MSA-12-0012 - Form validation issue

Fixes and improvements

MDL-30376 - Glossary RSS feed no longer generates error
MDL-30378 - Site page links fixed in Navigation blocks
MDL-30460 - Wiki image dropdown includes files with upper case suffixes
MDL-30466 - Writing to database fixed for restoring a course with uses course
MDL-30569 - Editing the front page when defaulthomepage = mymoodle now works as
MDL-28180 - Duplicating an assignment that has course completion enabled no
longer breaks course completion for the course
MDL-27314 - It is now possible to delete or regrade quiz attempts in separate
groups mode
MDL-29730 - Fixed Lesson question shortanswer with regexp option
MDL-30260 - Emailstop option fixed
2012-01-22 12:16:02 +00:00
3979869eff Update www/moodle to 2.1.3
Upstream highlights:


MDL-27037 - Wiki 2.0 respects 'visible groups' functionality
MDL-29960 - Dropbox repository now functioning with new API

Functional changes

MDL-27516 - RTL Theme fixes for Moodle 2

Security issues

MSA-11-0042 - Information leak in Wiki
MSA-11-0043 - Possible link redirect in Calendar
MSA-11-0044 - Expired identification information shown in Web services
MSA-11-0045 - Potential to masquerade through MNet
MSA-11-0047 - Possible injection attack in Calendar
MSA-11-0048 - Password loss issue
MSA-11-0050 - Backup capability issue
MSA-11-0051 - Authentication issue with Web services
MSA-11-0052 - Potential to exploit developer debugging scripts
MSA-11-0053 - Security and system administration conflict
MSA-11-0054 - Personal information leak

Fixes and improvements

MDL-28292 - Removed possibility to 'lose' a block by docking it
MDL-29542 - Lesson no longer gets corrupted after creating a new question
MDL-30010 - Core themes which have pagelayout problems when moving blocks have been fixed
MDL-27790 - Temporary course remains after restore
MDL-29529 - Fixed database error when assignments were sorted by status
MDL-30375 - Comments block no longer disappears when cancel is clicked
MDL-30398 - Lesson no longer accepts blank password
2011-12-06 19:42:37 +00:00