* Fixed bug #2378: getDate(DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME) doesn't convert to GMT
* Fixed bug #7439: US/Indiana Daylight Savings Change
* Implemented request #9700: Incorrect timestamps allowd
* Fixed bug #10349: Wrong offset in timezones
* Fixed bug #10591: inDaylightTime fails
* Implemented request #11090: microtime is not set by default constructor
* Fixed bug #11313: DST time change not handled correctly
* Fixed bug #11475: Date::copy don't copy milisecond part
* Fixed bug #11682: Australia/Perth has DST
* Fixed bug #11708: getWeekdayAbbrname returns wrong lenght if string is unicode
* Fixed bug #12019: Date->after(...) changes the date
* Fixed bug #12420: Date constructor handles iso 8601 timezone offests of zero
* Fixed bug #12529: setTZ globally sets your TZ instead of only within date
* Fixed bug #13376: setFromDateDiff change source dates
* Improved time-zone functionality so that it is entirely handled by the class
and not reliant on native functions
* Added leap-second functionality
* Added functions 'Date::round()' and 'Date::trunc()'
* Added formatting function 'Date::format2()' that uses a 'YYYY-MM-DD'-style
formatting code
* Added formatting function 'Date::format3()' to allow date-formatting using
the formatting code of 'date()'
QA release.
Users are strongly encouraged to adopt to inbuilt DateTime functionality.
Bug #17730 Patch: Avoid ereg, using preg_match
Doc Bug #15029 large Date_Span's cannot be created
Bug #14929 Timezone summertime
Bug #14856 America/Moncton longname and dstlongname missing
Bug #14084 TZ variable being set wrecks global config
Bug #13615 America/Toronto time-zone is missing longname and dstlongname
Bug #13545 Date_Span::set() doesn't work when passed an int and format
Req #13488 Please rename Methods format2 and format3
QA release
Request #17626 Patch to add missing longname and dstlongname info
Bug #19184 use date_default_timezone_get() instead of ini_get(date.timezone)
Bug #19568 setDate() handles ISO week dates incorrectly
Fix broken tgz package file
* Fix bug #8912: putenv() causes crashes in DateTimeZone::inDaylightTime() under windows
* Fix bug #9409: Date_Calc, fatal error using a non-array variable as an array
* Fix bug #9414: Date::addSeconds() fails to work properly with negative numbers
* Many cosmetics update
* Moved bug test files to tests/bugs/
* Removed unused files
- Change license from PHP License to new BSD License
- Bug #5715 fypo, missing s in $GLOBALS
Same code base as 1.4.4-beta
See 1.4.4 changelog for details
- Establish the DATE_CALC_FORMAT constant and use it as the default value
for each of the Date_Calc class' method's $format parameter.
- Add beginOfMonthBySpan() and endOfMonthBySpan() methods to Date_Calc.
- Use integers for the parameters in Date_Calc instead of strings.
- Tweak Date_Calc::NWeekdayOfMonth() so it can calculate the 'last'
given weekday of a month.
- #1640. Make sure all longname's are also keys in
$GLOBALS['_DATE_TIMEZONE_DATA']. Makes Date_TimeZone work under more
operating systems.
- #5420, missing CEST
- #3846, getYear, getMonth returns integer
- #2652, add %h and %i support (rob at wildlime dot com
- #5494, force dot as decimal separator
- #3022, allow to specify the weekday abbrevation length used in ::format()
- #4878, %s padding fix when < 10 ( aashley at optimiser dot com)
- #3059, use GLOBALS in date_span
PR: 36211 by Loic Hoguin
Changes 1.4.1 to 1.4.3:
* Fix#1250 Wrond name for Bangladesh TZ
* Fix#1390, add XML Schema datetime support
* TimeZone default bad global usage only _DATE_TIMEZONE_DEFAULT is used now
* Fix#683, add optional length argumet to getDayName()
* Fix PHP5 problems with get_class functions
* Fix#674 endOfWeek() beginOfWeek()
* Fix#727, weeksInMonth (wrong result with some dates)
* Fix#674 (and old system #22549), check arguments in Date_Span
Changes in 1.4:
- improvements in input date parsing
- add Date methods addSpan() and subtractSpan()
- added two more ISO8601 date/time output formats DATE_FORMAT_ISO_BASIC
- improve Date_Calc isLeapYear() and daysInMonth() for year 1582
- add gregorianToISO() method to Date_Calc
- add dateSeason() method to Date_Calc
- add Date_Span class
- bugfix in Date_Calc when century ends in 00, only define
DATE_CALC_BEGIN_WEEKDAY if not already defined
- bugfix in beginOfNextWeek(), beginOfPreviousWeek()
- bugfix in nextDayOfWeek and prevDayOfWeek (thx to koan at gmx dot at)
- bugfix for bug 62: getDate(DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME) off because of DST
- bugfix for bug 65: format(e) returns zero-padded day
- bugfix for bug 195: Suppress a notice in setDate()
- bugfix for bug 271: Date_Calc weeksInMonth() returns wrong number
- fix abstraction bug, Date constructor accepts now object that extends Date
- add tests to release package
- Fix notices and mins calc in to toUTCbyOffset()
pear-Date are generic PHP classes for representation and manipulation of
dates, times and time zones without the need of timestamps,
which is a huge limitation for php programs. Includes time zone data,
time zone conversions and many date/time conversions.
It does not rely on 32-bit system date stamps, so
you can display calendars and compare dates that date
pre 1970 and post 2038. This package also provides a class
to convert date strings between Gregorian and Human calendar formats.