---- Version 8.12.9 - 2016-11-02 ----
Fix bad PS output when justified text since 8.12.5
(reported by Guido Gonzato)
---- Version 8.12.8 - 2016-11-01 ----
Fix again bad PS output when centered text with non-ASCII characters
since 8.12.5
(reported by David Lacroix)
---- Version 8.12.7 - 2016-10-31 ----
Fix bad PS output when grace notes since 8.12.6
(from by David Lacroix)
Fix random error on Q:"text"
(reported by David Lacroix)
---- Version 8.12.6 - 2016-10-31 ----
Fix bad PS output when centered texts with non-ASCII characters
since 8.12.5
Adjust the grace notes offsets and helper lines
(from David Lacroix)
Bad parse of Q: since 8.12.5
(reported by David Lacroix)
---- Version 8.12.5 - 2016-10-30 ----
Bigger grace notes
(asked by David Lacroix)
Loss of '%%clef none' at start of lines when %%clef inside tune
(reported by Guido Gonzato)
Bad display of measure repeat when 2 voices on the staff
(reported by Chuck Boody)
Bad display of repeat measure bars when multi-voices and
symbol between ':|' and '|:' in one voice
(reported by Heinz Färber)
Add more checks on the Q: syntax
(reported by Manavasu)
Fix some bad PS outputs when %%tuplet with 'which' = 'no value'
(reported by Hudson Lacerda)
Add PS functions and permit special treatments on the chord symbols,
annotations and lyrics
(asked by Frédéric Aupépin)
DESTDIR support in Makefile for some distributions
(patch adapted from Thomas Klausner)
Bad string width computation on SVG output
(reported by Martin Tarenskeen)
This is a minor release recommended for all users.
Resolved issues:
#36236: Display of global and local state is clearer, especially in the presence of ignores.
#36471: GUI does not show "failed items" unless there are items that have failed.
Fixes to questionmark and asterisk handling in ignore patterns.
Build script can create a snap file.
"Black" theme re-added.
Debugging options for deadlocks.
No changelog found.
github changes:
Merge pull request #52 from untitaker/generic-todo-prop-params
Merge pull request #51 from nim65s/master
Remove ansi dependency (#53)
Share parameters between new and edit
Add a move command
Fix editor support (#47)
Add a copy command (#50)
Merge pull request #46 from untitaker/no-delete-button
Replace cancel button with hint to hit ctrl-c
Remove delete button from editor
Exclude buggy setuptools-scm version
Show error messages in UI (#43)
delete cmd: Show tasks that will be deleted (#44)
Fix tests
done cmd: Show done tasks (#45)
Don't strip time from datetime objects (#41)
Add `default_list` in config for new todos (#40)
Add shortcut to edit textfield in editor (#39)
Merge pull request #6 from pimutils/widget-improvements
Add basic editing shortcuts to text widgets
Merge pull request #38 from untitaker/coc
Add CoC
Merge pull request #37 from untitaker/glob-clarify
Clarify what path is supposed to match
Don't require setuptool_scm at runtime
Fix inconsistent minimum todo ID
Merge pull request #30 from untitaker/color-option
Implement color option
Fix typo
TortoiseHg 4.0
TortoiseHg 4.0 is a quarterly feature release
graph: make annotate/history graph work with a shallow (remotefilelog) repo
repoagent: light-weight suspend of repository monitor while running commands
repofilter: adjust branch combo to content every time model changed
repofilter: do not calculate width of revset combo from contents (fixes#4035)
extension: rename the extension from 'lighthg' to 'thg'
extension: restrict to only 'view' as a command name
light-ui: update the windows name to mention TortoiseHg and reponame
* #629: Per the discussion, refine the sorting to use version
value order for more accurate detection of the latest
available version when scanning for packages. See also
* #837: Rely on the config var "SO" for Python 3.3.0 only
when determining the ext filename.
3.6.0 - 2016-10-31
This release reverts Hypothesis to its old pretty printing of lambda
functions based on attempting to extract the source code rather
than decompile the bytecode. This is unfortunately slightly inferior
in some cases and may result in you occasionally seeing things like
lambda x: <unknown> in statistics reports and strategy reprs.
This removes the dependencies on uncompyle6, xdis and spark-parser.
The reason for this is that the new functionality was based on
uncompyle6, which turns out to introduce a hidden GPLed dependency
- it in turn depended on xdis, and although the library was licensed
under the MIT license, it contained some GPL licensed source code
and thus should have been released under the GPL.
My interpretation is that Hypothesis itself was never in violation
of the GPL (because the license it is under, the Mozilla Public
License v2, is fully compatible with being included in a GPL licensed
work), but I have not consulted a lawyer on the subject. Regardless
of the answer to this question, adding a GPLed dependency will
likely cause a lot of users of Hypothesis to inadvertently be in
violation of the GPL.
As a result, if you are running Hypothesis 3.5.x you really should
upgrade to this release immediately.
Allow python-3.x.
Version 1.5.5
Bugfix release
- Allow explicit MIME type specification with media_mime_type keyword argument.
- Fix unprintable representation of BatchError with default constructor. (#165)
- Refresh all discovery docs, not just the preferred ones. (#298)
- Update minimum httplib2 dependency to >=0.9.2.
Changelog - uritemplate
3.0.0 - 2016-08-29
- Merge uritemplate.py into uritemplate
Changelog - uritemplate.py
2.0.0 - 2016-08-20
- Relicense uritemplate.py as Apache 2 and BSD (See
1.0.1 - 2016-08-18
- Fix some minor packaging problems.
1.0.0 - 2016-08-17
- Fix handling of Unicode values on Python 2.6 and 2.7 for urllib.quote.
- Confirm public stable API via version number.
1.5.3 - 2016-11-05
* **SECURITY ISSUE**: Fixed a bug where ``HKDF`` would return an empty
byte-string if used with a ``length`` less than ``algorithm.digest_size``.
Credit to **Markus Döring** for reporting the issue.
1.18 Sat Nov 5 21:14:35 2016
- U::C::Locale newly supports locale: de_AT_phonebook.
- locales updated to CLDR 23: as, ca.
- removed locale fr (French) other than Canadian according to CLDR 1.9.0.
Add missing test dependencies.
0.17 2016-11-04
- When using positional parameters, parameters with a default are now
optional. For named parameters, this was already the case.
0.16 2016-11-03
- Moose and Specio types (and coercions) which provide variables to close over
when being inlined did not always compile properly. Most notable, this was
not being handled at all for Moose types, and not completely handled for
Specio coercions.
0.15 2016-11-03
- Previously, using a default with a positional parameter would result in an
error when compiling the validator subroutine. Defaults now work with
positional parameters. Implemented by Greg Oschwald. Based on PR #5.
0.14 2016-11-02
- Added a "named_to_list" option to support returning only the parameter
values from a named parameter validator rather than the key-value
pairs. Implemented by Greg Oschwald. Based on PR #4.
- Errors from calls to validation_for() now use croak so as to show up at the
call site, rather than in the internals
Loading this plugin causes your tests to fail if there any warnings
while they run. Each warning generates a new failing test and the
warning content is outputted via diag.
Rich set of tools, plugins, bundles, etc built upon the Test2
testing library. If you are interested in writing tests, this is
the distribution for you.
This module acts as a layer between Exporter and modules which
consume exports. It is feature-compatible with Exporter, plus some
much needed extras. You can use this to import symbols from any
exporter that follows Exporters specification. The exporter modules
themselves do not need to use or inherit from the Exporter module,
they just need to set @EXPORT and/or other variables.
Slightly based on wip/flex by Makoto Fujiwara and Juraj Lutter.
* version 2.6.2 released 2016-10-24
** flex internals
*** a segfalt involving yyrestart(NULL) has been fixed
*** flex should now handle quoting when mixed with m4 processing correctly
*** flex handles `[[' and `]]' correctly
*** flex no longer generates non-ANSI code
*** more compilation warnings were squashed in generated scanners
*** prevented a buffer overflow that could occur when input buffers were the exact wrong size
** test suite
*** input filenames on MSWindows are now calculated correctly
*** general code cleanups in a number of tests now make the test suite compile much more cleanly
** build system
*** the xz archive has been replaced with an lzip archive
*** a new option to configure --enable-warnings to encapsulate passing
of warning-related flags which is useful in testing flex
*** make indent now works for out of source builds
*** Portability warnings when generating Makefile.in files are now suppressed; they were just noise and the use of GNU extensions in Makefile.{am,in,} was intentional and well known.
** bugs
*** resolved gh#67
** new sv translation from the translation project
* version 2.6.1 released 2016-03-01
** flex resources
*** The flex project is now hosted at github. Consider this a "period of transition". In particular, you should start at https://github.com/westes/flex for the flex codebase, issue tracking and pull requests.
*** New releases of flex are to be found at https://github.com/westes/flex/releases.
** flex internals
*** Flex now uses more modern and more standard names for variable types. There's more work to be done on that front yet, though.
*** A number of compiler warnings have been remedied.
*** Line directives should now work as expected and be absent when that is expected.
** test suite
*** When running the test suite, c++ files are compiled with the c++ header inside the flex distribution, rather than relying on the build system's flex header , which might not be installed yet or which might be out of date with respect to what flex tests expect.
*** Some portability fixes in the test suite such as opening files for reading in binary mode
** Building flex
*** The file src/scan.c asdistributed with flex source is now built with the current version of flex. Occasionally this had to be done manually to pick up new flex features. It's now just a part of flex's build system.
*** The pdf version of the manual is no longer distributed with flex, although if you have the texinfo package installed, you can still build it.
*** lots of general build system cleanup
*** the build system tries a bit harder to find libtoolize and texi2dvi.
*** When help2man and texi2dvi are missing, the error messages are now much more helpful.
** bug fixes
*** resolved github issues #53, #54, #55, #61.
*** Resolved sf bugs #128, #129, #155, #160, #184, #187, #195.