Changes from Ant 1.9.3 TO Ant 1.9.4
Changes that could break older environments:
* the prefixValues attribute of <property> didn't work as expected
when set to false (the default).
It is quite likely existing build files relied on the wrong
behavior and expect Ant to resolve the value side against the
properties defined in the property file itself - these build files
must now explicitly set the prefixValues attribute to true.
Bugzilla Report 54769
* when matching an entry of a zip/tarfileset against a pattern a
leading slash will be stripped from the entry name. Most archives
don't contain paths with leading slashes anyway.
This may cause include/exclude patterns that start with a / to stop
matching anything. Such patterns only used to work by accident and
only on platforms with multiple file system roots.
Bugzilla Report 53949
* DirectoryScanner and thus fileset/dirset will now silently drop all
filesystem objects that are neither files nor directories according
to This prevents Ant from reading named pipes which
might lead to blocking or other undefined behavior.
Bugzilla Report 56149
* BuildFileTest and BaseSelectorTest have both been deprecated in
favour of BuildFileRule and BaseSelectorRule respectively, and the
tests that previously extended these base tests have been converted to
JUnit 4 tests using the new "rule"s. Any external test that sub-classed
a test in the Ant workspace, rather than BuildFileTest, will need
changed to either use JUnit4's annotations, or be modified to
extend BuildFileTest directly. This will not affect any tests that are
being executed by Ant's junit or batchtest tasks that are not specifically
testing Ant's code.
Fixed bugs:
* <import>/<include> failed when the importing file was loaded from an
URI or a jar and it imported a file from the local file system via
an absolute path.
Bugzilla Report 50953
* <import> could import the same resource twice when imported via
different resource types.
Bugzilla Report 55097
* several calls to File#mkdirs could fall victim to a race condition
where another thread already created the same directory.
Bugzilla Report 55290
* <manifestclasspath> created '/' rather than './' for the parent
directory of the given jarfile.
Bugzilla Report 55049
* <concat>'s fixlastline="true" didn't work when using certain filter
Bugzilla Report 54672
* several places where resources are read from jars will now
explicitly disable caching to avoid problems with reloading jars.
Bugzilla Report 54473
* AntClassloader will now ignore files that are part of the classpath
but not zip files when scanning for resources. It used to throw an
Bugzilla Report 53964
* <javadoc> caused a NullPointerException when no destdir was set.
Bugzilla Report 55949
* <jar filesetmanifest="mergewithoutmain"> would still include the
Main section of the fileset manifests if there was no nested
manifest or manifest attribute.
Bugzilla Report 54171
* reading of compiler args has become more defensive
Bugzilla Report 53754
* <copy> without force="true" would not only fail to overwrite a
read-only file as expected but also remove the existing file.
Bugzilla Report 53095
* <delete removeNotFollowedSymlinks="true"> would remove symbolic
links to not-included files. It will still delete symlinks to
directories that would have been followed even if they are not
explicitly included. exclude-Patterns can still be used to
preserve symbolic links.
Bugzilla Report 53959
* Sometimes copy-operations using NIO FileChannels fail. Ant will
now try to use a Stream based copy operation as fallback when the
Channel based copy fails.
Bugzilla Reports 53102 and 54397
* Javadoc.postProcessGeneratedJavadocs() fails for Classes that
extend Javadoc
Bugzilla Report 56047
* TarInputStream will now read archives created by tar
implementations that encode big numbers by not adding a trailing
* the isExists() method of URLResource returned false positives for
Other changes:
* initial support for Java 1.9
* <sshexec> can optionally pass to the remote process
Bugzilla Report 55393
* <sshexec> now supports capturing error output of the executed
process and setting a property from the return code.
Bugzilla Report 48478
* <javadoc> now has an option to fail if javadoc issues warnings.
Bugzilla Report 55015
* <sql> has a new outputencoding attribute.
Bugzilla Report 39541
* changes to JUnitTestRunner and PlainJUnitResultFormatter to make
OutOfMemoryErrors less likely.
Bugzilla Report 45536
* changes to DOMElementWriter to make OutOfMemoryErrors less likely.
Bugzilla Report 54147
* <redirector> has a new attribute binaryOutput that prevents Ant
from splitting the output into lines. This prevents binary output
from being corrupted but may lead to error and normal output being
mixed up.
Bugzilla Report 55667
Bugzilla Report 56156
* the nested <message> elements of <mail> now have an optional
inputEncoding attribute that can be used to specify the encoding of
files read that don't use the platform's default encoding.
Bugzilla Report 56258
* The <get> task now explicitly accepts and supports the gzip content encoding.
Bugzilla Report 49453
* A new resourcecollection type <multirootfileset> acts like a union
of <fileset>s and <dirset>s that share the same configuration but
have different base directories.
Bugzilla Report 48621
* <get> has a quiet attribute that makes the task log errors only
when enabled.
GitHub Pull Request #1
* <junit> has now a threads attribute allowing to run the tests in several threads.
Bugzilla Report 55925
* addition of a new ProcessUtil class providing the process id of the current process
* changes to allow to run the JUnit testcases of Ant in parallel,
by making them use unique temporary directories
Fix PR pkg/42990
* Lexically scoped local properties, i.e. properties that are only defined
inside a target, sequential block or similar environment.
* <import> can now import from any file- or URL-providing resource - this
includes <javaresource>.
* Various improvements to the directory scanning code that help with symbolic
link cycles (as can be found on MacOS X Java installations for example) and
improve scanning performance. For big directory trees the improvement is
* The way developers can extend Ant's property expansion algorithm has been
rewritten (breaking the older API) to be easier to use and be more powerful.
a new top level element extension-point allows build files to be extended
with custom targets more easily
* At the same time the if and unless attributes have been rewritten to do the
expected thing if applied to a property expansion (i.e. if="${foo}" will mean
"yes, do it" if ${foo} expands to true, in Ant 1.7.1 it would mean "no"
unless a property named "true" existed). This adds "testing conditions" as a
new use-case to property expansion.
* Ant now requires Java 1.4 or later
* new task include provides an alternative to <import> that should be preferred
when you don't want to override any targets
* numerous bug fixes and improvements as documented in Bugzilla and in WHATSNEW
Remove the files/ant script, by patching the bin/ant script, as ant people
worked on it.
I'm taking maintainership for this one
Fix PR 29038 and PR 29338, apache-ant now can use plugins
Fix PR 30332 (update to 1.6.5)
Approved by jwise@