All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Unfetchable distfiles (fetched conditionally?):
./security/cyrus-sasl/distinfo cyrus-sasl-dedad73e5e7a75d01a5f3d5a6702ab8ccd2ff40d.patch.v2
Problems found locating distfiles:
Package f-prot-antivirus6-fs-bin: missing distfile fp-NetBSD.x86.32-fs-6.2.3.tar.gz
Package f-prot-antivirus6-ws-bin: missing distfile fp-NetBSD.x86.32-ws-6.2.3.tar.gz
Package libidea: missing distfile libidea-0.8.2b.tar.gz
Package openssh: missing distfile openssh-7.1p1-hpn-20150822.diff.bz2
Package uvscan: missing distfile vlp4510e.tar.Z
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
developer is officially maintaining the package.
The rationale for changing this from "tech-pkg" to "pkgsrc-users" is
that it implies that any user can try to maintain the package (by
submitting patches to the mailing list). Since the folks most likely
to care about the package are the folks that want to use it or are
already using it, this would leverage the energy of users who aren't
"extract" script for extraction. Many cases where a custom EXTRACT_CMD
simply copied the distfile into the work directory are no longer
needed. The extract script also hides differences between pax and
tar behind a common command-line interface, so we no longer need code
that's conditional on whether EXTRACT_USING is tar or pax.
MD4 Collision Generation
Faster implementation of techniques described in Cryptanalysis for
Hash Functions MD4 and RIPEMD, by Xiaoyun Wang, et al.
Average runtime on P4 1.6ghz - 5 seconds