0.100050 from CPAN into devel/p5-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods.
Sub::Exporter::ForMethods provides helper routines for using Sub::Exporter
to build methods.
It distinguish from pure Sub::Exporter by getting methods which will not
be removed by namespace::autoclean.
CPAN into textproc/p5-Pod-Eventual.
POD is a pretty simple format to write, but it can be a big pain to deal
with reading it and doing anything useful with it. Most existing POD
parsers care about semantics, like whether a =item occurred after an =over
but before a back, figuring out how to link a L<>, and other things like
Pod::Eventual is much less ambitious and much more stupid. Fortunately,
stupid is often better. (That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.)
Pod::Eventual reads line-based input and produces events describing each
POD paragraph or directive it finds. Once complete events are immediately
passed to the handle_event method. This method should be implemented by
Pod::Eventual subclasses. If it isn't, Pod::Eventual's own handle_event
will be called, and will raise an exception.
ECL 12.2.1:
* Bugs fixed:
- Fixed several dozens of typos.
- ENSURE-DIRECTORIES-EXIST did not work properly with logical pathnames.
- EXT:SET-LIMIT with option EXT:FRAME-STACK corrupted the frame stack.
- The array of boot-time symbols is fixed and independent of the features
that are compiled in. This is essential for cross-compilation and also
for sharing C code among different builds.
- Fixed externalization of bytecodes with literals that need MAKE-LOAD-FORM.
- When parsing a floating point number at least one digit should be
present. ECL parsed +.e0 as +0.0e0, instead of as a symbol.
- For OS X Lion we need a newer version of the garbage collector. Since the
maintainers' advise is that we use the unstable tree, we have made a copy
and use it _only_ for this port (src/gc-unstable).
* Visible changes:
- When printing error messages, the condition type is shown (M. Mondor)
- SI:TOP-LEVEL, when invoked without arguments, does not process the
command line.
- The command line used by EXT:PROCESS-COMMAND-ARGS is now by default
the one stored in *COMMAND-ARGS*, and this may be "cleared" by the
- SOCKET-MAKE-STREAM now accepts an :ELEMENT-TYPE argument.
- When --enable-rpath is used in combination with --with-gmp-prefix, then the
path of the GMP library is hardcoded into ECL. If the remaining libraries
(GC, libffi) are in a similar location this will make ECL work without
further flags, and without modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.
- All arguments after the '--' command line option are stored in a global
variable, ext:*unprocessed-ecl-command-args*.
- In the rules passed to ext:process-command-args, :stop now implies that all
remaining arguments including the current one are collected and passed to
the rule code. An example of use of this option
;; Collect all arguments _after_ the command line option --
("--" 1 (setf ext:*unprocessed-ecl-command-args* (rest 1)) :stop)
;; Collect all arguments including the first unknown one
("*DEFAULTS*" 1 (setf ext:*unprocessed-ecl-command-args* 1) :stop)
- ECL will always build, by default, with support for Unicode strings.
- EXT:GETENV coerces its input argument to type BASE-STRING.
- The garbage collector would reset the counters on every call to
SI:GC-STATS. This made nested TIME calls not to work, as the statistics of
the inner call would spoil those of the outer one. This has been fixed.
- ECL implements CDR 6 (ext:*inspector-hook*) as described in
- ECL implements CDR 5 (Sub-interval Numerical Types) as described in
- ECL ships libffi together with its source tree, much like GMP and GC.
- On POSIX platforms ECL traps SIGCHLD and uses it to update the status of
external processes.
- DIRECTORY accepts the keyword argument :RESOLVE-SYMLINKS.
- Compiling files now generates C headers with the extension "eclh". This
is done to avoid accidentally generating header files with the same name
as those in the C library. Take for instance, float.lsp -> float.h.
- ECL no longer relies on "git" being installed to gather the git commit id
and setting (ext:lisp-implementation-vcs-id).
- When building shared and statically linked libraries, ECL creates an
extra function that performs two tasks: initializing ECL if it wasn't done
before, and initializing the library. This can be used to create standalone
libraries to be linked with other programs. The name of the function typically
begins with main_dll or main_lib but it is output by ECL on screen.
- Hash tables do no longer have implicit locking. All complex structures in
ECL (arrays, hash tables, objects) should be dealt with sufficient care on
the user side, just as in other programming languages, making use of
WITH-LOCK and similar facilities.
- In OPEN the default format is :UTF-8 for Unicode builds and :LATIN-1 for
others, and the stream element type is always CHARACTER by default.
- Function read_VV is renamed to ecl_init_module()
- Initialization of random number generator is done using only 16 bytes from
/dev/urandom (Phillip Marek).
- Each thread keeps a copy of the process sigmask (POSIX) and it is inherited
by children thread. The sigmask can be manipulated by the function
EXT:CATCH-SIGNAL which has the signature
(ext:catch-signal signal-code action &key process)
The ACTION is one of :IGNORE, :DEFAULT, :CATCH, determining what ECL does
when it receives the signal, or it can be :MASK/:UNMASK to determine whether
the process is blocking the signal or not. The optional argument :PROCESS
only applies to :MASK/:UNMASK and it can be the current process, some
process that has not been activated or any other value (indicating that
the function has a global effect, as sigprocmask).
- Allocate executable memory using libffi instead of using just the
Boehm-Weiser garbage collector.
- In bytecodes.h, deactivate the threaded interpreter when using the LLVM
compiler. The problem is that llvm-gcc disguises itself as GCC but it is
not capable of properly compiling the jump table.
- Implemented SEQUENCE-STREAMs, which are input/output streams defined on some
specialized array type. The functions to create them are
(ext:make-sequence-input-stream vector &key :start :end :external-format)
(ext:make-sequence-output-stream vector &key :external-format)
* If the array is a string, it is a character stream.
- When no external format is supplied, it defaults to the usual encoding
and the stream behaves like a string stream.
- When an external format is supplied, each character in the string
is interpreted as a single byte and used for that external format.
* If the array is specialized over integers and EXTERNAL-FORMAT is NIL
the stream is a binary stream.
* Otherwise, it is a binary string but READ/WRITE-CHAR may be used on it.
Reading and writing does not preserve the original word size of the array
but rather threads the array as a collection of bytes (octets), writing
sequentially over it. Thus, if you use encodings such as UCS2 and UCS4, make
sure that you choose the right endianness to match the shape of the array.
- DELETE-FILE works on empty directories.
- Added POSIX function (EXT:CHMOD filename mode)
- ECL's compiler is now less verbose and hides performance notes, as well as
invocations of the C compiler. This can be modfied by changing the type
specifier in c:*suppress-compiler-messages*.
- Hash tables can now be printed readably when *READ-EVAL* is true. This is
done using two new functions, EXT:HASH-TABLE-CONTENT and
- When a compiler macro fails, ECL simply ignores the errors and
continues. This is more to the spirit of the compiler macros, as explained
here http://lists.common-lisp.net/pipermail/pro/2011-December/000675.html
- INLINE declarations now actually cause the function to be inlined. If
the function is also proclaimed as INLINE, ECL will store a copy of its
definition for later use _in other files_. Otherwise INLINE declarations
remain local to the file being processed.
- ECL now implements weak hash tables. They are built as ordinary hash tables
with an extra argument, :WEAKNESS, which may be :KEY, :VALUE,
:KEY-AND-VALUE, or NIL, for the default behavior. The status of the hash
table is returned by EXT:HASH-TABLE-WEAKNESS. Note that these associations
are no substitute for proper management of resources, as the time of
collection can not be guaranteed.
- In pathnames, ".." is translated to :UP, not :BACK.
- ECL introduces two special forms, EXT:CHECKED-VALUE and EXT:TRULY-THE, which
have the same syntax as THE, but in the first case lead to a type assertion
at low safety levels and in the second case lead to an unchecked
declaration. By default THE maps to EXT:CHECKED-VALUE (as in SBCL), but this
may be controlled globally using the declaration/proclamation
- Unicode strings were not properly saved in C compiled code.
from CPAN into devel/p5-Perl-PrereqScanner.
The scanner will extract loosely your distribution prerequisites from your
The extraction may not be perfect but tries to do its best. It will
currently find the following prereqs:
* plain lines beginning with use or require in your perl modules and
scripts, including minimum perl version
* regular inheritance declared with the base and parent pragmata
* Moose inheritance declared with the extends keyword
* Moose roles included with the with keyword
* OO namespace aliasing using the aliased module
into devel/p5-MooseX-Types-Perl.
MooseX::Types::Perl provides Moose types for checking things (mostly
strings) against syntax that is, or is a reasonable subset of, Perl syntax.
Fix XSS in swfupload.
2012-07-04 38d29a9 [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.6.10 (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-07-04 96ccf99 #38578 [SECURITY] XSS in swfupload (Oliver Hader)
2012-07-04 ac6fda8 [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 Release Team)
2012-07-04 d8f537d #35154 [BUGFIX] Exclude E_STRICT from exceptionalErrors (Mario Rimann)
2012-07-04 b061b84 #37615 [BUGFIX] IRRE records can't be expanded without an hidden field (Oliver Hader)
2012-07-04 ca50ec0 #29254 [BUGFIX] TSFE->additionalFooterData for USER_INT (Oliver Hader)
2012-07-03 e4267b5 #38574 [BUGFIX] In IE9, RTE does not work correctly in compat modes IE8/IE7 (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-07-03 0b98eb7 Revert "[BUGFIX] In IE9, RTE does not work correctly in compat modes IE8/IE7" (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-07-03 2a25577 #38574 [BUGFIX] In IE9, RTE does not work correctly in compat modes IE8/IE7 (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-07-02 8d1d267 #34786 [BUGFIX] Custom HTML tags no longer malformed in IE (Bart Dubelaar)
2012-07-01 3b74b25 #38511 [BUGFIX] Remove a rather dubious unit test for Redis cache backend (Christian Kuhn)
2012-06-30 3d24c7e #33446 [BUGFIX] canBeInterpretedAsInteger fatals if given an object (Philipp Gampe)
2012-06-30 09e1a88 #38501 [BUGFIX] Fix unit test failure if gif compress is disabled (Susanne Moog)
2012-06-30 7ff3dce #35915 [BUGFIX] VariableFrontend initializeObject not called (Daniel Pötzinger)
2012-06-30 68125fa #37618 [BUGFIX] Remove class of td if "No CSS styles for this table" is set (Juergen Furrer)
2012-06-30 e4ce956 #36290 [BUGFIX] Markers (%s) are not replaced in TCEmain error messages (Bart Dubelaar)
2012-06-30 2c83967 #33444 [BUGFIX] Fatal error in configuration ($BE_USER->uc) (Susanne Moog)
2012-06-29 065670f #38357 [TASK] Add travis configuration file (Helmut Hummel)
2012-06-29 0712cc1 #36093 [BUGFIX] Reports: Wrong indication for saltedpasswords (Markus Klein)
2012-06-28 56c9837 #37541 [BUGFIX] Declaration of tx_rtehtmlarea_base::drawRTE() not compatible (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-06-28 825886e #34303 [BUGFIX] IRRE hide/unhide broken (dkd-egerer Sascha Egerer)
2012-06-28 fa1d287 #34685 [TASK] PHP 5.4 adjustments (Markus Klein)
2012-06-28 0f6bc15 #36194 [BUGFIX] Ensure $output is used as string (Peter Niederlag)
2012-06-27 c75df95 #32773 [BUGFIX] fe_adminLib.inc uses undefined function (Sven Burkert)
2012-06-21 0602c31 #36300 [BUGFIX] Properly load existing usergroups in task (Bart Dubelaar)
2012-06-17 4526c0d #36777 [BUGFIX] Unnecessary warning in css_styled_content (division by zero) (Thomas Layh)
2012-06-13 98ccffb #35944 [BUGFIX] Hide the field "Selected Pages" for menu type "Sitemap" (Marco Huber)
2012-05-30 4114744 #21943 [BUGFIX] redirect to referrer when changing password (Jigal van Hemert)
2012-05-28 c32cf60 #37553 BUGFIX] Illegal string offset (Jigal van Hemert)
CPAN into devel/p5-Log-Dispatchouli.
Log::Dispatchouli is a thin layer above Log::Dispatch and meant to make it
dead simple to add logging to a program without having to think much about
categories, facilities, levels, or things like that. It is meant to make
logging just configurable enough that you can find the logs you want and
just easy enough that you will actually log things.
Log::Dispatchouli can log to syslog (if you specify a facility), standard
error or standard output, to a file, or to an array in memory. That last
one is mostly useful for testing.
In addition to providing as simple a way to get a handle for logging
operations, Log::Dispatchouli uses String::Flogger to process the things
to be logged, meaning you can easily log data structures. Basically:
strings are logged as is, arrayrefs are taken as (sprintf format, args),
and subroutines are called only if needed. For more information read the
String::Flogger docs.
from 2.29 to 2.32.
pkgsrc changes:
- add missing dependency
Upstream changes:
2.32 2012-05-24
- Fix a test failure - test failed if you had 0.16 <= Sys::Syslog < 0.25
- Added a kludgey test failure fix for failure on Cygwin. Patch by Christian
Carey. RT #77364.
2.31 2012-05-21
- Added missing prereq - Class::Load.
2.30 2012-05-20
- Remove Sys::Syslog as a prereq, since you can use this distro perfectly well
without it. Fixes RT #52065.
- You can now pass a subroutine reference to the sugar methods like
$dispatch->debug() and friends. Requested by Jeffrey Thalhammer. RT #77308.
- Calling sugar methods like $dispatch->warn or $dispatch->crit did not
normalize the log level, so the level would be passed to the outputs as
"warn", not "warning". Reported by Karen Etheridge. RT #77203.
CPAN into devel/p5-Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter.
Sub::Exporter::GlobExporter allows the glob-exporting package to be
subclassed, for for the subclass to choose to re-use the same glob
when exporting or to export a new one.
from CPAN into devel/p5-Log-Dispatch-Array.
This provides a Log::Dispatch log output system that appends logged events
to an array reference. This is probably only useful for testing the logging
of your code.
into devel/p5-Hash-Merge-Simple.
Hash::Merge::Simple will recursively merge two or more hashes and return
the result as a new hash reference. The merge function will descend and
merge hashes that exist under the same node in both the left and right
hash, but doesn't attempt to combine arrays, objects, scalars, or anything
else. The rightmost hash also takes precedence, replacing whatever was in
the left hash if a conflict occurs.
into devel/p5-File-ShareDir-Install.
File::ShareDir::Install allows you to install read-only data files from a
distribution. It is a companion module to File::ShareDir, which allows you
to locate these files after installation.
There is a port Module::Install::Share to ExtUtils::MakeMaker with the
improvement of only installing the files you want; .svn and other
source-control junk will be ignored.
Fix PR pkg/46655.
With NetBSD current and 6.0's OpenSSL, OPENSSL_NO_SSL_INTERN should not
be defined, due to it lacks some functions.
Exclude version 0x10001000 from OPENSSL_NO_SSL_INTERN definition.
from CPAN into devel/p5-Config-MVP.
MVP is a mechanism for loading configuration (or other information)
for libraries. It doesn't read a file or a database. It's a helper
for things that do.
0.005 and Role::Identifiable::HasTags version 0.005 via CPAN distribution
Role-Identifiable version 0.005 into devel/p5-Role-Identifiable.
Role::Identifiable::HasIdent adds a required ident attribute that stores
a simple string, meant to identify exceptions.
Role::Identifiable::HasTags adds the ability for your class and its
composed parts (roles, superclasses) as well as instances of it to
contribute to a pool of tags describing each instance.
CPAN into devel/p5-Role-HasMessage.
A class that includes Role::HasMessage is promising to provide a message
method that returns a string summarizing the message or event represented
by the object. It does not provide any actual behavior.
String::Errf provides errf, a simple string formatter that works something
like sprintf. It is implemented using String::Formatter and Sub::Exporter.
from CPAN into textproc/p5-String-Formatter.
String::Formatter is a tool for building sprintf-like formatting routines.
It supports named or positional formatting, custom conversions, fixed
string interpolation, and simple width-matching out of the box. It is easy
to alter its behavior to write new kinds of format string expanders. For
most cases, it should be easy to build all sorts of formatters out of the
options built into String::Formatter.
0.002 into p5-MooseX-OneArgNew.
MooseX::OneArgNew lets your constructor take a single argument, which
will be translated into the value for a one-entry hashref. It is a
parameterized role with two parameters:
The Moose type that the single argument must be for the one-arg form
to work. This should be an existing type, and may be either a string
type or a MooseX::Type.
This is the string that will be used as the key for the hashref
constructed from the one-arg call to new.