tex-caption{,-doc} to 20200103
tex-cases{,-doc} to 3.2
tex-changes{,-doc} to 3.2.1
tex-chemgreek{,-doc} to 1.1a
tex-chess-problem-diagrams{,-doc} to 1.15
tex-cjk-gs-integrate{,-doc} to 20200307.0
tex-colortbl{,-doc} to 1.0e
tex-context{,-doc} to 2020
tex-context-letter{,-doc} to 2020
tex-csbulletin{,-doc} to 2020
tex-cslatex to 2020
tex-csplain to 2020
tex-csquotes{,-doc} to 5.2j
tex-cweb{,-doc} to 3.70.54276
tex-cyrillic-bin{,-doc} to 2020
tex-datatool{,-doc} to 2.32
tex-diagbox{,-doc} to 2.4
tex-draftwatermark{,-doc} to 2.0
tex-dvips{,-doc} to 2020
Release 3.1.0 introduces a new script for markup removal. Furthermore,
the manual has been updated.
Release 3.1.1 is a bugfix for uneven dot fills in summaries.
The package allows the user to manually markup changes of text,
such as additions, deletions, or replacements. Changed text is
shown in a different colour; deleted text is crossed out. The
package allows definition of additional authors and their
associated colour. It also allows you to define a markup for
authors or annotations. A bash script is provided for removing
the changes.