A lot of fixes and improvements from previous release in utilities
and portability code.
See https://github.com/cheusov/nbase for details.
Introduce CURSES_LIBNAME build-time variable (see doc/INSTALL)
Almost all utilities set WARNERR to YES.
Latest mk-configure is needed for build.
This release was successfully tested on SunOS-5.11, FreeBSD-12.0.3,
NetBSD-8 and 8.99, OpenBSD-6.4, Darwin and diverse glibc-based
Linuxes. GCC and CLang compilers were tested.
nbase is a collection of NetBSD tools portable to Linux, MacOS-X and other
UNIX-like systems. Its version looks like x.y.z.n, where x is a NetBSD major
version, y -- NetBSD minor version, z -- NetBSD patch level, and n -- nbase
release number. For example, means fourth release of nbase that
corresponds to NetBSD 7.0-RELEASE.