== 1.6.4 - 20-Jan-2011
* Explicitly remove the Pathname const if it is already defined in order
to avoid a superclass mismatch error. This library assumes that if you
require pathname2, you want my version of the Pathname class.
* Updated URI handling for Ruby 1.9.x.
* Added the Pathname() method, a synonym for Pathname.new.
* Some Rakefile and gemspec tweaks.
* Some updates to the test suite, including some specifically for Windows 7.
* Use lang/ruby/gem.mk instead of misc/rubygems/rubygem.mk.
* Remove default value of GEM_BUILD.
* Update dependency according to gemspec.
== 1.6.3 - 2-Oct-2009
* Updated Windows platform handling code to include mingw and cygwin.
* Added the :gem rake task.
* Minor gemspec updates.
* Some minor test suite updates.
== 1.6.2 - 4-Aug-2009
* Now compatible with Ruby 1.9.x.
* License changed to Artistic 2.0.
* Added the Pathname.pwd method as a synonym for Pathname.new(Dir.pwd).
* Modified Pathname#dirname so that you can specify a level that indicates
how many levels up you want to retrieve. For example, if your path was
'/usr/local/bin', then path.dirname(2) would return '/usr'.
* Now compatible with Ruby 1.9.x.
* Bumped required version of the facade library to 1.0.4.