Updated graphics/tex-animate{,-doc} to 20160415
Updated graphics/tex-bclogo{,-doc} to 3.1
Updated graphics/tex-mcf2graph{,-doc} to 3.92
Updated graphics/tex-mptopdf{,-doc} to 2016
Updated graphics/tex-pst-barcode{,-doc} to 0.15
Updated graphics/tex-pst-node{,-doc} to 1.36
Updated graphics/tex-pst-ovl{,-doc} to 0.07
Updated graphics/tex-pst-plot{,-doc} to 1.75
Updated graphics/tex-pstricks{,-doc} to 2.66
Updated graphics/tex-pstricks-add{,-doc} to 3.80
Updated graphics/tex-roundrect{,-doc} to 2.2
Updated graphics/tex-shapes{,-doc} to 1.1
Updated graphics/tex-tikzmark{,-doc} to 1.2
Updated graphics/tex-tikzsymbols{,-doc} to 4.0
The main package pstricks now defines two optional arguments
for pasting code into PostScript: precode=.. and postcode=.... Both can
beused by other packages to get rid of an \pstVerb before calling a
New optional argument "bgcolor" for the background of
the pspicture environment. See pst-news15.pdf for more
Changes since 2.23:
2.33 2012-09-23 - fix a trailing space in \pst@Pyth
2.32 2012-09-20 - added more blendmodes for distiller
2.31 2012-08-24 - fixed bug with the star version of \psellipticarc
and the additional setting of showpoints
2.30 2012-08-13 - fixed bug with the star version of \psellipticarc
- added fillstyle options eovlines, eohlines,
eovlines*, and eohlines*
2.29 2012-06-04 - fixed itroduced trailing space with boolkey
2.28 2012-05-24 - added \add@psCode, which uses \pstVerb
instead of \pstverb
2.27 2012-03-11 - activate \tx@strokeopacity for \psgrid
2.26 2012-02-19 - showgrid=top is now possible
2.25 2012-02-12 - modifications to the code of curveticks
2.24 2012-02-09 - add option for curveticks with option symbol
- The new macro \psLoop allows a loop without defining a variable.
- Instead of using the package pst-fill one can now use the fill style
An extensive collection of macros for generating PostScript that is
usable with most TeX macro formats, including Plain TeX, LaTeX, AMS-TeX,
and AMS-LaTeX. Included are macros for colour, graphics, pie charts,
rotation, trees and overlays. It has many special features, including a
wide variety of graphics (picture drawing) macros, with a flexible
interface and with colour support. There are macros for colouring or
shading the cells of tables. The package pstricks-add contains bug-fixes
and additions for pstricks (among other things). PSTricks uses
PostScript \special commands, which are not supported by PDF(La)TeX.
This limitation may be overcome by using either the pst-pdf or the
pdftricks package, to generate a PDF inclusion from a PSTricks diagram.