NumPy 1.15.2:
This is a bugfix release for bugs and regressions reported following the 1.15.1
* The matrix PendingDeprecationWarning is now suppressed in pytest 3.8.
* The new cached allocations machinery has been fixed to be thread safe.
* The boolean indexing of subclasses now works correctly.
* A small memory leak in PyArray_AdaptFlexibleDType has been fixed.
The Python versions supported by this release are 2.7, 3.4-3.7. The wheels are
linked with OpenBLAS v0.3.0, which should fix some of the linalg problems
reported for NumPy 1.14.
* Reintroduced support for Yahoo! price, dividends, and splits data
for stocks and currency pairs.
* A new data connector for data provided by Alpha Vantage was
introduced to obtain Foreign Exchange (FX) data
* A new data connector for data provided by Alpha Vantage was
introduced to obtain historical time series data.
* A new data connector for data provided by Alpha Vantage was
introduced to obtain sector performance data.
* A new data connector for data provided by Alpha Vantage was
introduced to obtain real-time Batch Stock Quotes.
* Immediate deprecation of Google finance and Morningstar for
historical price data, as these API endpoints are no longer
supported by their respective providers. Alternate methods are
welcome via pull requests, as PDR would like to restore these
* Removal of EDGAR, which was deprecated in v0.6.0.
### 1.1.8 / 20.08.2018
Author: VitaliyAdamkov <>
Date: Mon Aug 20 09:48:31 2018 +0300
* Cancel :lazy usage
* Use lazy select to speed up a little
* Omit rails :try usage
* stub for :postread_worksheet method
* sometimes it selects empty array..
Author: 545ch4 <>
Date: Wed Mar 28 15:33:04 2018 +0200
* [ruby-2.4] Fix weird first line of spreadsheet.gemspec
* Doesn't seem to be a valid .gemspec command/field.
An R interface to the NetCDF file format designed by Unidata for
efficient storage of array-oriented scientific data and descriptions.
The R interface is closely based on the C API of the NetCDF library,
and it includes calendar conversions from the Unidata UDUNITS library.
The current implementation supports all operations on NetCDF datasets
in classic and 64-bit offset file formats, and NetCDF4-classic format
is supported for reading and modification of existing files.
From Kai-Uwe Eckhardt, updated as the previous distfile wasn't available.
PR pkg/51607
0.79 - 29 Aug 2018, H.Merijn Brand
* Environmant control hardening
* ReadData () docs (opening from scalar ref: issue#21)
* Check for XLSX content on opening from plain scalar content
* Fix typo in (PRC, Branislav Zahradnik)
* Allow source from command line option in xls2csv (PRC, Branislav Zahradnik)
* Allow --in-sep=tab in xlscat/xlsgrep
* Add --hash to xlscat/xlsgrep
* Help and usage for examples/xls2csv PR#23)
0.71 2018-08-28
- forfactored { ... } a,b loop n=a..b setting $_=n, @_=factor(n)
- forsquarefree { ... } a,b as forfactored, but only square-free n
- forsemiprimes { ... } a,b as forcomposites, but only semiprimes
- random_factored_integer(n) random [1..n] w/ array ref of factors
- semiprime_count([lo],hi) counts semiprimes in range
- Monolithic sieves beyond 30*2^32 (~ 1.2 * 10^11) overflowed.
- is_semiprime was wrong for five small values since 0.69. Fixed.
- is_primitive_root much faster (doesn't need to calulate totient,
and faster rejection when n has no primitive root).
- znprimroot and znorder use Montgomery, 1.2x to 2x faster.
- slightly faster sieve_range for native size inputs (use factor_one).
- bin/ faster for palindromic primes and works for 10^17
- Added ability to use -DBENCH_SEG for benchmarking sieves using
prime_count and ntheory::_segment_pi without table optimizations.
- Reorg of main factor loop. Should be identical from external view.
- Internal change to is_semiprime and is_catalan_pseudoprime.
Upstream changes:
Version 0.4-91
Fixed a bug in heatmap.circular
Version 0.4-8 2014/08/08
minusPiPlusPi now accepts missing values
Added the start.sep argument to plot.circular and points.circular. Also the internal function PointsCircularRad has changed the API.
Upstream changes:
Changes in version 1.0-8 (2018-05-31)
o pmvt(..., sigma = ) was ignored in the univariate case
(reported by Alec Stephenson)
o documentation updates
Changes in version 1.0-7 (2018-01-25)
o pmvt(..., df = ) is scalar only
Upstream changes:
1.8-3 (2018-08-29)
* Changed listOfTablesGallery vignette to exclude references to
lsmeans since Russell Lenth has deprecated lsmeans, replacing it
with emmeans which has support for tables using xtable based on
listOfTables. lsmeans removed from Suggests in DESCRIPTION also.
* Changed OtherPackagesGallery vignette example using the function
impacts from spdep due to a change in the package spdep causing a
failure ofr the example using gstslshet from sphet
* Changed error messages to extract actual value of nrow(x),
suggestion by Michael Chirico <>
* Corrected author field to properly represent author contributions,
code supplied by Arni Magnusson <>
* Corrected call to print.xtable inside print.xtableFtable included
arguments from call to print.xtableFtable. Absence of size
argument was advised by Lluis Ramon, email March 4, 2016
* Added patch from Martin Gubri, to
enable use of lagImpactMat from spdep in xtable method lagImpact.
* Added patch to code in OtherPackagesGallery.Rnw supplied by Martin
Gubri to avoid warnings in the spdep package example. Also fixed the
vignette index entry.
* Fixed number of columns in \multicolumn command in print.xtableList to
deal with inclusion of row names. Previously was only appropriate for
row names not included.
Upstream changes:
Changed in xts 0.11-0:
o Fix make.index.unique() to always return a unique and sorted index. Thanks
to Chris Katsulis for the report and example (#241).
o Add window.xts() method and completely refactor the internal binary search
function it depends on. Thanks to Corwin Joy for the PR, tests, review, and
patience (#100, #240).
o Better axis tick mark locations for plots. Thanks to Dirk Eddelbuettel for
the report (#246). Also incorporate axTicksByTime2() into axTicksByTime() to
reduce code duplication from the migration of quantmod::chart_Series() to
xts::plot.xts() (#74).
o Add details to plot.xts() parameters that are periodicity, now that RStudio
has argument completion. Thanks to Evelyn Mitchell for the PR (#154).
o periodicity() now warns instead of errors if the xts object contains less
than 2 observations (#230).
o first() and last() now keep dims when they would otherwise be dropped by a
regular row subset. This is consistent with head() and tail(). Thanks to
Davis Vaughan for the report (#226).
o Fix subset when ISO8601 string is outside the valid range, so it returns no
data instead of all rows (#96).
o Avoid partial name matches from parse.side() (inside .parseISO8601())
results that are passed to firstof() and lastof(). Thanks to @gp2x for the
report and the patch (#231).
o na.locf.xts() now loops over columns of multivariate objects in C code,
instead of in R. This should improve speed and memory performance. Thanks to
Chris Katsulis and Tom Andrews for their reports and patches (#232, #233,
#234, #235, #237).
o Change plot.xts() default 'pch = 0' (rectangles) to 'pch = 1' (circles) so
it looks more like base and zoo plots (#203).
Changed in xts 0.10-2:
o na.locf.xts() and na.omit.xts() now support character xts objects. Thanks to
Ken Williams and Samo Pahor for the reports (#42).
o na.locf.xts() now honors 'x' and 'xout' arguments by dispatching to the next
method (#215). Thanks to Morten Grum for the report.
o coredata.xts() now functions the same as coredata.zoo() on zero-length
objects, and only removes xts-related attributes (#223). Thanks to Vincent
Guyader for the report.
o plot.xts() no longer ignores 'col.up' and 'col.dn' when 'type="h"' (#224).
Thanks to Charlie Friedemann for the report. This was inadvertently broken
as part of the fix for #210.
Changes from 2.6.7 to 2.6.8
- Add check to make sure that f_locals is not actually f_globals when we
do the f_locals clear to avoid the 310 memory leak issue.
- Compare NumPy versions using distutils.version.LooseVersion to avoid issue
312 when working with NumPy development versions.
- As part of multibuild, wheels for Python 3.7 for Linux and MacOSX are now
available on PyPI
Version 0.39.0
Here are the highlights for the Numba 0.39.0 release.
This is the first version that supports Python 3.7.
With help from Intel, we have fixed the issues with SVML support.
List has gained support for containing reference-counted types like NumPy arrays and list. Note, list still cannot hold heterogeneous types.
We have made a significant change to the internal calling-convention, which should be transparent to most users, to allow for a future feature that will permitting jumping back into python-mode from a nopython-mode function. This also fixes a limitation to print that disabled its use from nopython functions that were deep in the call-stack.
For CUDA GPU support, we added a __cuda_array_interface__ following the NumPy array interface specification to allow Numba to consume externally defined device arrays. We have opened a corresponding pull request to CuPy to test out the concept and be able to use a CuPy GPU array.
The Numba dispatcher inspect_types() method now supports the kwarg pretty which if set to True will produce ANSI/HTML output, showing the annotated types, when invoked from ipython/jupyter-notebook respectively.
The NumPy functions, np.percentile and np.nanpercentile, and np.unique are now supported.
Numba now supports the use of a per-project configuration file to permanently set behaviours typically set via NUMBA_* family environment variables.
Support for the ppc64le architecture has been added.
NumPy 1.15.1:
This is a bugfix release for bugs and regressions reported following the 1.15.0
* The annoying but harmless RuntimeWarning that "numpy.dtype size changed" has
been suppressed. The long standing suppression was lost in the transition to
* The update to Cython 0.28.3 exposed a problematic use of a gcc attribute used
to prefer code size over speed in module initialization, possibly resulting in
incorrect compiled code. This has been fixed in latest Cython but has been
disabled here for safety.
* Support for big-endian and ARMv8 architectures has been improved.
The Python versions supported by this release are 2.7, 3.4-3.7. The wheels are
linked with OpenBLAS v0.3.0, which should fix some of the linalg problems
reported for NumPy 1.14.
1.14 2018-06-25 05:29:49 -0400
- Production release identical to 1.12_01
1.12_01 2018-06-25 03:34:28 +0000
- Remove dependency on Alien::Role::Alt
This Role is no longer necessary, as the capability of that role
has been merged into the Alien::Build core.
The purpose of this perl module is to calculate the median (or in
principle also other statistics) with confidence intervals on a sample.
To do that, it uses a technique called bootstrapping. In a nutshell, it
resamples the sample a lot of times and for each resample, it calculates
the median. From the distribution of medians, it then calculates the
confidence limits.
This perl class is a container class for numbers with a number of
associated symmetric and asymmetric errors. It overloads practically
all common arithmetic operations and trigonometric functions to
propagate the errors. It can do proper scientific rounding.
Upstream changes:
26 Jun 2018
- Typo found by Florian Schlichting fixed.
- Add gcd() and lcm() functions.
- New example scripts (a couple transferred over from
Math::Polynomial::Solve) in the new eg/ directory.
Gnumeric 1.12.42
* Plug leaks.
* Introspection fixes.
* Work around gtk+ breakage re. link colors.
* Fix problems with ssconvert --export-file-per-sheet. [#694408]
* Enable ssconvert --export-file-per-sheet for html, latex, and pdf.
* Test suite improvements.
* ssconvert improvements.
* Makefile improvements.
* Don't save any configuration when running ssconvert/ssdiff/...
* Turn GnmFunc into a GObject.
* Make clipboard output deterministic.
* Fix conditional format crash [#343].
We provide easy to configure, lightweight open source C++, Java,
JavaScript, Python libraries and a LibreOffice Spreadsheet extension
for number to number name conversion, including cardinal and ordinal
numbers, ordinal indicators and money amounts with currencies in
more than 40 languages and numeral systems.
Changes from 2.6.6 to 2.6.7
* Thanks to Lehman Garrison for finding and fixing a bug that exhibited memory leak-like behavior. The use in numexpr.evaluate of sys._getframe combined with .f_locals from that frame object results an extra refcount on objects in the frame that calls numexpr.evaluate, and not evaluate’s frame. So if the calling frame remains in scope for a long time (such as a procedural script where numexpr is called from the base frame) garbage collection would never occur.
* Imports for the numexpr.test submodule were made lazy in the numexpr module.
Remove hack that had a high chance of resulting in a dysfunctional package
qttools can't be a build dependency because we link against something
in it.
XXX pkgsrc claims this package has work directory references
Summary of important user-visible changes for version 4.4 (2018-04-30):
** A graphical Variable Editor has been added to the GUI interface.
It uses a spreadsheet-like interface for quick, intuitive editing
of variables. The Variable Editor is launched by double-clicking
on a variable name in the Workspace Window or by typing
"openvar VARIABLE_NAME" in the Command Window.
** On systems with 64-bit pointers, --enable-64 is now the default and
Octave always uses 64-bit indexing. However, if the configure
script determines that the BLAS library uses 32-bit integers, then
operations using the following libraries are limited to arrays with
dimensions that are smaller than 2^31 elements:
Additionally, the following libraries use "int" internally, so
maximum problem sizes are always limited:
glpk Qhull
** The octave command no longer starts the GUI by default. Most users
starting Octave from a shell were expecting the command line
interface, and desktop launchers already required the `--force-gui'
option. With this change, desktop launchers should be modified to
use the new option `--gui'. The previous `--force-gui' option will
continue to work, and maps to `--gui', but it will be removed in
Octave 6.
** A known bug in Qt ( is
addressed by limiting GUI sub-panel relocation capabilities for Qt
versions in the range >= 5.6.1 and < 5.7.1. However, this may not
thoroughly avoid issues on all platforms.
** A new container data type--containers.Map--is available. Map is a
key/value storage container (a.k.a, a hash) that efficiently allows
storing and retrieving values by name, rather than by position which
is how arrays work.
** The bareword "import" is now recognized in scripts and functions.
However, the functionality to import functions and classes from
other namespaces into the local scope has not yet been implemented.
Attempting to use "import" will provoke an error message.
** hex2num and num2hex now work for integer and char types and num2hex
may optionally return a cell array of strings instead of a character
array. If given a cell array of strings, hex2num now returns a
numeric array of the same size as the input cell array. Previously,
hex2num would accept a cell array of strings of arbitrary dimension
but would always return a column vector.
** New special functions cosint, sinint, and gammaincinv have been added.
** Special functions in Octave have been rewritten for larger input
domains, better accuracy, and additional options.
* gammainc now accepts negative real values for X.
* improved accuracy for gammainc, betainc, betaincinv, expint.
* gammainc has new options "scaledlower" and "scaledupper".
* betainc, betaincinv have new option "upper".
** The "names" option used in regular expressions now returns a struct
array, rather than a struct with a cell array for each field. This
change was made for Matlab compatibility.
** The quadcc function now uses both absolute tolerance and relative
tolerance to determine the stopping criteria for an integration.
To be compatible with other quadXXX functions, such as quadgk, the
calling syntax has changed to
quadcc (f, a, b, [AbsTol, [RelTol]])
To update existing code, change instances of RelTol to [0, RelTol].
quadcc (f, a, b, tol) => quadcc (f, a, b, [0, tol])
A warning that a single tolerance input is now interpreted as an
absolute tolerance will be issued in Octave versions 4.4 and 5,
after which it will be removed. The warning has ID
"Octave:quadcc:RelTol-conversion" and can be disabled with
warning ("off", "Octave:quadcc:RelTol-conversion")
** The qr function now returns a standard factorization unless
explicitly instructed to perform an economy factorization by using a
final argument of 0.
** The Qt graphics toolkit now supports offscreen printing without osmesa
if Octave was built with Qt >= 5.1.
** The built-in pager for display of large data is now disabled by
default. To re-enable it for every Octave session add the following
to your .octaverc file:
more on;
** The FLTK toolkit is no longer prioritized for development. The
number of Octave Maintainers is too small to support three different
graphic toolkits. New development will target the Qt toolkit.
While no longer prioritized, the FLTK toolkit is not deprecated and
there is no schedule for its removal.
** The graphic object property "PickableParts" has been implemented
which controls whether an object can accept mouse clicks.
** The graphic object property "Interruptible" has been fully
implemented which controls whether a running callback function can
be interrupted by another callback function.
** The graphic object property "HitTest" has been updated to be fully
compatible with Matlab.
** Text objects now implement the properties "BackgroundColor",
"EdgeColor", "LineStyle", "LineWidth", and "Margin".
** An initial implementation of alpha transparency has been made for
patch and surface objects. Printing to svg and pdf is supported.
** ishandle now returns true for both graphics handle objects and
Java objects. The latter change was made for Matlab compatibility.
Use ishghandle or isgraphics if it is important not to include Java
** The pkg command now accepts a URL as an argument, allowing a valid
Octave package to be installed from any remote host with one command,
for example
pkg install
** The following statistical functions have been moved from core
Octave to the statistics package available from Octave Forge.
table (renamed to crosstab)
** The following image functions have been moved from core Octave to
the image package available from Octave Forge.
** Other new functions added in 4.4:
** Deprecated functions.
The following functions have been deprecated in Octave 4.4 and will
be removed from Octave 6 (or whatever version is the second major
release after 4.4):
Function | Replacement
chop | sprintf for visual results
desktop | isguirunning
tmpnam | tempname
toascii | double
java2mat | __java2mat__
** The following functions were deprecated in Octave 4.0 and have been
removed from Octave 4.4.
** The "Octave:undefined-return-values" warning ID is obsolete. Octave
now throws an error for any attempts to assign undefined values that
might be returned from functions.
** Deprecated graphics properties.
The following properties or allowed corresponding values have been
deprecated in Octave 4.4 and will be removed from Octave 6 (or whatever
version is the second major release after 4.4):
Object | Property | Value
figure | doublebuffer |
| mincolormap |
| wvisual |
| wvisualmode |
| xdisplay |
| xvisual |
| xvisualmode |
axes | drawmode |
annotation | edgecolor ("rectangle") |
text | fontweight | "demi" and "light"
uicontrol | fontweight | "demi" and "light"
uipanel | fontweight | "demi" and "light"
uibuttongroup | fontweight | "demi" and "light"
** The rectangle and ellipse annotation property "edgecolor" has been
deprecated and will be removed from Octave 6 (or whatever version
is the second major release after 4.4). Use the property "color"
** The header file oct-alloc.h has been removed along with the macros
This is a minor bug-fix release in the 0.23.x series and includes some regression fixes, bug fixes, and performance improvements. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.
NumPy 1.15.0 is a release with an unusual number of cleanups, many deprecations
of old functions, and improvements to many existing functions. Please read the
detailed descriptions below to see if you are affected.
For testing, we have switched to pytest as a replacement for the no longer
maintained nose framework. The old nose based interface remains for downstream
projects who may still be using it.
The Python versions supported by this release are 2.7, 3.4-3.7. The wheels are
linked with OpenBLAS v0.3.0, which should fix some of the linalg problems
reported for NumPy 1.14.
- NumPy has switched to pytest for testing.
- A new numpy.printoptions context manager.
- Many improvements to the histogram functions.
- Support for unicode field names in python 2.7.
- Improved support for PyPy.
- Fixes and improvements to numpy.einsum.
Rewrite of the core int32/avx2 implementation for (1) higher speed and
(2) reduced memory consumption. Stack allocation is now at most a few
kilobytes, even for gigantic arrays.
Internally, the sorting algorithm is now mostly bitonic to simplify
indexing, although odd-even speedups are still applied when
convenient. Lanes are complemented to take the down-up decision out of
the inner loops.
As in previous djbsort versions, data is sorted first in vector lanes
and then transposed for final merges, reducing the overall number of
vector permutations. Unlike previous versions, transposition is done
in-place. The transposition in this version is bit-reversal on the outer
6 bits (bottom 3 bits and the top 3 bits), but leaves intermediate bits
alone. Non-power-of-2 array sizes are handled by an extra, more
traditional, merge step.
Sizes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 32 are now special-cased. Non-power-of-2
sizes below 256 are padded to the next power of 2.
Portable implementations: The out-of-place int32/portable1 and
int32/portable2 implementations are now gone; the in-place
int32/portable3 and int32/portable4 implementations remain.
float32_sort is now supported. The arithmetic in the reduction from
float32 to int32 is int32 31-bit right shift, uint32 1-bit right shift,
xor; this is slightly more efficient than the reduction from float32 to
uint32 from 2001 Herf.
Tests now have more variation (without much slowdown): the uint32 test
cases now deviate from int32 in more than the sign; float32 uses
floating-point numbers that aren't integers; int32 does more loops for
small cases, and some larger cases.
API for 2-input sorting is now MINMAX macro operating on two
inputs in place.
Better inline assembly from Jason Donenfeld for 2-input sorting: more
flexibility in compiler's register allocation.
The package version number is now automatically copied to version.c as
the implementation version number for implementations that don't provide
minmax now supports more peephole optimizations for complemented bitonic
sorting and for padding: xor(s,xor(s,t)) ⇒ t; xor(-1,s) ⇒ invert(s);
Reverse(Reverse(s)) ⇒ s; signedmin(invert(s),invert(t)) ⇒
invert(signedmax(s,t)); signedmax(invert(s),invert(t)) ⇒
invert(signedmin(s,t)); invert(s)[high:low] ⇒ invert(s[high:low]);
s[bits-1:0] ⇒ s; s[high:low][high2:low2] ⇒ s[high2+low:low2+low];
Concat(...)[high:low] ⇒ ...[high-pos:low-pos] when possible;
Reverse(s)[high:low] ⇒ Reverse(s[...]) when possible; eliminate
signedmin/signedmax when one input is the minimum or maximum constant.
verifymany now includes the implementation version number on
verified lines.
machine, not on the machine preparing a binary package." (Also: "The
issues are explained in Section 8 of")
For this to work, we install the source tree (with built objects) to
${PREFIX}/share/djbsort. Then we run tests, install to ${PREFIX}/include
and ${PREFIX}/lib, and check the installed files against pseudo-PLIST.
This means pkg_add(1) will fail if no C compiler is present, which is
unusual behavior for pkg_add but perhaps not entirely unreasonable for a
C library.
djbsort is a software library for sorting arrays of integers. It
provides the following features:
- Speed: djbsort holds new speed records for in-memory sorting.
- Security: djbsort is designed to be safe for cryptographic contexts.
- Verification: djbsort includes tools to automatically verify correctness.
These features are not separate options: there is a single sorting
function that is simultaneously fast, secure, and verified.
Packaged for wip by schmonz@
Distfiles for older R packges are moved on CRAN from contrib/ to
contrib/Archive/${R_PKGNAME}/. As a result, they may be inaccessible to
'make fetch'. Add the additional directory to MASTER_SITES in
math/R/Makefile.extension so that older distfiles will be retrieved
directly from CRAN. In addition, remove the definition of MASTER_SITES
from math/R-prob/Makefile, which is the only package directly referring to
the distfile archive. At this point all R packages should rely on
math/R/Makefile.extension to define MASTER_SITES; they should not be
defining MASTER_SITES directly.
Each R package should include ../../math/R/Makefile.extension, which also
defines MASTER_SITES. Consequently, it is redundant for the individual
packages to do the same. Package-specific definitions also prevent
redefining MASTER_SITES in a single common place.
The Stan Math Library is a C++, reverse-mode automatic differentiation
library designed to be usable, extensive and extensible, efficient,
scalable, stable, portable, and redistributable in order to facilitate
the construction and utilization of algorithms that utilize
New features:
- Add documentation section on survival analysis and censored data
- Add check_test_point method to pm.Model
- Add Ordered Transformation and OrderedLogistic distribution
- Add Chain transformation
- Improve error message Mass matrix contains zeros on the
diagonal. Some derivatives might always be zero during tuning of
- Improve error message NaN occurred in optimization. during ADVI
- Save and load traces without pickle using pm.save_trace and
- Add Kumaraswamy distribution
- Add TruncatedNormal distribution
- Rewrite parallel sampling of multiple chains on py3. This resolves
long standing issues when transferring large traces to the main
process, avoids pickling issues on UNIX, and allows us to show a
progress bar for all chains. If parallel sampling is interrupted, we
now return partial results.
- Add sample_prior_predictive which allows for efficient sampling from
the unconditioned model.
- SMC: remove experimental warning, allow sampling using sample,
reduce autocorrelation from final trace.
- Add model_to_graphviz (which uses the optional dependency graphviz)
to plot a directed graph of a PyMC3 model using plate notation.
- Add beta-ELBO variational inference as in beta-VAE model
(Christopher P. Burgess et al. NIPS, 2017)
- Add __dir__ to SingleGroupApproximation to improve autocompletion in
interactive environments
There are many changes in 1.2 (see below). Some of the highlights are
* Python 3.3 is no longer supported. If you require Python 3.3
support, use SymPy 1.1.1. See our [518]policy on dropping support
for major Python versions.
* Experimental LaTeX parsing with sympy.parsing.latex.parse_latex()
has been added, based on the latex2sympy project. This requires
antlr-python-runtime to be installed. [519]#13706
* The vector module has been improved to support orthogonal
curvilinear coordinate systems ([520]Szymon Mieszczak's GSoC
* New module sympy.integrals.intpoly for integrating uni/bivariate
polynomials over 2-polytopes. ([521]Arif Ahmed's GSoC project)
* Improvements to the code generation module. ([522]Bj?rn Dahlgren's
GSoC project)
* Improvements to the group theory module. See below for more
information. ([523]Valeriia Gladkova's GSoC project)
* New module sympy.discrete for operating on discrete sequences.
polynomials over 2-polytopes. ([521]Arif Ahmed's GSoC project)
* Improvements to the code generation module. ([522]Bj?rn Dahlgren's
GSoC project)
* Improvements to the group theory module. See below for more
information. ([523]Valeriia Gladkova's GSoC project)
* New module sympy.discrete for operating on discrete sequences.
([524]Sidhant Nagpal's GSoC project)
Complete release notes at:
make exception explicit
add AMPGO and basin-hopping global optimization methods.
aborting a fit from the objective function now raises AbortFitException
fit statistics are more uniformly calculated.
the uncertainties package is now an external dependency, and an out-dated copy is no longer kept in lmfit.
more exceptions when import matplotlib are now tolerated.
many documentation fixes.
This is a minor bug-fix release in the 0.23.x series and includes a fix for the source distribution on Python 3.7. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.
Upstream changes:
Version 0.6-2
o dbGetQuery do not return NULL.
o use registration mechanism to call native routines.
Version 0.5-3
o Update the libpq library so that the package can be compiled in new versions of R and macOS.
Version 0.5-2
o Support dbBegin() API
version 0.5-1 --2014-02-08
o Remove segmentationfault when NULL is passed as host argument.
o Conversion routine for raw in R and bytea in PostgreSQL
o Use accompanied libpq when either of libpq and header is not found on darwin
Version 0.5 -- 2013-10-12
o postgresqlWriteTable: send column names at COPY
o System library header search path for OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
o Memory leak was reduced
o Close the socket on failure
Version 0.4 -- 2013-03-27
o Initial implementation of prepared statement
o Use system libpq library when available on OS X (darwin)
o Force ISO datestyle for PostgreSQL-R communication by default
o Time zone aware Timestamp POSIXct conversion
Version 0.3-3 -- 2012-10-05
o Bugfix on dbColumnInfo and others reproducible by gctorture(TRUE)
o Do not implicitly make new connections, which interfere with transaction.
o Change the notation of the LICENSE
SUNDIALS is a SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation
Solvers. It consists of the following six solvers: CVODE, solves
initial value problems for ordinary differential equation (ODE)
systems; CVODES, solves ODE systems and includes sensitivity analysis
capabilities (forward and adjoint); ARKODE, solves initial value ODE
problems with additive Runge-Kutta methods, include support for IMEX
methods; IDA, solves initial value problems for differential-algebraic
equation (DAE) systems; IDAS, solves DAE systems and includes
sensitivity analysis capabilities (forward and adjoint); KINSOL,
solves nonlinear algebraic systems.
PyMC3 is a Python package for Bayesian statistical modeling and
Probabilistic Machine Learning focusing on advanced Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) and variational inference (VI) algorithms. Its
flexibility and extensibility make it applicable to a large suite of
Theano is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate
mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently
Packaged by Kamel Ibn Aziz Derouiche for pkgsrc-wip and updated by me.
The Highlights
statespace refactoring, Markov Switching Kim smoother
3 Google summer of code (GSOC) projects merged - distributed estimation - VECM and enhancements to VAR (including cointegration test) - new count models: GeneralizedPoisson, zero inflated models
Bayesian mixed GLM
Gaussian Imputation
new multivariate methods: factor analysis, MANOVA, repeated measures within ANOVA
GLM var_weights in addition to freq_weights
Holt-Winters and Exponential Smoothing
Performing substitutions during post-patch breaks tools such as mkpatches,
making it very difficult to regenerate correct patches after making changes,
and often leading to substituted string replacements being committed.
Changes from 2.6.4 to 2.6.5
- The maximum thread count can now be set at import-time by setting the
environment variable 'NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS'. The default number of
max threads was lowered from 4096 (which was deemed excessive) to 64.
- A number of imports were removed (pkg_resources) or made lazy (cpuinfo) in
order to speed load-times for downstream packages (such as pandas, sympy,
and tables). Import time has dropped from about 330 ms to 90 ms. Thanks to
Jason Sachs for pointing out the source of the slow-down.
- Thanks to Alvaro Lopez Ortega for updates to benchmarks to be compatible with
Python 3.
- Travis and AppVeyor now fail if the test module fails or errors.
- Thanks to Mahdi Ben Jelloul for a patch that removed a bug where constants
in where calls would raise a ValueError.
- Fixed a bug whereby all-constant power operations would lead to infinite
Upstream changes:
file("stdin") is no longer considered seekable.
dput() and dump() are no longer truncating when options(deparse.max.lines = *) is set.
Calls with an S3 class are no longer evaluated when printed, fixing part of PR#17398, thanks to a patch from Lionel Henry.
Allow file argument of Rscript to include space even when it is first on the command line.
callNextMethod() uses the generic from the environment of the calling method. Reported by Hervé Pagès with well documented examples.
Compressed file connections are marked as blocking.
optim(*, lower = c(-Inf, -Inf)) no longer warns (and switches the method), thanks to a suggestion by John Nash.
predict(fm, newdata) is now correct also for models where the formula has terms such as splines::ns(..) or stats::poly(..), fixing PR#17414, based on a patch from Duncan Murdoch.
simulate.lm(glm(*, gaussian(link = <non-default>))) has been corrected, fixing PR#17415 thanks to Alex Courtiol.
unlist(x) no longer fails in some cases of nested empty lists. Reported by Steven Nydick.
qr.coef(qr(<all 0, w/ colnames>)) now works. Reported by Kun Ren.
The radix sort is robust to vectors with >1 billion elements (but long vectors are still unsupported). Thanks to Matt Dowle for the fix.
Terminal connections (e.g., stdin) are no longer buffered. Fixes PR#17432.
deparse(x), dput(x) and dump() now respect c()'s argument names recursive and use.names, e.g., for x <- setNames(0, "recursive"), thanks to Suharto Anggono's PR#17427.
Unbuffered connections now work with encoding conversion. Reported by Stephen Berman.
‘.Renviron’ on Windows with Rgui is again by default searched for in user documents directory when invoked via the launcher icon. Reported by Jeroen Ooms.
printCoefmat() now also works with explicit right=TRUE.
print.noquote() now also works with explicit quote=FALSE.
The default method for pairs(.., horInd=*, verInd=*) now gets the correct order, thanks to reports by Chris Andrews and Gerrit Eichner. Additionally, when horInd or verInd contain only a subset of variables, all the axes are labeled correctly now.
agrep("..|..", .., fixed=FALSE) now matches when it should, thanks to a reminder by Andreas Kolter.
str(ch) now works for more invalid multibyte strings.
Changes from 3.4.3 to 3.4.4
Environment variable to control the use of embedded libraries.
Include citation in repository. gh-690.
Bugs fixed
Fixed import error with numexpr 2.6.5.dev0 gh-685.
Fixed linter warnings.
Fixed for re.split() is version detection. gh-687.
Fixed test failures with Python 2.7 and NumPy 1.14.3 gh-688 & gh-689.
The following methods are available:
size of matrix
Solves systems of equations using Krammer's rule. If you look at the
Solve method you'll understand Krammer's rule (I think?)
Basically a system of equations is more than one equation/variable your
solving. This module REQUIRES you have 1 equation per each coefficent.
Try not to use too many equations. 3 equations is probably the limit of
reason. But if you don't mind long compilation time, go for as many as
you want.
This module uses (and ovbiously requires you have) Math::Matrix to do
all the Matrix work. Please take a look at that module for details do
you can see exactly what is happening. There are no arguements in this
module except for the Matrix which will be brought to Math::Matrix.
Also, keep in mind, there are no error messenging. I will of course
change that someday, but for now I'm satisfied that I can solve systems
of equations. Don't allow error-prone things to be written in. But,
there are of course times when you won't be able to figure out the
stupid answer and this module will absolutly act like it did a great
job, and at the same time, fail. So, keep that in mind.
BETA means something. It's not good.
NumPy 1.14.5:
This is a bugfix release for bugs reported following the 1.14.4 release. The
most significant fixes are:
* fixes for compilation errors on alpine and NetBSD