### 2.12.2 / 2013-01-27
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/compare/v2.12.1...v.2.12.2)
Bug fixes
* Fix `and_call_original` to work properly for methods defined
on a module extended onto an object instance (Myron Marston).
* Fix `stub_const` with an undefined constnat name to work properly
with constant strings that are prefixed with `::` -- and edge case
I missed in the bug fix in the 2.12.1 release (Myron Marston).
* Ensure method visibility on a partial mock is restored after reseting
method stubs, even on a singleton module (created via `extend self`)
when the method visibility differs between the instance and singleton
versions (Andy Lindeman).
### 2.12.1 / 2012-12-21
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/compare/v2.12.0...v2.12.1)
Bug fixes
* Fix `any_instance` to support `and_call_original`.
(Myron Marston)
* Properly restore stubbed aliased methods on rubies
that report the incorrect owner (Myron Marston and Andy Lindeman).
### 2.12.0 / 2012-11-12
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/compare/v2.11.3...2.12.0)
* `and_raise` can accept an exception class and message, more closely
matching `Kernel#raise` (e.g., `foo.stub(:bar).and_raise(RuntimeError, "message")`)
(Bas Vodde)
* Add `and_call_original`, which will delegate the message to the
original method (Myron Marston).
* Add deprecation warning when using `and_return` with `should_not_receive`
(Neha Kumari)
### 2.11.3 / 2012-09-19
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/compare/v2.11.2...v2.11.3)
Bug fixes
* Fix `:transfer_nested_constants` option of `stub_const` so that it
doesn't blow up when there are inherited constants. (Myron Marston)
* `any_instance` stubs can be used on classes that override `Object#method`.
(Andy Lindeman)
* Methods stubbed with `any_instance` are unstubbed after the test finishes.
(Andy Lindeman)
* Fix confusing error message when calling a mocked class method an
extra time with the wrong arguments (Myron Marston).
### 2.11.2 / 2012-08-11
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/compare/v2.11.1...v2.11.2)
Bug fixes
* Don't modify `dup` on classes that don't support `dup` (David Chelimsky)
* Fix `any_instance` so that it works properly with methods defined on
a superclass. (Daniel Eguzkiza)
* Fix `stub_const` so that it works properly for nested constants that
share a name with a top-level constant (e.g. "MyGem::Hash"). (Myron
### 2.11.1 / 2012-07-09
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/compare/v2.11.0...v2.11.1)
Bug fixes
* Fix `should_receive` so that when it is called on an `as_null_object`
double with no implementation, and there is a previous explicit stub
for the same method, the explicit stub remains (rather than being
overriden with the null object implementation--`return self`). (Myron Marston)
### 2.9.0 / 2012-03-17
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/compare/v2.8.0...v2.9.0)
* Support order constraints across objects (preethiramdev)
Bug fixes
* Allow a `as_null_object` to be passed to `with`
* Pass proc to block passed to stub (Aubrey Rhodes)
* Initialize child message expectation args to match any args (#109 -
2.8.0 / 2012-01-04
full changelog
No changes for this release. Just releasing with the other rspec gems.
2.8.0.rc2 / 2011-12-19
full changelog
No changes for this release. Just releasing with the other rspec gems.
2.8.0.rc1 / 2011-11-06
full changelog
* Eliminate Ruby warnings (Matijs van Zuijlen)